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Created May 26, 2015 13:26
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  • Save CJentzsch/fe0dddaec4eedeca3e3e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save CJentzsch/fe0dddaec4eedeca3e3e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
⧎ ◌ 15:25:37|p2p|90f1e89c…|Test Disconnect (reason: Peer is exiting. )
⧎ ◌ 15:25:37|p2p|90f1e89c…|Test Closing peer session :-(
⧎ ℹ 15:25:37|testeth Id: ##27cf7c58…
⧎ ℹ 15:25:37|testeth Id: ##27cf7c58…
⧎ ℹ 15:25:37|testeth Id: ##c3e9ff61…
⧎ ℹ 15:25:37|testeth Id: ##9f15fdc0…
⧎ ℹ 15:25:37|testeth Id: ##2222410e…
⧎ ℹ 15:25:37|testeth Id: ##8d7fda0b…
⧎ ℹ 15:25:37|testeth Id: ##397d5dbc…
⧎ ℹ 15:25:37|testeth Id: ##c783e98a…
⧎ ◌ 15:25:38|p2p Hello: Test V[ 4 ] ##c3e9ff61… 30300
⧎ ◌ 15:25:38|p2p Hello: Test V[ 4 ] ##c783e98a… 30305
⧎ ◌ 15:25:38|p2p Hello: Test V[ 4 ] ##c783e98a… 30305
⧎ ✘ 15:25:38|p2p Session already exists for peer with id ##c783e98a…
⧎ ◌ 15:25:38|p2p|c783e98a…|Test Closing peer session :-(
⧎ ◌ 15:25:38|p2p Hello: Test V[ 4 ] ##c3e9ff61… 30300
⧎ ✘ 15:25:38|p2p Session already exists for peer with id ##c3e9ff61…
⧎ ◌ 15:25:38|p2p|c3e9ff61…|Test Closing peer session :-(
⧎ ◌ 15:25:38|p2p Hello: Test V[ 4 ] ##c3e9ff61… 30300
⧎ ◌ 15:25:38|p2p Hello: Test V[ 4 ] ##c3e9ff61… 30300
⧎ ✘ 15:25:38|p2p Session already exists for peer with id ##c3e9ff61…
⧎ ◌ 15:25:38|p2p|c3e9ff61…|Test Closing peer session :-(
⧎ ◌ 15:25:38|p2p Hello: Test V[ 4 ] ##c783e98a… 30305
⧎ ◌ 15:25:38|p2p Hello: Test V[ 4 ] ##9f15fdc0… 30301
⧎ ◌ 15:25:38|p2p Hello: Test V[ 4 ] ##c783e98a… 30305
⧎ ✘ 15:25:38|p2p Session already exists for peer with id ##c783e98a…
⧎ ◌ 15:25:38|p2p|c783e98a…|Test Closing peer session :-(
⧎ ◌ 15:25:38|p2p Hello: Test V[ 4 ] ##9f15fdc0… 30301
⧎ ◌ 15:25:38|p2p Hello: Test V[ 4 ] ##c783e98a… 30305
⧎ ◌ 15:25:38|p2p Hello: Test V[ 4 ] ##c783e98a… 30305
⧎ ✘ 15:25:38|p2p Session already exists for peer with id ##c783e98a…
⧎ ◌ 15:25:38|p2p Hello: Test V[ 4 ] ##c3e9ff61… 30300
⧎ ◌ 15:25:38|p2p|c783e98a…|Test Closing peer session :-(
⧎ ◌ 15:25:38|p2p Hello: Test V[ 4 ] ##9f15fdc0… 30301
⧎ ✘ 15:25:38|p2p Session already exists for peer with id ##9f15fdc0…
⧎ ◌ 15:25:38|p2p Hello: Test V[ 4 ] ##c3e9ff61… 30300
⧎ ◌ 15:25:38|p2p|9f15fdc0…|Test Closing peer session :-(
⧎ ◌ 15:25:38|p2p Hello: Test V[ 4 ] ##8d7fda0b… 30303
⧎ ◌ 15:25:38|p2p Hello: Test V[ 4 ] ##2222410e… 30302
⧎ ◌ 15:25:38|p2p Hello: Test V[ 4 ] ##2222410e… 30302
⧎ ✘ 15:25:38|p2p Session already exists for peer with id ##2222410e…
⧎ ◌ 15:25:38|p2p Hello: Test V[ 4 ] ##8d7fda0b… 30303
⧎ ✘ 15:25:38|p2p Session already exists for peer with id ##8d7fda0b…
⧎ ◌ 15:25:38|p2p|2222410e…|Test Closing peer session :-(
⧎ ◌ 15:25:38|p2p|8d7fda0b…|Test Closing peer session :-(
⧎ ◌ 15:25:38|p2p Hello: Test V[ 4 ] ##c783e98a… 30305
⧎ ◌ 15:25:38|p2p Hello: Test V[ 4 ] ##397d5dbc… 30304
⧎ ◌ 15:25:38|p2p Hello: Test V[ 4 ] ##c783e98a… 30305
⧎ ◌ 15:25:38|p2p Hello: Test V[ 4 ] ##9f15fdc0… 30301
⧎ ✘ 15:25:38|p2p Session already exists for peer with id ##9f15fdc0…
⧎ ◌ 15:25:38|p2p Hello: Test V[ 4 ] ##2222410e… 30302
⧎ ◌ 15:25:38|p2p Hello: Test V[ 4 ] ##c3e9ff61… 30300
⧎ ◌ 15:25:38|p2p|9f15fdc0…|Test Closing peer session :-(
⧎ ✘ 15:25:38|p2p Session already exists for peer with id ##c3e9ff61…
⧎ ◌ 15:25:38|p2p Hello: Test V[ 4 ] ##2222410e… 30302
⧎ ◌ 15:25:38|p2p|c3e9ff61…|Test Closing peer session :-(
⧎ ✘ 15:25:38|p2p Session already exists for peer with id ##2222410e…
⧎ ◌ 15:25:38|p2p|2222410e…|Test Closing peer session :-(
⧎ ◌ 15:25:38|p2p Hello: Test V[ 4 ] ##8d7fda0b… 30303
⧎ ◌ 15:25:38|p2p Hello: Test V[ 4 ] ##397d5dbc… 30304
⧎ ◌ 15:25:38|p2p Hello: Test V[ 4 ] ##8d7fda0b… 30303
⧎ ✘ 15:25:38|p2p Session already exists for peer with id ##8d7fda0b…
⧎ ◌ 15:25:38|p2p|8d7fda0b…|Test Closing peer session :-(
⧎ ◌ 15:25:38|p2p Hello: Test V[ 4 ] ##c3e9ff61… 30300
⧎ ◌ 15:25:38|p2p Hello: Test V[ 4 ] ##c3e9ff61… 30300
⧎ ◌ 15:25:38|p2p Hello: Test V[ 4 ] ##397d5dbc… 30304
⧎ ✘ 15:25:38|p2p Session already exists for peer with id ##c3e9ff61…
⧎ ✘ 15:25:38|p2p Session already exists for peer with id ##397d5dbc…
⧎ ◌ 15:25:38|p2p|c3e9ff61…|Test Closing peer session :-(
⧎ ◌ 15:25:38|p2p|397d5dbc…|Test Closing peer session :-(
⧎ ℹ 15:25:39|testeth Id: ##34574e8d…
⧎ ✘ 15:25:39|p2p Couldn't start accepting connections on host. Failed to accept socket.
Throw location unknown (consider using BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION)
Dynamic exception type: boost::exception_detail::clone_impl<boost::exception_detail::error_info_injector<boost::system::system_error> >
std::exception::what: bind: Address already in use
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::exception_detail::clone_impl<boost::exception_detail::error_info_injector<boost::system::system_error> >'
what(): bind: Address already in use
unknown location(0): fatal error in "requirePeer": signal: SIGABRT (application abort requested)
/home/christoph/software/Ethereum/cpp-ethereum/test/libp2p/peer.cpp(117): last checkpoint
unknown location(0): fatal error in "test_secrets_cpp_vectors": memory access violation at address: 0x00000008: no mapping at fault address
/home/christoph/software/Ethereum/cpp-ethereum/test/libp2p/peer.cpp(196): last checkpoint
*** 2 failures detected in test suite "EthereumTests"
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