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Last active January 30, 2021 03:46
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Utility script for decrypting CCMP in a pcapng capture
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import argparse
import binascii
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import Cipher, algorithms, modes
from scapy.all import *
# HEY! Please don't use this for any production/security purpose!
def decrypt_ccm(aes, nonce, data, ad=b'', m=8, l=2):
assert 1+len(nonce)+l == 16
# Decryption:
iv = bytes([l-1]) + nonce + b'\0'*l
ciph = Cipher(aes, modes.CTR(iv)).decryptor()
mac = ciph.update(data[-m:] + b'\0'*(16-m))[:m]
msg = ciph.update(data[:-m]) + ciph.finalize()
# Now authentication:
ciph = Cipher(aes, modes.CBC(b'\0'*16)).encryptor()
f = (l-1)
f |= ((m-2)//2) << 3
if ad:
if len(ad) < (1<<16) - (1<<8):
la = len(ad).to_bytes(2, 'big')
elif len(ad) < (1<<32):
la = b'\xff\xfe' + len(ad).to_bytes(4, 'big')
la = b'\xff\xff' + len(ad).to_bytes(8, 'big')
f |= 64 # Adata bit
la = b''
lm = len(msg).to_bytes(l, 'big')
b0 = bytes([f]) + nonce + lm
assert len(b0) == 16
amsg = la + ad
amsg += b'\0'*((16-len(amsg))&15)
amsg += msg
amsg += b'\0'*((16-len(amsg))&15)
if not ciph.update(amsg)[-16:].startswith(mac):
return None
return msg
def compute_ad(d11):
hdr_len = 22
if d11.subtype == 8:
hdr_len += 2
ad = bytearray(hdr_len)
# Masked FC
ad[0] = d11.proto | (d11.type << 2) | ((d11.subtype&0x8) << 4)
ad[1] = 0x40 | int(d11.FCfield&0x87)
ad[ 2: 8] = binascii.unhexlify(d11.addr1.replace(':',''))
ad[ 8:14] = binascii.unhexlify(d11.addr2.replace(':',''))
ad[14:20] = binascii.unhexlify(d11.addr3.replace(':',''))
ad[20] = d11.SC & 0xF
ad[21] = 0
if Dot11QoS in d11:
ad[22] = d11[Dot11QoS].TID
return bytes(ad)
def compute_nonce(d11):
f = 0
if Dot11QoS in d11:
f = d11[Dot11QoS].TID
nonce = bytes([f]) + binascii.unhexlify(d11.addr2.replace(':',''))
ccmp = d11[Dot11CCMP]
nonce += bytes([ccmp.PN5, ccmp.PN4, ccmp.PN3,
ccmp.PN2, ccmp.PN1, ccmp.PN0])
return nonce
def filter_pkt(pkt, aeses):
if Dot11CCMP not in pkt:
return pkt
ad = compute_ad(pkt)
nonce = compute_nonce(pkt)
for i, aes in enumerate(aeses):
raw_data = decrypt_ccm(aes, nonce, pkt[Dot11CCMP].data, ad)
if raw_data:
pkt = pkt.copy()
pkt.len = None
if Dot11FCS in pkt:
pkt[Dot11FCS].fcs = None
del pkt[Dot11CCMP]
pkt = pkt/raw_data
pkt.FCfield.protected = False
return pkt
if i:
# Let's move this AES object so we try it first next time
aeses.insert(0, aeses.pop(i))
return pkt
def main():
key = lambda x: algorithms.AES(binascii.unhexlify(x))
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--key', '-K', action='append', type=key)
args = parser.parse_args()
aeses = list(args.key)
with PcapNgReader(args.input) as i:
with PcapWriter(args.output) as o:
for pkt in i:
if pkt.time > (1<<32):
pkt.time /= 1000 # Workaround for reader bug
o.write(filter_pkt(pkt, aeses))
if __name__ == '__main__':
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