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Created December 20, 2013 19:45
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Save CSEmbree/8060269 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Following all paths in an NFA to see if some word is accepted.
ArrayList<String> alphabet; //all the characters for this a language
ArrayList<Vertex> graph; //set of all vertices containing edge relationships and cost requirments for traversal
private final String START = "S"; //file format quantifier for a START (initial) vertex
private final String END = "F"; //file format quantifier for a END (termination) vertex
//business method - decides whether a given word can reach a TERMINAL state in a TM (graph).
public boolean CheckWordAgainstGraph(String word)
boolean valid = false; //result of if this word is accepted by this graph
int initStateIndex = 0; //init state is always state 0 by construction
//array of each state we are currently at.
//Starts at initial state but can take multiple paths depending on non-deterministic graph
ArrayList<Integer> stateIndexes = new ArrayList<Integer>();
stateIndexes.add(initStateIndex); //init state
//keep track of new possible paths we could take if there are multiple edges with the same cost
ArrayList<Integer> newPathStates = new ArrayList<Integer>();
//keep track of indices for paths we are following that have crashed so we can clean them up after 1 full move through each path
ArrayList<Integer> crashedPathIndexes = new ArrayList<Integer>();
ArrayList<Edge> currentUseableVertexEdges = null; //container for all edges available to take for a given cost at a given vertex.
String currentWordLetter; //container for each letter we attempt to parse in a word
int currentPathState; //convenient code readability holder for the current state of a path
int nextState; //convenient code readability holder for the next state we reach based on edge we traverse
//traverse the whole word and then check the final state for TERMINAL state
for (int wordIndex = 0; wordIndex < word.length(); wordIndex++)
currentWordLetter = Character.toString(word.charAt(wordIndex));
//account for each possible path we can take through our graph.
//Multiple paths could be generated from two edges from a vertex having the same cost.
for (int pathIndex = 0; pathIndex < stateIndexes.size(); pathIndex++)
currentPathState = stateIndexes.get(pathIndex);
//collect all edges we could take at a vertex (state) with the cost we have (currentWordLetter)
currentUseableVertexEdges = this.graph.get(currentPathState).GetEdges(currentWordLetter);
//Go through all edge options that can be made by keeping track of new path's as needed.
if(currentUseableVertexEdges.size() > 0)
for (int edgeIndex = 0; edgeIndex < currentUseableVertexEdges.size(); edgeIndex++)
nextState = Integer.parseInt(currentUseableVertexEdges.get(edgeIndex).GetDest());
if(edgeIndex == 0)
//Choose the first edge we already know about as being our first choice of edges to take
stateIndexes.set(pathIndex, nextState);
} else {
//any remaining options for edges to take need to be new possible paths.
//multiple paths can be taken because of a possible NFA graph, so we account for all possible edge choices.
else {
//no edge was available
//remove paths that have reached a crash state -- must not have been the choice of edge to take at a previous vertex
for (Integer crashedPathIndex : crashedPathIndexes) {
stateIndexes.remove((int)crashedPathIndex); //remove index of crashed path
//add any new edge choices as unique paths.
//again, these stem from the potential NonDeterministic behavior at a vertex
//After we have computed all possible path choices through a graph based on our word,
// then check the final state of all possible path choices. Only 1 of these possible paths
// that our word took needs to be a TERMINAL state.
for (int pathIndex = 0; pathIndex < stateIndexes.size() && valid==false ; pathIndex++)
int currentState = stateIndexes.get(pathIndex);
if( this.graph.get(currentState).GetEndFlag() == true ) {
valid = true;
return valid;
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