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Created July 30, 2016 01:11
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Swift removeFirst/Last micro benchmark
// main.swift
// microbenchmark
// Created by Christopher Durham on 7/29/16.
// Copyright © 2016 Christopher Durham. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
let TRIALS = 600
let ITERATIONS = 10_000
// MARK: removeFirst
var firstTest: [TimeInterval] = []
let startFirstTest = Date()
for _ in 1...TRIALS {
var test = Array(repeating: 5, count: ITERATIONS)
let start = Date()
while test.count > 0 {
let end = Date()
let endFirstTest = Date()
let firstTestTime = endFirstTest.timeIntervalSince(startFirstTest)
let firstSum = firstTest.reduce(0, combine: +)
let firstAvg = firstSum / Double(firstTest.count)
let firstMax = firstTest.reduce(DBL_MIN, combine: {$0 > $1 ? $0 : $1})
let firstMin = firstTest.reduce(DBL_MAX, combine: {$0 < $1 ? $0 : $1})
print(String(format:"removeFirst took %f s for \(ITERATIONS) iterations over \(TRIALS) trials", firstAvg))
print(String(format: "with a max of %f and a min of %f . The test took %f s.", firstMax, firstMin, firstTestTime))
// MARK: removeLast
var lastTest: [TimeInterval] = []
let startLastTest = Date()
for _ in 1...TRIALS {
var test = Array(repeating: 5, count: ITERATIONS)
let start = Date()
while test.count > 0 {
let end = Date()
let endLastTest = Date()
let lastTestTime = endLastTest.timeIntervalSince(startLastTest)
let lastSum = lastTest.reduce(0, combine: +)
let lastAvg = lastSum / Double(lastTest.count)
let lastMax = lastTest.reduce(DBL_MIN, combine: {$0 > $1 ? $0 : $1})
let lastMin = lastTest.reduce(DBL_MAX, combine: {$0 < $1 ? $0 : $1})
print(String(format:"removeLast took %f s for \(ITERATIONS) iterations over \(TRIALS) trials", lastAvg))
print(String(format: "with a max of %f and a min of %f . The test took %f s.", lastMax, lastMin, lastTestTime))
removeFirst took 0.096540 s for 10000 iterations over 600 trials
with a max of 0.165383 and a min of 0.095035 . The test took 57.938797 s.
removeLast took 0.083069 s for 10000 iterations over 600 trials
with a max of 0.145710 and a min of 0.082141 . The test took 49.852311 s.
Program ended with exit code: 0
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