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Last active February 26, 2017 21:34
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Template: Module 4 Action Plan

This is your deliverable from the Job Search Strategies I session

Module 4 Goals

List your longterm goal(s) of what you want to accomplish by the end of module 4

  1. Establish relationships with 3-4 companies that I'm interested in working for, and make sure they know that I'm interested and that I'm looking for part-time employment or contract work. It would be great to already have some offers.
  2. Complete 2-3 individual projects that I'm proud of showing off and include them in my portfolio.
  3. Remaining Learning Goals: -- Deploy a rails app on AWS. -- Build a server on Digital Ocean Droplet. -- Learn how to implement Continuous Integration with Jenkins. -- Build a highly functioning and nice looking map application. -- Build a scalable app capable of high performance with large numbers of concurrent users. -- Learn how to build summary dashboards with D3.

Strategy To Achieve Goals:

In this section, break down your longterm goal into smaller goals that you want to work on each week and/or day

-- Deploy a rails app on AWS: Go through the process with an old project over the break. Set up a pair session with Mike to discuss any issues after trying on my own. -- Build a server on Digital Ocean Droplet: Work with Annie to do this over the break with our Pinspiration project. -- Learn how to implement Continuous Integration with Jenkins: Continue to work with mentors at Cuttlesoft to learn how to use Jenkins. -- Build a highly functioning and nice looking map application: Complete Mod 3 personal project and continue to work with July Tran. -- Build a scalable app capable of high performance with large numbers of concurrent users: Ask Jeff if this can be a part of Mod 4. -- Learn how to build summary dashboards with D3: Do this on a Mod 4 project.

Coding (both including your module 4 curriculum and anything outside of it):

How will you focus your learning to accomplish your longterm goal?

See answers above

Opportunities Research:

How will you continue researching companies and contacts? How will you utilize your Trello Board?

I most likely will not utilize my Trello Board, but I will reach out to staff to see if they are aware of any local companies that fit the model I'm looking for. After I come up with a good list, I'll try to set up coffee meetings with people at these companies.

Cold Outreach/Network:

*Who will you reach out to? Have you considered talking with alumni about their own networking practices when they started their job search?

See answer above

Personal Branding (A personal branding section is optional):

How might personal branding pieces help you towards your goal?

I believe my strongest asset is my business and sustainability background and my ability to win over clients and come up with new ideas from scratch. I'll be sure to talk about this on all of my personal branding materials.


What will you do when?

I will continue to work on everything listed here in between assignments as time is available.

Module Tasks:

What will you do throughout the module?

See answer above

Weekly Tasks:

What will you do throughout each week?

See answer above

What I Will Work on with Meg

What advice do you need? What would be helpful to talk through? Let Meg know here!

  • If you're aware of any smaller local companies that offer mentorship and the opportunity to learn all aspects of software delivery from start to finish (including sales, design, DevOps, security, scalability, and maintenance), I'd like to know about them so that I can look into them. I've found one that I like, but I'd like to find more.
  • I'd like to know where my part-time salary expectations fit in relation to the salaries other graduates that had good jobs prior to Turing are receiving.
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