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Last active June 4, 2023 11:48
A module for Streamlit to set up traps, which are triggered on next script rerun (i.e. user action) if the trap wasn't reached.
""" A module for Streamlit to set up traps, which are triggered on next script rerun (i.e. user action) if the trap wasn't reached.
Help with session cleaning on dynamic forms. If user didn't reach it - then clear session.
from import Callable
import streamlit as st
def clear_session(prefix:str) -> None:
""" A function to clear session state from values which keys start with the prefix.
prefix (str): a prefix to check for
for key in st.session_state:
if key.startswith(prefix):
def disarm() -> None:
""" Disarm previously set traps.
Ideally it should be one of last commands. If keys used in arming are unique enough -
there should be no overlapping with streamlit components' keys. But if you see any
issues - place it as one of the first commands. """
traps:dict[str,tuple[int, Callable]] = st.session_state.get(__SESSION_STATE_DICT_KEY, {})
# disarm those which have counter of 0
to_disarm = {k for k,v in traps.items() if v[0]==0}
for key in to_disarm:
traps.pop(key, None)
# rearm = reset counters to 0
for key in traps:
traps[key] = (0, traps[key][1])
def arm(key: str, disarm: Callable[[], None]) -> None:
""" Arm a trap using a key (prefix), with a function to do the disarming
(like, clear session state of all keys with the prefix; actual function is up to you)
key (str): unique key for this section
disarm (Callable[[], None]): a function to be called for cleaning (for example, clear_session(prefix=key))
assert key, "key cannot be empty"
# disarm shouldn't be None here, but better to ensure that right here
assert disarm and callable(disarm), "disarm must be callable" # type: ignore
traps:dict[str,tuple[int, Callable]] = st.session_state.setdefault(__SESSION_STATE_DICT_KEY, {})
traps[key] = (traps.get(key, (0, None))[0] + 1, disarm)
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