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Created November 16, 2017 16:23
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#Author: Christopher J. Wright
# Modified by Shuyue
# Hashing out "bad keys" that generare errors. Checked that they are not functional and that they don't exist in rcParams. There are also many other keys here that aren't doing anything in the test figures so far. We need to check the newst rcParam sheet. The figure.dpi setting is useful.
lines.linestyle : -
lines.marker : None
# lines.linewidth : 2.0
# lines.markersize : 5
lines.linewidth : 1.5 # manuscripture
lines.markersize : 5.3 # manuscripture
patch.linewidth: 0.5
patch.facecolor: blue
patch.edgecolor: eeeeee
patch.antialiased: True
# marker.facecolor: none
# marker.edgewidth: 2
markers.fillstyle : none # manuscripture
text.hinting_factor : 8
axes.grid : True
axes.prop_cycle: cycler('color', ['0B3C5D', '062F4F', '328CC1', 'D9B310', '984B43', 'B82601', '57652A', '76323F', '626E60', 'AB987A', 'C09F80', 'b0b0b0'])
axes.linewidth: 2
#axes.aspect: 2
# axes.set_axisbelow: true
grid.color: b2b2b2
grid.linestyle: --
grid.linewidth: 0.5
legend.fancybox: True
legend.framealpha: .3
xtick.direction: in
ytick.direction: in
xtick.major.width : 1.5 # major tick width in points
xtick.minor.width : 1.5
ytick.major.width : 1.5 # major tick width in points
ytick.minor.width : 1.5 : True
ytick.right : True
xtick.minor.visible : True
ytick.minor.visible : True
image.cmap: viridis
image.interpolation : none sans-serif
font.sans-serif: Helvetica
mathtext.fontset: stixsans
font.size: 18
figure.figsize: 8, 4.94
#text.usetex: true
savefig.bbox: tight
savefig.transparent: False
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