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Last active September 6, 2018 22:48
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Addin example without CADSharpTools
Class Constants
Friend Const MenuItem_Command1 As String = "Command 1"
Friend Const MenuItem_Command2 As String = "Command 2"
Friend Const MenuItem_Command3 As String = "Command 3"
Friend Const MenuItem_About As String = "About"
Friend Const AboutText As String = "Command 1 is available in part documents." + vbNewLine +
"Command 2 is available in part and assembly documents." + vbNewLine +
"Command 3 is available in all documents."
Friend Const MenuCallback As String = "RunMenuCommands"
End Class
Imports SolidWorks.Interop.swpublished
Imports SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks
Imports SolidWorks.Interop.swconst
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
<Guid("e2d74c00-b201-4058-98f5-7439c403611f")> <ComVisible(True)>
Public Class Main
Implements SwAddin
Shared _app As SldWorks
Friend Shared ReadOnly Property App As SldWorks
Return _app
End Get
End Property
Public Function ConnectToSW(ThisSW As Object, Cookie As Integer) As Boolean Implements ISwAddin.ConnectToSW
_app = ThisSW
Return True
End Function
Public Function DisconnectFromSW() As Boolean Implements ISwAddin.DisconnectFromSW
Return True
End Function
Private Shared Sub RegisterFunction(t As Type)
Dim hklm As Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.LocalMachine
Dim hkcu As Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.CurrentUser
Dim keyname As String = "SOFTWARE\SolidWorks\Addins\{" + t.GUID.ToString() + "}"
Dim addinkey As Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey = hklm.CreateSubKey(keyname)
addinkey.SetValue(Nothing, 1)
addinkey.SetValue("Description", "VB.NET addin example")
addinkey.SetValue("Title", "VB.NET Addin")
keyname = "Software\SolidWorks\AddInsStartup\{" + t.GUID.ToString() + "}"
addinkey = hkcu.CreateSubKey(keyname)
addinkey.SetValue(Nothing, 1)
End Sub
Private Shared Sub UnregisterFunction(t As Type)
Dim hkcu As Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.CurrentUser
Dim keyname As String = "SOFTWARE\SolidWorks\AddinsStartup\{" + t.GUID.ToString() + "}"
Dim hklm As Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.LocalMachine
keyname = "SOFTWARE\SolidWorks\Addins\{" + t.GUID.ToString() + "}"
End Sub
Private Sub CreateUI(cookie As Integer)
App.SetAddinCallbackInfo(0, Me, cookie)
For i As swDocumentTypes_e = 0 To 3
App.AddMenu(i, Utility.GetProductName(), -1)
Select Case i
Case swDocumentTypes_e.swDocNONE
App.AddMenuItem4(i, cookie, Constants.MenuItem_About + "@" + Utility.GetProductName(), -1,
Constants.MenuCallback + "(" + Constants.MenuItem_About + ")",
Nothing, Nothing, Nothing)
Case swDocumentTypes_e.swDocPART
App.AddMenuItem4(i, cookie, Constants.MenuItem_Command1 + "@" + Utility.GetProductName(), -1,
Constants.MenuCallback + "(" + Constants.MenuItem_Command1 + ")",
Nothing, Nothing, Nothing)
App.AddMenuItem4(i, cookie, Constants.MenuItem_Command2 + "@" + Utility.GetProductName(), -1,
Constants.MenuCallback + "(" + Constants.MenuItem_Command2 + ")",
Nothing, Nothing, Nothing)
Case swDocumentTypes_e.swDocASSEMBLY
App.AddMenuItem4(i, cookie, Constants.MenuItem_Command2 + "@" + Utility.GetProductName(), -1,
Constants.MenuCallback + "(" + Constants.MenuItem_Command2 + ")",
Nothing, Nothing, Nothing)
Case swDocumentTypes_e.swDocDRAWING
App.AddMenuItem4(i, cookie, Constants.MenuItem_Command3 + "@" + Utility.GetProductName(), -1,
Constants.MenuCallback + "(" + Constants.MenuItem_Command3 + ")",
Nothing, Nothing, Nothing)
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub RemoveUI()
For i As swDocumentTypes_e = 0 To 3
App.RemoveMenu(i, Utility.GetProductName(), Nothing)
End Sub
Sub RunMenuCommands(data As String)
Select Case data
Case Constants.MenuItem_Command1
Utility.ShowMessage("Action 1")
Case Constants.MenuItem_Command2
Utility.ShowMessage("Action 2")
Case Constants.MenuItem_Command3
Utility.ShowMessage("Action 3")
Case Constants.MenuItem_About
Utility.ShowMessage("Version: " + Utility.GetFileVersion() + vbNewLine + Constants.AboutText)
End Select
End Sub
End Class
Imports System.Reflection
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Class Utility
Shared Sub ShowMessage(text As String)
MessageBox.Show(text, GetProductName())
End Sub
Shared Function GetProductName() As String
Return FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(Assembly.GetCallingAssembly().Location).ProductName
End Function
Shared Function GetFileVersion() As String
Return FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(Assembly.GetCallingAssembly().Location).FileVersion
End Function
End Class
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