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Created October 21, 2018 17:52
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import maya.cmds as cmds
import math
import random
import numpy
from numpy import linalg as LA
random.seed( 1234 )
cubeList = 'myCube*' )
if len( cubeList ) > 0:
cmds.delete( cubeList )
day = 100
ra = 147098291
rp = 152098233
r = 10000000
sun = cmds.polySphere(r=1, sx=20, sy=20, ax=(0, 1, 0), cuv=2, ch=1, name = "myCube#")
earth = cmds.polySphere(r = 0.1, sx = 20, sy = 20, ax = (10, 1, 10), cuv = 2, ch =1, name = "myCube#")
for i in range(1, 366):
j = i/58.12#represents 366 divided by 2 pi
earthInPos = cmds.duplicate(earth)
ex = math.sin(j) * (ra/r)
ey = 0
ez = math.cos(j) * (rp/r)
cmds.move(ex, ey, ez , earthInPos)
point = cmds.duplicate(earthInPos)
cmds.scale(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, point)
px = ex - math.sin(j) * 0.1
py = ey * 0.1
pz = ez - math.cos(j) * 0.1
pointNormal = cmds.duplicate(point)
cmds.move(ex - math.sin(j) * 0.2,ey * 0.2, ez - math.cos(j) * 0.2, pointNormal)
cmds.move(px ,py, pz, point)
vex = -(ex - px)
vey = -(ey - py)
vez = -(ez - pz)
vectorearth = cmds.duplicate(earth)
cmds.move(vex * 10, vey * 10, vez * 10, vectorearth)
#cmds.rotate( 0, '0deg', 0, vectorearth, pivot=(1, 0, 0) )
#cmds.viewLookAt( vectorearth, pos=(3.0, 1.0, 0.0) )
#con = cmds.aimConstraint( pointNormal, point, aimVector=[0,0,1] )
vsx = ex
vsy = ey
vsz = ez
vs = (vsx, vsy, vsz)
ve = (vex, vey, vez)
#print vs
vs = vs / LA.norm(vs)
ve = ve / LA.norm(ve)
#print vs
#for X
vsx = (vs[0], 0, 0)
vex = (ve[0], 0, 0)
dotx = numpy.linalg.multi_dot([vsx,vex])
print numpy.arccos(dotx)* 57.2958
#for Y
vsy = (0, vs[1], 0)
vey = (0, ve[1], 0)
doty = numpy.linalg.multi_dot([vsy,vey])
print numpy.arccos(doty) * 57.2958
#for Z
vsz = (0, 0, vs[2])
vez = (0, 0, ve[2])
dotz = numpy.linalg.multi_dot([vsz,vez])
print numpy.arccos(dotz)* 57.2958
#cmds.move(math.sin(day) * 2, 0, math.cos(day) * 2, earth)
#e = earth
#p = point on earth
#ve = vector from center of earth to point on earth
#vs = vector from sun to earth(sun is at 000)
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