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Created December 21, 2022 08:19
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local Library = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()
local Window = Library.CreateLib("C00L'S Doors Hub -Mobile (V3)", "Midnight")
local Main = Window:NewTab("Spawn Entity")
local MainSection = Main:NewSection("Custom")
MainSection:NewButton("Spawn firebrand", "Spawns firebrand lol", function()
local Creator = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()
local entity = Creator.createEntity({
Model = "",
Speed = 400,
DelayTime = 2,
HeightOffset = 0,
CanKill = true,
BreakLights = true,
FlickerLights = {
Cycles = {
Min = 2,
Max = 2,
WaitTime = 2,
CamShake = {
{5, 15, 0.1, 1},
MainSection:NewButton("Spawn Bacon", "Spawns Bacon", function()
local Creator = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()
local entity = Creator.createEntity({
CustomName = "Bacon", -- Custom name of your entity
Model = 11400818478,
Speed = 100, -- Percentage, 100 = default Rush speed
DelayTime = 3, -- Time before starting cycles (seconds)
HeightOffset = 0,
CanKill = true,
BreakLights = true,
FlickerLights = {
true, -- Enabled
5, -- Time (seconds)
Cycles = {
Min = 1,
Max = 2,
WaitTime = 3,
CamShake = {
true, -- Enabled
{5, 15, 0.1, 1}, -- Shake values (don't change if you don't know)
1, -- Shake start distance (from Entity to you)
Jumpscare = {
true, -- Enabled ('false' if you don't want jumpscare)
Image1 = "", -- Image1 url
Image2 = "", -- Image2 url
Shake = true,
Sound1 = {
11400679305, -- SoundId
{ Volume = 1 }, -- Sound properties
Sound2 = {
10483837590, -- SoundId
{ Volume = 0 }, -- Sound properties
Flashing = {
false, -- Enabled
Color3.fromRGB(70, 25, 0), -- Color
Tease = {
false, -- Enabled ('false' if you don't want tease)
Min = 1,
Max = 1,
-- Run the created entity
MainSection:NewButton("Spawn Doge", "Spawns Doge", function()
local Creator = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()
local entity = Creator.createEntity({
CustomName = "Doge", -- Custom name of your entity
Model = 11402163089,
Speed = 150, -- Percentage, 100 = default Rush speed
DelayTime = 3, -- Time before starting cycles (seconds)
HeightOffset = 0,
CanKill = true,
BreakLights = true,
FlickerLights = {
true, -- Enabled
5, -- Time (seconds)
Cycles = {
Min = 5,
Max = 5,
WaitTime = 3,
CamShake = {
false, -- Enabled
{5, 15, 0.1, 1}, -- Shake values (don't change if you don't know)
1, -- Shake start distance (from Entity to you)
Jumpscare = {
false, -- Enabled ('false' if you don't want jumpscare)
Image1 = "", -- Image1 url
Image2 = "", -- Image2 url
Shake = false,
Sound1 = {
11400679305, -- SoundId
{ Volume = 1 }, -- Sound properties
Sound2 = {
10483837590, -- SoundId
{ Volume = 0 }, -- Sound properties
Flashing = {
false, -- Enabled
Color3.fromRGB(70, 25, 0), -- Color
Tease = {
false, -- Enabled ('false' if you don't want tease)
Min = 1,
Max = 1,
-- Run the created entity
MainSection:NewButton("Spawn Baller", "Spawns Baller", function()
local Creator = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()
local entity = Creator.createEntity({
CustomName = "Baller", -- Custom name of your entity
Model = 11421844649,
Speed = 200, -- Percentage, 100 = default Rush speed
DelayTime = 3, -- Time before starting cycles (seconds)
HeightOffset = 0,
CanKill = true,
BreakLights = true,
FlickerLights = {
true, -- Enabled
5, -- Time (seconds)
Cycles = {
Min = 5,
Max = 5,
WaitTime = 3,
CamShake = {
false, -- Enabled
{5, 15, 0.1, 1}, -- Shake values (don't change if you don't know)
1, -- Shake start distance (from Entity to you)
Jumpscare = {
false, -- Enabled ('false' if you don't want jumpscare)
Image1 = "", -- Image1 url
Image2 = "", -- Image2 url
Shake = false,
Sound1 = {
11400679305, -- SoundId
{ Volume = 1 }, -- Sound properties
Sound2 = {
10483837590, -- SoundId
{ Volume = 0 }, -- Sound properties
Flashing = {
false, -- Enabled
Color3.fromRGB(70, 25, 0), -- Color
Tease = {
false, -- Enabled ('false' if you don't want tease)
Min = 1,
Max = 1,
-- Run the created entity
RoomSection = Main:NewSection("hmm so i dont know what to name this")
RoomSection:NewButton("Spawn A-200", "Spawns A-200", function()
local Creator = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()
local entity = Creator.createEntity({
CustomName = "200", -- Custom name of your entity
Model = 11436355542,
Speed = 600, -- Percentage, 100 = default Rush speed
DelayTime = 6, -- Time before starting cycles (seconds)
HeightOffset = 0,
CanKill = true,
BreakLights = true,
FlickerLights = {
true, -- Enabled
5, -- Time (seconds)
Cycles = {
Min = 2,
Max = 16,
WaitTime = 0,
CamShake = {
true, -- Enabled
{5, 15, 0.1, 1}, -- Shake values (don't change if you don't know)
1, -- Shake start distance (from Entity to you)
Jumpscare = {
false, -- Enabled ('false' if you don't want jumpscare)
Image1 = "", -- Image1 url
Image2 = "", -- Image2 url
Shake = false,
Sound1 = {
11400679305, -- SoundId
{ Volume = 1 }, -- Sound properties
Sound2 = {
10483837590, -- SoundId
{ Volume = 0 }, -- Sound properties
Flashing = {
false, -- Enabled
Color3.fromRGB(70, 25, 0), -- Color
Tease = {
false, -- Enabled ('false' if you don't want tease)
Min = 1,
Max = 1,
-- Run the created entity
RoomSection:NewButton("A-60","Does the a-60", function()
local Creator = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()
local entity = Creator.createEntity({
CustomName = "60", -- Custom name of your entity
Model = 11711600587,
Speed = 200, -- Percentage, 100 = default Rush speed
DelayTime = 6, -- Time before starting cycles (seconds)
HeightOffset = 0,
CanKill = true,
BreakLights = true,
FlickerLights = {
true, -- Enabled
2, -- Time (seconds)
Cycles = {
Min = 0,
Max = 10,
WaitTime = 2,
CamShake = {
true, -- Enabled
{20, 40, 0.9, 30}, -- Shake values (don't change if you don't know)
1, -- Shake start distance (from Entity to you)
Jumpscare = {
false, -- Enabled ('false' if you don't want jumpscare)
Image1 = "", -- Image1 url
Image2 = "", -- Image2 url
Shake = false,
Sound1 = {
11400679305, -- SoundId
{ Volume = 1 }, -- Sound properties
Sound2 = {
10483837590, -- SoundId
{ Volume = 0 }, -- Sound properties
Flashing = {
false, -- Enabled
Color3.fromRGB(70, 25, 0), -- Color
Tease = {
false, -- Enabled ('false' if you don't want tease)
Min = 1,
Max = 1,
-- Run the created entity
RoomSection:NewButton("B-60","Does the B-60", function()
local Creator = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()
local entity = Creator.createEntity({
CustomName = "B6", -- Custom name of your entity
Model = 11711606980,
Speed = 200, -- Percentage, 100 = default Rush speed
DelayTime = 6, -- Time before starting cycles (seconds)
HeightOffset = 0,
CanKill = true,
BreakLights = true,
FlickerLights = {
true, -- Enabled
2, -- Time (seconds)
Cycles = {
Min = 0,
Max = 10,
WaitTime = 2,
CamShake = {
true, -- Enabled
{0.6, 0.6, 9.1, 30.4}, -- Shake values (don't change if you don't know)
1, -- Shake start distance (from Entity to you)
Jumpscare = {
false, -- Enabled ('false' if you don't want jumpscare)
Image1 = "", -- Image1 url
Image2 = "", -- Image2 url
Shake = false,
Sound1 = {
11400679305, -- SoundId
{ Volume = 1 }, -- Sound properties
Sound2 = {
10483837590, -- SoundId
{ Volume = 0 }, -- Sound properties
Flashing = {
false, -- Enabled
Color3.fromRGB(70, 25, 0), -- Color
Tease = {
false, -- Enabled ('false' if you don't want tease)
Min = 1,
Max = 1,
-- Run the created entity
RoomSection:NewButton("A-90","Does the a-90", function()
local Creator = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()
local entity = Creator.createEntity({
CustomName = "90", -- Custom name of your entity
Model = 11493589668,
Speed = 301, -- Percentage, 100 = default Rush speed
DelayTime = 3, -- Time before starting cycles (seconds)
HeightOffset = 0,
CanKill = true,
BreakLights = true,
FlickerLights = {
true, -- Enabled
2, -- Time (seconds)
Cycles = {
Min = 0,
Max = 12,
WaitTime = 1,
CamShake = {
true, -- Enabled
{20, 70, 0.9, 90}, -- Shake values (don't change if you don't know)
1, -- Shake start distance (from Entity to you)
Jumpscare = {
false, -- Enabled ('false' if you don't want jumpscare)
Image1 = "", -- Image1 url
Image2 = "", -- Image2 url
Shake = false,
Sound1 = {
11400679305, -- SoundId
{ Volume = 1 }, -- Sound properties
Sound2 = {
10483837590, -- SoundId
{ Volume = 0 }, -- Sound properties
Flashing = {
false, -- Enabled
Color3.fromRGB(70, 25, 0), -- Color
Tease = {
false, -- Enabled ('false' if you don't want tease)
Min = 1,
Max = 1,
-- Run the created entity
RoomSection:NewButton("A-150","Does the a-150", function()
local Creator = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()
local entity = Creator.createEntity({
CustomName = "150", -- Custom name of your entity
Model = 11493625785,
Speed = 500, -- Percentage, 100 = default Rush speed
DelayTime = 2, -- Time before starting cycles (seconds)
HeightOffset = 0,
CanKill = true,
BreakLights = true,
FlickerLights = {
true, -- Enabled
2, -- Time (seconds)
Cycles = {
Min = 0,
Max = 17,
WaitTime = 1,
CamShake = {
true, -- Enabled
{20, 70, 0.9, 90}, -- Shake values (don't change if you don't know)
1, -- Shake start distance (from Entity to you)
Jumpscare = {
false, -- Enabled ('false' if you don't want jumpscare)
Image1 = "", -- Image1 url
Image2 = "", -- Image2 url
Shake = false,
Sound1 = {
11400679305, -- SoundId
{ Volume = 1 }, -- Sound properties
Sound2 = {
10483837590, -- SoundId
{ Volume = 0 }, -- Sound properties
Flashing = {
false, -- Enabled
Color3.fromRGB(70, 25, 0), -- Color
Tease = {
false, -- Enabled ('false' if you don't want tease)
Min = 1,
Max = 1,
-- Run the created entity
local Real = Window:NewTab("idk")
local RealSection = Real:NewSection("idk")
RealSection:NewButton("Ambush", "Spawns Ambush", function()
local tb=entityTable["Ambush"]
tb.Sounds={"PlaySound", "Footsteps"}
RealSection:NewButton("Halt", "Spawns Halt", function()
RealSection:NewButton("Screech", "puts a screech on you", function()
RealSection:NewButton("Glitch", "Glitchy spawns", function()
require(game.ReplicatedStorage.ClientModules.EntityModules.Glitch).stuff(Data, workspace.CurrentRooms[tostring(game.ReplicatedStorage.GameData.LatestRoom.Value)])
RealSection:NewButton("Timothy", "Timothy jumspcare", function()
local a = game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.MainUI.Initiator.Main_Game
require(a.RemoteListener.Modules.SpiderJumpscare)(require(a), workspace.CurrentRooms["0"].Assets.Dresser.DrawerContainer, 0.2)
local Other = Window:NewTab("Other")
local OtherSection = Other:NewSection("Other")
OtherSection:NewButton("Doors script v4", "Opens doors script v4", function()
OtherSection:NewButton("Doors Vynixu script", "Opens doors script", function()
OtherSection:NewButton("Inf yield", "INF YIELD BABYYY", function()
OtherSection:NewButton("Entity Spawner v2 (jk its plamen entity spawner)", "Plamen KING", function()
OtherSection:NewButton("Neverlose xyz", "Xyz?? more like syz", function()
OtherSection:NewButton("Johny's Hub Spawner", "papa i want sugar", function()
local Credits = Window:NewTab("Credits")
local CreditSection = Credits:NewSection("Credits")
CreditSection:NewLabel("Ping for the a60 idea Cryobyte for a-200 idea all the coding was done by me and firebrand created by ashleyishe. please tell me if you want me to add other stuff to the config as i will")
RoomSection:NewButton("A-500","Does the a-500", function()
local Creator = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()
local entity = Creator.createEntity({
CustomName = "500", -- Custom name of your entity
Model = 11510871416,
Speed = 800, -- Percentage, 100 = default Rush speed
DelayTime = 2, -- Time before starting cycles (seconds)
HeightOffset = 0,
CanKill = true,
BreakLights = true,
FlickerLights = {
true, -- Enabled
2, -- Time (seconds)
Cycles = {
Min = 0,
Max = 25,
WaitTime = 1,
CamShake = {
true, -- Enabled
{20, 70, 0.9, 90}, -- Shake values (don't change if you don't know)
1, -- Shake start distance (from Entity to you)
Jumpscare = {
false, -- Enabled ('false' if you don't want jumpscare)
Image1 = "", -- Image1 url
Image2 = "", -- Image2 url
Shake = false,
Sound1 = {
11400679305, -- SoundId
{ Volume = 1 }, -- Sound properties
Sound2 = {
10483837590, -- SoundId
{ Volume = 0 }, -- Sound properties
Flashing = {
false, -- Enabled
Color3.fromRGB(70, 25, 0), -- Color
Tease = {
false, -- Enabled ('false' if you don't want tease)
Min = 1,
Max = 1,
-- Run the created entity
MainSection:NewButton("Spawn Depth", "Spawns Depth", function()
local Creator = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()
local entity = Creator.createEntity({
CustomName = "Depth", -- Custom name of your entity
Model = 11517682292,
Speed = 400, -- Percentage, 100 = default Rush speed
DelayTime = 3, -- Time before starting cycles (seconds)
HeightOffset = 0,
CanKill = true,
BreakLights = true,
FlickerLights = {
true, -- Enabled
5, -- Time (seconds)
Cycles = {
Min = 5,
Max = 11,
WaitTime = 3,
CamShake = {
false, -- Enabled
{5, 15, 0.1, 1}, -- Shake values (don't change if you don't know)
1, -- Shake start distance (from Entity to you)
Jumpscare = {
false, -- Enabled ('false' if you don't want jumpscare)
Image1 = "", -- Image1 url
Image2 = "", -- Image2 url
Shake = false,
Sound1 = {
11400679305, -- SoundId
{ Volume = 1 }, -- Sound properties
Sound2 = {
10483837590, -- SoundId
{ Volume = 0 }, -- Sound properties
Flashing = {
false, -- Enabled
Color3.fromRGB(70, 25, 0), -- Color
Tease = {
false, -- Enabled ('false' if you don't want tease)
Min = 1,
Max = 1,
-- Run the created entity
MainSection:NewButton("Spawn Althan99", "Spawns Althan99", function()
local Creator = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()
local entity = Creator.createEntity({
CustomName = "Althan99", -- Custom name of your entity
Model = 11575862173,
Speed = 299, -- Percentage, 100 = default Rush speed
DelayTime = 3, -- Time before starting cycles (seconds)
HeightOffset = 0,
CanKill = true,
BreakLights = true,
FlickerLights = {
true, -- Enabled
6, -- Time (seconds)
Cycles = {
Min = 5,
Max = 31,
WaitTime = 3,
CamShake = {
true, -- Enabled
{5, 15, 0.1, 1}, -- Shake values (don't change if you don't know)
1, -- Shake start distance (from Entity to you)
Jumpscare = {
false, -- Enabled ('false' if you don't want jumpscare)
Image1 = "", -- Image1 url
Image2 = "", -- Image2 url
Shake = false,
Sound1 = {
11400679305, -- SoundId
{ Volume = 1 }, -- Sound properties
Sound2 = {
10483837590, -- SoundId
{ Volume = 0 }, -- Sound properties
Flashing = {
false, -- Enabled
Color3.fromRGB(70, 25, 0), -- Color
Tease = {
false, -- Enabled ('false' if you don't want tease)
Min = 1,
Max = 1,
CustomDialog = {"Althan99?", "Thats althan15, AKA Terminated Guy.", "Sometimes you can get trolled by LSPLASH, If you get trolled, Then GG.", "Hope you not get trolled again, For now."}, -- Custom death message (can be as long as you want)
-- Run the created entity
MainSection:NewButton("Troll?", "Spawns Troll Face", function()
local Creator = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()
local entity = Creator.createEntity({
CustomName = "Troll", -- Custom name of your entity
Model = 11681884088,
Speed = 400, -- Percentage, 100 = default Rush speed
DelayTime = 3, -- Time before starting cycles (seconds)
HeightOffset = 0,
CanKill = true,
BreakLights = true,
FlickerLights = {
true, -- Enabled
6, -- Time (seconds)
Cycles = {
Min = 5,
Max = 16,
WaitTime = 3,
CamShake = {
true, -- Enabled
{5, 15, 0.1, 1}, -- Shake values (don't change if you don't know)
1, -- Shake start distance (from Entity to you)
Jumpscare = {
false, -- Enabled ('false' if you don't want jumpscare)
Image1 = "", -- Image1 url
Image2 = "", -- Image2 url
Shake = false,
Sound1 = {
11400679305, -- SoundId
{ Volume = 1 }, -- Sound properties
Sound2 = {
10483837590, -- SoundId
{ Volume = 0 }, -- Sound properties
Flashing = {
false, -- Enabled
Color3.fromRGB(70, 25, 0), -- Color
Tease = {
false, -- Enabled ('false' if you don't want tease)
Min = 1,
Max = 1,
CustomDialog = {"What the heck is.. going on?.", "Troll Face?", "Sorry about that, Player.", "This ohio hotel is cursed."}, -- Custom death message (can be as long as you want)
-- Run the created entity
MainSection:NewButton("Official Rush", "Rush?!!?", function()
local Creator = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()
local entity = Creator.createEntity({
CustomName = "Rush", -- Custom name of your entity
Model = 11683344107,
Speed = 295, -- Percentage, 100 = default Rush speed
DelayTime = 3, -- Time before starting cycles (seconds)
HeightOffset = 0,
CanKill = true,
BreakLights = true,
FlickerLights = {
true, -- Enabled
3, -- Time (seconds)
Cycles = {
Min = 1,
Max = 1,
WaitTime = 3,
CamShake = {
true, -- Enabled
{5, 15, 0.1, 1}, -- Shake values (don't change if you don't know)
1, -- Shake start distance (from Entity to you)
Jumpscare = {
false, -- Enabled ('false' if you don't want jumpscare)
Image1 = "", -- Image1 url
Image2 = "", -- Image2 url
Shake = false,
Sound1 = {
11400679305, -- SoundId
{ Volume = 1 }, -- Sound properties
Sound2 = {
10483837590, -- SoundId
{ Volume = 0 }, -- Sound properties
Flashing = {
false, -- Enabled
Color3.fromRGB(70, 25, 0), -- Color
Tease = {
false, -- Enabled ('false' if you don't want tease)
Min = 1,
Max = 1,
CustomDialog = {"You died to Rush..", "When the light flickered, Hide, If its near a bit!", "Its not Rebound.", "Hope you follow the guide. "}, -- Custom death message (can be as long as you want)
-- Run the created entity
MainSection:NewButton("Official Ambush", "Ambush!?!?", function()
local Creator = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()
local entity = Creator.createEntity({
CustomName = "Ambush", -- Custom name of your entity
Model = 11683717418,
Speed = 399, -- Percentage, 100 = default Rush speed
DelayTime = 3, -- Time before starting cycles (seconds)
HeightOffset = 0,
CanKill = true,
BreakLights = true,
FlickerLights = {
true, -- Enabled
4, -- Time (seconds)
Cycles = {
Min = 1,
Max = 13,
WaitTime = 3,
CamShake = {
true, -- Enabled
{5, 15, 0.1, 1}, -- Shake values (don't change if you don't know)
1, -- Shake start distance (from Entity to you)
Jumpscare = {
false, -- Enabled ('false' if you don't want jumpscare)
Image1 = "", -- Image1 url
Image2 = "", -- Image2 url
Shake = false,
Sound1 = {
11400679305, -- SoundId
{ Volume = 1 }, -- Sound properties
Sound2 = {
10483837590, -- SoundId
{ Volume = 0 }, -- Sound properties
Flashing = {
false, -- Enabled
Color3.fromRGB(70, 25, 0), -- Color
Tease = {
false, -- Enabled ('false' if you don't want tease)
Min = 1,
Max = 1,
CustomDialog = {"You died to Ambush...", "You need to hop in and get in the closet!", "He is faster than rush.", "Hope you follow the guide. "}, -- Custom death message (can be as long as you want)
-- Run the created entity
MainSection:NewButton("Fake Seek bruh", "Fake Seek", function()
local Creator = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()
local entity = Creator.createEntity({
CustomName = "Seek", -- Custom name of your entity
Model = 11690995957,
Speed = 90, -- Percentage, 100 = default Rush speed
DelayTime = 3, -- Time before starting cycles (seconds)
HeightOffset = 0,
CanKill = false,
BreakLights = false,
FlickerLights = {
false, -- Enabled
1, -- Time (seconds)
Cycles = {
Min = 1,
Max = 17,
WaitTime = 3,
CamShake = {
true, -- Enabled
{5, 15, 0.1, 1}, -- Shake values (don't change if you don't know)
1, -- Shake start distance (from Entity to you)
Jumpscare = {
false, -- Enabled ('false' if you don't want jumpscare)
Image1 = "", -- Image1 url
Image2 = "", -- Image2 url
Shake = false,
Sound1 = {
11400679305, -- SoundId
{ Volume = 1 }, -- Sound properties
Sound2 = {
10483837590, -- SoundId
{ Volume = 0 }, -- Sound properties
Flashing = {
false, -- Enabled
Color3.fromRGB(70, 25, 0), -- Color
Tease = {
false, -- Enabled ('false' if you don't want tease)
Min = 1,
Max = 1,
-- Run the created entity
MainSection:NewButton("Silence", "Silent!", function()
local Creator = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()
local entity = Creator.createEntity({
CustomName = "Silence", -- Custom name of your entity
Model = 11698804162,
Speed = 399, -- Percentage, 100 = default Rush speed
DelayTime = 3, -- Time before starting cycles (seconds)
HeightOffset = 0,
CanKill = true,
BreakLights = true,
FlickerLights = {
true, -- Enabled
4, -- Time (seconds)
Cycles = {
Min = 1,
Max = 13,
WaitTime = 3,
CamShake = {
true, -- Enabled
{5, 15, 0.1, 1}, -- Shake values (don't change if you don't know)
1, -- Shake start distance (from Entity to you)
Jumpscare = {
false, -- Enabled ('false' if you don't want jumpscare)
Image1 = "", -- Image1 url
Image2 = "", -- Image2 url
Shake = false,
Sound1 = {
11400679305, -- SoundId
{ Volume = 1 }, -- Sound properties
Sound2 = {
10483837590, -- SoundId
{ Volume = 0 }, -- Sound properties
Flashing = {
false, -- Enabled
Color3.fromRGB(70, 25, 0), -- Color
Tease = {
false, -- Enabled ('false' if you don't want tease)
Min = 1,
Max = 1,
CustomDialog = {"I swear dude", "You died to that stupid entity called Silence.", "he is fucking shit so bad", "dumbass player... "}, -- Custom death message (can be as long as you want)
-- Run the created entity
MainSection:NewButton("Sillence", "Nightmare Sillent!", function()
local Creator = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()
local entity = Creator.createEntity({
CustomName = "Sillence (nightmare)", -- Custom name of your entity
Model = 11699448654,
Speed = 399, -- Percentage, 100 = default Rush speed
DelayTime = 3, -- Time before starting cycles (seconds)
HeightOffset = 0,
CanKill = true,
BreakLights = true,
FlickerLights = {
true, -- Enabled
4, -- Time (seconds)
Cycles = {
Min = 1,
Max = 13,
WaitTime = 3,
CamShake = {
true, -- Enabled
{5, 15, 0.1, 1}, -- Shake values (don't change if you don't know)
1, -- Shake start distance (from Entity to you)
Jumpscare = {
false, -- Enabled ('false' if you don't want jumpscare)
Image1 = "", -- Image1 url
Image2 = "", -- Image2 url
Shake = false,
Sound1 = {
11400679305, -- SoundId
{ Volume = 1 }, -- Sound properties
Sound2 = {
10483837590, -- SoundId
{ Volume = 0 }, -- Sound properties
Flashing = {
false, -- Enabled
Color3.fromRGB(70, 25, 0), -- Color
Tease = {
false, -- Enabled ('false' if you don't want tease)
Min = 1,
Max = 1,
CustomDialog = {"I hate this twin entity dude i swear for real", "You died to that stupid entity called Sillence.", "he is the dumbass twin of silence version.", "i want to ban this entity forever "}, -- Custom death message (can be as long as you want)
-- Run the created entity
MainSection:NewButton("Figure", "Ragdoll", function()
local Creator = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()
local entity = Creator.createEntity({
CustomName = "Figure", -- Custom name of your entity
Model = 11738850341,
Speed = 60, -- Percentage, 100 = default Rush speed
DelayTime = 3, -- Time before starting cycles (seconds)
HeightOffset = 0,
CanKill = false,
BreakLights = false,
FlickerLights = {
true, -- Enabled
4, -- Time (seconds)
Cycles = {
Min = 1,
Max = 1000000,
WaitTime = 3,
CamShake = {
true, -- Enabled
{5, 15, 0.1, 1}, -- Shake values (don't change if you don't know)
1, -- Shake start distance (from Entity to you)
Jumpscare = {
false, -- Enabled ('false' if you don't want jumpscare)
Image1 = "", -- Image1 url
Image2 = "", -- Image2 url
Shake = false,
Sound1 = {
11400679305, -- SoundId
{ Volume = 1 }, -- Sound properties
Sound2 = {
10483837590, -- SoundId
{ Volume = 0 }, -- Sound properties
Flashing = {
false, -- Enabled
Color3.fromRGB(70, 25, 0), -- Color
Tease = {
false, -- Enabled ('false' if you don't want tease)
Min = 1,
Max = 1,
-- Run the created entity
RoomSection:NewButton("Bugla","no sound, what a beatiful cat", function()
local Creator = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()
local entity = Creator.createEntity({
CustomName = "Bugla", -- Custom name of your entity
Model = 11749873715,
Speed = 200, -- Percentage, 100 = default Rush speed
DelayTime = 6, -- Time before starting cycles (seconds)
HeightOffset = 0,
CanKill = false,
BreakLights = false,
FlickerLights = {
true, -- Enabled
100, -- Time (seconds)
Cycles = {
Min = 0,
Max = 30000000,
WaitTime = 2,
CamShake = {
true, -- Enabled
{0.6, 0.6, 9.1, 30.4}, -- Shake values (don't change if you don't know)
3, -- Shake start distance (from Entity to you)
Jumpscare = {
false, -- Enabled ('false' if you don't want jumpscare)
Image1 = "", -- Image1 url
Image2 = "", -- Image2 url
Shake = false,
Sound1 = {
11400679305, -- SoundId
{ Volume = 1 }, -- Sound properties
Sound2 = {
10483837590, -- SoundId
{ Volume = 0 }, -- Sound properties
Flashing = {
false, -- Enabled
Color3.fromRGB(70, 25, 0), -- Color
Tease = {
false, -- Enabled ('false' if you don't want tease)
Min = 1,
Max = 1,
-- Run the created entity
RoomSection:NewButton("Beluga","Better Version of bugla, But different", function()
local Creator = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()
local entity = Creator.createEntity({
CustomName = "Beugla", -- Custom name of your entity
Model = 11762288974,
Speed = 200, -- Percentage, 100 = default Rush speed
DelayTime = 6, -- Time before starting cycles (seconds)
HeightOffset = 0,
CanKill = false,
BreakLights = false,
FlickerLights = {
true, -- Enabled
100, -- Time (seconds)
Cycles = {
Min = 0,
Max = 30000000,
WaitTime = 2,
CamShake = {
true, -- Enabled
{0.6, 0.6, 9.1, 30.4}, -- Shake values (don't change if you don't know)
3, -- Shake start distance (from Entity to you)
Jumpscare = {
false, -- Enabled ('false' if you don't want jumpscare)
Image1 = "", -- Image1 url
Image2 = "", -- Image2 url
Shake = false,
Sound1 = {
11400679305, -- SoundId
{ Volume = 1 }, -- Sound properties
Sound2 = {
10483837590, -- SoundId
{ Volume = 0 }, -- Sound properties
Flashing = {
false, -- Enabled
Color3.fromRGB(70, 25, 0), -- Color
Tease = {
false, -- Enabled ('false' if you don't want tease)
Min = 1,
Max = 1,
-- Run the created entity
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