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Last active December 11, 2015 10:48
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  • Save CSilivestru/4588831 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save CSilivestru/4588831 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Integrating Junior into your mobile web app
Jr.Navigator = {
backButtonFlag: true, //Junior manages the backButton state for us.
renderView: function(mainEl, view) {
var animation, newEl;
animation = this.history.length > 0 ? this.history[this.history.length -1].animation : null;
//In the renderView function, I've added some support here to trigger a back event if it happened. Notice thw two events.
//A generic back event and a view specific event. This gives us some flexibility in case we want app-wide back detection.
//These evetns fire BEFORE the animation begins and the view paramter is the view you're moving back to.
if (this.backButtonFlag === true) {
try {
Backbone.Events.trigger("back-" + Jr.viewIdentifier, view);
Jr.viewIdentifier = view.viewIdentifier;
//If we get an error here, we're on initial app load (first page of the app)
} catch (e) {
Backbone.Events.trigger("back-" + this.viewIdentifier, view);
if (animation) {
newEl = $('<div></div>');
this.resetContent(newEl, view);
this.normalRenderView(newEl, view);
this.animate(mainEl, newEl, animation.type, animation.direction);
return this.afterAnimation();
} else {
this.resetContent(mainEl, view);
return this.normalRenderView(mainEl, view);
doAnimation: function(fromEl, toEl, type, direction) {
var after, next;
next = function() {
return toEl.removeClass('initial');
setTimeout(next, 1);
after = function(isBackNavigation) { //I added a parameter here so that the after animation code is aware of the back button press
//Context is lost when we hit this function which is why we need to do this.
toEl.attr('id', 'app-main');
//Here we trigger two events. A generic back animation complete and a view specific back animation complete
if (isBackNavigation) {
if (Jr.viewIdentifier)
Backbone.Events.trigger("backAnimationComplete-" + Jr.viewIdentifier);
else { //If it's not a back button hit, we'll trigger the regular animation complete events
Jr.viewIdentifier = this.viewIdentifier;
Backbone.Events.trigger("animationComplete-" + Jr.viewIdentifier); }
return $('#app-container').removeClass('animate').removeClass(direction);
var isBackNavigation = this.backButtonFlag;
return setTimeout(function() {after(isBackNavigation);}, 400);
Jr.Navigator = {
viewIdentifier: "", //I give an initial value of the view we're on a blank value. Just don't want it to start off being null
backButtonFlag: true,
navigate: function(url, opts) {
viewIdentifier = url; //My view identifier is the matched route used in Junior
this.backButtonFlag = false;
return Backbone.history.navigate(url, opts);
renderView: function(mainEl, view) {
var animation, newEl;
animation = this.history.length > 0 ? this.history[this.history.length -1].animation : null;
if (this.backButtonFlag === true) {
try {
//We trigger the generic event name + it's identifier. Now we can hook into a per-view event!
//Simple but effective
Backbone.Events.trigger("back-" + Jr.viewIdentifier, view);
Jr.viewIdentifier = view.viewIdentifier;
} catch (e) {
Backbone.Events.trigger("back-" + this.viewIdentifier, view);
//In order to get rid of zombie Junior views, I extended Jr to include an AppView variable.
//Instead of call view.render(), we'll call AppView.showView(view, this) from your router
Jr.AppView = {
currentView: null,
previousView: null,
showView: function(view, router) {
if (this.currentView)
this.previousView = this.currentView;
this.currentView = view;
if (this.previousView){
var that = this;
setTimeout(function() {
}, 400);
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