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Forked from pzwang/
Last active December 27, 2016 08:18
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cleaned up version of SharpCap capture script
## IronPython Script v1.1 for SharpCap v2.9 only
## Capture series of pics at specified intervals for specificed count
## o Non-Stack PNG - capture time lapse of clouds, or capture using camera on-board stacking
## o Stacked PNG - capture time lapse of comets to make a movie (use free VirtualDub)
## o Stacked FIT32 - capture progressively longer stacks of an object (use free Fitswork4)
## Good for capturing series of pics of Comets to create a movie
import clr ## These four lines are for Thread.Sleep and DoEvents
clr.AddReference('System.Windows.Forms') ##
from System.Windows.Forms import * ##
from System.Threading import * ##
clr.AddReference('System.Drawing') ## needed to create window
from System.Drawing import Point, Font, FontStyle
# Default values
ACQUIRE_CNT = 1000 ## number of PNG pics to capture
ACQUIRE_WAIT_SEC = 30 ## interval between captures in seconds
cnt = 0
sec = 0
msec = 0
g_MyExit = 0 ## Used as global, must use "global MyExit" preceeding a write
## Capture series of PNGs pics without stacking running for specificed count at specified intervals
## Good for capturing series of pics of terrestrial objects to create a time lapse movie
def runMyCaptureNonStackPNG(acquire_count=ACQUIRE_CNT, wait_sec=ACQUIRE_WAIT_SEC):
global g_MyExit
g_MyExit = 0
global cnt
cnt = 0
for cnt in range(0, acquire_count):
##self.label4.Text = "Status: Count = %d " % cnt
SharpCap.Transforms.SelectedTransform.FrameTransform.Reset() ## clear stacking count
print "Waiting...."
for sec in range(0, wait_sec): ## cut into 1sec intervals to shorten lockup of other threads
runDelayMSec(100) ## wait 100 * 10ms = 1000ms
if(g_MyExit == 1):
if(g_MyExit == 1):
##global g_MyExit
g_MyExit = 0
filename = "%s\\EarthSequence\\%s\\%s_%ds_%03d.png" % (SharpCap.CaptureFolder, SharpCap.TargetName, SharpCap.TargetName, wait_sec, cnt)
print "CAPTURING PNG IMAGE: " + filename
## SharpCap 2.8 has a bug that throws an exception
## when saving frames from DirectShow devices,
## ignore exceptions for now.
print "Unable to save file '%s'" % filename
## Capture series of PNGs pics while stacking for specificed count at specified intervals (clears stack for each pic)
## Good for capturing series of pics of Comets to create a movie
def runMyCaptureStackPNG(acquire_count=ACQUIRE_CNT, wait_sec=ACQUIRE_WAIT_SEC):
global g_MyExit
g_MyExit = 0
cnt = 0
for cnt in range(0, acquire_count):
SharpCap.Transforms.SelectedTransform.FrameTransform.Reset() ## clear stacking count
g_MyExit = 1
print "Waiting...."
for sec in range(0, wait_sec): ## cut into 1sec intervals to shorten lockup of other threads
runDelayMSec(100) ## wait 100 * 10ms = 1000ms
if(g_MyExit == 1):
if(g_MyExit == 1):
##global g_MyExit
g_MyExit = 0
filename = "%s\\CometSequence\\%s\\%s_%ds_%03d.png" % (SharpCap.CaptureFolder, SharpCap.TargetName, SharpCap.TargetName, wait_sec, cnt)
print "CAPTURING PNG IMAGE: " + filename
## SharpCap 2.8 has a bug that throws an exception
## when saving frames from DirectShow devices,
## ignore exceptions for now.
print "Unable to save file '%s'" % filename
## Capture series of FIT32 pics for specificed count at specified intervals (does not clear stack for each pic)
## Good for capturing series of pics of object at progressive intervals
def runMyCaptureStackFIT32(acquire_count=ACQUIRE_CNT, wait_sec=ACQUIRE_WAIT_SEC):
global g_MyExit
g_MyExit = 0
SharpCap.Transforms.SelectedTransform.FrameTransform.Reset() ## clear stacking count
g_MyExit = 1
cnt = 0
for cnt in range(0, acquire_count):
print "Waiting...."
for sec in range(0, wait_sec): ## cut into 1sec intervals to shorten lockup of other threads
runDelayMSec(100) ## wait 100 * 10ms = 1000ms
if(g_MyExit == 1):
if(g_MyExit == 1):
##global g_MyExit
g_MyExit = 0
SharpCap.Transforms.SelectedTransform.FrameTransform.SaveFrame(32, False)
def runMyExit():
global g_MyExit
g_MyExit = 1
def runDelayMSec(milli):
for msec in range(0, milli): ## cut into 10ms increments - Wait for one second
Thread.Sleep(10) ## wait 10ms
Application.DoEvents() ## free bandwidth for other threads, prevents SharpCap lockup
class SimpleTextBoxForm(Form):
def __init__(self):
##self.Parent = SharpCap.MainWindow.Handle
self.Text = "SharpCap Scripts"
self.Width = 270
self.Height = 270
X = SharpCap.MainWindow.Location.X + SharpCap.MainWindow.Width * .75
Y = SharpCap.MainWindow.Location.Y + 105 ## + SharpCap.MainWindow.Height/2
self.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual
self.Location = Point(X,Y)
self.TopMost = True ## TopMost, Top, TopLevel
self.label3 = Label()
self.label3.Text = "Time Lapse Capture Scripts v1.1"
self.label3.Font = Font("Arial", 9, FontStyle.Bold)
self.label3.Location = Point(20, 5)
self.label3.Height = 25
self.label3.Width = 250
self.label1 = Label()
self.label1.Text = "Seconds"
self.label1.Location = Point(5, 30)
self.label1.Height = 20
self.label1.Width = 50
self.label2 = Label()
self.label2.Text = "Count"
self.label2.Location = Point(5, 105)
self.label2.Height = 20
self.label2.Width = 50
self.label5 = Label()
self.label5.Text = "Cloud movie"
self.label5.Location = Point(185, 55)
self.label5.Height = 20
self.label5.Width = 100
self.label6 = Label()
self.label6.Text = "Comet movie"
self.label6.Location = Point(185, 93)
self.label6.Height = 20
self.label6.Width = 100
self.label7 = Label()
self.label7.Text = "DSOs"
self.label7.Location = Point(185, 130)
self.label7.Height = 20
self.label7.Width = 50
self.textbox1 = TextBox()
self.textbox1.Text = "5" ## seconds
self.textbox1.Location = Point(5, 50)
self.textbox1.Width = 40
self.textbox2 = TextBox()
self.textbox2.Text = "10" ## count
self.textbox2.Location = Point(5, 125)
self.textbox2.Width = 40
self.button1 = Button()
self.button1.Text = 'Stop Capture'
self.button1.Location = Point(60, 190)
self.button1.Width = 120
self.button1.Click += self.CaptureStop
self.button3 = Button()
self.button3.Text = 'Run- Non-Stack PNG'
self.button3.Location = Point(60, 50)
self.button3.Width = 120
self.button3.Click += self.CaptureNonStackPNG
self.button4 = Button()
self.button4.Text = 'Run- Stacked PNG'
self.button4.Location = Point(60, 88)
self.button4.Width = 120
self.button4.Click += self.CaptureStackPNG
self.button5 = Button()
self.button5.Text = 'Run- Stacked FIT32'
self.button5.Location = Point(60, 125)
self.button5.Width = 120
self.button5.Click += self.CaptureStackFIT32
self.label4 = Label()
self.label4.Text = "Status: Idle "
##self.label4.Text = "Status: Count = %d " % cnt
self.label4.Location = Point(60, 165)
self.label4.Height = 25
self.label4.Width = 250
def CaptureNonStackPNG(self, sender, event):
wait_sec = int(self.textbox1.Text)
acquire_count = int(self.textbox2.Text)
self.label4.Text = "Status: Running- NonStacked PNG"
self.button1.Visible = True
runMyCaptureNonStackPNG(acquire_count, wait_sec)
self.label4.Text = "Status: STOPPED "
def CaptureStackPNG(self, sender, event):
wait_sec = int(self.textbox1.Text)
acquire_count = int(self.textbox2.Text)
self.label4.Text = "Status: Running- Stacked PNG "
runMyCaptureStackPNG(acquire_count, wait_sec)
self.label4.Text = "Status: STOPPED "
def CaptureStackFIT32(self, sender, event):
wait_sec = int(self.textbox1.Text)
acquire_count = int(self.textbox2.Text)
self.label4.Text = "Status: Running- Stacked FIT32 "
runMyCaptureStackFIT32(acquire_count, wait_sec)
self.label4.Text = "Status: STOPPED "
def CaptureStop(self, sender, event):
global g_MyExit
g_MyExit = 1
self.label4.Text = "Status: STOPPED "
## This gets run once when script envoked
form = SimpleTextBoxForm()
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