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Save C0deH4cker/8ca0b972cce684e158de to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Example of hooking a function from a Substrate tweak by searching for a byte pattern in the app's code segments. UNTESTED CODE
// patternhooker.c
// PatternHooker
// Finds a function by searching for a byte pattern and hooks it with CydiaSubstrate.
// Created by C0deH4cker on 7/26/15.
// Copyright (c) 2015 C0deH4cker. All rights reserved.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <mach-o/loader.h>
#include <CydiaSubstrate/CydiaSubstrate.h>
/* Get the next load command from the current one */
#define NEXTCMD(cmd) (struct load_command*)((char*)(cmd) + (cmd)->cmdsize)
/* Iterate through all load commands */
#define ITERCMDS(i, cmd, cmds, ncmds) for(i = 0, cmd = (cmds); i < (ncmds); i++, cmd = NEXTCMD(cmd))
/* Represents a region of memory */
typedef struct MemoryRegion {
void* data;
size_t size;
} MemoryRegion;
/* Array of executable code segments */
typedef struct CodeSegments {
MemoryRegion* regions;
size_t count;
} CodeSegments;
/* Looks for a pattern of bytes in the specified memory region */
static void* findPattern(const MemoryRegion* region, const void* pattern, size_t pattern_length) {
return memmem(region->data, region->size, pattern, pattern_length);
/* Returns an array of code segments in the Mach-O, or NULL on error */
static bool getCodeSegments(struct mach_header* mh, CodeSegments* segs) {
segs->count = 0;
segs->regions = NULL;
bool is64bit = false;
uint32_t i, ncmds;
struct load_command* cmd, *cmds;
/* Parse mach_header to get the first load command and the number of commands */
if(mh->magic != MH_MAGIC) {
if(mh->magic == MH_MAGIC_64) {
is64bit = true;
struct mach_header_64* mh64 = (struct mach_header_64*)mh;
cmds = (struct load_command*)&mh64[1];
ncmds = mh64->ncmds;
else {
fprintf(stderr, "Invalid magic number: %08X\n", mh->magic);
return false;
else {
cmds = (struct load_command*)&mh[1];
ncmds = mh->ncmds;
size_t numexec = 0;
/* First iteration for counting executable segments */
ITERCMDS(i, cmd, cmds, ncmds) {
/* Make sure we don't loop infinitely */
if(cmd->cmdsize == 0) {
switch(cmd->cmd) {
case LC_SEGMENT: {
struct segment_command* seg = (struct segment_command*)cmd;
if(seg->initprot & VM_PROT_EXECUTE) {
case LC_SEGMENT_64: {
struct segment_command_64* seg = (struct segment_command_64*)cmd;
if(seg->initprot & VM_PROT_EXECUTE) {
MemoryRegion* regions = malloc(numexec * sizeof *regions);
if(!regions) {
return false;
size_t current_segment = 0;
/* Second iteration for adding segments to the return array */
ITERCMDS(i, cmd, cmds, ncmds) {
if(current_segment == numexec) {
/* Already added last segment */
/* Make sure we don't loop infinitely */
if(cmd->cmdsize == 0) {
switch(cmd->cmd) {
case LC_SEGMENT: {
struct segment_command* seg = (struct segment_command*)cmd;
if(seg->initprot & VM_PROT_EXECUTE) {
MemoryRegion* cur = &regions[current_segment++];
cur->data = (void*)(uintptr_t)seg->vmaddr;
cur->size = seg->vmsize;
case LC_SEGMENT_64: {
struct segment_command_64* seg = (struct segment_command_64*)cmd;
if(seg->initprot & VM_PROT_EXECUTE) {
MemoryRegion* cur = &regions[current_segment++];
cur->data = (void*)(uintptr_t)seg->vmaddr;
cur->size = seg->vmsize;
if(current_segment != numexec) {
/* Something very wrong happened... */
return false;
segs->regions = regions;
segs->count = numexec;
return true;
/* Example hook body */
typedef struct Level Level;
MSHook(void, Level$$setTileNoUpdate, Level* level, int x, int y, int z, int newTile) {
/* Prevent all blocks from breaking or going away in any other way */
if(newTile == 0) {
/* Better be careful placing blocks ;) */
/* Call original */
_Level$$setTileNoUpdate(level, x, y, z, newTile);
MSInitialize {
struct mach_header* mh = MSFindSymbol(NULL, "__mh_execute_header");
if(!mh) {
/* Weird, couldn't find this program's header... */
CodeSegments segs;
if(!getCodeSegments(mh, &segs)) {
/* Couldn't get array of code segments? */
/* Replace this with the pattern to search for */
const char pattern[] = "\xDE\xAD\xBE\xEF";
size_t pattern_length = sizeof(pattern) - 1;
/* Iterate over all segments containing executable code and search them for the pattern */
for(size_t i = 0; i < segs.count; i++) {
void* found = findPattern(&segs.regions[i], pattern, pattern_length);
if(found) {
MSHookFunction(found, MSHake(Level$$setTileNoUpdate));
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