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The story of Brendon Marotta's unreasonable hostility.

“There is more here than meets the eye…”

(Quote from American Circumcision Documentary.)

When I first heard of Brendon Marotta mid-2017, I initially considered him a heroic role model with a video camera.
But later, he solicited me to think of his personality as hostile.

The initial block (2018-09)

In September 2018, without any prior indication whatsoever, I discovered Brendon had blocked me, after which a fellow intactivist kindly asked him for an explanation, to which his reply was very ambiguous and downright hostile.

he was annoying and got blocked
I'll block you too if I have to

(Screenshot • Brendon deleted this tweet at most minutes after posting it.)

Not only is “I'll block you too if I have to” a hostile response to a simple and friendly question, but regarding “he was annoying”, I have replied to his tweets two times only during the prior six months.

If Brendon thought I did something wrong, he could have constructively criticized me, which would provide more value to everyone than the hostility he perpetuated.

In March 2019, another fellow intactivist asked Brendon whether the block was deliberate or a mistake, to which he plainly responded “no mistakes”, confirming that the block was not accidential.

Twitter group exclusion (2019-08)

After my return on 2019-08-31, after months of inactivity, I was unable to re-join an Intactivist chat group on Twitter, because anyone can exclude others by blocking.

Because Brendon, who was added to the chat group in the meantime, still had me blocked, other users were unable to add me to the intactivism chat group.

Neglect of inquiries (2019-09)

Brendon neglected all inquiries by fellow intactivists asking him to explain his block.

After intactivist “CriticalThoughts” publicly requested Brendon to explain his block and maybe unblock me so I can join the intactivism chat group, Brendon posted into the group that he had allegedly unblocked me for a moment, but reblocked allegedly because of having seen a public request having been made.

After this response, someone from the group decided to kick out Brendon's personal account @bdmarotta.
He reserves another of the scarce 50 slots with his other account “@CircMovie” anyway.
After having been overturned by my beloved community, Brendon lifted his block.

The aftermath

But even after Brendon lifted his block, I chose to rather keep away from his social media outlets.
Brendon chose to behave hostile, therefore he solicited being thought of as such.

His work is still undoubtedly great, but he personally presented himself as shady.

He does not even care enough about his community to heart just one YouTube comment.

If you look at his YouTube channels ( and Brendon Marotta), out of all the positive and supportive comments, not even one is marked with a “heart”.

Side notes

Some additional observations I have made:

Jellyfish Rave in den Arsch kriechen (2019-03-12)

Brendon tweeted to @JellyfishRave (who happened to get these two responses from Andrew Yang): “You're a legend @JellyfishRave”.
It somewhat appears like ass-kissing, regarding his disdain against me.
In other words: Brendon couldn't care less about Jellyfish Rave, hadn't Andrew Yang luckily interacted with him.

“stop pushing this in my mentions” (2019-01-20)

(Thread archive)

Gregory Malchuk was known for aggressively (understandably) promoting his intactivism work by replying to tweets, while he was active on Twitter.

One time, he replied to a tweet that was a reply to this tweet by Brendon Marotta, thus Brendon was included in the mentions.

Because Brendon presumably saw Gregory's (possibly slightly varying) tweets repeatedly in his mentions (although presumably mostly through replies to others' replies), Brendon once responded stop pushing this in my mentions.

Side note: If Gregory promoted his work under my tweets, it would not bother me (I would even appreciate his intactivistic enthusiasm), but it's OK if Brendon thinks otherwise.

But unlike me, Gregory Malchuk was advised by Brendon, although not in the most polite way, not to keep promoting his work into his mentions anymore, presumably due to repetition.
Compare that to me, who got blocked out of nowhere, without any prior warning, after two harmless and non-repetitive tweets within the six prior months.

Oddly, Gregory and Brendon followed each other on Twitter (emphasis on Brendon following Gregory), even after Brendon's “stop pushing this in my mentions”-tweet.
I wasn't ever followed by Brendon Marotta, which is OK. But it's a little double standard.

“Can't decide if I should block you for this” (2018-12-01)

(Thread archive)

After Brendon Marotta answered the question from the Google Search suggestions about his height, someone jokingly responded “dick size?”, to which Brendon responded: “Can't decide if I should block you for this”.

If “dick size?” already is nearly considered a block-worthy offense, nothing I ever tweeted to Brendon came close to that, yet I got blocked, and he only got away with a passive warning

Although I would not have blocked the one who joked “dick size?”, if Brendon blocked him, that would at least be somewhat understandable.
But Brendon's hostility against me, a fellow intactivist, is completely unreasonable.

Like I said, if he thought I did something wrong, constructive criticism would have been somewhat more helpful than raw hostility and poor communication.

Obviously, one is by no means obligated to behave civil to one's community. But morally, a civil behaviour is more beneficial and constructive than hostility.

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