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Created April 2, 2013 04:04
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A custom literal suffix that returns an object that takes a function (object) for generic looping. C++11 required. The fact that the idea is theoretically and actually possible is amazing. I don't know if that's good or bad, yet.
Copyright (C) 2013 by Daryle Walker
Based on posts off the Boost mailing lists on 2013-Jan-31 by Tim
Blechmann and TONGARI. C++11 is required; according to Live Work
Space's code-runner (on 2013-Apr-1), only Clang >= 3.2 and
GCC >= 4.7 accept it.
The original post (Tim Blechmann) of the 7 in the thread:
The last one (TONGARI) had the user-defined literal idea:
I'm placing this code on the Boost Software License.
#include <cassert>
#include <utility>
class looper
unsigned long long int count_;
template < typename Function >
void loop( unsigned long long int count, Function &&function )
{ while ( count-- ) std::forward<Function>( function )(); }
constexpr explicit
looper( unsigned long long int count )
: count_{ count }
auto repeat_count() const -> unsigned long long int
{ return count_; }
template < typename Function >
void operator ()( Function &&function ) const
{ loop(repeat_count(), std::forward<Function>( function )); }
inline constexpr
auto operator "" _times( unsigned long long int count ) -> looper
{ return looper{count}; }
int main( int, char *[] )
int i = 0;
assert( i == 0 );
10_times( [&i]{i += ( i + 1 );} );
assert( i == 1023 );
return 0;
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