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Created July 29, 2016 22:56
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XPD plans
import time
import os
import numpy as np
from bluesky.plans import (scan, subs_wrapper, abs_set, pchain,
reset_positions_wrapper, count, list_scan,
open_run, close_run, stage, unstage,
trigger_and_read, checkpoint, sleep, wait)
from import post_run, LiveTiffExporter
from bluesky.callbacks import LiveTable, LivePlot
from bluesky.plan_tools import print_summary
from uuid import uuid4
d_spacings = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(
ramped = {eurotherm.temp:eurotherm.ramp_rate}
def ramp_from_temp_and_time(temp, time):
ramp = np.abs(temp - eurotherm.get()) / time
if ramp > 5.:
raise ValueError("Ramp greater than the eurotherm's temp rate")
return ramp
def Ecal(start=-4, stop=-1.5, step_size=0.01):
Energy calibration scan
Execute an energy calibration scan with default steps.
>>> RE(Ecal())
plan = scan([sc], tth_cal, start, stop, (stop - start) / step_size)
# plan = pchain(abs_set(x_cal, 0), abs_set(y_cal, 0), plan)
# plan = reset_positions_wrapper(plan)
# Send data documnets to cw, LiveTable, LivePlot.
cw = ComputeWavelength('tth_cal', 'sc_chan1', d_spacings)
subs = [cw, LiveTable(['tth_cal', 'sc_chan1']),
LivePlot('sc_chan1', 'tth_cal')]
plan = subs_wrapper(plan, subs)
yield from plan
def timed_count(detectors, total_time, *, md=None, sleep_time=None):
if md is None:
md = {}
md = ChainMap(
{'detectors': [ for det in detectors],
'total_time': total_time,
'plan_args': {'detectors': list(map(repr, detectors)),
'total_time': total_time},
'plan_name': 'timed_count'})
for det in detectors:
yield from stage(det)
yield from open_run(md=md)
end_time = total_time + time.time()
yield from timed_count_guts(detectors, total_time, md=md,
for det in detectors:
yield from unstage(det)
yield from close_run()
def timed_count_guts(detectors, total_time, *, md=None, sleep_time=None):
end_time = total_time + time.time()
while True:
if time.time() > end_time:
yield from checkpoint()
yield from trigger_and_read(detectors)
if sleep_time is not None:
yield from sleep(sleep_time)
def MED_mod(gasses, minT, maxT, num_steps, cycle_num):
Modulated Excitation Diffraction plan
1. Start flowing the initial gas.
2. Scan the temperature from minT to maxT in `num_steps` evenly-spaced steps.
3. Hold temperature at maxT and take `num_steady` images.
4. Switch the gas, still holding at maxT and take `num_steady` images.
5. Repeat.
gasses : list
e.g., ['N', Ar']
These gasses must be in `gas.gas_list` but they may be in any order.
minT : number
minimum temp in whatever units the temp controller uses
maxT : number
minimum temp in whatever units the temp controller uses
num_steps : integer
number of points to sample between minT and maxT inclusive
cycle_num : int
number of images taken per cycle
Set the gasses. They can be in any other, nothing to do with
the order they are used in the plan.
>>> gas.gas_list = ['O2', 'CO2']
Optionally, preview the plan.
>>> print_summary(MED(["N", "Ar"], 30, 50, 3, 10))
Execute it.
>>> RE(MED(["N", "Ar"], 30, 50, 3, 10))
# eurotherm = cs700
template = "/home/xf28id1/xpdUser/tiff_base/med_tiffs/{start.scan_id}_{event.seq_num:04d}.tiff"
exporter = LiveTiffExporter('pe1_image', template)
export_at_end = post_run(exporter)
# export_at_end = post_run(xpdacq_exporter)
# These are commented out that the pe1c can be configured interactively.
# pe1c.images_per_set.put(1)
# pe1c.number_of_sets.put(1)
dets = [pe1c, rga, gas.current_gas, eurotherm]
# Step 1
yield from abs_set(gas, gasses[0])
# Steps 2
# optional darkframe -- for emergencies :-)
# yield from abs_set(shctl1, 0)
# yield from count(dets, md={'role': 'dark'})
# yield from abs_set(shctl1, 1)
yield from subs_wrapper(scan(dets, eurotherm, minT, maxT, num_steps),
[LiveTable(dets), export_at_end])
# Alternate between gasses forever.
for gas_name in itertools.cycle(gasses):
yield from abs_set(gas, gas_name)
# add LivePlot here. change `rga_mass1`, `rga_mass2` or `rga_mass3` for
# desired output
yield from subs_wrapper(count(dets, num=cycle_num),
LiveTable(dets), export_at_end])
def MED(gasses, minT, maxT, num_steps, cycle_time):
Modulated Excitation Diffraction plan
1. Start flowing the initial gas.
2. Scan the temperature from minT to maxT in `num_steps` evenly-spaced steps.
3. Hold temperature at maxT and take `num_steady` images.
4. Switch the gas, still holding at maxT and take `num_steady` images.
5. Repeat.
gasses : list
e.g., ['N', Ar']
These gasses must be in `gas.gas_list` but they may be in any order.
minT : number
minimum temp in whatever units the temp controller uses
maxT : number
minimum temp in whatever units the temp controller uses
num_steps : integer
number of points to sample between minT and maxT inclusive
cycle_time : number
time per gas cycle to take a time series; units are seconds
Set the gasses. They can be in any other, nothing to do with
the order they are used in the plan.
>>> gas.gas_list = ['O2', 'CO2']
Optionally, preview the plan.
>>> print_summary(MED(["N", "Ar"], 30, 50, 3, 10))
Execute it.
>>> RE(MED(["N", "Ar"], 30, 50, 3, 10))
# eurotherm = cs700
template = "/home/xf28id1/xpdUser/tiff_base/med_tiffs/{start.scan_id}_{event.seq_num:04d}.tiff"
exporter = LiveTiffExporter('pe1_image', template)
export_at_end = post_run(exporter)
# These are commented out that the pe1c can be configured interactively.
# pe1c.images_per_set.put(1)
# pe1c.number_of_sets.put(1)
dets = [pe1c, rga, gas.current_gas, eurotherm]
# Step 1
yield from abs_set(gas, gasses[0])
# Steps 2
# optional darkframe -- for emergencies :-)
# yield from abs_set(shctl1, 0)
# yield from count(dets, md={'role': 'dark'})
# yield from abs_set(shctl1, 1)
yield from subs_wrapper(scan(dets, eurotherm, minT, maxT, num_steps),
[LiveTable(dets), export_at_end])
# Alternate between gasses forever.
for gas_name in itertools.cycle(gasses):
yield from abs_set(gas, gas_name)
yield from subs_wrapper(timed_count(dets, total_time=cycle_time),
[LiveTable(dets), export_at_end])
def temp_gas_run(gasses, Tlist, time_list, calibration_uid, background_uid,
is_background, md=None):
Modulated Excitation Diffraction plan
1. Start flowing the initial gas.
2. Scan the temperature from minT to maxT in `num_steps` evenly-spaced steps.
3. Hold temperature at maxT and take `num_steady` images.
4. Switch the gas, still holding at maxT and take `num_steady` images.
5. Repeat.
gasses : list
e.g., ['N', Ar']
These gasses must be in `gas.gas_list` but they may be in any order.
minT : number
minimum temp in whatever units the temp controller uses
maxT : number
minimum temp in whatever units the temp controller uses
num_steps : integer
number of points to sample between minT and maxT inclusive
cycle_time : number
time per gas cycle to take a time series; units are seconds
Set the gasses. They can be in any other, nothing to do with
the order they are used in the plan.
>>> gas.gas_list = ['O2', 'CO2']
Optionally, preview the plan.
>>> print_summary(MED(["N", "Ar"], 30, 50, 3, 10))
Execute it.
>>> RE(MED(["N", "Ar"], 30, 50, 3, 10))
cal_bg_asoc = {'is_calibration': False,
'calibration_uid': calibration_uid,
'is_background': is_background,
'background_uid': background_uid}
template = "/home/xf28id1/xpdUser/tiff_base/{start.scan_id}_{event.seq_num:04d}_{eurotherm.get()}.tiff"
exporter = LiveTiffExporter('pe1_image', template)
export_at_end = post_run(exporter)
# These are commented out that the pe1c can be configured interactively.
# yield from abs_set(glbl.frame_acq_time, .1)
# yield from abs_set(pe1c.images_per_set, 1)
# yield from abs_set(pe1c.number_of_sets, 1)
dets = [pe1c, gas.current_gas, eurotherm]
# optional darkframe -- for emergencies :-)
print('taking dark')
dark_uid = str(uuid4())
yield from abs_set(shctl1, 0)
yield from count(dets, md={'role': 'dark', 'dark_uid': dark_uid})
yield from abs_set(shctl1, 1)
if md is None:
md = {}
md = ChainMap(
{'detectors': [ for det in dets],
'time_list': time_list,
'temp_list': Tlist,
'plan_args': {'detectors': list(map(repr, dets)),
'time_list': time_list},
'plan_name': 'temp_gas_run'},
{'dark_uid': dark_uid, 'role': 'light'}
def inner():
# Step 1
# setup detector
for det in dets:
yield from stage(det)
open_rtn = (yield from open_run(md=md))
yield from abs_set(gas, gasses[0])
# Steps 2
# Go to temperature, taking images all the way
# Set ramprate in C/s
# Set the temperature, we now start ramping.
# Note:the rate is calculated from the set temps and times
yield from abs_set(euro_ramp_rate,
np.abs(Tlist[0] - eurotherm.get()) / time_list[0],
yield from abs_set(eurotherm, Tlist[0], wait=False)
print('ramp_rate', euro_ramp_rate.get())
# Run shots until we hit the time specified
yield from timed_count_guts(dets, total_time=time_list[0],
# Hold the temperature, still taking shots
yield from timed_count_guts(dets, total_time=time_list[1],
# ramp to rt
yield from abs_set(euro_ramp_rate,
np.abs(Tlist[1] - eurotherm.get()) / time_list[-1],
yield from abs_set(eurotherm, Tlist[1], wait=False)
print('ramp_rate', euro_ramp_rate.get())
# Switch gas
yield from abs_set(gas, gasses[1])
# Now cool , taking images all the way
yield from timed_count_guts(dets, total_time=time_list[2],
yield from abs_set(gas, gasses[0])
yield from abs_set(shctl1, 0)
for det in dets:
yield from unstage(det)
yield from close_run()
return open_rtn
return (yield from subs_wrapper(inner(), [LiveTable(dets), export_at_end]))
def bkground_temp_gas_run(Tlist, time_list, calibration_uid, background_uid,
is_background=True, md=None):
Modulated Excitation Diffraction plan
1. Start flowing the initial gas.
2. Scan the temperature from minT to maxT in `num_steps` evenly-spaced steps.
3. Hold temperature at maxT and take `num_steady` images.
4. Switch the gas, still holding at maxT and take `num_steady` images.
5. Repeat.
gasses : list
e.g., ['N', Ar']
These gasses must be in `gas.gas_list` but they may be in any order.
minT : number
minimum temp in whatever units the temp controller uses
maxT : number
minimum temp in whatever units the temp controller uses
num_steps : integer
number of points to sample between minT and maxT inclusive
cycle_time : number
time per gas cycle to take a time series; units are seconds
Set the gasses. They can be in any other, nothing to do with
the order they are used in the plan.
>>> gas.gas_list = ['O2', 'CO2']
Optionally, preview the plan.
>>> print_summary(MED(["N", "Ar"], 30, 50, 3, 10))
Execute it.
>>> RE(MED(["N", "Ar"], 30, 50, 3, 10))
cal_bg_asoc = {'is_calibration': False,
'calibration_uid': calibration_uid,
'is_background': is_background,
'background_uid': background_uid}
template = "/home/xf28id1/xpdUser/tiff_base/{start.scan_id}_{event.seq_num:04d}_{eurotherm.get()}.tiff"
exporter = LiveTiffExporter('pe1_image', template)
export_at_end = post_run(exporter)
# These are commented out that the pe1c can be configured interactively.
# yield from abs_set(glbl.frame_acq_time, .1)
# yield from abs_set(pe1c.images_per_set, 1)
# yield from abs_set(pe1c.number_of_sets, 1)
dets = [pe1c, eurotherm]
# optional darkframe -- for emergencies :-)
print('taking dark')
dark_uid = str(uuid4())
yield from abs_set(shctl1, 0)
yield from count(dets, md={'role': 'dark', 'dark_uid': dark_uid})
yield from abs_set(shctl1, 1)
if md is None:
md = {}
md = ChainMap(md,
{'detectors': [ for det in dets],
'time_list': time_list,
'temp_list': Tlist,
'plan_args': {'detectors': list(map(repr, dets)),
'time_list': time_list},
'plan_name': 'temp_gas_run'},
{'dark_uid': dark_uid, 'role': 'light'}
def inner():
# Step 1
# setup detector
for det in dets:
yield from stage(det)
open_rtn = (yield from open_run(md=md))
# Steps 2
# Go to temperature, taking images all the way
# Set ramprate in C/s
# Set the temperature, we now start ramping.
# Note:the rate is calculated from the set temps and times
yield from abs_set(euro_ramp_rate,
np.abs(Tlist[0] - eurotherm.get()) / time_list[0],
yield from abs_set(eurotherm, Tlist[0], wait=False)
print('ramp_rate', euro_ramp_rate.get())
# Run shots until we hit the time specified
yield from timed_count_guts(dets, total_time=time_list[0],
# Hold the temperature, still taking shots
yield from timed_count_guts(dets, total_time=time_list[1],
# ramp to rt
yield from abs_set(euro_ramp_rate,
np.abs(Tlist[1] - eurotherm.get()) / time_list[-1],
yield from abs_set(eurotherm, Tlist[1], wait=False)
print('ramp_rate', euro_ramp_rate.get())
# Switch gas
# Now cool , taking images all the way
yield from timed_count_guts(dets, total_time=time_list[2],
yield from abs_set(shctl1, 0)
for det in dets:
yield from unstage(det)
yield from close_run()
return open_rtn
return (yield from subs_wrapper(inner(), [LiveTable(dets), export_at_end]))
def single_shot(is_calibration, calibration_uid, is_background, background_uid,
template = "/home/xf28id1/xpdUser/tiff_base/{start.scan_id}_{event.seq_num:04d}.tiff"
exporter = LiveTiffExporter('pe1_image', template)
export_at_end = post_run(exporter)
# These are commented out that the pe1c can be configured interactively.
# yield from abs_set(glbl.frame_acq_time, .1)
# yield from abs_set(pe1c.images_per_set, 1)
# yield from abs_set(pe1c.number_of_sets, 1)
cal_bg_asoc = {'is_calibration': is_calibration,
'calibration_uid': calibration_uid,
'is_background': is_background,
'background_uid': background_uid}
dets = [pe1c]
# optional darkframe -- for emergencies :-)
print('taking dark')
dark_uid = str(uuid4())
if md is None:
md = {}
md = ChainMap(md,
{'detectors': [ for det in dets],
'plan_args': {'detectors': list(map(repr, dets)),},
'plan_name': 'temp_gas_run'},
{'dark_uid': dark_uid, 'role': 'light'}
yield from abs_set(shctl1, 0)
dark_md = md.copy()
dark_md.update({'role': 'dark', 'dark_uid': dark_uid})
yield from count(dets, md=dark_md)
yield from abs_set(shctl1, 1)
light_md = md.copy()
light_md.update({'role': 'light', 'dark_uid': dark_uid})
yield from count(dets, md=light_md)
yield from abs_set(shctl1, 0)
def better_temp_gas_run(calibration_uid,
dets=[pe1c, gas.current_gas, eurotherm.temp],
calibration_uid: str
The uid for the calibration
background_uid: str
The uid for the background
is_background: bool
Flag for background data
time_list: list
List of time points
ctl_dict: dict
Dictionary of controls with keys of objects which set and values of
lists of setpoints
dets: list
List of detectors to be watched through the expt
md: dict
Additional metadata
Set the gasses. They can be in any other, nothing to do with
the order they are used in the plan.
>>> gas.gas_list = ['O2', 'H2']
Optionally, preview the plan.
>>> print_summary(better_temp_gas_run('test', 'print', False, time_list=[60]*4, ctl_dict={eurotherm.temp:[120, 130, 140, 120], gas:['H2','O2']*2}, dets=[pe1c, eurotherm.temp, gas.current_gas], md={'test':True}))
Execute it.
>>> RE(better_temp_gas_run('test', 'print', False, time_list=[60]*4, ctl_dict={eurotherm.temp:[120, 130, 140, 120], gas:['H2','O2']*2}, dets=[pe1c, eurotherm.temp, gas.current_gas], md={'test':True}))
# Make certain we have the same amount of gas, temp, and time intervals
for v in ctl_dict.values():
assert len(v) == len(time_list)
cal_bg_asoc = {'is_calibration': False,
'calibration_uid': calibration_uid,
'is_background': is_background,
'background_uid': background_uid}
template = "/home/xf28id1/xpdUser/tiffs/{start.scan_id}_{event.seq_num:04d}.tiff"
exporter = LiveTiffExporter('pe1_image', template)
export_at_end = post_run(exporter)
# optional darkframe -- for emergencies :-)
print('taking dark')
dark_uid = str(uuid4())
if md is None:
md = {}
md = ChainMap(
{'detectors': [ for det in dets],
'time_list': time_list,
'plan_args': {'detectors': list(map(repr, dets)),
'time_list': time_list,
'control_values':{ for k, v in ctl_dict.items()}},
'plan_name': 'temp_gas_run'},
{'dark_uid': dark_uid}
yield from abs_set(shctl1, 0)
# yield from sleep(2)
yield from count(dets, md=md)
yield from abs_set(shctl1, 1)
# yield from sleep(2)
# Wait here untill all the intial conditions are met
print('initializing experiment')
for k, v in ctl_dict.items():
yield from abs_set(k, v[0], wait=True, group='intial')
print('finished initialization')
def inner():
# Step 1
# setup detector
for det in dets:
yield from stage(det)
open_rtn = (yield from open_run(md=md))
print('starting experiment')
for i, time_position in enumerate(time_list):
if i+1 >= len(time_list):
for k, v in ctl_dict.items():
if k in ramped:
yield from abs_set(ramped[k], np.nan_to_num(np.abs(v[i + 1] - k.get()) / time_list[i + 1]), wait=False)
print('{} set to {}'.format(, v[i+1]))
yield from abs_set(k, v[i+1], wait=False)
print('running detector for {} seconds'.format(time_list[i+1]))
yield from timed_count_guts(dets, total_time=time_list[i + 1], md=md)
yield from abs_set(shctl1, 0)
for det in dets:
yield from unstage(det)
yield from close_run()
return open_rtn
return (yield from subs_wrapper(inner(), [LiveTable(dets), export_at_end]))
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