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Last active December 12, 2015 03:58
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Save C4Code/4710459 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Example of using a C4Slider to control the strokeEnd value of a C4Shape. Also highlights the use of the [C4Math sin:] method.
// C4WorkSpace.h
// Created by Travis Kirton.
#import "C4CanvasController.h"
@interface C4WorkSpace : C4CanvasController
-(void)adjustPathShape:(C4Slider *)sender;
// C4WorkSpace.m
// Created by Travis Kirton.
#import "C4WorkSpace.h"
@implementation C4WorkSpace {
C4Slider *slider;
C4Shape *pathShape;
-(void)setup {
[self createAndAddSinShape];
slider = [[C4Slider alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 400, 44)]; =;
slider.thumbImage = [C4Image imageNamed:@"pyramid"];
slider.minimumTrackTintColor = C4RED;
[self.canvas addSubview:slider];
[slider runMethod:@"adjustPathShape:" target:self forEvent:VALUECHANGED];
-(void)createAndAddSinShape {
NSInteger width = (NSInteger)self.canvas.width;
NSInteger stepWidth = 8;
NSInteger steps = width / stepWidth +1;
CGPoint p[steps];
for(int currentStep = 0; currentStep < steps; currentStep++) {
CGFloat x = currentStep * stepWidth;
CGFloat y = [C4Math sin:(x / self.canvas.width)*TWO_PI*2]*100;
p[currentStep] = CGPointMake(x,y);
pathShape = [C4Shape polygon:p pointCount:steps];
pathShape.userInteractionEnabled = NO; =;
pathShape.fillColor = [UIColor clearColor];
pathShape.strokeEnd = slider.value;
pathShape.lineCap = CAPROUND;
[self.canvas addShape:pathShape];
-(void)adjustPathShape:(C4Slider *)sender {
if(pathShape.strokeEnd != slider.value)
pathShape.strokeEnd = sender.value;
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