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Created May 18, 2012 20:58
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C4LinesProject workspace... because our git pull request failed hard
// C4WorkSpace.m
// mwylegly_0503_01
// Created by MADT.Student on 12-05-03.
// Copyright (c) 2012 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved.
#import "C4WorkSpace.h"
#import "C4Vector.h"
@interface C4WorkSpace ()
//hi mike
@property C4Image *image1, *image2;
@implementation C4WorkSpace{
CGPoint pointList[300];
CGPoint touchPoint;
int pointCount;
int pointDist;
int randomSize1;
int randomSize2;
int pixelValue;
bool randomPixSize;
bool randomPixDistance;
bool multiPicture;
C4Shape *lineTest;
C4Camera *newCamera;
BOOL shouldRenderWebbing;
@synthesize image1, image2;
-(void)setup {
//sets up background colour, and images, comment out the next line to change background colour to white.
//self.canvas.backgroundColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:.95 green:.7 blue:.5 alpha:1];
//changing these variables changes how the program renders out.
pointCount = 35;
pointDist = 15;
randomSize1 = 15;
randomSize2 = 1;
randomPixSize = YES;
randomPixDistance = YES;
multiPicture = YES;
shouldRenderWebbing = YES;
if(pointCount > 75) pointCount = 75;
newCamera = [C4Camera cameraWithFrame:CGRectZero];
[self addCamera:newCamera];
-(void)imageWasCaptured {
self.image1 = newCamera.capturedImage;
self.image1.frame = self.canvas.frame;
if (multiPicture == NO) {
self.image2 = self.image1;
} else {
self.image2 = [C4Image imageNamed:@"test_img.jpg"];
[self renderCircles];
-(void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event{
touchPoint = [[touches anyObject] locationInView:self.canvas];
[newCamera captureImage];
-(void)renderCircles {
for (int i = 0; i < pointCount; i++) {
pointList[i] = CGPointZero;
C4Vector *getVecColorPoint;
if(randomPixDistance) {
pointList[i].x = [C4Math randomInt:(self.canvas.frame.size.width)];
pointList[i].y = [C4Math randomInt:(self.canvas.frame.size.height)];
getVecColorPoint = [self.image1 rgbVectorAt:pointList[i]];
} else {
pointList[i].x = [C4Math randomIntBetweenA:(touchPoint.x - (20 * pointDist))
andB:(touchPoint.x + (20 * pointDist))];
pointList[i].y = [C4Math randomIntBetweenA:(touchPoint.y - (20 * pointDist))
andB:(touchPoint.y + (20 * pointDist))];
getVecColorPoint = [self.image2 rgbVectorAt:pointList[i]];
[getVecColorPoint divideScalar:255.0];
if (randomPixSize == YES) {
pixelValue = [C4Math randomIntBetweenA:randomSize1
} else {
pixelValue = randomSize1;
UIColor *currentEllipseColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:getVecColorPoint.x
CGFloat x, y, w, h;
x = pointList[i].x-(pixelValue/2);
y = pointList[i].y-(pixelValue/2);
w = pixelValue;
h = pixelValue;
C4Shape *currentEllipse = [C4Shape ellipse:CGRectMake(x,y,w,h)];
currentEllipse.lineWidth = .75f;
currentEllipse.fillColor = currentEllipseColor;
currentEllipse.strokeColor = [UIColor clearColor];
[self.canvas addShape:currentEllipse];
if (shouldRenderWebbing == YES) {
[self renderWebbing];
-(void)renderWebbing {
for (int index = 0; index < pointCount; index++) {
for (int index2 = index+1; index2 < pointCount; index2 ++) {
C4Shape *webbing = [C4Shape new];
webbing.animationDuration = 0.0f;
CGPoint linePoints[2] = {
CGPointMake(pointList[index].x, pointList[index].y),
CGPointMake(pointList[index2].x, pointList[index2].y)
[webbing line:linePoints];
CGFloat distance = [C4Vector distanceBetweenA:linePoints[0] andB:linePoints[1]];
CGFloat webbingLineWidth = [self lineWidthFromDistance:distance];
webbing.lineWidth = webbingLineWidth;
CGFloat webbingAlpha = [self lineAlphaFromDistance:distance];
if(webbingLineWidth > 0 && webbingAlpha > 0) {
C4Vector *getVecColor1 = [C4Vector vectorWithX:0 Y:0 Z:0];
C4Vector *getVecColor2 = [C4Vector vectorWithX:0 Y:0 Z:0];
//4 cases to pull point colors from, random
switch ([C4Math randomInt:(4)]) {
case 0:
getVecColor1 = [self.image1 rgbVectorAt:linePoints[1]];
getVecColor2 = [self.image1 rgbVectorAt:linePoints[0]];
case 1:
getVecColor1 = [self.image1 rgbVectorAt:linePoints[1]];
getVecColor2 = [self.image2 rgbVectorAt:linePoints[0]];
case 2:
getVecColor1 = [self.image2 rgbVectorAt:linePoints[1]];
getVecColor2 = [self.image1 rgbVectorAt:linePoints[0]];
case 3:
getVecColor1 = [self.image2 rgbVectorAt:linePoints[1]];
getVecColor2 = [self.image2 rgbVectorAt:linePoints[0]];
[getVecColor1 add:getVecColor2];
[getVecColor1 divideScalar:2.0];
[getVecColor1 divideScalar:255.0];
UIColor *c;
if(getVecColor1 != nil) {
c = [UIColor colorWithRed:getVecColor1.x
webbing.strokeColor = c;
[self.canvas addShape:webbing];
} else {
webbing = nil;
-(CGFloat)lineWidthFromDistance:(CGFloat)distance {
if (distance > 500) {
return 0.0f;
} else if(distance > 400 && distance < 500) {
return .75f;
} else if(distance > 300 && distance < 400) {
return 1.0f;
} else if(distance > 200 && distance < 300){
return 1.25f;
} else if(distance > 100 && distance < 200){
return 1.5f;
} else if(distance > 50 && distance < 100){
return 1.75f;
} else if(distance > 25 && distance < 50){
return 2.0f;
return 2.5f;
-(CGFloat)lineAlphaFromDistance:(CGFloat)distance {
if (distance > 500) {
return 0.0f;
} else if(distance > 400 && distance < 500) {
return 0.0f;
} else if(distance > 300 && distance < 400) {
return 0.05f;
} else if(distance > 200 && distance < 300){
return 0.1f;
} else if(distance > 100 && distance < 200){
return 0.2f;
} else if(distance > 50 && distance < 100){
return 0.4f;
} else if(distance > 25 && distance < 50){
return 0.6f;
return 0.8;
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