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Created May 22, 2018 10:26
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#### Getting started with sparklyr ####
# ccampbell
# 15-May-2018
# This tutorial will demonstrate that
# a local Spark instance is a useful
# tool for a data scientist working on
# mid-sized datasets.
# Spark requires Java 8
Sys.setenv("JAVA_HOME" = "C:/Program Files/Java/jre1.8.0_172")
#### Installation ####
# package under active development
# install Spark
sparklyr::spark_install(version = "2.1.0")
#### Spark connection ####
sc <- spark_connect(master = "local")
# spark memory
# copy for clarity
mtcars_sp <- mtcars
# e.g. generate extra tables to merge with main dataset
mtcars_tbl <- copy_to(dest = sc, df = mtcars_sp)
# remove copy from R
# [1] "tbl_spark" "tbl_sql" "tbl_lazy" "tbl"
# object exists as table in spark
# [1] "mtcars"
#### Spark SQL ####
# get data subset
m1 <- filter(mtcars_tbl,
cyl == 6 & am == 0) %>%
select(mpg, wt, qsec)
# # Source: lazy query [?? x 3]
# # Database: spark_connection
# mpg wt qsec
# <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 21.4 3.22 19.4
# 2 18.1 3.46 20.2
# 3 19.2 3.44 18.3
# 4 17.8 3.44 18.9
# another spark df LAZY
# bigger than needed for small data
# same size-ish for 1e6 rows
# until data `collect`-ed back to R
# for comparison
cyl == 6 & am == 0) %>%
select(mpg, wt, qsec))
# because it is representation of data
# plus connection information
# Spark SQL to count rows
summarise(mtcars_tbl, n = n())
# # Source: lazy query [?? x 1]
# # Database: spark_connection
# n
# <dbl>
# 1 32.0
# group_by supported
m2 <- summarise(group_by(mtcars_tbl, am), n = n())
# # Source: lazy query [?? x 2]
# # Database: spark_connection
# am n
# <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 0 19.0
# 2 1.00 13.0
# view Spark SQL query itself
# <SQL> SELECT `am`, count(*) AS `n`
# FROM `mtcars`
# GROUP BY `am`
#### Transforming Spark DataFrames ####
pattern = "^ft_")
# [1] "ft_binarizer"
# [2] "ft_bucketed_random_projection_lsh"
# [3] "ft_bucketizer"
# [4] "ft_chisq_selector"
# ...
# cut
# breakpoints for 3 equally sized bins
splt <- summarise(mtcars_tbl,
# mapped to Spark SQL
T0 = min(disp),
# Hive language
T1 = percentile_approx(disp, 1/3),
T2 = percentile_approx(disp, 2/3),
T3 = max(disp))
# # Source: lazy query [?? x 4]
# # Database: spark_connection
# T0 T1 T2 T3
# <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 71.1 145 301 472
# collect means draw down data
splt_df <- collect(splt)
# just a normal tbl_df in R
# cut using breaks
mtcars_tbl <- ft_bucketizer(
x = mtcars_tbl,
input_col = "disp",
output_col = "fct_disp",
# vector of cutpoints
# collect first!
splits = unlist(splt_df))
# column has been created
mtcars_tbl %>% select(mpg, am, disp, fct_disp) %>% head
# # Source: lazy query [?? x 4]
# # Database: spark_connection
# mpg am disp fct_disp
# <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 21.0 1.00 160 1.00
# 2 21.0 1.00 160 1.00
# 3 22.8 1.00 108 0
# 4 21.4 0 258 1.00
# 5 18.7 0 360 2.00
# 6 18.1 0 225 1.00
#### Updating Spark DataFrames ####
objects("package:sparklyr", pattern = "^sdf_")
# [1] 32
# update with arbitrary column
# note that data must be passed to Spark
# so currently only possible to `mutate`
# with single values or expressions with
# combinations of columns and Hive functions
# # adds list to each row
# mtcars_tbl %>% select(mpg, cyl) %>% mutate(info1 = rn)
# # adds first value
# mtcars_tbl %>% select(mpg, cyl) %>% mutate(info1 = rn[1])
rn <- rownames(mtcars)
info <- data_frame(info = rn)
info_tbl <- copy_to(dest = sc, df = info)
# data management
mtcars_tbl <- sdf_bind_cols(mtcars_tbl, info_tbl)
mtcars_tbl %>%
select(mpg, cyl, info) %>%
# # Source: lazy query [?? x 3]
# # Database: spark_connection
# mpg cyl info
# <dbl> <dbl> <chr>
# 1 18.1 6.00 Valiant
# 2 14.3 8.00 Duster 360
# 3 16.4 8.00 Merc 450SE
# 4 17.3 8.00 Merc 450SL
# 5 15.2 8.00 Merc 450SLC
# 6 19.2 8.00 Pontiac Firebird
# create test set
# list of tbl_spark objects
partitions <- sdf_partition(x = mtcars_tbl,
training = 0.7,
test = 0.3,
seed = 26325)
# [1] "list"
# how many rows in each set
lapply(X = partitions, FUN = sdf_nrow)
#### Machine Learning ####
objects("package:sparklyr", pattern = "^ml_")
# fit a linear model to the training dataset in spark
fit1 <- ml_generalized_linear_regression(
x = partitions$training,
response = "am",
features = c("wt", "cyl"),
family = "binomial")
# [1] "ml_model_generalized_linear_regression" "ml_model_regression" "ml_model_prediction"
# [4] "ml_model"
# fitted values
# in spark (returns a tbl_spark)
fitted_tbl <- sdf_predict(fit1)
select(fitted_tbl, mpg, am, prediction) %>%
# confusion matrix fitted
pred = as.numeric(prediction > 0.5)),
am, pred), n = n())
# # Source: lazy query [?? x 3]
# # Database: spark_connection
# # Groups: am
# am pred n
# <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 0 1.00 1.00
# 2 0 0 12.0
# 3 1.00 1.00 8.00
# 4 1.00 0 1.00
# dependent variable (am) c.f. prediction
tabsk <- select(fitted_tbl, am, prediction) %>%
collect %>%
gather(key = "type", value = "value")
tabsk <- mutate(tabsk, index = rep(seq_len(n() / 2), times = 2))
# index
ind <- seq_len(sdf_nrow(fitted_tbl))
# visual comparison by probability
ggplot(data = tabsk,
mapping = aes(x = type, y = -index, fill = value)) +
geom_tile() +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = -ind,
labels = ind) +
ylab("") +
ggtitle("Prediction comparison by row")
# predictions for test set
test_tbl <- sdf_predict(
x = partitions$test,
model = fit1)
# test predictions
select(test_tbl, mpg, am, prediction)
# confusion matrix
pred = as.numeric(prediction > 0.5)),
am, pred), n = n())
# # Source: lazy query [?? x 3]
# # Database: spark_connection
# # Groups: am
# am pred n
# <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 1.00 0 1.00
# 2 0 0 6.00
# 3 1.00 1.00 3.00
# predict for arbitrary unlabelled data
new_sp <- data.frame("wt" = 2.2, "cyl" = 4)
new_tbl <- copy_to(dest = sc, df = new_sp)
# wrapper for ml_predict
predict(fit1, newdata = new_tbl)
# saving Spark ML object
ml_save(x = fit1,
path = "fit1_glm")
# load save model
fit1 <- ml_load(sc, path = "fit1_glm")
# note, class has changed
# [1] "ml_pipeline_model" "ml_transformer" "ml_pipeline_stage"
frst <- ml_random_forest(
x = partitions$training,
formula = NULL,
type = "classification",
features_col = colnames(mtcars_tbl)[-9],
label_col = "am")
ml_tree_feature_importance(sc = sc, model = frst)
fittedf_tbl <- sdf_predict(frst)
select(fittedf_tbl, mpg, am, id667155fbf, prediction)
predicted_tbl_spark = fittedf_tbl,
label = "am",
score = "probability")
# [1] 1
# confusion matrix
pred = as.numeric(prediction > 0.5)),
am, pred), n = n())
# # Source: lazy query [?? x 3]
# # Database: spark_connection
# # Groups: am
# am pred n
# <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 0 0 12
# 2 1 1 8
testf_tbl <- sdf_predict(frst, newdata = partitions$test)
select(testf_tbl, mpg, am, prediction)
# outcome is binary
# get back the area under the ROC curve
predicted_tbl_spark = testf_tbl,
label = "am",
score = "probability")
# [1] 0.9285714
pred = as.numeric(prediction > 0.5)),
am, pred), n = n())
# # Source: lazy query [?? x 3]
# # Database: spark_connection
# # Groups: am
# am pred n
# <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 0 0 6
# 2 1 0 1
# 3 1 1 4
# 4 0 1 1
# remove table from Spark
db_drop_table(sc, table = "mtcars_sp")
#### Data Download ####
# robust data download necessary
# libcurl
u1 <- ""
f1 <- "Medicare_Provider_Payment_Data__Physician_PUF_CY2015.csv"
curl <- switch(.Platform$OS.type,
"windows" = "curl", "unix" = "libcurl")
system.time(download.file(url = u1,
destfile = f1, method = curl))
# user system elapsed
# 0.86 1.55 1917.69
# import
cost_tbl <- spark_read_csv(sc = sc, name = "cost", path = f1)
# handle allows processing in R
# but we are not updating object in spark here
summarise(group_by(cost_tbl, Medicare_Participation_Indicator), n = n())
types <- summarise(group_by(cost_tbl, Provider_Type), n = n())
print(types, n = 6)
# # Source: lazy query [?? x 2]
# # Database: spark_connection
# Provider_Type n
# <chr> <dbl>
# 1 Pathology 62976
# 2 Family Practice 410449
# 3 Obstetrics/Gynecology 45442
# 4 General Surgery 67803
# 5 Ophthalmology 101484
# 6 Endocrinology 22640
q1 <- filter(cost_tbl, Provider_Type == "Endocrinology")
# lazy query
# 11984 bytes
# get data from Spark
d1 <-
# 11795424 bytes
#### Disconnect ####
#### References ####
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