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Created May 20, 2020 19:34
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Dart Basics
// This guide encompasses the basics of the Dart programming language.
// It is heavily based off of the Dart guides listed below:
// Library Tour:
// Language Tour:
// To further explore any of the code, just head to the site:
// This is the main entry point to a Dart application
void main() {
// do stuff here...
// --------------- Dates Tests ----------------- //
void dateTests() {
DateTime now =;
DateTime utc =;
assert(now.isUtc == false);
assert(utc.isUtc == true);
// Note: Only ever add durations to UTC times
DateTime future = utc.add(new Duration(days: 3));
// --------------- Collections Tests ----------------- //
void collectionTests() {
// ------------- LISTS ---------------- //
List<String> stringList = ["A", "B", "C"];
// Note: calling .toList() forces iterable to become list
var lowStrings = => c.toLowerCase()).toList();
List<dynamic> dynamicList = [];
// Looping, mapping, filtering
dynamicList.forEach((v) => print(v));
for(String name in stringList) {
// do something...
var aboveNine = [3, 22, 15, 2, 10].where((int x) => x >= 10);
List<num> allNumbers = [1, 2.528, 3, 72.5];
allNumbers.forEach((num n) {
if (n is int) print("INT");
if (n is double) print("DOUBLE");
// Spreading
List<String> copy1 = ["A", "B", "C"];
List<String> copy2 = ["X", "Y", "Z"];
var copyAll = [...copy1, ...copy2];
var copy3;
var nullAwareSpread = [...copy1, ...copy2, ...?copy3];
// Adding items conditionally
var promoActive = false;
var plants = ["Tree", "Flower", if(promoActive) "Bonsai", "Daisy"];
var names = ["Tom", "Jane", "Sally"];
var fullNameList = ["Winston", for(var s in names) "$s"];
// Immutable lists
const myFrozenVar = [];
myFrozenVar.add("Purple"); // this would fail as it's immutable
// if 'const' is declared here then it makes the list immutable but not the variable itself
var myFrozenList = const[];
myFrozenList.add("Green"); // error
myFrozenList = ["Purple"]; // no error
// ------------- MAPS ---------------- //
Map<String, Person> mapPerson = Map();
mapPerson["tom"] ="Tom");
Map<String, Person> mergeMap = {"foo":"Foo")};
mapPerson["tom"] ="Tommy");
// add 'tom' only if it doesn't already contain the key
mapPerson.putIfAbsent("tom", () =>"TOM"));
// looping
for(String k in mapPerson.keys) {
print(k + ":" + mapPerson[k].getName());
// ------------- SETS ---------------- //
Set<String> mySet = Set();
mySet.addAll(["Yellow", "Brown"]);
mySet.containsAll(["Blue", "Yellow"]);
var mySet2 = Set.from(["Red", "Blue", "Red", "Green", "Brown"]);
var mySet3 = {"Red", "Green", "Blue"};
var intersection = mySet2.intersection(mySet3);
// looping
for(String s in mySet) {
// use 's'...
// --------------- Functions Tests ----------------- //
void functionTests() {
// Declared function
int sum(int a, int b) {
return a + b;
// Arrow function
int sum2(int a, int b) => a + b;
// Anonymous function
["red", "green", "blue"].forEach((color) {
// function body...
void sayIt(String s) {};
["red", "green", "blue"].forEach(sayIt);
// Higher order functions. Note the 'Function' type.
Function wrapper() {
void innerFunc(String m) {
// do something...
return innerFunc;
["red", "green", "blue"].forEach(wrapper());
// -------- Parameter Types --------- //
// Named
void namedParams({ String name = "", String location }) {} // Note: 'name' uses a default value
namedParams(location: "Seattle");
namedParams(name: "Tom", location: "San Francisco");
// Required parameters
void requiredTest({ @required String name }) {};
requiredTest(name: "Foo");
// Optional Positional Parameters
void optPositional(String beep, [String bop = "BOP"]) {}
optPositional("Foo", "Bar");
// --------------- String Tests ----------------- //
void stringTests() {
// Common methods
// String builder
var sb = StringBuffer();
..write("Use a stringbuffer for ")
..writeAll(["efficient", "string", "creation"], "")
var fullString = sb.toString();
// Iteration
var str = "Iteratable string";
for(var char in str.split("")) {}
// Regex
var greetingTemplate = "Hello, NAME!";
var greeting = greetingTemplate.replaceAll(RegExp("NAME"), "Bill");
// Interpolation
String name = "Dave";
print("The man named $name says hi!");
print("The sum is: ${2 + 5}.")
// Multiline
String multi = """
line one
line two
// Raw string
String rawString = r'the newline character in code is \n';
String regEx = r'\d+';
// --------------- Library Tests ----------------- //
void libraryTests() {
// Equality:
// Note only == is used and not ===
// Numbers
int.parse("0101", radix: 2);
// Cascades
// a way to perform multiple operations on one object
..text = "Click me!"
// Futures
Future<void> myAsyncFunction() async {
// do some async stuff using 'await'
Future<String> myAsyncString() async => "Foo...";
// Errors
// use 'catch' when you need access to the exception object.
try {
} on SomeCustomException {
// handle custom exception type
rethrow; // 'rethrow' allows you to rethrow the error caught.
} on Exception catch(e) {
// Catch all other Exceptions
} catch(e) {
// Catch anything else
} finally {
// do this at the very end..
// Uris
var uri = ' message';
var encodedWholeUrlSafely = Uri.encodeFull(uri);
var encodedEverything = Uri.encodeComponent(uri);
var parsedUrl = Uri.parse('')
// import 'dart:convert'
var jsonString = '''
{"score": 40},
{"score": 80}
var scores = jsonDecode(jsonString);
assert(scores is List);
assert(scores[0] is Map);
var jsonText = jsonEncode(scores);
// --------------- Class Tests ----------------- //
void classTests() {
// Default constructor
Person p1 = Person(); // Note: using 'new' is discouraged.
// Named constructors
Person p2 ="John");
assert("John" == p2.getName());
// None constructor
Person p3 = Person.none("John");
assert(null == p3.getName());
// All constructor
Person p4 = Person.all("John", 43);
// Initializer
var empWithInitializer = Employee.withInitializer({"age": "27", "name": "Dan", "id": "779"});
// --------------- CLASSES ----------------- //
// Basic class
class Person {
// Properties
String name;
int age;
// Static Property
static const String FOO = "STATIC_PROP";
// Constructors
Person(); // default constructor; // named constructor. Assigns argument to
Person.none(String name : this(); // named constructor with argument that delegates to the default constructor.
Person.all(, int age) { // named constructor with automatic assignment for one argument.
this.age = age;
Person.withAssert( : assert(name == "Foo"); // named constructor with assertion.
// Methods
int getAge() {
return age;
String getName() {
return name;
// Classes with Inheritance
class User { // Superclass
String name;
User.fromJson(Map json) {
name = json["name"] ?? "Guest";
void doSomething() {
// do something...
class Employee extends User { // Subclass
String id;
String age;
// Note: constructors are not inherited so must call 'super'
Employee.fromJson(Map json) : super.fromJson(json) {
id = json["id"] ?? "-NO ID-";
// Constructors can use initializers to assign variables. Seperated by commas.
Employee.withInitializer(Map json) : age = json["age"], id = json["id"] {
// other constructor setup...
@override // add annotation
void doSomething() {
super.doSomething(); // call the superclass if wanted
// do other stuff...
// Abstract Classes
abstract class MyAbstractClass { // the 'implementation'
void doSomething(); // must be implemented
class MyConcreteClass extends MyAbstractClass { // the 'concrete' class
void doSomething() {
// do actual implementation here...
// Implementation
class MyImpl {
final String name;
class MyImplConcrete implements MyImpl {
get name =>;
// Generics
abstract class Cache<T> {
T getByKey(String key);
void setByKey(String key, T value);
// Generic Method:
// Note: having the 'first<T>' allows use in the return and arguments on line 1 and
// the local variable on line 2.
T first<T>(List<T> ts) {
T temp = ts[0];
return temp;
// Overriding and Implementation
class OverrideExample implements Comparable<OverrideExample> {
final int length;
String firstName;
String lastName;
// Implement 'Comparable' and override 'compareTo' to use with > <. Ususually for sorting.
int compareTo(OverrideExample other) => length - other.length;
// Override 'hashCode' for specifying unique instances
int get hashCode {
int result = 17;
result = 37 * result + firstName.hashCode;
result = 37 * result + lastName.hashCode;
return result;
// Generally implement operator == if you override hashCode.
bool operator ==(dynamic other) {
if (other is! OverrideExample) return false;
OverrideExample person = other;
return (person.firstName == firstName && person.lastName == lastName);
// --------------- OTHER ----------------- //
// Mixins
mixin PianoPlayer {
bool canPlayPiano = true;
void playSong() {
// play song...
// - use like this:
class Person with PianoPlayer {...}
// Enums
enum Colors {
// Typedefs
// Useful for declaring types for functions
typedef Compare<T> = int Function(T a, T b);
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