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Last active July 2, 2021 13:54
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- Bilateral Upper & lower limb weakness (Look at 5 signs: wasting, tone, reflexes, clonus, Babinski)
- **Motor neurone?**
- UMN signs
- LMN signs
- **Pattern of weakness?**
- Proximal weakness
- **Sensation?**
- Sensation abnormal
- Beware cx myelopathy- "glove & socks" numbness
- 1) Lumbosacral plexo/radiculopathy-if UL N.
- 2) Kennedy's disease
- Sensation normal
- **Options:**
- Myopathy
- Myasthenia gravis
- Fatigable. Bulbar, ocular weakness
- Fasiculations. Bulbar weakness
- Distal weakness
- **Sensation? **
- Sensation abnormal
- **Defect type?**
- Glove and stocking numbness/weakness- in UL and LL
- Note
- Important to check that UL has "glove" pattern of deficits
- Peripheral Neuropathy (Diffuse polyneuropathy)
- Patchy Numbness, weakness-Asymmetric. Not glove-stocking
- **Options:**
- In distribution of PN: Mononeuritis multiplex; Mono-neuropathies
- Dermatomal: Radiculopathy
- Sensation normal
- **Options:**
- MND-PMA, Polio
- Pure motor peripheral neuropathy: MMN
- Distal myopathy inc. Myotonic Dystrophy
- [[roam/comments]]
- [[July 2nd, 2021]]
- **Pattern of weakness?** (< Replace with block ref)
- At each step of the algorithm we just solve ^^one^^ problem
- Distal weakness
- Sensation abnormal
- Patchy sensorimotor deficits VS Glove and stocking deficits
- Sensation abnormal[*](((Second block))) (< Replace with block ref)
- Since it is an important diagnostic "branch-point" remember to confirm abn sensation by checking 2-3 modalities.
- Take care to be objective in your sensory exam... we demonstrated some techniques
- In distribution of PN:
Mononeuritis multiplex; Mono-neuropathies[*](((Second block))) (< Replace with block ref)
- If confined to 1–2 limbs... think of
- Single/multiple mononeuropathy
- Radiculopathy
- To diff between radiculopathy and mononeuropathy—"Venn it"—PTO
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