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Created February 7, 2021 20:42
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N64 Fractal Path Tracer
#include <math.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <libdragon.h>
typedef double vec3[3];
const double epsl = 0.0000005;
// vector dot product
static double dot(vec3 v0, vec3 v1) {
double x2 = v0[0] * v1[0];
double y2 = v0[1] * v1[1];
double z2 = v0[2] * v1[2];
return x2 + y2 + z2;
// normalize vector v
static void normalize(vec3 v) {
double r = sqrt(dot(v, v));
v[0] /= r, v[1] /= r, v[2] /= r;
// reflect vector v across plane n
static void reflect(vec3 v, vec3 n) {
double c = 2 * fmax(0, dot(v, n));
v[0] = v[0] - c * n[0];
v[1] = v[1] - c * n[1];
v[2] = v[2] - c * n[2];
// rescale vector v about point o
static void rescale(vec3 v, vec3 o, double c) {
v[0] = c * v[0] - (c - 1) * o[0];
v[1] = c * v[1] - (c - 1) * o[1];
v[2] = c * v[2] - (c - 1) * o[2];
// position of ray at distance d
static void ray_at(vec3 dir, vec3 pnt, double d, vec3 v) {
v[0] = dir[0] * d + pnt[0];
v[1] = dir[1] * d + pnt[1];
v[2] = dir[2] * d + pnt[2];
// get distance from point p to fractal
// from Kaliedoscopic IFS reply 106
static double distance(vec3 p) {
int maxI = 10, i = -1;
double phi = 0.5 * (1 + sqrt(5));
vec3 n1 = { -phi, phi - 1, 1 };
vec3 n2 = { 1, -phi, phi + 1 };
vec3 v0 = { 1, phi - 1, 0 };
normalize(n1), normalize(n2), normalize(v0);
while (++i < maxI) {
p[1] = fabs(p[1]), p[2] = fabs(p[2]);
reflect(p, n2), p[0] = fabs(p[0]);
p[2] = fabs(p[2]), reflect(p, n1);
rescale(p, v0, 2);
return (sqrt(dot(p, p)) - 2) * pow(2, -maxI);
// get number of steps to fractal from origin
static int trace(vec3 dir, vec3 pnt, vec3 h, vec3 n) {
int maxSteps = 255, steps = 0;
double dist = 1000, total = 0;
while (++steps <= maxSteps) {
ray_at(dir, pnt, total, h);
dist = distance((vec3){h[0],h[1],h[2]});
if (dist < epsl * 2) break;
if (dist > 7) return 0;
total += dist;
if (dist >= epsl * 2) return 0;
n[0] = distance((vec3){ h[0] + epsl, h[1], h[2] }) - dist;
n[1] = distance((vec3){ h[0], h[1] + epsl, h[2] }) - dist;
n[2] = distance((vec3){ h[0], h[1], h[2] + epsl }) - dist;
return normalize(n), 1;
static double halton2(unsigned num) {
unsigned reversed = 0, base = 2;
double inv = 1 / (double)base, invN = 1;
while (num) {
unsigned next = num / base;
unsigned digit = num - next * base;
reversed = reversed * base + digit;
invN *= inv, num = next;
return reversed * invN;
static double halton3(unsigned num) {
unsigned reversed = 0, base = 3;
double inv = 1 / (double)base, invN = 1;
while (num) {
unsigned next = num / base;
unsigned digit = num - next * base;
reversed = reversed * base + digit;
invN *= inv, num = next;
return reversed * invN;
// get cosine-weighted vector v
// in hemisphere about vector n
static void get_sample(vec3 n, vec3 v) {
static unsigned i = 1;
double u0 = halton2(i);
double u1 = halton3(i++);
// ray tracing gems 16.6.2
double a = 1 - 2 * u0;
double b = sqrt(1 - a * a);
double phi = 2 * M_PI * u1;
v[0] = n[0] + b * cos(phi);
v[1] = n[1] + b * sin(phi);
v[2] = n[2] + a;
// get scene shade along ray
static double shade(vec3 dir, vec3 pnt) {
double hit[3], norm[3], lum = 255;
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
if (trace(dir, pnt, hit, norm)) {
get_sample(norm, dir), lum *= 0.875;
ray_at(norm, hit, epsl * 2, pnt);
} else return lum * (1 - dir[1]);
return 0;
// get camera ray from x/y fraction
// uvw are orthogal unit vectors
static void cam_ray(double x, double y, vec3 dir) {
vec3 u = { 1/sqrt(2), 0, 1/sqrt(2) };
vec3 v = { -1/sqrt(6), sqrt(2)/sqrt(3), 1/sqrt(6) };
vec3 w = { -1/sqrt(3), -1/sqrt(3), 1/sqrt(3) };
dir[0] = x * u[0] + y * v[0] + w[0];
dir[1] = x * u[1] + y * v[1] + w[1];
dir[2] = x * u[2] + y * v[2] + w[2];
int main(void) {
display_context_t disp = 0;
while(!(disp = display_lock()));
double viewH = 1.5 / (double)240 / 4;
double viewW = 2.0 / (double)320 / 4;
for (int y = 0; y < 240; ++y) {
for (int x = 0; x < 320; ++x) {
double h = viewH * (y - 120);
double w = viewW * (x - 160);
double lum = 0, spp = 32;
for (int j = 0; j < spp; ++j) {
vec3 dir, pnt = { 6/sqrt(3), 6/sqrt(3), -6/sqrt(3) };
cam_ray(w + halton2(j) * viewW, h + halton3(j) * viewH, dir);
lum += shade(dir, pnt) / spp;
uint32_t color = (uint32_t)fmin(lum, 255) * 0x01010101;
graphics_draw_pixel(disp, x, y, color);
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When compiled with libdragon for the Nintendo 64, this should render a Sierpinski icosahedron, as seen in the emulator screenshot:

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