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Created March 7, 2019 17:04
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Eric Clopper Sex & Circumcision Cliffnotes by @MGMsurvivor [backup] (originally uploaded to )
Sex & Circumcision: An American Love Story by Eric Clopper ( cliffnotes:
Clopper's 5 (un)censored facts:
1) Rabbis designed and implemented circumcision to damage Jewish children's sexuality.
2) American physicians adopted circumcision to damage our children's sexuality.
3) Circumcision significantly damages you for life. The foreskin is important.
4) The US media continues to feed us the AAP's circumcision recommendation, which is a blatant LIE unapologetically motivated by religious ideologies.
5) Male circumcision and female circumcision are identical.
Implications of these facts:
1) Our first sexual experience was that of pain & torture. We will never know the natural sexual experience
2) Our religious ideologies have failed us
3) Our country has failed us
4) Our parents made the wrong choice
5) Many, many more...
Quotes from Jewish Leaders:
-"Circumcision is a symbol of two things necessary to out well being: 1) the excision of sexual pleasure and 2) to check a man's pride" - Philo Judaeus, 30 AD
-"The bodily pain is the real purpose of circumcision. One of the reason is to bring about a decrease in sexual intercourse and a weakening of the organ. The fact that circumcision reduces sexual pleasure is undeniable." - Moses Maimonides, 1180 AD
-"Foreskin represents man's worst animal-like urges and must be forcibly harnessed." - Nosson Scherman, 1985 AD
-"Impairment of sexual sensation is a special virtue of circumcision" - Paysach Krohn, 1985 AD
-"You are to undergo circumcision, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and you. For the generations to come every male among you who is eight days old must be circumcised, including those born in your household or bought with your money, they must be circumcised. My covenant in your flesh it to be an everlasting covenant. Any uncircumcised male, who has not been circumcised in the flesh, will be cut off from his people; he has broken my covenant." Genesis 17
It likely started 12,000 years ago by the egyptians as a stepdown from child sacrifice to castration to eventually a part of the foreskin. Leonard Glick's work suggests and really proves that it was (and is) a blood sacrifice and hazing, intention to raise the child as a conformed member to a cult subject to the elders will. It marks us like cattle, imasculates us like slaves and damages our humanity is in the design. It started off as just a snip of the tip, then jews started stretching to fit in with gentiles. Rabbis took revenge by starting ths Bris Milah aka "covenant of cutting" (current form of circumcision) that essentially removes all of the tissue. Tombs of evidence supporting that circumcision was started to damage sexual pleasure and function for life, justification still openly supported today by orthodox jews.
The disease of sexual function Richard Dixon:
Doctors believed masturbation was the root of all physical and mental illness in the 19th century. They openly said it was evil. It was well known the foreskin was highly erogenous and facilitated masturbation so the only solution was to circumcise infant boys, in their opinion.
Dr. Kellog (cereal guy) wrote Treatment of self abuse (masturbation) and its effects 1888 - he advocated for carbolic acid to destroy the clitoris, using chastity cages over the genitals, tying a childs hands to stop masturbation and he advocated for circumcision on small boys without anasthesia so that they would associate sex with pain to deter them. All advocates were stricly anti masturbation. To list a couple more: the inventor of graham crackers and Wolbarst, they all associated it with failure, laziness and evil. Sexuality itself was seen as an immoral sin that had to be forcefully restricted. An ancient blood sacrifice weasled its way back into modern society due to lies and capitalistic and or religious interests.
Many men equate being circumcsed (as adults) to black and white small TV as opposed to 1080p color on a flat screen. Equivalent of having glasses and not with uncorrected visions, a sensory deficit. The foreskin is the most erogenous, sensitive part of the penis which is consistent with the historical literature and the fact it was removed to damage sexuality without castration or removal of reproductive ability. The glans is also much less sensitive in the circumcised penis due to keritinzation, being rubbed down with no protection is greatly desensitized. Most nerve endings are in the "foreskin" which again is just a name for a huge portion of the penis that was designated after it began being cut off. There is no uncircumcised penis, that is just a penis, while a circumcised penis is a damaged, a reduced mutilated penis with no benefit.
"The sensory pleasure induced by the foreskin is lost by circumcision. The fundamental biological act becomes, for the circumcised male, the satisfaction of an urge and not the refined sensory experience it was meant to be." - Dr. C.J. Falliter, Journal of the American Medical Association, 1970. The foreskin has been erased, hidden and ignored throughout ALL American medical literature and education. Most of the literature was written by men at a time of circ rate 90% who were circumcised themselves, friends and family circed, never saw a natural penis and read from books that ommited the foreskin. A human body part of great sexual function and pleasure CENSORED from the public. The average adult foreskin ends up being ~15 square inches of double layered highly functional sensitive erogenous tissue containing the frenulum and the ridged band. The ridged band is the most sexually erogenous part of the male body and contains around 20,000 nerve endings, it's the male g spot and it also stimulates the female g spot. The natural penis is far superior at simulating a woman, as many will tell you, and itself than the circumcised one unsurprisingly. Damaging female sexuality was also a goal of circumcision. "She too will court them man who is uncircumcised in the flesh and lie against his breast with great passion, for he thrusts inside of her for a long time because of his foreskin, which is a barrier against ejaculation in intercourse. Thus she feels pleasure and reaches an orgasm first... But when a circumcised man desires the beauty of a woman... he will find himself performing his task quickly, emitting his seed as soon as he inserts his crown... As soon as he begins intercourse, he immediately comes to a climax... She has no pleasure from him when she lies down." - Rabbi Isaac Ben Yedaiah's commentary on Numbers Rabbah, 1350.
Study by K. Ohara & J. Ohara: The effect of male circumcision on the sexual enjoyment of the female partner found the prevalence of female orgasm during intercourse 35% in the circumcised male and 61% in the natural male. Using the numbers it is safe to say that male circumcision has robbed american women of about HALF of all their vaginal orgasms.
Source: Data from Sorrells et al. British Journal of Urology, Vol 99, Issue 4, pages 864-869, April 2007
Functions of the foreskin:
1) Provides majority of erotic pleasure esp. via ridged ban - the male G-spot - and Meissner corpuscles.
2) Acts as a rolling bearing in masturbation in intercourse
3) Prevents dyspareuina (painful sex)
4) Stimulates partner's genitals
5) Supplies skin to cover shaft and prevents tightness during erections
6) Stores pheromones and releases them during arousal
7) Stores, releases, and helps distribute natural lubricants
8) Provides seal against vaginal wall to contain partners' sex fluids
9) Makes the glans a visual sign of arousal
10) Prevents glans from being keratinized; keeps them soft and moist
11) Protects glans from injury
12) Protects nerves of glans
13) Protects against contamination, especially in infancy, and meatal stenosis as adult
14) Provides lysosomes for bacteriostatic action around the glans
15) Pigmented - it protects unpigmented glans from sunburn
16) Vascular, protects less vacular glans from frostbite
17) Embryologically guides formation of end of the penis and urethra
18) Contributes to mass, size and girth.
Keritinazation desensitizes what is a minority of remaining tissue, further desensitizing sex. Circumcision removes almost the ENTIRETY of sexual experience in men, it is profoundly evil thing to do to a human being. Just as not being able to experience a kiss without lips, you will never experience the full experience of love if you have a huge part of your penis amputated. It's a loss of humanity, radical violation of an individuals fundamental human rights. Lubricant is not natural, natural lubricant and glide mechanism stolen. This is a culturally internalized sexual disability. Lubricant and viagra companies benefit. Multi billion dollar industries surrounding circumcision such as the Surgery cost, selling of foreskin and botched circ repair surgeries.
4) How could this be recommended? AAP "Circumcision Policy Statement" - "The health benefits of circumcision outweigh the risks", "Specific benefits identified included prevention of urinary tract infections, penile cancer, and transmission of some sexually transmitted infections, including HIV."
Benefits > Risks(?):
(Inconsequential) Urinary tract infections: women are 10-50x more likely, it takes 100 circumcisions to prevent one UTI according to the AAP, easily treatable with antibiotics.
(Irreleveant) Penile cancer: 1 of the RAREST types of cancer with good treatment options, affects exclusively the elderly, "922-322,000 circumcisions to prevent one case of penile cancer" According to the AAP. It effects around 1 in 100,000 MEN.
(Erroneous) Prevents STIs/HIV: Studies confuse causation and correlation. The US has the highest rates of circumcision & STDs/ HIV in the developed world! Circumcision is not a primary STD deterrent, to claim otherwise is a claim of lunacy. Claim to prevent HIV: circ was claimed to cure masturbation, syphilis, cancer and now HIV. Claims to prevent HIV by 60%, which is a relative risk reduction, in Three AFRICAN trials the numbers were natural males 2.5% to contract, with circumcised males 1.2% chance to contract. 1.3% to 60% is deceptive at best. Not only that, but there were major methodological errors that could EASILY have accounted for the Difference. Eric has listed many but I will not list them, they include giving the circumcised group access to condoms.
"The true incidence of complications after newborn circumcision is unknown" - AAP, "It is difficult, if not impossible, to adequately assess the total impact of complications, because the data are scant and inconsistent regarding the severity of complications." - AAP. No one is required to report whenever a botched circumcision or any complication occurs BY LAW.
Vaguely defined, dubious benefits > unknown risks of a prophylactic amputation
The ~20 functions of the foreskin are not once mentioned in the policy statement. Implicit in analysis: foreskin is useless.
"The literature review does not support the belief that male circumcision adversely affects sexual function or sensitivity, or sexual satisfaction, REGARDLESS of how those factors are defined." - AAP
Literature review in question - reviewed 1,000 articles, only ONE had to due with sexual satisfaction.
Global View on neonatal circumcision:
-"Circumcision is a violation of the child's right to autonomy and physical integrity. Circumcision can and does cause complications." - Royal Dutch Medical Association
-"There's no medical reason to circumcise a boy before he can give consent, and that virtually all other pediatric societies, and associations worldwide, hold the AAP's views as being scientifically untenable." - German Pediatric Association
-"The AAP's technical report on circumcision is epidemiologically incompetent and an embarassment to the AAP." - The Australian and New Zealand College of OBGYNs
-"This is not a scientific document, it is an obfuscating lie." - Eric Clopper
There is blatant corruption in the AAP as well as religious incentives, Andrew Freedman for example admits he circumcises purely for religious reasons and not medical in a quote Eric provides. Andrew refers to it as a tribal custom. This is a disgrace to medical doctors, and a direct violation of the Hippocratic oath and basic human rights. It's medically unecessary, it violates your fundamental human rights, and it damages your sexuality for life. - Eric
Douglas Diekema (part of AAP) published an article in favor of FGM, pointing out that if it's okay to do it to boys it should be okay to do it to girl's for ritualistic reasons.
Narrative: A history of a small group of powerful well placed sexually violent ideologs, ideological fanatics despite global condemnation censored the functions of foreskin by creating a nonsensical recommendation which they turned into an obfuscating lie, when they then peddled into a complicit and strangly ideologically homogenoustic US media into a vicious fradulent echo chamber, circumcision is a disgusting lie. - paraphrase eric. Hiding the damage, sexually damaged 120 million men, trillion $ + criminal liability at stake. They Raped american men of over 1 trillion erogenous nerve endings, replaced with rage. Defending religious ideologies and for the money, BILLIONS a year. It is Pure evil.
(Male &) Female circumcision culture traits:
-advocates claim its cleaner
-gross ignorance of unaltered genital anatomy even among doctors
-promoted on irrelevent to erroneous medical claims
-Religious blood rites > human rights in this country.
-performed without consent or anasthesia, despite overwhelming evidence of irreperable physical, sexual and psychological damage.
-procludes the possibility of ever having a natural sexual experience
-the entire civilized world looks upon us with disgust
-it was designed so that the child will forever associate sexual pleasure with pain
-circumcision is evil
Less than 1% of FGM is more damaging (removes more tissue, skin, nerve endings) than the form of MGM commonly practiced in America.
Side notes:
normal penis- result of billions of years of evolution
circumcised penis - result of bris milah
Bris Milah - Translates to the covenant of cutting, born in antiquity out of superstision, arbitrarily made up with a nonsensical origin, group of genitally altered men gather around a defenseless child and recite lines from an ancient text (Numbers 25) glorifying genocide and homicide.
We are also normalizing our genital cutting culture with nisnomers and euphemisms while also shaming men for natural bodies, claiming it looks or smells gross. It's legitimately insane.
"We can either be a civilized society or a circumcised one, but we cannot be both." - Eric Clopper
He then goes on an emotional rant and rage that is what I would call a powerful, justified and expected response to such a radical violation of a human's basic right to bodily integrity. If you don't watch any other part of the excellent presentation, I would recommend watching this 15 minute emotional rage induced rant (
That's all for Eric's presentation but I would just like to add a few studies, explanations, opinions and links to this already incredibly fair, indisputable and conclusive presentation of the historical and modern realities of MGM. The study people commonly refer to that circ male to intact is no different in pleasure was done by a circ fetishist fanatic who claims uncirc males have a 1/3 chance of serious complications claiming "many will die", substitute for child sacrifice. A satanic ritual. Blood sacrifice from ancient tribes with the intention to damage our sexuality.
Video links:
Crazy man behind the commonly refered to "no reduction in sensitivity" false study -
Actual fair study explained and referenced -
Anatomy of the penis -
Sex ed 101 Marilyn Milos -
Doctors opposing forced infant male genital mutilation -
Renowned psychologist condems infant circumcision -
Intactivist movement various links:
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