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Last active February 28, 2024 22:59
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  • Save CFiggers/96bc37ca468909c9ec83252144c1075e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save CFiggers/96bc37ca468909c9ec83252144c1075e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Custom Right-click Menus in AutoHotkey
; Tested and working using AutoHotkey v1.1.33.09
; Uppercaseing, Lowercasing, and Title casing highlighted text in any editable window is used as an example.
; Create the popup menu, assign to the variable "CaseMenu" (rename as desired)
Menu, CaseMenu, Add, Title Case, AltMenuHandler
Menu, CaseMenu, Add, Upper Case, AltMenuHandler
Menu, CaseMenu, Add, Lower Case, AltMenuHandler
; Create and add a sub-menu for Links
Menu, SubMenu, Add, a, SubMenuHandler
Menu, SubMenu, Add, b, SubMenuHandler
Menu, SubMenu, Add, c, SubMenuHandler
Menu, CaseMenu, Add, Example Submenu, :SubMenu
; Assign created menu to a shortcut. In this case, Alt + Right Click
Alt & RButton::Menu, CaseMenu, Show
; Handler for the right-click menu. Could be as simple as the Switch statement (see SubMenuHandler for an example of that).
; Here, I've added some extra indirection in order to reuse my Regex_ClipboardHandler() function.
Sleep 100
Switch A_ThisMenuItem
Case "Title Case":
Case "Upper Case":
Case "Lower Case":
Sleep 100
Switch A_ThisMenuItem
Case "a":
MsgBox You clicked sub-menu option "a"!
Case "b":
MsgBox You clicked sub-menu option "b"!
Case "c":
MsgBox You clicked sub-menu option "c"!
Regex_ClipboardHandler(regexLogic, optionalParam1=""){
function := Func(regexLogic)
oldclip := Clipboard
Clipboard =
SendInput, ^c
ClipWait 0 ;pause for Clipboard data
if (optionalParam1 = "")
Clipboard := function.Call(Clipboard)
Clipboard := function.Call(Clipboard, optionalParam1)
Sleep 100
SendInput, ^v
Sleep 200
Clipboard := oldclip
; List of functions that actually execute Regex. Each takes in a string and returns a string.
done := subString
matches := {" And ": " and "
," As ": " as "
," But ": " but "
," For ": " for "
," If ": " if "
," Nor ": " nor "
," Or ": " or "
," So ": " so "
," Yet ": " yet "
," A ": " a "
," An ": " an "
," The ": " the "
," At ": " at "
," By ": " by "
," In ": " in "
," Of ": " of "
," Off ": " off "
," On ": " on "
," Per ": " per "
," To ": " to "
," Up ": " up "
," Via ": " via "}
for what, with in matches
StringReplace, done, done, %what%, %with%, All
return done
content := thisthing
StringUpper, content, content, T
content := SubStr(content, 1, 2) . SomeLower(SubStr(content, 3))
return content
content := thisthing
StringUpper, content, content
return content
content := thisthing
StringLower, content, content
return content
; To extend this setup, add a new menu item, add a case to the Switch statement to handle that menu item, and optionally add additional logic that should be executed when that item is selected from the right-click menu.
; Alternatively, create a whole new menu and trigger it some other way (like Ctrl + Right Click instead of/in addition to Alt + Right Click).
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