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Created December 4, 2023 16:25
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AoC 2023 Day 4
package net.tazato
import cats.*
import cats.effect.*
import cats.syntax.all.*
import cats.parse.Parser as P
import cats.parse.Rfc5234.{digit, wsp}
import scala.collection.mutable
object Day4 extends IOApp.Simple {
case class Card(id: Int, winners: Set[Int], yours: Set[Int])
case class RectifiedCard(id: Int, matches: Int)
case class CurrentState(stack: mutable.Stack[RectifiedCard], points: Int)
val input: String = io.Source.fromResource("day4.txt").mkString
def calculatePoints(cards: List[RectifiedCard]): Int = => scala.math.pow(2, c.matches - 1).toInt).sum
def rectifyCards(cards: List[Card]): List[RectifiedCard] = {
val intersects = => card.yours intersect
val sizes =
val rectified =, size) => RectifiedCard(, size))
def createInitialStack(cards: List[RectifiedCard]): CurrentState = {
val stack = mutable.Stack[RectifiedCard]()
CurrentState(stack, cards.length)
def processTopCard(
cards: List[RectifiedCard],
state: CurrentState
): CurrentState =
val topCard = state.stack.pop()
val cardsToPush = cards.slice(, + topCard.matches)
CurrentState(state.stack, state.points + cardsToPush.length)
def processState(
cards: List[RectifiedCard],
state: CurrentState
): CurrentState =
if state.stack.isEmpty then state
else processState(cards, processTopCard(cards, state))
val result1F = {
CardsParser.parse(input) match
case Left(error) => IO.raiseError(new Throwable(s"\n${}"))
case Right(cards) => IO.delay(calculatePoints(rectifyCards(cards.toList)))
val result2F =
CardsParser.parse(input) match
case Left(error) => IO.raiseError(new Throwable(s"\n${}"))
case Right(cards) =>
IO.delay {
val rectified = rectifyCards(cards.toList)
val state = createInitialStack(rectified)
val finalState = processState(rectified, state)
def run: IO[Unit] = result2F
object CardsParser {
val number: P[Int] =
wsp.rep0.with1 *> <* wsp.rep0
val card: P[Card] = for {
id <- P.string("Card") ~ wsp.rep *> <* P
winners <- number.rep <* P.char('|')
yours <- number.rep <* P.char('\n').?
} yield Card(id, winners.toList.toSet, yours.toList.toSet)
def parse(input: String) = card.rep.parseAll(input)
package net.tazato
import weaver.*
import cats.syntax.all.*
object Day4Suite extends weaver.FunSuite {
val example: String = """Card 1: 41 48 83 86 17 | 83 86 6 31 17 9 48 53
*Card 2: 13 32 20 16 61 | 61 30 68 82 17 32 24 19
*Card 3: 1 21 53 59 44 | 69 82 63 72 16 21 14 1
*Card 4: 41 92 73 84 69 | 59 84 76 51 58 5 54 83
*Card 5: 87 83 26 28 32 | 88 30 70 12 93 22 82 36
*Card 6: 31 18 13 56 72 | 74 77 10 23 35 67 36 11"""
test("parse example") {
val cards = Day4.CardsParser.parse(example)
cards match
case Left(value) => failure(
case Right(value) => success
test("calculate example") {
Day4.CardsParser.parse(example) match
case Left(value) => failure(s"\n${}")
case Right(allCards) =>
expect(Day4.calculatePoints(Day4.rectifyCards(allCards.toList)) == 13)
test("initial stack") {
val cards = Day4.CardsParser.parse(example)
cards match
case Left(value) => failure(
case Right(cards) =>
val r = Day4.rectifyCards(cards.toList)
expect(r.head.matches == 4)
test("process state") {
val cards = Day4.CardsParser.parse(example)
cards match
case Left(value) => failure(
case Right(cards) =>
val r = Day4.rectifyCards(cards.toList)
val init = Day4.createInitialStack(r)
val s = Day4.processState(r, init)
expect(s.points == 30)
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