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Last active February 8, 2020 21:41
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  • Save CRogers/6011424 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save CRogers/6011424 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A pretty printed debug tracer for FParsec - like [the example from the docs]( but with nicer syntax and saves the output in `UserData.Debug`. Use the same ways as in the docs - `parser <!> "label"` will trace the entrance, exit, result and data produced by `pars…
module FParsecTrace
open FParsec
open FParsec.Primitives
open FParsec.CharParsers
open System.Text
type DebugInfo = { Message: string; Indent: int }
type UserState = { mutable Debug: DebugInfo }
type P<'t> = Parser<'t, UserState>
type DebugType<'a> = Enter | Leave of Reply<'a>
let addToDebug (stream:CharStream<UserState>) label dtype =
let msgPadLen = 50
let startIndent = stream.UserState.Debug.Indent
let (str, curIndent, nextIndent) = match dtype with
| Enter -> sprintf "Entering %s" label, startIndent, startIndent+1
| Leave res ->
let str = sprintf "Leaving %s (%A)" label res.Status
let resStr = sprintf "%s %A" (str.PadRight(msgPadLen-startIndent-1)) res.Result
resStr, startIndent-1, startIndent-1
let indentStr =
if curIndent = 0 then ""
else "\u251C".PadRight(curIndent, '\u251C')
let posStr = (sprintf "%A: " stream.Position).PadRight(20)
let posIdentStr = posStr + indentStr
// The %A for res.Result makes it go onto multiple lines - pad them out correctly
let replaceStr = "\n" + "".PadRight(posStr.Length) + "".PadRight(curIndent, '\u2502').PadRight(msgPadLen)
let correctedStr = str.Replace("\n", replaceStr)
let fullStr = sprintf "%s %s\n" posIdentStr correctedStr
stream.UserState.Debug <- {
Message = stream.UserState.Debug.Message + fullStr
Indent = nextIndent
let (<!>) (p: P<_>) label :P<_> =
fun stream ->
addToDebug stream label Enter
let reply = p stream
addToDebug stream label (Leave reply)
let (<?!>) (p: P<_>) label :P<_> =
p <?> label <!> label
Success: ['a']
(Ln: 1, Col: 1): Entering sepByTest
(Ln: 1, Col: 1): ├ Entering a
(Ln: 1, Col: 2): ├ Leaving a (Ok) 'a'
(Ln: 1, Col: 2): ├ Entering b
(Ln: 1, Col: 2): ├ Leaving b (Error) '\000'
(Ln: 1, Col: 2): Leaving sepByTest (Ok) ['a']
Success: ['a'; 'a']
(Ln: 1, Col: 1): Entering sepByTest
(Ln: 1, Col: 1): ├ Entering a
(Ln: 1, Col: 2): ├ Leaving a (Ok) 'a'
(Ln: 1, Col: 2): ├ Entering b
(Ln: 1, Col: 3): ├ Leaving b (Ok) 'b'
(Ln: 1, Col: 3): ├ Entering a
(Ln: 1, Col: 4): ├ Leaving a (Ok) 'a'
(Ln: 1, Col: 4): ├ Entering b
(Ln: 1, Col: 4): ├ Leaving b (Error) '\000'
(Ln: 1, Col: 4): Leaving sepByTest (Ok) ['a'; 'a']
Failure: "Error in Ln: 1 Col: 3
Note: The error occurred at the end of the line.
Expecting: 'a'
(Ln: 1, Col: 1): Entering sepByTest
(Ln: 1, Col: 1): ├ Entering a
(Ln: 1, Col: 2): ├ Leaving a (Ok) 'a'
(Ln: 1, Col: 2): ├ Entering b
(Ln: 1, Col: 3): ├ Leaving b (Ok) 'b'
(Ln: 1, Col: 3): ├ Entering a
(Ln: 1, Col: 3): ├ Leaving a (Error) '\000'
(Ln: 1, Col: 3): Leaving sepByTest (Error) <null>
module ExampleUse
open FParsec
open FParsec.Primitives
open FParsec.CharParsers
// Test on the pattern (a (ba)*)?
let sepByTest = sepBy (pchar 'a' <!> "a") (pchar 'b' <!> "b") <!> "sepByTest"
let test p str =
let str = str + "\n"
match runParserOnString p ({ Debug = { Message = ""; Indent = 0 } }) "" str with
| Success (result, us, _) ->
printfn "Success: %A" result
printfn "Debug:\n\n%s" us.Debug.Message
| Failure (msg, _, us) ->
printfn "Failure: %A\n" msg
printfn "Debug:\n\n%s" us.Debug.Message
let main argv =
test sepByTest "a"
test sepByTest "aba"
test sepByTest "ab"
// For the code foo a = f x 3
Success: FuncDef {Name = "[f; o; o]";
Params = ["[a]"];
Expr = App {Func = Ident {Name = "[f]";};
Args = [Ident {Name = "[x]";}; ConstInt 3];};}
(Ln: 1, Col: 1): Entering top level function definition
(Ln: 1, Col: 1): ├ Entering identifier
(Ln: 1, Col: 4): ├ Leaving identifier (Ok) "[f; o; o]"
(Ln: 1, Col: 4): ├ Entering params
(Ln: 1, Col: 4): ├├ Entering whitespace
(Ln: 1, Col: 5): ├├ Leaving whitespace (Ok) <null>
(Ln: 1, Col: 5): ├├ Entering parameter
(Ln: 1, Col: 5): ├├├ Entering identifier
(Ln: 1, Col: 6): ├├├ Leaving identifier (Ok) "[a]"
(Ln: 1, Col: 6): ├├ Leaving parameter (Ok) "[a]"
(Ln: 1, Col: 6): ├├ Entering whitespace
(Ln: 1, Col: 7): ├├ Leaving whitespace (Ok) <null>
(Ln: 1, Col: 7): ├├ Entering parameter
(Ln: 1, Col: 7): ├├├ Entering identifier
(Ln: 1, Col: 7): ├├├ Leaving identifier (Error) <null>
(Ln: 1, Col: 7): ├├ Leaving parameter (Error) <null>
(Ln: 1, Col: 6): ├├ Entering whitespace
(Ln: 1, Col: 7): ├├ Leaving whitespace (Ok) <null>
(Ln: 1, Col: 7): ├ Leaving params (Ok) ["[a]"]
(Ln: 1, Col: 7): ├ Entering eq
(Ln: 1, Col: 8): ├ Leaving eq (Ok) '='
(Ln: 1, Col: 8): ├ Entering whitespace
(Ln: 1, Col: 9): ├ Leaving whitespace (Ok) <null>
(Ln: 1, Col: 9): ├ Entering expression
(Ln: 1, Col: 9): ├├ Entering app
(Ln: 1, Col: 9): ├├├ Entering exprBasic
(Ln: 1, Col: 9): ├├├├ Entering int32
(Ln: 1, Col: 9): ├├├├ Leaving int32 (Error) <null>
(Ln: 1, Col: 9): ├├├├ Entering var
(Ln: 1, Col: 9): ├├├├├ Entering identifier
(Ln: 1, Col: 10): ├├├├├ Leaving identifier (Ok) "[f]"
(Ln: 1, Col: 10): ├├├├ Leaving var (Ok) Ident {Name = "[f]";}
(Ln: 1, Col: 10): ├├├ Leaving exprBasic (Ok) Ident {Name = "[f]";}
(Ln: 1, Col: 10): ├├├ Entering whitespace1
(Ln: 1, Col: 11): ├├├ Leaving whitespace1 (Ok) <null>
(Ln: 1, Col: 11): ├├├ Entering exprBasic
(Ln: 1, Col: 11): ├├├├ Entering int32
(Ln: 1, Col: 11): ├├├├ Leaving int32 (Error) <null>
(Ln: 1, Col: 11): ├├├├ Entering var
(Ln: 1, Col: 11): ├├├├├ Entering identifier
(Ln: 1, Col: 12): ├├├├├ Leaving identifier (Ok) "[x]"
(Ln: 1, Col: 12): ├├├├ Leaving var (Ok) Ident {Name = "[x]";}
(Ln: 1, Col: 12): ├├├ Leaving exprBasic (Ok) Ident {Name = "[x]";}
(Ln: 1, Col: 12): ├├├ Entering whitespace1
(Ln: 1, Col: 13): ├├├ Leaving whitespace1 (Ok) <null>
(Ln: 1, Col: 13): ├├├ Entering exprBasic
(Ln: 1, Col: 13): ├├├├ Entering int32
(Ln: 1, Col: 14): ├├├├ Leaving int32 (Ok) ConstInt 3
(Ln: 1, Col: 14): ├├├ Leaving exprBasic (Ok) ConstInt 3
(Ln: 1, Col: 14): ├├├ Entering whitespace1
(Ln: 1, Col: 14): ├├├ Leaving whitespace1 (Error) <null>
(Ln: 1, Col: 14): ├├ Leaving app (Ok) App {Func = Ident {Name = "[f]";};
││ Args = [Ident {Name = "[x]";}; ConstInt 3];}
(Ln: 1, Col: 14): ├ Leaving expression (Ok) App {Func = Ident {Name = "[f]";};
│ Args = [Ident {Name = "[x]";}; ConstInt 3];}
(Ln: 1, Col: 14): ├ Entering whitespace
(Ln: 1, Col: 14): ├ Leaving whitespace (Ok) <null>
(Ln: 2, Col: 1): Leaving top level function definition (Ok) FuncDef {Name = "[f; o; o]";
Params = ["[a]"];
Expr = App {Func = Ident {Name = "[f]";};
Args = [Ident {Name = "[x]";}; ConstInt 3];};}
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