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Last active March 11, 2023 01:04
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  • Save C0nw0nk/d4c022a6799134a548bbd40ab1989bc5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save C0nw0nk/d4c022a6799134a548bbd40ab1989bc5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
youtube-dl for windows to download into MP3 format music videos audio from youtube HQ HD Audio no need to download anything i made the script do it all just give it a url
@echo off & setLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
:: Copyright Conor McKnight
:: Automatically sets up youtube-dl.exe ffmpeg.exe and aria2c.exe
:: all you need is the batch script it will download the latest versions from their github pages
:: simple fast efficient easy to move and manage
:: Script Settings
echo Input URL or Playlist URL:
set /p input=
set download_path=D:\Music
set download_url=--yes-playlist "%input%"
set audio_quality=320K
set audio_format=mp3
set root_path="%~dp0"
goto :next_download
youtube-dl.exe --external-downloader aria2c --ignore-errors --format bestaudio --extract-audio -x --audio-format %audio_format% --audio-quality %audio_quality% --output "%download_path%\%%(playlist)s\%%(title)s.%%(ext)s" %download_url%
goto :end_script
goto :next_download
set downloadurl=%downloadurl: =%
FOR /f %%i IN ("%downloadurl:"=%") DO set filename="%%~ni"& set fileextension="%%~xi"
set downloadpath="%root_path:"=%%filename%%fileextension%"
echo Dim oXMLHTTP
echo Dim oStream
echo Set fso = CreateObject^("Scripting.FileSystemObject"^)
echo If Not fso.FileExists^("%downloadpath:"=%"^) Then
echo Set oXMLHTTP = CreateObject^("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.6.0"^)
echo oXMLHTTP.Open "GET", "%downloadurl:"=%", False
echo oXMLHTTP.SetRequestHeader "User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 ^(Windows NT 10.0; Win64; rv:51.0^) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/51.0"
echo oXMLHTTP.SetRequestHeader "Referer", ""
echo oXMLHTTP.SetRequestHeader "DNT", "1"
echo oXMLHTTP.Send
echo If oXMLHTTP.Status = 200 Then
echo Set oStream = CreateObject^("ADODB.Stream"^)
echo oStream.Open
echo oStream.Type = 1
echo oStream.Write oXMLHTTP.responseBody
echo oStream.SaveToFile "%downloadpath:"=%"
echo oStream.Close
echo End If
echo End If
echo ZipFile="%downloadpath:"=%"
echo ExtractTo="%root_path:"=%"
echo ext = LCase^(fso.GetExtensionName^(ZipFile^)^)
echo If NOT fso.FolderExists^(ExtractTo^) Then
echo fso.CreateFolder^(ExtractTo^)
echo End If
echo Set app = CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^)
echo Sub ExtractByExtension^(fldr, ext, dst^)
echo For Each f In fldr.Items
echo If f.Type = "File folder" Then
echo ExtractByExtension f.GetFolder, ext, dst
echo End If
echo If instr^(f.Path, "\%file_name_to_extract%"^) ^> 0 Then
echo If fso.FileExists^(dst ^& f.Name ^& "." ^& LCase^(fso.GetExtensionName^(f.Path^)^) ^) Then
echo Else
echo call app.NameSpace^(dst^).CopyHere^(f.Path^, 4^+16^)
echo End If
echo End If
echo Next
echo End Sub
echo If instr^(ZipFile, "zip"^) ^> 0 Then
echo ExtractByExtension app.NameSpace^(ZipFile^), "exe", ExtractTo
echo End If
if %delete_download% == 1 echo fso.DeleteFile ZipFile
echo Set fso = Nothing
echo Set objShell = Nothing
cscript //nologo "%root_path:"=%%~n0.vbs"
del "%root_path:"=%%~n0.vbs"
if not defined aria2c_exe (
set downloadurl=
) else (
set downloadurl=
set file_name_to_extract=aria2c.exe
set delete_download=1
set aria2c_exe=true
goto :start_download
if not defined youtubedl_exe (
set downloadurl=
set delete_download=0
set youtubedl_exe=true
goto :start_download
if not defined ffmpeg_exe (
set downloadurl=
set delete_download=0
set ffmpeg_exe=true
goto :start_download
goto :start_exe
echo Complete.
Copy link

C0nw0nk commented Nov 13, 2022

I did all the hard work so literaly you only have to run this script it will grab ffmpeg if you do not have it aria2c if you dont have it and youtube-dl if you do not have it enjoy

Just give it a url to download from as a example i provided youtube but here is a full list of supported websites

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