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Created January 21, 2015 02:36
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Save CADbloke/0a3121af11c1d46f34c9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Windows Forms to XAML Converter
// based on
// converted to an Extension Method by @CADbloke
// a list:
// here's moar code: but it converts source files, not actual controls.
// Here's a site that does code too
// ReSharper disable SpecifyACultureInStringConversionExplicitly
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using Color = System.Drawing.Color;
using System.Linq;
namespace Cadbloke.Common.Extensions.WindowsForms
/// <summary> Converts <seealso cref="System.Windows.Forms.Control"/>s to WPF XAML. </summary>
/// <seealso cref="T:System.Windows.Forms.UserControl"/>
/// <seealso cref="T:System.Windows.Forms.Form"/>
internal static class WindowsFormsToWpfXamlConverter
/// <summary> Generates the WPF XAML equivalent for a <see cref="System.Windows.Forms.Control"/>
/// and its children. The XAML won't be perfect - you will need to edit it. A lot.
/// Some <see cref="System.Windows.Forms.Control"/>s may not convert and will be called the wrong type.
/// You will see a lot more Events than you probably want. They are easier to delete than to create so quit yer whinging.
/// You should be able to use most of your existing code-behind. In theory
/// The XAML will also (optionally) be on the Windows Clipboard, paste it into your text editor. </summary>
/// <param name="windowsControl"> The <see cref="System.Windows.Forms.Form"/> to be converted to XAML. </param>
/// <param name="toolTipProvider">Optional. Your <seealso cref="ToolTip"/> component. Provides the tooltips.</param>
/// <param name="includeAllFromParentFormOrUserControl"> XAML includes Everything in the Top parent container.
/// Default is true</param>
/// <param name="doColorsAndFontsForEveryIndividualControl">True if you want all the <seealso cref="Font"/> and
/// <seealso cref="Color"/> information for each and every control,
/// rather than going with the overall defaults. Default is False. </param>
/// <param name="copyXamlToClipboard">True if you want the XAML in the Windows Clipboard to paste into an editor.
/// Default is true</param>
/// <param name="doEvents">True if you want the <see cref="System.Windows.Forms"/> Events translated into XAML. Default is true.</param>
/// <param name="eventsToExclude">List any <see cref="System.Windows.Forms"/> or WPF Events you don't want to see in XAML.</param>
/// <param name="eventsToInclude">List any <see cref="System.Windows.Forms"/> or WPF Events you DO want to see in XAML.
/// All others are ignored.</param>
/// <param name="regexOfEventsToInclude">Now you have two problems. Trumps <see cref="eventsToInclude"/></param>
/// <returns> The generated WPF XAML as a string. </returns>
public static string ConvertWinFormsControlToXaml (this Control windowsControl,
ToolTip toolTipProvider = null,
bool includeAllFromParentFormOrUserControl = true,
bool doColorsAndFontsForEveryIndividualControl = false,
bool copyXamlToClipboard = true,
bool doEvents = true,
string[] eventsToExclude = null,
string[] eventsToInclude = null,
string regexOfEventsToInclude = null)
if (windowsControl == null) return string.Empty;
_toolTipProvider = toolTipProvider;
_includeAllFromParentFormOrUserControl = includeAllFromParentFormOrUserControl;
_doColorsAndFontsForEveryIndividualControl = doColorsAndFontsForEveryIndividualControl;
_copyXamlToClipboard = copyXamlToClipboard;
_doEvents = doEvents;
_eventsToExclude = eventsToExclude;
_eventsToInclude = eventsToInclude;
_regexOfEventsToInclude = regexOfEventsToInclude;
Control topParent = windowsControl;
while ((topParent.Parent != null) && !(topParent is UserControl || topParent is Form)) topParent = topParent.Parent;
if (_includeAllFromParentFormOrUserControl) windowsControl = topParent;
wpfBuilder.AppendLine("<Page xmlns=\"\"");
wpfBuilder.AppendLine("xmlns:mc=\"\" ");
wpfBuilder.AppendLine("d:DesignHeight=\"" + windowsControl.Size.Width +
"\" d:DesignWidth=\"" + windowsControl.Size.Height + "\"");
// ReSharper disable SpecifyACultureInStringConversionExplicitly
WriteBrushAttribute("Background" , windowsControl.BackColor,"0");
WriteBrushAttribute("Foreground" , windowsControl.ForeColor,"ControlText");
WriteAttribute ("Width" , windowsControl.Size.Width.ToString(),"0");
WriteAttribute ("Height" , windowsControl.Size.Height.ToString(),"0");
// ReSharper restore SpecifyACultureInStringConversionExplicitly
wpfBuilder.AppendLine(" <StackPanel>");
wpfBuilder.AppendLine(" <StackPanel>"); // I can explain...wait, no. It's to do with the Regex replacement below.
wpfBuilder.AppendLine(" </StackPanel>");
wpfBuilder.AppendLine(" </StackPanel>"); // I can explain...wait, no.
string xaml = wpfBuilder.ToString();
string xamlWithoutEmptyStackPanels = Regex.Replace(xaml, @"<StackPanel>\W+</StackPanel>", "", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
if (_copyXamlToClipboard) Clipboard.SetData(DataFormats.Text, xamlWithoutEmptyStackPanels);
return xamlWithoutEmptyStackPanels;
// =============================== done. Now start deleting stuff =================
/// <summary> Iterates through a Control and its children to populate a your XAMLs. </summary>
/// <param name="parentControl"> The <see cref="Control"/> to convert to XAML, along with its children. </param>
private static void WalkControls(Control parentControl )
foreach (Control control in parentControl.Controls)
if (control.HasChildren ) wpfBuilder.AppendLine(" </StackPanel>"); // ungrouped controls on a WinForm need a container
wpfBuilder.Append(" <" + controlsTranslator[control.GetType().Name].ToList().FirstOrDefault());
WriteAttribute("Name", control.Name, "");
if ( _doColorsAndFontsForEveryIndividualControl )
WriteBrushAttribute("Background", control.BackColor, "0");
WriteBrushAttribute("Foreground", control.ForeColor, "ControlText");
wpfBuilder.Append(" FontSize=\"" + control.Font.SizeInPoints + "pt\"");
wpfBuilder.Append(" FontFamily=\"" + control.Font.FontFamily.Name + "\"");
WriteAttribute("Width", control.Size.Width.ToString(), "0");
WriteAttribute("Height", control.Size.Height.ToString(), "0");
WriteAttribute("TabIndex", control.TabIndex.ToString(), "0");
WriteAttribute("VerticalAlignment", (control.Anchor & AnchorStyles.Bottom) == control.Anchor ? "Bottom" : "Top", "x");
WriteAttribute("HorizontalAlignment", (control.Anchor & AnchorStyles.Right) == control.Anchor ? "Right" : "Left", "x");
WriteAttribute((control is GroupBox) ? "Header" : "Content", control.Text.Replace(@"&", "_"), ""); // & _ == shortcut key
string tag = string.Empty;
// ReSharper disable once EmptyGeneralCatchClause
try { tag = control.Tag.ToString(); } catch (Exception) {/*meh, no Tag*/ }
if(tag.Length >0) WriteAttribute("Tag" , tag, "");
if(_toolTipProvider != null)
WriteAttribute("ToolTip", _toolTipProvider.GetToolTip(control).Replace("\"", ""), "");
if ( control.HasChildren )
wpfBuilder.AppendLine(" <StackPanel>");
wpfBuilder.AppendLine(" </StackPanel>");
wpfBuilder.AppendLine(" </" + controlsTranslator[control.GetType().Name].ToList().FirstOrDefault() + ">");
wpfBuilder.AppendLine(" <StackPanel>"); // ungrouped controls on a WinForm need a container
else wpfBuilder.AppendLine(" />");
/// <summary> Writes a XAML attribute. </summary>
/// <param name="attributeName"> The name of the Attribute. </param>
/// <param name="attributeValue"> The value of the Attribute. </param>
/// <param name="defaultValue"> The default value. Attribute is not written if it has the default value</param>
private static void WriteAttribute(string attributeName, string attributeValue, string defaultValue)
if (attributeValue != defaultValue)
wpfBuilder.AppendLine(" " + attributeName + "=\"" + attributeValue + "\"");
/// <summary> Writes a XAML brush attribute. </summary>
/// <param name="brushName"> The name of the Attribute. </param>
/// <param name="brushValue"> The value of the Attribute. </param>
/// <param name="defaultValue"> The default value. Attribute is not written if it has the default value. </param>
private static void WriteBrushAttribute(string brushName, Color brushValue, string defaultValue)
string finalValue = brushValue.ToKnownColor().ToString();
if (brushValue.IsNamedColor)
if (finalValue == "Window") finalValue = "{x:Static SystemColors.WindowBrush}";
else if (finalValue == "ControlText") finalValue = defaultValue;
else if (finalValue == "ActiveCaption") finalValue = "{x:Static SystemColors.ActiveCaptionBrush}";
else if (finalValue == "WindowText") finalValue = "{x:Static SystemColors.WindowTextBrush}";
WriteAttribute(brushName, finalValue, defaultValue);
StringBuilder colorBuilder = new StringBuilder();
colorBuilder.AppendFormat("{0:X2}", brushValue.R);
colorBuilder.AppendFormat("{0:X2}", brushValue.G);
colorBuilder.AppendFormat("{0:X2}", brushValue.B);
WriteAttribute(brushName, colorBuilder.ToString(), defaultValue);
/// <summary> Writes the events of the control, translating the names from
/// <seealso cref="System.Windows.Forms"/> to XAML.
/// Also - you know abou WPF Triggers, right?</summary>
/// <param name="windowsControl"> The <see cref="System.Windows.Forms.Control"/> whose Events get converted to XAML. </param>
private static void WriteEvents<T>(Control windowsControl) // where T : Control
{ //
if (!_doEvents) return;
EventHandlerList eventsHandlersList = (EventHandlerList) typeof (T)
.GetProperty("Events", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static)
.GetValue(windowsControl, null);
FieldInfo[] fields = typeof(T).GetFields(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static| BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy);
if (windowsControl is CheckBox)
FieldInfo[] moarFields = {
typeof(CheckBox).GetField("EVENT_CHECKEDCHANGED",BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static| BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy),
typeof(CheckBox).GetField("EVENT_CHECKSTATECHANGED", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static| BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy)
Array.Resize(ref fields,fields.Length + moarFields.Length);
moarFields.CopyTo(fields,fields.Length - moarFields.Length);
foreach (var fieldInfo in fields)
string fieldName = fieldInfo.Name;
if (fieldInfo.Name.ToLower().Contains("event"))
FieldInfo field; // Yes, for reals - how very special.
if (windowsControl is CheckBox && (fieldName.Contains("EVENT_CHECKEDCHANGED") || fieldName.Contains("EVENT_CHECKSTATECHANGED")))
field = typeof(CheckBox).GetField(fieldInfo.Name, BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static |
BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy);
field = typeof(T).GetField(fieldInfo.Name, BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static |
BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy);
if (field != null)
// if (field.IsStatic)
object key =field.IsStatic ? fieldInfo.GetValue(null): field.GetValue(windowsControl);
if (key != null)
Delegate eventHandlers = eventsHandlersList[key];
if (eventHandlers != null)
var eventsList = new HashSet<Tuple<string, string>>();
foreach ( Delegate eventHandler in eventHandlers.GetInvocationList() )
MethodInfo method = eventHandler.Method;
if ( method != null ) // && method.DeclaringType != null)
string winFormsEventName = fieldInfo.Name;
string methodName = method.Name;
// internal name is not consistent. eg {"EventEnabled", "EnabledChanged"}, ("EventMarginChanged", "MarginChanged"}
string winFormsEventExternalName = winFormsEventName.Replace("Event", "").Replace("EVENT", "").Replace("_", "");
List<string> eventTranslations = eventsTranslator[winFormsEventExternalName].ToList();
eventsTranslator[winFormsEventExternalName.Replace("Changed", "").Replace("CHANGED", "")].ToList());
eventTranslations.AddRange(eventsTranslator[winFormsEventExternalName + "Changed"].ToList());
eventTranslations.AddRange(eventsTranslator[winFormsEventExternalName + "CHANGED"].ToList());
if ( !eventTranslations.Any() ) { eventTranslations.Add("WINDOWS.FORMS___" + winFormsEventName); }
foreach ( string translatedWpfEventName in eventTranslations )
string cleanWpfEventName = translatedWpfEventName.Replace("WINDOWS.FORMS___", "");
if ( _regexOfEventsToInclude != null && Regex.IsMatch(cleanWpfEventName, _regexOfEventsToInclude) )
eventsList.Add(new Tuple<string, string>(translatedWpfEventName,methodName));
if ( _eventsToExclude != null
&& (_eventsToExclude.Contains(cleanWpfEventName) || _eventsToExclude.Contains(winFormsEventExternalName)) ) continue;
if ( _eventsToInclude != null
&& !(_eventsToInclude.Contains(cleanWpfEventName) || _eventsToInclude.Contains(winFormsEventExternalName)) ) continue;
eventsList.Add(new Tuple<string, string>(translatedWpfEventName,methodName));
// write events
foreach ( var eventDescription in eventsList ) WriteAttribute(eventDescription.Item1, eventDescription.Item2, "");
// =================== My Privates ===========================
/// This is what we build the XAML with..
private static StringBuilder wpfBuilder = new StringBuilder();
/// Optional. Your <seealso cref="ToolTip"/> component. Provides the tooltips.
private static ToolTip _toolTipProvider;
/// XAML includes Everything in the Top parent container. Default is true
private static bool _includeAllFromParentFormOrUserControl;
/// True if you want all the <seealso cref="Font"/> and <seealso cref="Color"/>
/// information for each and every control, rather than going with the overall defaults. Default is False.
private static bool _doColorsAndFontsForEveryIndividualControl;
/// True if you want the XAML in the Windows Clipboard to paste into an editor. Default is true
private static bool _copyXamlToClipboard;
/// True if you want the <see cref="System.Windows.Forms"/> Events translated into XAML. Default is true.
private static bool _doEvents;
/// List any <see cref="System.Windows.Forms"/> or WPF Events you don't want to see in XAML.
private static string[] _eventsToExclude;
/// List any <see cref="System.Windows.Forms"/> or WPF Events you DO want to see in XAML. All others are ignored.
private static string[] _eventsToInclude;
/// Now you have two problems. Trumps <see cref="_eventsToInclude"/>
private static string _regexOfEventsToInclude;
private struct WinFormsToWpfTranslator
internal WinFormsToWpfTranslator(string winName, string wpfName) : this()
winformsName = winName;
this.wpfName = wpfName;
internal string winformsName { get; private set; }
internal string wpfName { get; private set; }
private static Lookup<string, string> eventsTranslator
get { return (Lookup<string, string>)eventsTxList.ToLookup(p => p.winformsName,p => p.wpfName);}
#region EventsTranslations
private static List<WinFormsToWpfTranslator> eventsTxList = new List<WinFormsToWpfTranslator>
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("Click" , "Click" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("BindingContextChanged" , "DataContextChanged" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("ContextMenuChanged" , "ContextMenuClosing" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("ContextMenuChanged" , "ContextMenuOpening" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("ContextMenuStripChanged" , "ContextMenuClosing" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("ContextMenuStripChanged" , "ContextMenuOpening" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("ControlRemoved" , "Unloaded" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("CursorChanged" , "QueryCursor" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("Disposed" , "Unloaded" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("DockChanged" , "ManipulationCompleted" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("DoubleClick" , "MouseDoubleClick" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("DoubleClick" , "PreviewMouseDoubleClick" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("DragDrop" , "Drop" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("DragDrop" , "PreviewDrop" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("DragEnter" , "DragEnter" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("DragEnter" , "PreviewDragEnter" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("DragLeave" , "DragLeave" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("DragLeave" , "PreviewDragLeave" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("DragOver" , "DragOver" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("DragOver" , "PreviewDragOver" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("EnabledChanged" , "IsEnabledChanged" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("Enter" , "PreviewStylusInRange" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("Enter" , "StylusEnter" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("Enter" , "StylusInRange" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("Enter" , "TouchEnter" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("GiveFeedback" , "GiveFeedback" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("GiveFeedback" , "PreviewGiveFeedback" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("GotFocus" , "GotFocus" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("GotFocus" , "GotKeyboardFocus" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("GotFocus" , "GotMouseCapture" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("GotFocus" , "GotStylusCapture" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("GotFocus" , "GotTouchCapture" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("GotFocus" , "IsKeyboardFocusedChanged" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("GotFocus" , "IsKeyboardFocusWithinChanged" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("GotFocus" , "IsMouseCapturedChanged" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("GotFocus" , "IsMouseCaptureWithinChanged" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("GotFocus" , "IsStylusCapturedChanged" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("GotFocus" , "IsStylusCaptureWithinChanged" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("GotFocus" , "PreviewGotKeyboardFocus" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("KeyDown" , "KeyDown" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("KeyPress" , "KeyDown" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("KeyUp" , "KeyUp" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("KeyUp" , "PreviewKeyUp" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("LostFocus" , "IsKeyboardFocusedChanged" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("LostFocus" , "IsKeyboardFocusWithinChanged" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("LostFocus" , "IsMouseCapturedChanged" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("LostFocus" , "IsMouseCaptureWithinChanged" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("LostFocus" , "IsStylusCapturedChanged" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("LostFocus" , "IsStylusCaptureWithinChanged" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("LostFocus" , "LostFocus" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("LostFocus" , "LostKeyboardFocus" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("LostFocus" , "LostMouseCapture" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("LostFocus" , "LostStylusCapture" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("LostFocus" , "LostTouchCapture" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("LostFocus" , "PreviewLostKeyboardFocus" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("MarginChanged" , "ManipulationCompleted" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("MouseCaptureChanged" , "StylusOutOfRange" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("MouseClick" , "Click" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("MouseClick" , "MouseDown" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("MouseDoubleClick" , "MouseDoubleClick" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("MouseDoubleClick" , "PreviewMouseDoubleClick" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("MouseDown" , "MouseDown" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("MouseDown" , "MouseLeftButtonDown" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("MouseDown" , "MouseRightButtonDown" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("MouseDown" , "PreviewMouseDown" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("MouseDown" , "PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("MouseDown" , "PreviewMouseRightButtonDown" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("MouseDown" , "PreviewStylusButtonDown" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("MouseDown" , "PreviewStylusDown" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("MouseDown" , "PreviewTouchDown" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("MouseDown" , "StylusButtonDown" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("MouseDown" , "StylusDown" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("MouseDown" , "TouchDown" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("MouseEnter" , "MouseEnter" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("MouseEnter" , "PreviewStylusInRange" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("MouseEnter" , "StylusEnter" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("MouseEnter" , "StylusInRange" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("MouseEnter" , "TouchEnter" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("MouseHover" , "IsMouseDirectlyOverChanged" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("MouseHover" , "IsStylusDirectlyOverChanged" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("MouseHover" , "PreviewStylusInAirMove" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("MouseLeave" , "MouseLeave" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("MouseLeave" , "PreviewStylusOutOfRange" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("MouseLeave" , "StylusLeave" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("MouseLeave" , "TouchLeave" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("MouseMove" , "MouseMove" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("MouseMove" , "PreviewMouseMove" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("MouseMove" , "PreviewStylusMove" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("MouseMove" , "PreviewTouchMove" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("MouseMove" , "StylusInAirMove" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("MouseMove" , "StylusMove" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("MouseMove" , "TouchMove" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("MouseUp" , "MouseLeftButtonUp" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("MouseUp" , "MouseRightButtonUp" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("MouseUp" , "MouseUp" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("MouseUp" , "PreviewMouseLeftButtonUp" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("MouseUp" , "PreviewMouseRightButtonUp" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("MouseUp" , "PreviewMouseUp" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("MouseUp" , "PreviewStylusButtonUp" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("MouseUp" , "PreviewStylusUp" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("MouseUp" , "PreviewTouchUp" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("MouseUp" , "StylusButtonUp" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("MouseUp" , "StylusUp" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("MouseUp" , "TouchUp" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("MouseWheel" , "MouseWheel" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("MouseWheel" , "PreviewMouseWheel" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("Move" , "ManipulationBoundaryFeedback" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("Move" , "ManipulationCompleted" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("Move" , "ManipulationDelta" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("Move" , "ManipulationInertiaStarting" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("Move" , "ManipulationStarted" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("Move" , "ManipulationStarting" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("PaddingChanged" , "ManipulationBoundaryFeedback" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("PaddingChanged" , "ManipulationCompleted" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("PaddingChanged" , "ManipulationDelta" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("PaddingChanged" , "ManipulationInertiaStarting" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("PaddingChanged" , "ManipulationStarted" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("PaddingChanged" , "ManipulationStarting" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("ParentChanged" , "ManipulationCompleted" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("PreviewKeyDown" , "PreviewKeyDown" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("QueryContinueDrag" , "PreviewQueryContinueDrag" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("QueryContinueDrag" , "QueryContinueDrag" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("Resize" , "SizeChanged" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("SizeChanged" , "SizeChanged" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("TextChanged" , "PreviewTextInput" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("TextChanged" , "SourceUpdated" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("TextChanged" , "TargetUpdated" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("TextChanged" , "TextInput" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("VisibleChanged" , "IsVisibleChanged" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("BackColorChanged" , "LayoutUpdated" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("BackgroundImageChanged" , "LayoutUpdated" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("BackgroundImageLayoutChanged", "LayoutUpdated" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("ClientSizeChanged" , "LayoutUpdated" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("FontChanged" , "LayoutUpdated" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("ForeColorChanged" , "LayoutUpdated" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("Invalidated" , "Layout" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("Leave" , "MouseLeave" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("Leave" , "PreviewStylusOutOfRange" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("Leave" , "StylusLeave" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("Leave" , "TouchLeave" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("LocationChanged" , "LayoutUpdated" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("Paint" , "LayoutUpdated" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("RightToLeftChanged" , "LayoutUpdated" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("StyleChanged" , "LayoutUpdated" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("SystemColorsChanged" , "LayoutUpdated" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("HandleCreated" , "RequestBringIntoView" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("HandleDestroyed" , "Unloaded" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("AutoSizeChanged" , "NotInWpf_AutoSizeChanged" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("CausesValidationChanged" , "NotInWpf_CausesValidationChanged"),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("ChangeUICues" , "NotInWpf_ChangeUICues" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("HelpRequested" , "NotInWpf_HelpRequested" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("ImeModeChanged" , "NotInWpf_ImeModeChanged" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("QueryAccessibilityHelp" , "NotInWpf_QueryAccessibilityHelp" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("RegionChanged" , "NotInWpf_RegionChanged" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("TabIndexChanged" , "NotInWpf_TabIndexChanged" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("TabStopChanged" , "NotInWpf_TabStopChanged" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("Validated" , "NotInWpf_Validated" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("Validating" , "NotInWpf_Validating" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("ControlAdded" , "NotInWpf_ControlAdded" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("CheckStateChanged" , "Checked" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("CheckStateChanged" , "Unchecked" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("CheckedChanged" , "Checked" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("CheckedChanged" , "Unchecked" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("CHECKSTATECHANGED" , "Checked" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("CHECKSTATECHANGED" , "Unchecked" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("CHECKEDCHANGED" , "Checked" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("CHECKEDCHANGED" , "Unchecked" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("AppearanceChanged" , "NotInWpf_AppearanceChanged" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("MouseDoubleClick" , "MouseDoubleClick" ),
private static Lookup<string, string> controlsTranslator
get { return (Lookup<string, string>)controlsTxList.ToLookup(p => p.winformsName,p => p.wpfName);}
#region ControlsTypeTranslations
private static List<WinFormsToWpfTranslator> controlsTxList = new List<WinFormsToWpfTranslator>
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("Button" , "Button" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("MonthCalendar" , "Calendar" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("Panel" , "StackPanel" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("CheckBox" , "CheckBox" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("BindingSource" , "CollectionViewSource" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("ComboBox" , "ComboBox" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("ContextMenuStrip" , "ContextMenu" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("DataGridView" , "DataGrid" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("DateTimePicker" , "DatePicker" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("Timer" , "DispatcherTimer" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("PrintPreviewControl" , "DocumentViewer" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("WebBrowser" , "WebBrowser" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("TableLayoutPanel" , "Grid" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("SplitContainer" , "GridSplitter" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("GroupBox" , "GroupBox" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("PictureBox" , "Image" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("Label" , "Label" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("ListBox" , "ListBox" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("CheckedListBox" , "ListBox with composition" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("ListView" , "ListView" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("SoundPlayer" , "MediaPlayer" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("MenuStrip" , "Menu" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("BindingNavigator" , "Winforms__BindingNavigator" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("ColorDialog" , "Winforms__ColorDialog" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("ErrorProvider" , "Winforms__ErrorProvider" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("FolderBrowserDialog" , "Winforms__FolderBrowserDialog" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("FontDialog" , "Winforms__FontDialog" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("HelpProvider" , "ToolTip" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("ImageList" , "Winforms__ImageList" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("LinkLabel" , "Hyperlink" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("MaskedTextBox" , "Winforms__MaskedTextBox" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("NotifyIcon" , "Winforms__NotifyIcon" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("PageSetupDialog" , "Winforms__PageSetupDialog" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("PrintDocument" , "Winforms__PrintDocument" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("PrintPreviewDialog" , "Winforms__PrintPreviewDialog" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("PropertyGrid" , "Winforms__PropertyGrid" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("OpenFileDialog" , "OpenFileDialog" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("PrintDialog" , "PrintDialog" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("ProgressBar" , "ProgressBar" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("RadioButton" , "RadioButton" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("RichTextBox" , "RichTextBox" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("SaveFileDialog" , "SaveFileDialog" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("HScrollBar" , "ScrollBar" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("VScrollBar" , "ScrollBar" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("ScrollableControl" , "ScrollViewer" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("TrackBar" , "Slider" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("StatusStrip" , "StatusBar" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("TabControl" , "TabControl" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("TextBox" , "TextBox" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("DomainUpDown" , "TextBox and two RepeatButton controls"),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("NumericUpDown" , "TextBox and two RepeatButton controls"),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("ToolStrip" , "ToolBar" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("ToolStripContainer" , "ToolBar with composition" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("ToolStripDropDown" , "ToolBar with composition" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("ToolStripDropDownMenu" , "ToolBar with composition" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("ToolStripPanel" , "ToolBar with composition" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("ToolTip" , "ToolTip" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("TreeView" , "TreeView" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("UserControl" , "UserControl" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("Form" , "Window" ),
new WinFormsToWpfTranslator("FlowLayoutPanel" , "WrapPanel or StackPanel" )
// ReSharper restore SpecifyACultureInStringConversionExplicitly
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Call this method from the Windows.Forms Control you want to convert to XAML. Don't call it from the constructor, you dill, at least wait until that finishes. I put it on a Button.Click and I survived.

Check the options in the method parameters at the top - it returns the XAML as a string and you can [optionally] copy it to the clipboard to paste in Blend etc. You can include or exclude...oh, just read the damn code.

Open / paste it in Blend and fix the XAML it just vomited out. It will be a bit of a jigsaw puzzle. Or a lot. Usually a lot. Draggy-droppy the object tree. You will also probably want to convert some of the StackPanels to a Grid or a sandwich in Blend. If you don't know how to use Blend then consider this a good learning opportunity, it really is quite good.

Yes, I know Events in WPF are bad mmm'kay so you should replace them with ICommands or a note to your Mom, whatever.

Licence: Knock yourself out, whatever, wherever, whenever, however, whyever but if it kills anything it is entirely your fault. If you claim this as your own and extort funds for it then Karma will rip your nuts off. That goes for the boys too. If you use it in anger and it works then attribution would be rather nice, if it doesn't work then you never saw this.

Let me know how you go or if you have any suggestions for the code, apart from the spacing and tabs which your OCD problem so deal with it.

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The best "Licence" I have seen thus far. Should be made a srtandard.

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