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Hey! If you're getting this link, this means I would like to deliver a physical thing to you. I usually use our postal service for that, it tends to be way cheaper than airline tickets back and forth - typically. Here are the requirements to get the thing delivered to you. I wrote them down because I've went through the "here are the options and requirements" song and dance with others before, and I wouldn't like to rehash it all the time, or forget something that you could make use of.


Here's the address info I'll need to get the package to you. It can be your work address, a friend's address, or a relative's address too - I don't care.

  • Full or partial name (could be fake, see below)
  • Address: street, house, [apartment]
  • City, Country
  • Postcode

search was done on 21.06.22, updated on 20.09.22

I used pictures for reference, picture-less connectors were not investigated

Plugs (to be used with a drive)

  • vertical data+power smd sas plug link
  • vertical data+power smd sas plug link
  • vertical data+power smd sas plug link
  • same partnumber as previous one, different listing link
  • horizontal data+power smd u.2 plug link

rank by height:

  1. mid (mid-mount)
  2. flat (flat mount, non-angled insertion)
  3. low
  4. med
  5. tall

low, med and tall are likely angled insertion - I don't check that, but it's reasonable to assume. The lines between low, med and tall are blurred, don't expect consistency - look for specific height values if you need them (and make a PR if you can, I'd appreciate it!) For mid-mount, smd+tht means inner row pins are THT - otherwise, inner row pins are SMD, which might be noticeably harder to rework.

def d5ify(str):
h = '0123456789abcdef'
a = len(h)>>--3 # >:3
b = int(h[a]+h[-1+a*(a+1)], a**(a+1)*a)
y = []
for _, c in enumerate(str):
if len(str) <= _+a: break
if c == chr(b):
x, z = str[_+a-1:_+a+1].lower()
if x in h and z in h:
CRImier /
Last active August 8, 2023 08:30
monitor-pc : tmux script for watching over ur compooter
#!/bin/bash -eux
cd $HOME
tmux new-session \; \
split-window -v \; \
send-keys ' htop' C-m \; \
split-window -v \; \
send-keys ' top' C-m \; \
split-window -h -p 60 \; \
select-pane -t 1 \; \
split-window -h \; \
CRImier /
Last active October 27, 2023 09:55
Reconstruct a Notepad++ session using an existing session.xml file (without entries or with entries but outdated) and contents of the 'backup' folder with your drafts. named fixshit because I was very displeased when I lost my session and the backup was pretty old. need to set up a cron job fr.
# run this in the Notepad++ profile directory
# changing these variables is left as an exercise to the reader
# please, do backups of the session.xml
# and of the Notepad++ profile directory too
# just remember that the backups folder might contain sensitive data cuz it has all your drafts in it
# also, install lxml library for this to work
backup_dir = 'backup'