You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.Dismiss alert
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
"editor.selectionHighlightBackground": "#ff0000", //same content as the selection"editor.findMatchBackground": "#00cc44a8", //Current SEARCH MATCH"editor.findMatchHighlightBackground": "#ff7b00a1", //Other SEARCH MATCHES"tab.activeBackground": "#2416e2"
Typescript snippets
// Place your snippets for typescript here. Each snippet is defined under a snippet name and has a prefix, body and// description. The prefix is what is used to trigger the snippet and the body will be expanded and inserted. Possible variables are:// $1, $2 for tab stops, $0 for the final cursor position, and ${1:label}, ${2:another} for placeholders. Placeholders with the// same ids are connected.// Example:"Print to console": {
"prefix": "!con",
"body": ["console.log($1)", "$2"],
"description": "Log output to console"
"Try Catch!": {
"prefix": "!try",
"body": ["try{$1} catch(e){}", "$2"],
"description": "Log output to console"
"This": {
"prefix": "<",
"body": ["<%= $1 %>", "$2"],
"description": "ejs"
"ReactDOM": {
"prefix": "!r",
"body": ["ReactDOM.render($1, document.getElementById('$2'))"],
"description": "render"
"useEffect": {
"prefix": "!effect",
"body": [" useEffect(() => {$1}, [])"],
"description": "create useEffect Hook"
"forLoop": {
"prefix": "!for",
"body": ["for (let i = 0; i < ${1:here}; i++) {$2}"],
"description": "create useEffect Hook"
"angularLoop": {
"prefix": "!ngFor",
"body": ["*ngFor='let $1 of $2'"],
"description": "Loop an array in Angular"
"Init": {
"prefix": "!strict",
"body": ["strictPropertyInitialization"],
"description": "initialize variables without value"
"Arrow funct": {
"prefix": "!arrow",
"body": ["const ${TM_SELECTED_TEXT:${1:functName}} = ($2) => {$3}"],
"description": "Arrow Funct Quick"
"Function": {
"prefix": "!function",
"body": ["function ${TM_SELECTED_TEXT:${1:functName}}($2){$3}"],
"description": "quick function"
"!>": {
"prefix": "!a",
"body": "=> {return ${TM_SELECTED_TEXT:}}",
"description": "arrow finisher"
Typescript React snippets
// Place your snippets for typescriptreact here. Each snippet is defined under a snippet name and has a prefix, body and// description. The prefix is what is used to trigger the snippet and the body will be expanded and inserted. Possible variables are:// $1, $2 for tab stops, $0 for the final cursor position, and ${1:label}, ${2:another} for placeholders. Placeholders with the// same ids are connected.// Example:"Print to console": {
"prefix": "!con",
"body": ["console.log($1);", "$2"],
"description": "Log output to console"
"Arrow funct": {
"prefix": "!arrow",
"body": ["const ${TM_SELECTED_TEXT:${1:functName}} = ($2) => {$3}"],
"description": "Arrow Funct Quick"
"Try Catch!": {
"prefix": "!try",
"body": ["try{$1} catch(e){}", "$2"],
"description": "Log output to console"
"mesh": {
"prefix": "!mesh",
"body": ["<mesh><boxGeometry /><meshBasicMaterial /></mesh>"],
"description": "Log output to console"
"Function": {
"prefix": "!function",
"body": ["function ${TM_SELECTED_TEXT:${1:functName}}($2){$3}"],
"description": "quick function"
"useEffect": {
"prefix": "!effect",
"body": [" useEffect(() => {$1}, [])"],
"description": "create useEffect Hook"
"Typescript React Component": {
"prefix": "rfce",
"body": [
"import { FC } from 'react'",
"interface ${TM_FILENAME_BASE}Props {}",
"const ${TM_FILENAME_BASE}: FC<${TM_FILENAME_BASE}Props> = ({}) => {",
" return <div>${TM_FILENAME_BASE}</div>",
"export default ${TM_FILENAME_BASE}"
"description": "React Functional Component"
"Typescript dashed React Component": {
"prefix": "gc",
"body": [
"import { FC } from 'react';",
"interface ${TM_FILENAME_BASE/([A-Za-z]+)-([A-Za-z]+)/${1:/capitalize}${2:/capitalize}/}Props {}""",
"const ${TM_FILENAME_BASE/([A-Za-z]+)-([A-Za-z]+)/${1:/capitalize}${2:/capitalize}/}: FC<${TM_FILENAME_BASE/([A-Za-z]+)-([A-Za-z]+)/${1:/capitalize}${2:/capitalize}/}Props> = ({}) => {",
" return <div>${TM_FILENAME_BASE/([A-Za-z]+)(-[A-Za-z])?/${1:/upcase}${2:/upcase}/}</div>;",
"export default ${TM_FILENAME_BASE/([A-Za-z]+)-([A-Za-z]+)/${1:/capitalize}${2:/capitalize}/};"
"description": "React Functional Component"