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Last active September 21, 2023 12:22
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set -euo pipefail
## This will make all (pulseaudio) sound currently playing mono. ##
## ##
## It does this by creating a new remapped "monosound" sink for each existing ##
## sink. Then it moves every input over to the monosound sink corresponding ##
## to the sink the input is currently using. ##
SINKS=$(pacmd list-sinks)
MASTERS=$(grep -oP 'name:\s<\K.*(?=>)' <<< "$SINKS" | grep -v "monosound")
echo "Masters:"
echo "$MASTERS"
# Create a monosound sink for each non-monosound sink
while read -r MASTER; do
# The name of the remapped sink
if ! grep -q "$REMAPPED" <<< "$SINKS"; then
echo "Didn't find '$REMAPPED', creating"
pacmd load-module module-remap-sink sink_name="$REMAPPED" master="$MASTER" channels=2 channel_map=mono,mono
done <<< "$MASTERS"
# This will output all inputs, with only two lines each (hopefully)
# The first line will be the input index, and the second will be the input's sink
# Example entry:
# index: 8
# sink: 15 <bluez_sink.28_11_A5_43_83_0B.a2dp_sink-monosound>
# Then sed merges the two into one line, to get something like
# index: 8 sink: 15 <bluez_sink.28_11_A5_43_83_0B.a2dp_sink-monosound>
# (I wish pacmd could output json so I could just use jq)
INPUTS=$(pacmd list-sink-inputs | grep '^\s\+\(index\|sink\): ' | sed '/^\s\+index: /{N;s/\n//;}')
echo "Inputs:"
echo "$INPUTS"
while read -r INPUT; do
echo "Input: $INPUT"
# This regex changes the merged INPUT entry from above into just two columns
# The first with the input index, and the second with the sink name
TMP=$(sed -n 's/^\s*index:\s\+\([0-9]\+\)\s\+sink:\s\+[0-9]\+\s\+<\(\S\+\)>$/\1\t\2/p' <<< "$INPUT")
# If the line didn't match the regex, we'll get emptry string out
if [[ "$TMP" == "" ]]; then
echo "Input line didn't match regex, skipping"
INDEX=$(awk '{print $1}' <<< "$TMP")
SINK=$(awk '{print $2}' <<< "$TMP")
if [[ "$SINK" == *monosound ]]; then
echo "$INDEX was already set to monosound, skipping"
echo "Moving $INDEX to $REMAPPED"
pacmd move-sink-input "$INDEX" "$REMAPPED"
done <<< "$INPUTS"
echo "Finished successfully"
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