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Created June 3, 2013 23:57
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Save CCInc/5702511 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
class SamplePlugin : public DexpotEventHandler
BOOL Initialize();
int Run();
Dexpot *dex;
virtual VOID OnSwitched(INT32 FromDesktop, INT32 ToDesktop, WORD Flags, WORD Trigger);
virtual VOID OnShutdown(VOID);
virtual VOID OnLogon(std::string);
virtual VOID OnLoad(VOID);
virtual VOID OnHotkey(INT32 Id, WORD Hotkey, WORD Modifier);
virtual VOID OnSetIntegerOption(INT32 Id, INT32 Value);
virtual VOID OnSetStringOption(INT32 Id, LPTSTR Value);
virtual VOID OnConfigure(VOID);
virtual VOID OnMenuCommand(INT32 Id);
static const INT32 OPTION_INITIALIZED = 1;
static const INT32 OPTION_FAKEPASS = 2;
static const INT32 OPTION_REALPASS = 3;
static const INT32 HOTKEY_SAYHELLO = 1;
static const INT32 MENUCOMMAND_QUIT = 1;
int OptionsInitialized;
//C++ file
Dexpot *dexx;
SamplePlugin *plugin;
#include "Example1.h"
// Server function.
void Output(const char* s)
MessageBox(NULL, _T("Hi!"), _T("Dexpot Sample Plugin"), MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION);
BOOL SamplePlugin::Initialize()
RPC_STATUS status;
// Uses the protocol combined with the endpoint for receiving
// remote procedure calls.
status = RpcServerUseProtseqEp(reinterpret_cast<RPC_WSTR>(L"ncacn_ip_tcp"), // Use TCP/IP protocol.
RPC_C_PROTSEQ_MAX_REQS_DEFAULT, // Backlog queue length for TCP/IP.
reinterpret_cast<RPC_WSTR>(L"4747"), // TCP/IP port to use.
NULL); // No security.
// Registers the Example1 interface.
status = RpcServerRegisterIf2(
Example1_v1_0_s_ifspec, // Interface to register.
NULL, // Use the MIDL generated entry-point vector.
NULL, // Use the MIDL generated entry-point vector.
RPC_IF_ALLOW_CALLBACKS_WITH_NO_AUTH, // Forces use of security callback.
RPC_C_LISTEN_MAX_CALLS_DEFAULT, // Use default number of concurrent calls.
(unsigned)-1, // Infinite max size of incoming data blocks.
SecurityCallback); // Naive security callback.
// Start to listen for remote procedure
// calls for all registered interfaces.
// This call will not return until
// RpcMgmtStopServerListening is called.
status = RpcServerListen(
1, // Recommended minimum number of threads.
RPC_C_LISTEN_MAX_CALLS_DEFAULT, // Recommended maximum number of threads.
FALSE); // Start listening now.
dex = new Dexpot(_T("SamplePlugin"));
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
int SamplePlugin::Run()
MSG msg;
while(GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0))
return (int) msg.wParam;
void SamplePlugin::OnLoad()
TCHAR Message[2 * MAX_PATH];
dex->GetDexpotHome(DexpotPath, MAX_PATH * sizeof(TCHAR));
_stprintf_s(Message, 2 * MAX_PATH, _T("Dexpot sample plugin has loaded.\nHere are some facts:\n\nDesktop count: %i\nCurrent desktop: %i\nDexpot path: %s"),
dex->GetPluginID(), dex->GetCurrentDesktop(), DexpotPath);
MessageBox(NULL, Message, _T("Dexpot Sample Plugin"), MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION);
dex->RegisterOption(DEX_OPTION_TYPE_INTEGER, OPTION_INITIALIZED, _T("Initialized"));
dex->RegisterOption(DEX_OPTION_TYPE_STRING, OPTION_FAKEPASS, _T("Fake Pass"));
dex->RegisterOption(DEX_OPTION_TYPE_STRING, OPTION_REALPASS, _T("Real Pass"));
//dex->RegisterHotkey(HOTKEY_SAYHELLO, _T("Say Hello"));
OptionsInitialized = 1;
dex->SetOptionValue(OPTION_INITIALIZED, OptionsInitialized);
dex->SetOptionValue(OPTION_FAKEPASS, _T(""));
dex->SetOptionValue(OPTION_REALPASS, _T(""));
// dex->SetHotkeyValue(HOTKEY_SAYHELLO, MOD_WIN, VK_F8);
dexx = dex;
Dexpot *fkdex = dex;
dex->InsertMainMenuItem(MENUCOMMAND_QUIT, _T(" Quit Sample Plugin"), NULL);
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