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Last active August 29, 2015 14:13
Show Gist options
  • Save CJYate/7e6a0468f12ae2884fca to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save CJYate/7e6a0468f12ae2884fca to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Successfully installed rails-4.1.9
1 gem installed
Successfully installed execjs-2.2.2
1 gem installed
create README.rdoc
create Rakefile
create .gitignore
create Gemfile
create app
create app/assets/javascripts/application.js
create app/assets/stylesheets/application.css
create app/controllers/application_controller.rb
create app/helpers/application_helper.rb
create app/views/layouts/application.html.erb
create app/assets/images/.keep
create app/mailers/.keep
create app/models/.keep
create app/controllers/concerns/.keep
create app/models/concerns/.keep
create bin
create bin/bundle
create bin/rails
create bin/rake
create config
create config/routes.rb
create config/application.rb
create config/environment.rb
create config/secrets.yml
create config/environments
create config/environments/development.rb
create config/environments/production.rb
create config/environments/test.rb
create config/initializers
create config/initializers/assets.rb
create config/initializers/backtrace_silencers.rb
create config/initializers/cookies_serializer.rb
create config/initializers/filter_parameter_logging.rb
create config/initializers/inflections.rb
create config/initializers/mime_types.rb
create config/initializers/session_store.rb
create config/initializers/wrap_parameters.rb
create config/locales
create config/locales/en.yml
create config/boot.rb
create config/database.yml
create db
create db/seeds.rb
create lib
create lib/tasks
create lib/tasks/.keep
create lib/assets
create lib/assets/.keep
create log
create log/.keep
create public
create public/404.html
create public/422.html
create public/500.html
create public/favicon.ico
create public/robots.txt
create test/fixtures
create test/fixtures/.keep
create test/controllers
create test/controllers/.keep
create test/mailers
create test/mailers/.keep
create test/models
create test/models/.keep
create test/helpers
create test/helpers/.keep
create test/integration
create test/integration/.keep
create test/test_helper.rb
create tmp/cache
create tmp/cache/assets
create vendor/assets/javascripts
create vendor/assets/javascripts/.keep
create vendor/assets/stylesheets
create vendor/assets/stylesheets/.keep
append Gemfile
run bundle install from "."
Fetching gem metadata from
Fetching additional metadata from
Resolving dependencies...
Using rake 10.4.2
Using CFPropertyList 2.3.0
Using i18n 0.7.0
Using json 1.8.2
Using minitest 5.5.1
Using thread_safe 0.3.4
Using tzinfo 1.2.2
Using activesupport 4.1.9
Using builder 3.2.2
Using erubis 2.7.0
Using actionview 4.1.9
Using rack 1.5.2
Using rack-test 0.6.3
Using actionpack 4.1.9
Using mime-types 2.4.3
Using mail 2.6.3
Using actionmailer 4.1.9
Using activemodel 4.1.9
Using arel
Using activerecord 4.1.9
Using acts_as_indexed 0.8.3
Using addressable 2.3.6
Using awesome_nested_set 3.0.2
Using babosa 1.0.2
Using bcrypt 3.1.9
Using bundler 1.7.6
Using coffee-script-source 1.8.0
Using execjs 2.2.2
Using coffee-script 2.3.0
Using thor 0.19.1
Using railties 4.1.9
Using coffee-rails 4.0.1
Using decorators 1.0.3
Using orm_adapter 0.5.0
Using responders 1.1.2
Using warden 1.2.3
Using devise 3.4.1
Using multi_json 1.10.1
Using dragonfly 1.0.7
Using excon 0.43.0
Using formatador 0.2.5
Using net-ssh 2.9.2
Using net-scp 1.2.1
Using fog-core 1.27.3
Using mini_portile 0.6.2
Using nokogiri 1.6.5
Using fog-xml 0.1.1
Using fog-atmos 0.1.0
Using fog-json 1.0.0
Using ipaddress 0.8.0
Using fog-aws 0.0.6
Using inflecto 0.0.2
Using fog-brightbox 0.7.1
Using fog-ecloud 0.0.2
Using fog-profitbricks 0.0.1
Using fog-radosgw 0.0.3
Using fog-sakuracloud 0.1.1
Using fog-serverlove 0.1.1
Using fog-softlayer 0.3.30
Using fog-storm_on_demand 0.1.0
Using fog-terremark 0.0.3
Using fission 0.5.0
Using fog-vmfusion 0.0.1
Using fog-voxel 0.0.2
Using fog 1.27.0
Using dragonfly-s3_data_store 1.0.4
Using friendly_id 5.0.5
Using globalize 4.0.3
Using hike 1.2.3
Using jbuilder 2.2.6
Using jquery-rails 3.1.2
Using jquery-ui-rails 5.0.3
Using paper_trail 4.0.0.beta2 from (at master)
Using quiet_assets 1.1.0
Using tilt 1.4.1
Using sprockets 2.12.3
Using sprockets-rails 2.2.2
Using rails 4.1.9
Using rails-i18n 4.0.3
Using rdoc 4.2.0
Using routing-filter 0.4.0.pre
Using refinerycms-i18n 3.0.0 from (at master)
Using sass 3.2.19
Using sass-rails 4.0.5
Using truncate_html 0.9.3
Using will_paginate 3.0.7
Using refinerycms-core 3.0.0 from (at master)
Using refinerycms-authentication 3.0.0 from (at master)
Using refinerycms-images 3.0.0 from (at master)
Using seo_meta 2.0.0.rc.1 from (at master)
Using refinerycms-pages 3.0.0 from (at master)
Using refinerycms-resources 3.0.0 from (at master)
Using refinerycms 3.0.0 from (at master)
Using refinerycms-acts-as-indexed 2.0.0
Using refinerycms-wymeditor 1.0.3
Using sdoc 0.4.1
Using spring 1.2.0
Using sqlite3 1.3.10
Using turbolinks 2.5.3
Using uglifier 2.7.0
Your bundle is complete!
Use `bundle show [gemname]` to see where a bundled gem is installed.
rake db:create
generate refinery:cms --fresh-installation new TestApp -m
remove app/views/layouts/application.html.erb
gsub Gemfile
append .gitignore
insert app/assets/stylesheets/application.css
create app/views/sitemap/index.xml.builder
create config/database.yml.mysql
create config/database.yml.postgresql
create config/database.yml.sqlite3
create app/decorators/controllers/refinery/.keep
create app/decorators/models/refinery/.keep
insert config/routes.rb
create config/initializers/refinery/core.rb
rake refinery_authentication:install:migrations
Copied migration 20150116172055_create_refinerycms_authentication_schema.refinery_authentication.rb from refinery_authentication
Copied migration 20150116172056_add_slug_to_refinery_users.refinery_authentication.rb from refinery_authentication
Copied migration 20150116172057_add_full_name_to_refinery_users.refinery_authentication.rb from refinery_authentication
create config/initializers/refinery/authentication.rb
rake refinery_resources:install:migrations
Copied migration 20150116172058_create_refinerycms_resources_schema.refinery_resources.rb from refinery_resources
create config/initializers/refinery/resources.rb
rake refinery_pages:install:migrations
Copied migration 20150116172059_create_refinerycms_pages_schema.refinery_pages.rb from refinery_pages
Copied migration 20150116172060_add_custom_slug_to_refinery_pages.refinery_pages.rb from refinery_pages
create config/initializers/refinery/pages.rb
append db/seeds.rb
rake refinery_images:install:migrations
Copied migration 20150116172101_create_refinerycms_images_schema.refinery_images.rb from refinery_images
Copied migration 20150116172102_remove_image_ext_from_refinery_images.refinery_images.rb from refinery_images
Copied migration 20150116172103_add_title_and_alt_to_refinery_images.refinery_images.rb from refinery_images
create config/initializers/refinery/images.rb
create config/initializers/refinery/i18n.rb
rake railties:install:migrations db:create db:migrate db:seed
Copied migration 20150116172104_create_seo_meta.seo_meta.rb from seo_meta
Copied migration 20150116172105_remove_meta_keywords_from_seo_meta.seo_meta.rb from seo_meta
== 20150116172055 CreateRefinerycmsAuthenticationSchema: migrating ============
-- create_table(:refinery_roles_users, {:id=>false})
-> 0.0004s
-- add_index(:refinery_roles_users, [:role_id, :user_id])
-> 0.0004s
-- add_index(:refinery_roles_users, [:user_id, :role_id])
-> 0.0006s
-- create_table(:refinery_roles)
-> 0.0009s
-- create_table(:refinery_user_plugins)
-> 0.0051s
-- add_index(:refinery_user_plugins, :name)
-> 0.0004s
-- add_index(:refinery_user_plugins, [:user_id, :name], {:unique=>true})
-> 0.0007s
-- create_table(:refinery_users)
-> 0.0006s
-- add_index(:refinery_users, :id)
-> 0.0003s
== 20150116172055 CreateRefinerycmsAuthenticationSchema: migrated (0.0099s) ===
== 20150116172056 AddSlugToRefineryUsers: migrating ===========================
-- add_column(:refinery_users, :slug, :string)
-> 0.0005s
-- add_index(:refinery_users, :slug)
-> 0.0006s
== 20150116172056 AddSlugToRefineryUsers: migrated (0.0012s) ==================
== 20150116172057 AddFullNameToRefineryUsers: migrating =======================
-- add_column(:refinery_users, :full_name, :string)
-> 0.0005s
== 20150116172057 AddFullNameToRefineryUsers: migrated (0.0006s) ==============
== 20150116172058 CreateRefinerycmsResourcesSchema: migrating =================
-- create_table(:refinery_resources)
-> 0.0007s
== 20150116172058 CreateRefinerycmsResourcesSchema: migrated (0.0007s) ========
== 20150116172059 CreateRefinerycmsPagesSchema: migrating =====================
-- create_table(:refinery_page_parts)
-> 0.0007s
-- add_index(:refinery_page_parts, :id)
-> 0.0004s
-- add_index(:refinery_page_parts, :refinery_page_id)
-> 0.0006s
-- create_table(:refinery_pages)
-> 0.0037s
-- add_index(:refinery_pages, :depth)
-> 0.0003s
-- add_index(:refinery_pages, :id)
-> 0.0006s
-- add_index(:refinery_pages, :lft)
-> 0.0008s
-- add_index(:refinery_pages, :parent_id)
-> 0.0011s
-- add_index(:refinery_pages, :rgt)
-> 0.0013s
== 20150116172059 CreateRefinerycmsPagesSchema: migrated (0.0238s) ============
== 20150116172060 AddCustomSlugToRefineryPages: migrating =====================
== 20150116172060 AddCustomSlugToRefineryPages: migrated (0.0011s) ============
== 20150116172101 CreateRefinerycmsImagesSchema: migrating ====================
-- create_table(:refinery_images)
-> 0.0012s
== 20150116172101 CreateRefinerycmsImagesSchema: migrated (0.0012s) ===========
== 20150116172102 RemoveImageExtFromRefineryImages: migrating =================
-- remove_column(:refinery_images, :image_ext)
-> 0.0039s
== 20150116172102 RemoveImageExtFromRefineryImages: migrated (0.0040s) ========
== 20150116172103 AddTitleAndAltToRefineryImages: migrating ===================
-- change_table(:refinery_images)
-> 0.0009s
== 20150116172103 AddTitleAndAltToRefineryImages: migrated (0.0010s) ==========
== 20150116172104 CreateSeoMeta: migrating ====================================
-- create_table(:seo_meta)
-> 0.0007s
-- add_index(:seo_meta, :id)
-> 0.0003s
-- add_index(:seo_meta, [:seo_meta_id, :seo_meta_type], {:name=>:id_type_index_on_seo_meta})
-> 0.0008s
== 20150116172104 CreateSeoMeta: migrated (0.0019s) ===========================
== 20150116172105 RemoveMetaKeywordsFromSeoMeta: migrating ====================
-- remove_column(:seo_meta, :meta_keywords)
-> 0.0070s
== 20150116172105 RemoveMetaKeywordsFromSeoMeta: migrated (0.0070s) ===========
Your new Refinery CMS application is now running on edge and mounted to /.
run bundle install
Using rake 10.4.2
Using CFPropertyList 2.3.0
Using i18n 0.7.0
Using json 1.8.2
Using minitest 5.5.1
Using thread_safe 0.3.4
Using tzinfo 1.2.2
Using activesupport 4.1.9
Using builder 3.2.2
Using erubis 2.7.0
Using actionview 4.1.9
Using rack 1.5.2
Using rack-test 0.6.3
Using actionpack 4.1.9
Using mime-types 2.4.3
Using mail 2.6.3
Using actionmailer 4.1.9
Using activemodel 4.1.9
Using arel
Using activerecord 4.1.9
Using acts_as_indexed 0.8.3
Using addressable 2.3.6
Using awesome_nested_set 3.0.2
Using babosa 1.0.2
Using bcrypt 3.1.9
Using coffee-script-source 1.8.0
Using execjs 2.2.2
Using coffee-script 2.3.0
Using thor 0.19.1
Using railties 4.1.9
Using coffee-rails 4.0.1
Using decorators 1.0.3
Using orm_adapter 0.5.0
Using responders 1.1.2
Using warden 1.2.3
Using devise 3.4.1
Using multi_json 1.10.1
Using dragonfly 1.0.7
Using excon 0.43.0
Using formatador 0.2.5
Using net-ssh 2.9.2
Using net-scp 1.2.1
Using fog-core 1.27.3
Using mini_portile 0.6.2
Using nokogiri 1.6.5
Using fog-xml 0.1.1
Using fog-atmos 0.1.0
Using fog-json 1.0.0
Using ipaddress 0.8.0
Using fog-aws 0.0.6
Using inflecto 0.0.2
Using fog-brightbox 0.7.1
Using fog-ecloud 0.0.2
Using fog-profitbricks 0.0.1
Using fog-radosgw 0.0.3
Using fog-sakuracloud 0.1.1
Using fog-serverlove 0.1.1
Using fog-softlayer 0.3.30
Using fog-storm_on_demand 0.1.0
Using fog-terremark 0.0.3
Using fission 0.5.0
Using fog-vmfusion 0.0.1
Using fog-voxel 0.0.2
Using fog 1.27.0
Using dragonfly-s3_data_store 1.0.4
Using friendly_id 5.0.5
Using globalize 4.0.3
Using hike 1.2.3
Using jbuilder 2.2.6
Using jquery-rails 3.1.2
Using jquery-ui-rails 5.0.3
Using paper_trail 4.0.0.beta2 from (at master)
Using quiet_assets 1.1.0
Using bundler 1.7.6
Using tilt 1.4.1
Using sprockets 2.12.3
Using sprockets-rails 2.2.2
Using rails 4.1.9
Using rails-i18n 4.0.3
Using rdoc 4.2.0
Using routing-filter 0.4.0.pre
Using refinerycms-i18n 3.0.0 from (at master)
Using sass 3.2.19
Using sass-rails 4.0.5
Using truncate_html 0.9.3
Using will_paginate 3.0.7
Using refinerycms-core 3.0.0 from (at master)
Using refinerycms-authentication 3.0.0 from (at master)
Using refinerycms-images 3.0.0 from (at master)
Using seo_meta 2.0.0.rc.1 from (at master)
Using refinerycms-pages 3.0.0 from (at master)
Using refinerycms-resources 3.0.0 from (at master)
Using refinerycms 3.0.0 from (at master)
Using refinerycms-acts-as-indexed 2.0.0
Using refinerycms-wymeditor 1.0.3
Using sdoc 0.4.1
Using spring 1.2.0
Using sqlite3 1.3.10
Using turbolinks 2.5.3
Using uglifier 2.7.0
Your bundle is complete!
Use `bundle show [gemname]` to see where a bundled gem is installed.
run bundle exec spring binstub --all
* bin/rake: spring inserted
* bin/rails: spring inserted
Using rake 10.4.2
Using CFPropertyList 2.3.0
Using i18n 0.7.0
Using json 1.8.2
Using minitest 5.5.1
Using thread_safe 0.3.4
Using tzinfo 1.2.2
Using activesupport 4.1.9
Using builder 3.2.2
Using erubis 2.7.0
Using actionview 4.1.9
Using rack 1.5.2
Using rack-test 0.6.3
Using actionpack 4.1.9
Using mime-types 2.4.3
Using mail 2.6.3
Using actionmailer 4.1.9
Using activemodel 4.1.9
Using arel
Using activerecord 4.1.9
Using acts_as_indexed 0.8.3
Using addressable 2.3.6
Using awesome_nested_set 3.0.2
Using babosa 1.0.2
Using bcrypt 3.1.9
Using coffee-script-source 1.8.0
Using execjs 2.2.2
Using coffee-script 2.3.0
Using thor 0.19.1
Using railties 4.1.9
Using coffee-rails 4.0.1
Using decorators 1.0.3
Using orm_adapter 0.5.0
Using responders 1.1.2
Using warden 1.2.3
Using devise 3.4.1
Using multi_json 1.10.1
Using dragonfly 1.0.7
Using excon 0.43.0
Using formatador 0.2.5
Using net-ssh 2.9.2
Using net-scp 1.2.1
Using fog-core 1.27.3
Using mini_portile 0.6.2
Using nokogiri 1.6.5
Using fog-xml 0.1.1
Using fog-atmos 0.1.0
Using fog-json 1.0.0
Using ipaddress 0.8.0
Using fog-aws 0.0.6
Using inflecto 0.0.2
Using fog-brightbox 0.7.1
Using fog-ecloud 0.0.2
Using fog-profitbricks 0.0.1
Using fog-radosgw 0.0.3
Using fog-sakuracloud 0.1.1
Using fog-serverlove 0.1.1
Using fog-softlayer 0.3.30
Using fog-storm_on_demand 0.1.0
Using fog-terremark 0.0.3
Using fission 0.5.0
Using fog-vmfusion 0.0.1
Using fog-voxel 0.0.2
Using fog 1.27.0
Using dragonfly-s3_data_store 1.0.4
Using friendly_id 5.0.5
Using globalize 4.0.3
Using hike 1.2.3
Using jbuilder 2.2.6
Using jquery-rails 3.1.2
Using jquery-ui-rails 5.0.3
Using paper_trail 4.0.0.beta2 from (at master)
Using quiet_assets 1.1.0
Using bundler 1.7.6
Using tilt 1.4.1
Using sprockets 2.12.3
Using sprockets-rails 2.2.2
Using rails 4.1.9
Using rails-i18n 4.0.3
Using rdoc 4.2.0
Using routing-filter 0.4.0.pre
Using refinerycms-i18n 3.0.0 from (at master)
Using sass 3.2.19
Using sass-rails 4.0.5
Using truncate_html 0.9.3
Using will_paginate 3.0.7
Using refinerycms-core 3.0.0 from (at master)
Using refinerycms-authentication 3.0.0 from (at master)
Using refinerycms-images 3.0.0 from (at master)
Using seo_meta 2.0.0.rc.1 from (at master)
Using refinerycms-pages 3.0.0 from (at master)
Using refinerycms-resources 3.0.0 from (at master)
Using refinerycms 3.0.0 from (at master)
Using refinerycms-acts-as-indexed 2.0.0
Using refinerycms-wymeditor 1.0.3
Using sdoc 0.4.1
Using spring 1.2.0
Using sqlite3 1.3.10
Using turbolinks 2.5.3
Using uglifier 2.7.0
Your bundle is complete!
Use `bundle show [gemname]` to see where a bundled gem is installed.
== 20150116172055 CreateRefinerycmsAuthenticationSchema: migrating ============
-- create_table(:refinery_roles_users, {:id=>false})
-> 0.0005s
-- add_index(:refinery_roles_users, [:role_id, :user_id])
-> 0.0004s
-- add_index(:refinery_roles_users, [:user_id, :role_id])
-> 0.0006s
-- create_table(:refinery_roles)
-> 0.0009s
-- create_table(:refinery_user_plugins)
-> 0.0004s
-- add_index(:refinery_user_plugins, :name)
-> 0.0004s
-- add_index(:refinery_user_plugins, [:user_id, :name], {:unique=>true})
-> 0.0007s
-- create_table(:refinery_users)
-> 0.0006s
-- add_index(:refinery_users, :id)
-> 0.0003s
== 20150116172055 CreateRefinerycmsAuthenticationSchema: migrated (0.0050s) ===
== 20150116172056 AddSlugToRefineryUsers: migrating ===========================
-- add_column(:refinery_users, :slug, :string)
-> 0.0005s
-- add_index(:refinery_users, :slug)
-> 0.0006s
== 20150116172056 AddSlugToRefineryUsers: migrated (0.0012s) ==================
== 20150116172057 AddFullNameToRefineryUsers: migrating =======================
-- add_column(:refinery_users, :full_name, :string)
-> 0.0005s
== 20150116172057 AddFullNameToRefineryUsers: migrated (0.0005s) ==============
== 20150116172058 CreateRefinerycmsResourcesSchema: migrating =================
-- create_table(:refinery_resources)
-> 0.0007s
== 20150116172058 CreateRefinerycmsResourcesSchema: migrated (0.0008s) ========
== 20150116172059 CreateRefinerycmsPagesSchema: migrating =====================
-- create_table(:refinery_page_parts)
-> 0.0006s
-- add_index(:refinery_page_parts, :id)
-> 0.0004s
-- add_index(:refinery_page_parts, :refinery_page_id)
-> 0.0007s
-- create_table(:refinery_pages)
-> 0.0031s
-- add_index(:refinery_pages, :depth)
-> 0.0004s
-- add_index(:refinery_pages, :id)
-> 0.0006s
-- add_index(:refinery_pages, :lft)
-> 0.0009s
-- add_index(:refinery_pages, :parent_id)
-> 0.0010s
-- add_index(:refinery_pages, :rgt)
-> 0.0013s
== 20150116172059 CreateRefinerycmsPagesSchema: migrated (0.0235s) ============
== 20150116172060 AddCustomSlugToRefineryPages: migrating =====================
== 20150116172060 AddCustomSlugToRefineryPages: migrated (0.0009s) ============
== 20150116172101 CreateRefinerycmsImagesSchema: migrating ====================
-- create_table(:refinery_images)
-> 0.0012s
== 20150116172101 CreateRefinerycmsImagesSchema: migrated (0.0013s) ===========
== 20150116172102 RemoveImageExtFromRefineryImages: migrating =================
-- remove_column(:refinery_images, :image_ext)
-> 0.0050s
== 20150116172102 RemoveImageExtFromRefineryImages: migrated (0.0051s) ========
== 20150116172103 AddTitleAndAltToRefineryImages: migrating ===================
-- change_table(:refinery_images)
-> 0.0008s
== 20150116172103 AddTitleAndAltToRefineryImages: migrated (0.0009s) ==========
== 20150116172104 CreateSeoMeta: migrating ====================================
-- create_table(:seo_meta)
-> 0.0007s
-- add_index(:seo_meta, :id)
-> 0.0004s
-- add_index(:seo_meta, [:seo_meta_id, :seo_meta_type], {:name=>:id_type_index_on_seo_meta})
-> 0.0081s
== 20150116172104 CreateSeoMeta: migrated (0.0094s) ===========================
== 20150116172105 RemoveMetaKeywordsFromSeoMeta: migrating ====================
-- remove_column(:seo_meta, :meta_keywords)
-> 0.0080s
== 20150116172105 RemoveMetaKeywordsFromSeoMeta: migrated (0.0081s) ===========
Spring stopped.
create vendor/extensions/things/config/routes.rb
create vendor/extensions/things/config/locales/nl.yml
create vendor/extensions/things/config/locales/it.yml
create vendor/extensions/things/config/locales/sk.yml
create vendor/extensions/things/config/locales/en.yml
create vendor/extensions/things/config/locales/nb.yml
create vendor/extensions/things/config/locales/fr.yml
create vendor/extensions/things/config/locales/tr.yml
create vendor/extensions/things/config/locales/cs.yml
create vendor/extensions/things/config/locales/zh-CN.yml
create vendor/extensions/things/config/locales/es.yml
create vendor/extensions/things/Rakefile
create vendor/extensions/things/app/controllers/refinery/things/admin/things_controller.rb
create vendor/extensions/things/app/controllers/refinery/things/things_controller.rb
create vendor/extensions/things/app/views/refinery/things/admin/things/_form.html.erb
create vendor/extensions/things/app/views/refinery/things/admin/things/_actions.html.erb
create vendor/extensions/things/app/views/refinery/things/admin/things/edit.html.erb
create vendor/extensions/things/app/views/refinery/things/admin/things/_thing.html.erb
create vendor/extensions/things/app/views/refinery/things/admin/things/_sortable_list.html.erb
create vendor/extensions/things/app/views/refinery/things/admin/things/new.html.erb
create vendor/extensions/things/app/views/refinery/things/admin/things/index.html.erb
create vendor/extensions/things/app/views/refinery/things/admin/things/_records.html.erb
create vendor/extensions/things/app/views/refinery/things/admin/things/_things.html.erb
create vendor/extensions/things/app/views/refinery/things/things/show.html.erb
create vendor/extensions/things/app/views/refinery/things/things/index.html.erb
create vendor/extensions/things/app/models/refinery/things/thing.rb
create vendor/extensions/things/lib/refinery/things.rb
create vendor/extensions/things/lib/refinery/things/engine.rb
create vendor/extensions/things/lib/refinerycms-things.rb
create vendor/extensions/things/lib/generators/refinery/things_generator.rb
create vendor/extensions/things/lib/tasks/refinery/things.rake
create vendor/extensions/things/
create vendor/extensions/things/refinerycms-things.gemspec
create vendor/extensions/things/Gemfile
create vendor/extensions/things/db/migrate/1_create_things_things.rb
create vendor/extensions/things/script/rails
create vendor/extensions/things/tasks/rspec.rake
create vendor/extensions/things/tasks/testing.rake
create vendor/extensions/things/spec/support/factories/refinery/things.rb
create vendor/extensions/things/spec/features/refinery/things/admin/things_spec.rb
create vendor/extensions/things/spec/spec_helper.rb
create vendor/extensions/things/spec/models/refinery/things/thing_spec.rb
append Gemfile
Now run:
bundle install
rails generate refinery:things
rake db:migrate
rake db:seed
Please restart your rails server.
Fetching gem metadata from
Fetching additional metadata from
Resolving dependencies...
Could not find gem 'refinerycms-i18n (~> 3.0.0) ruby', which is required by gem
'refinerycms-things (>= 0) ruby', in any of the sources.
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