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Created January 27, 2015 13:27
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Three different fibonacci variants with simple performance tests and Stackframe analysis
//Autor: Christopher Schölzel
// -------------------------------------------
// -- Musterlösungen zu Fibonacci-Varianten --
// -------------------------------------------
int fib(int n) {
if (n <= 1) return n;
else return fib(n-2)+fib(n-1);
int fibIter(int n) {
if (n <= 1) return n;
int secondlast = 0;
int last = 1;
int current = 0;
for(int i = 2; i <= n; i++) {
current = last + secondlast;
secondlast = last;
last = current;
return current;
int fibCache(int n) {
return fibCache(n, new int[n+1]);
int fibCache(int n, int[] cache) {
if (n <= 1) return n;
if (cache[n] > 0) return cache[n];
cache[n] = fibCache(n-2,cache)+fibCache(n-1,cache);
return cache[n];
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// -- Modifizierte fibonacci-Versionen mit Buchhaltung der Stackframes --
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
int fibCalls = 0;
int fibFrames = 0;
int fibFramesMax = 0;
int fibLog(int n) {
int res;
fibFrames++; //Stackframe geöffnet bei Aufruf
if(fibFrames > fibFramesMax) fibFramesMax = fibFrames;
res = n <= 1 ? n : fibLog(n-2)+fibLog(n-1);
fibFrames--; //Stackframe wird geschlossen mit return
return res;
int fibIterCalls = 0;
int fibIterFrames = 0;
int fibIterFramesMax = 0;
int fibIterLog(int n) {
fibIterFrames++; //müßig, aber es geht ums Prinzip
if(fibIterFrames > fibIterFramesMax) fibIterFramesMax = fibIterFrames;
int res;
if (n <= 1) res = n;
else {
int secondlast = 0;
int last = 1;
int current = 0;
for(int i = 2; i <= n; i++) {
current = last + secondlast;
secondlast = last;
last = current;
res = current;
return res;
int fibCacheCalls = 0;
int fibCacheFrames = 0;
int fibCacheFramesMax = 0;
int fibCacheLog(int n) {
return fibCacheLog(n,new int[n+1]);
int fibCacheLog(int n, int[] cache) {
if(fibCacheFrames > fibCacheFramesMax) fibCacheFramesMax = fibCacheFrames;
int res;
if (n <= 1) res = n;
else if (cache[n] > 0) res = cache[n];
else {
cache[n] = fibCacheLog(n-1,cache)+fibCacheLog(n-2,cache);
res = cache[n];
return res;
int param = 30;
float fibTime,fibIterTime,fibCacheTime;
void setup() {
//Zum Vergleich alle Log-Varianten mit gleichem Parameter aufrufen
println("fibIterLog("+param+") =",fibIterLog(param),"=",fibIter(param));
println("fibCacheLog("+param+") =",fibCacheLog(param),"=",fibCache(param));
println("fibLog("+param+") =",fibLog(param),"=",fib(param));
//Zur Zeitmessung werden die Ausführungen 100 mal wiederholt
int n = 100;
fibTime = millis();
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) fib(param);
fibTime = millis()-fibTime;
fibTime /= n;
println("fibTime =",fibTime);
//bzw öfter für die schnelleren Varianten, um überhaupt etwas zu messen
n = 1000000; //Eine Million Durchläufe
fibCacheTime = millis();
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) fibCache(param);
fibCacheTime = millis()-fibCacheTime;
fibCacheTime /= n;
println("fibCacheTime =",fibCacheTime);
n = 100000000; //100 Millionen Durchläufe
fibIterTime = millis();
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) fibIter(param);
fibIterTime = millis()-fibIterTime;
fibIterTime /= n;
println("fibIterTime =",fibIterTime);
void draw() {
float ydist = 120;
void drawStatistics(String name, float time, int calls, int maxFrames) {
String s = name;
s += "\nZeit in Nanosekunden: "+nf(time*1000,1,6);
s += "\nAufrufe der Funktion: "+calls;
s += "\nMaximale Stacktiefe : "+maxFrames;
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