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Created February 29, 2020 23:43
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For Swift 5.1; wrapping types for sequences and collections that vend their source into fixed-sized chunks. See <> for more information.
//===--- ChunkedCollection.swift ------------------------------*- swift -*-===//
// Created by Daryle Walker on 2020-Feb-29
// Copyright © 2020 Daryle Walker
// A generic type that models a Collection that wraps another, vending fixed-
// sized sub-sequences (i.e. chunks) of the inner collection as the elements of
// the outer collection. There is an option whether or not to vend the last
// chunks if they occur late enough that they are shorter than expected.
// MARK: Index for Chunking Collections
/// Index for elements of `ChunkedCollection`.
public struct ChunkedCollectionIndex<Base: Comparable>: Equatable {
/// The targeted range of elements from the base collection. Should be
/// empty for the past-the-end index.
let range: Range<Base>
/// Creates a ranged index from the given bounds.
@inlinable init(start: Base, end: Base) { range = start..<end }
extension ChunkedCollectionIndex: Comparable {
public static func < (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool {
// Assume operands are valid for the same collection.
return lhs.range.lowerBound < rhs.range.lowerBound
extension ChunkedCollectionIndex: Hashable where Base: Hashable {}
extension ChunkedCollectionIndex: Decodable where Base: Decodable {}
extension ChunkedCollectionIndex: Encodable where Base: Encodable {}
// MARK: - Chunking Collection
/// Groups elements of a wrapped collection (generally) in fixed-size chunks.
/// - Warning:
/// - If `Base` is a reference type, do not perform actions on the wrapped
/// collection that change its length or otherwise invalidate its indices
/// while this collection or any of its sub-sequences are in force.
/// - When `Base` does not conform to `RandomAccessCollection` because it
/// cannot provide constant-time index offsets, use of the `startIndex` and
/// `isEmpty` accessors will be O(*n*) instead of O(1), where *n* is the
/// length of `base`.
public struct ChunkedCollection<Base: Collection> {
/// The source for the elements within vended elements.
let base: Base
/// The number of inner elements to use per (unshortened) vended element.
let chunkLength: Int
/// The number of inner elements to skip between the end of a vended element
/// and the start of the next vended element.
let padding: Int
/// Whether to vend generated elements that are shorter than the desired
/// length. This can only happen at the end of the sequence.
let allowShorterChunks: Bool
/// Creates a collection that groups elements from the given collection into
/// chunks of the given length, with the given amount of padding between
/// chunks, and possibly vends any incomplete trailing chunks.
/// If `padding` is negative, then consecutive vended elements will share
/// `abs(padding)` inner elements (*a.k.a.* overlap).
/// - Precondition:
/// - `chunkLength > 0`.
/// - `padding > -chunkLength`.
/// - If `allowShorterChunks` is `true`, then `padding` shall not be
/// negative.
/// - Parameters:
/// - base: The collection to extract inner elements from for each vended
/// element.
/// - chunkLength: The count of inner elements per full-length vended
/// element.
/// - padding: A number such that `chunkLength + padding` is the count of
/// inner elements between the start of some vended element and the
/// start of its succeeding vended element (if any). When
/// non-negative, it is the count of inner elements between the end of
/// some full-length vended element and its succeeding vended element
/// (if any).
/// - allowShorterChunks: Whether or not vend chunks that can be started
/// with at least one inner element, but `base` no longer has enough
/// elements to provide a count of `chunkLength`.
init(_ base: Base, chunkLength: Int, padding: Int, allowShorterChunks: Bool) {
precondition(chunkLength > 0)
precondition(padding > -chunkLength)
precondition(!allowShorterChunks || padding >= 0)
self.base = base
self.chunkLength = chunkLength
self.padding = padding
self.allowShorterChunks = allowShorterChunks
extension ChunkedCollection: Decodable where Base: Decodable {}
extension ChunkedCollection: Encodable where Base: Encodable {}
extension ChunkedCollection: Collection {
public typealias Index = ChunkedCollectionIndex<Base.Index>
public typealias Element = Base.SubSequence
public typealias SubSequence = ChunkedCollection<Base.SubSequence>
public var isEmpty: Bool {
|| !allowShorterChunks
&& base.index(base.startIndex, offsetBy: chunkLength, limitedBy: base.endIndex) == nil
public var startIndex: Index {
let start = base.startIndex, end = base.endIndex
guard let firstEnd = base.index(start, offsetBy: chunkLength, limitedBy: end) else {
if allowShorterChunks {
// This is the same as `endIndex` when `base` is empty.
return Index(start: start, end: end)
} else {
return endIndex
return Index(start: start, end: firstEnd)
public var endIndex: Index {
Index(start: base.endIndex, end: base.endIndex)
public subscript(position: Index) -> Element {
return base[position.range]
public subscript(bounds: Range<Index>) -> SubSequence {
let start = bounds.lowerBound.range.lowerBound
var stop = bounds.upperBound.range.lowerBound
if padding < 0, start < stop {
_ = base.formIndex(&stop, offsetBy: -padding, limitedBy: base.endIndex)
return SubSequence(base[start..<stop], chunkLength: chunkLength, padding: padding, allowShorterChunks: allowShorterChunks)
public func index(after i: Index) -> Index {
precondition(i < endIndex)
let startBase: Base.Index, startOffset, endOffset: Int
if padding >= 0 {
startBase = i.range.upperBound
startOffset = padding
endOffset = chunkLength
} else {
// Even if `Base` conformed from `BidirectionalCollection`, we would
// not be able to count backwards from `i.range.upperBound`, because
// that wouldn't work when there are multiple short chunks at the
// end. So we adjust the start point for offsetting so we're always
// going forward.
startBase = i.range.lowerBound
startOffset = chunkLength + padding
endOffset = startOffset
let end = base.endIndex
guard let nextStart = base.index(startBase, offsetBy: startOffset, limitedBy: end) else {
return endIndex
let endBase = padding >= 0 ? nextStart : i.range.upperBound
guard let nextEnd = base.index(endBase, offsetBy: endOffset, limitedBy: end) else {
// This still works when `nextStart` was at `base.endIndex`.
return Index(start: allowShorterChunks ? nextStart : end, end: end)
return Index(start: nextStart, end: nextEnd)
extension ChunkedCollection: BidirectionalCollection where Base: RandomAccessCollection {
/// Index of the last vended element that can be generated, even if its
/// chunk length is short, if possible.
var lastIndexEvenIfElementIsShort: Index? {
guard !base.isEmpty else { return nil }
guard case let (period, tooBig) = chunkLength.addingReportingOverflow(padding), !tooBig else {
// There's only at most one element.
let start = startIndex
return start < endIndex ? start : nil
let periodCount = (base.count - 1) / period
let lastStart = base.index(base.startIndex, offsetBy: periodCount * period)
let end = base.endIndex
return Index(start: lastStart, end: base.index(lastStart, offsetBy: chunkLength, limitedBy: end) ?? end)
/// Index of the last vended element that isn't a short chunk, if possible.
var lastIndexWithFullLengthElement: Index? {
guard let lastShort = lastIndexEvenIfElementIsShort else { return nil }
guard case let lastCount = base[lastShort.range].count, lastCount < chunkLength else { return lastShort }
guard case let (period, tooBig) = chunkLength.addingReportingOverflow(padding), !tooBig else {
// We already covered the only element in `lastShort`.
return nil
let (additionalPeriods, leftOvers) = (chunkLength - lastCount).quotientAndRemainder(dividingBy: period)
let backPeriodCount = additionalPeriods + leftOvers.signum()
guard let lastFullStart = base.index(lastShort.range.lowerBound, offsetBy: -backPeriodCount * period, limitedBy: base.startIndex) else {
return nil
return Index(start: lastFullStart, end: base.index(lastFullStart, offsetBy: chunkLength))
public func index(before i: Index) -> Index {
if i.range.isEmpty {
assert(i == endIndex)
return (allowShorterChunks
? lastIndexEvenIfElementIsShort
: lastIndexWithFullLengthElement)!
} else {
// It's OK if `chunkLength + padding` overflows, because it would
// have done so when we're already at the first element.
let previousStart = base.index(i.range.lowerBound, offsetBy: -(chunkLength + padding))
let end = base.endIndex
return Index(start: previousStart, end: base.index(previousStart, offsetBy: chunkLength, limitedBy: end) ?? end)
extension ChunkedCollection: RandomAccessCollection where Base: RandomAccessCollection {
public func distance(from start: Index, to end: Index) -> Int {
guard start != end else { return 0 }
guard start < end else { return -distance(from: end, to: start) }
guard end < endIndex else { return 1 + distance(from: start, to: index(before: end)) }
// The straight addition is OK because cases where it could overflow
// correspond to collection parameters that are already covered by the
// guards.
return base.distance(from: start.range.lowerBound, to: end.range.lowerBound) / (chunkLength + padding)
public func index(_ i: Index, offsetBy distance: Int) -> Index {
guard distance != 0 else { return i }
// If the collection is empty, we're already screwed if the distance is
// non-zero.
let lastIndex = index(before: endIndex)
guard i <= lastIndex else { return index(lastIndex, offsetBy: distance + 1) }
// The straight addition is OK because cases where it could overflow
// correspond to collection parameters that are already covered by the
// guards.
let period = chunkLength + padding
let newStart = base.index(i.range.lowerBound, offsetBy: distance * period)
let end = base.endIndex
if newStart < end, newStart > lastIndex.range.lowerBound {
return endIndex
} else {
return Index(start: newStart, end: base.index(newStart, offsetBy: chunkLength, limitedBy: end) ?? end)
// MARK: - Chunking Generator
extension Collection {
/// Divides the collection into sub-sequences with the given length and
/// spacing/overlap, possibly including suffixes that are shorter than the
/// target span.
/// If `padding` is negative, then consecutive vended elements will share
/// `abs(padding)` inner elements (*a.k.a.* overlap).
/// - Precondition:
/// - `chunkLength > 0`.
/// - `padding > -chunkLength`.
/// - If `allowShorterChunks` is `true`, then `padding` shall not be
/// negative.
/// - Parameters:
/// - chunkLength: The number of inner elements each vended element
/// should have.
/// - allowShorterChunks: Whether or not to vend chunks when `self` can
/// still supply inner elements, but not enough to fill a chunk to
/// `chunkLength`. If not given, defaults to `false`, *i.e.* all
/// vended chunks will have a `count` of `chunkLength` but any trailing
/// inner elements will never be vended.
/// - padding: A number such that `chunkLength + padding` is the count of
/// inner elements between the start of some vended element and the
/// start of its succeeding vended element (if any). When
/// non-negative, it is the count of inner elements between the end of
/// some full-length vended element and its succeeding vended element
/// (if any). If not given, defaults to zero, *i.e.* consecutive
/// vended elements take up abutting ranges in the wrapped sequence.
/// - Returns: A chunk-partitioning collection.
public func chunks(of chunkLength: Int, butPossiblyShorter allowShorterChunks: Bool = false, withSkipCount padding: Int = 0) -> ChunkedCollection<Self> {
return ChunkedCollection(self, chunkLength: chunkLength, padding: padding, allowShorterChunks: allowShorterChunks)
//===--- ChunkingSequence.swift -------------------------------*- swift -*-===//
// Created by Daryle Walker on 2020-Feb-29
// Copyright © 2020 Daryle Walker
// A generic type that models a Sequence that wraps another, vending the inner
// sequence's elements as fixed-sized chunks of a given collection type. There
// is an option whether or not to vend the last chunks if they occur late enough
// that they are shorter than expected.
// MARK: Chunking Iterator
/// Groups elements of a wrapped iterator (generally) in fixed-size chunks.
public struct ChunkingIterator<Element: RangeReplaceableCollection, Base: IteratorProtocol> where Element.Element == Base.Element {
/// The source for the elements within vended elements.
var base: Base
/// The number of inner elements to use per (unshortened) vended element.
let chunkLength: Int
/// The number of inner elements to skip between the end of a vended element
/// and the start of the next vended element.
let padding: Int
/// Whether to vend generated elements that are shorter than the desired
/// length. This can only happen at the end of the sequence.
let allowShorterChunks: Bool
/// The next element to be vended.
var upcoming = Element()
/// Whether or not to keep vending.
var isDone = false
/// Creates an iterator that groups elements from the given iterator into
/// chunks of the given length, with the given amount of padding between
/// chunks, and possibly vends any incomplete trailing chunks.
/// If `padding` is negative, then consecutive vended elements will share
/// `abs(padding)` inner elements (*a.k.a.* overlap).
/// - Precondition:
/// - `chunkLength > 0`.
/// - `padding > -chunkLength`.
/// - Parameters:
/// - base: The iterator to extract inner elements from for each vended
/// element.
/// - chunkLength: The count of inner elements per full-length vended
/// element.
/// - padding: A number such that `chunkLength + padding` is the count of
/// inner elements between the start of some vended element and the
/// start of its succeeding vended element (if any). When
/// non-negative, it is the count of inner elements between the end of
/// some full-length vended element and its succeeding vended element
/// (if any).
/// - allowShorterChunks: Whether or not vend chunks that can be started
/// with at least one inner element, but `base` no longer has enough
/// elements to provide a count of `chunkLength`.
init(_ base: Base, chunkLength: Int, padding: Int, allowShorterChunks: Bool) {
precondition(chunkLength > 0)
precondition(padding > -chunkLength)
self.base = base
self.chunkLength = chunkLength
self.padding = padding
self.allowShorterChunks = allowShorterChunks
// Set up the first vended element.
for _ in 0..<self.chunkLength {
guard let inner = else {
if !self.allowShorterChunks {
isDone = true
if !isDone {
isDone = upcoming.isEmpty
extension ChunkingIterator: IteratorProtocol {
public mutating func next() -> Element? {
guard !isDone else { return nil }
defer {
// Discard no-longer-needed inner elements, then skip padding.
let readCount: Int
if padding >= 0 {
readCount = chunkLength
upcoming.removeAll(keepingCapacity: true)
for _ in 0..<padding {
if == nil {
isDone = true
} else {
readCount = chunkLength + padding
// Can't use `upcoming.removeFirst` since it crashes if there
// aren't at least the given count of elements.
let (uStart, uEnd) = (upcoming.startIndex, upcoming.endIndex)
let removeIndex = upcoming.index(uStart, offsetBy: readCount, limitedBy: uEnd) ?? uEnd
// Read more inner elements.
for _ in 0..<(isDone ? 0 : readCount) {
guard let inner = else {
if !self.allowShorterChunks {
isDone = true
if !isDone {
isDone = upcoming.isEmpty
return upcoming
// MARK: - Chunking Sequence
/// Groups elements of a wrapped sequence (generally) in fixed-size chunks.
public struct ChunkingSequence<Element: RangeReplaceableCollection, Base: Sequence> where Element.Element == Base.Element {
/// The source for the elements within vended elements.
let base: Base
/// The number of inner elements to use per (unshortened) vended element.
let chunkLength: Int
/// The number of inner elements to skip between the end of a vended element
/// and the start of the next vended element.
let padding: Int
/// Whether to vend generated elements that are shorter than the desired
/// length. This can only happen at the end of the sequence.
let allowShorterChunks: Bool
/// Creates a sequence that groups elements from the given sequence into
/// chunks of the given length, with the given amount of padding between
/// chunks, and possibly vends any incomplete trailing chunks.
/// If `padding` is negative, then consecutive vended elements will share
/// `abs(padding)` inner elements (*a.k.a.* overlap).
/// - Precondition:
/// - `chunkLength > 0`.
/// - `padding > -chunkLength`.
/// - Parameters:
/// - base: The sequence to extract inner elements from for each vended
/// element.
/// - chunkLength: The count of inner elements per full-length vended
/// element.
/// - padding: A number such that `chunkLength + padding` is the count of
/// inner elements between the start of some vended element and the
/// start of its succeeding vended element (if any). When
/// non-negative, it is the count of inner elements between the end of
/// some full-length vended element and its succeeding vended element
/// (if any).
/// - allowShorterChunks: Whether or not vend chunks that can be started
/// with at least one inner element, but `base` no longer has enough
/// elements to provide a count of `chunkLength`.
init(_ base: Base, chunkLength: Int, padding: Int, allowShorterChunks: Bool) {
precondition(chunkLength > 0)
precondition(padding > -chunkLength)
self.base = base
self.chunkLength = chunkLength
self.padding = padding
self.allowShorterChunks = allowShorterChunks
extension ChunkingSequence: Sequence {
public var underestimatedCount: Int {
guard case let buc = base.underestimatedCount, buc > 0 else { return 0 }
guard case let (period, tooBig) = chunkLength.addingReportingOverflow(padding), !tooBig else {
return buc >= chunkLength || allowShorterChunks ? 1 : 0
if padding >= 0 {
let (fullPeriodCount, remainderCount) = buc.quotientAndRemainder(dividingBy: period)
return fullPeriodCount + (remainderCount >= chunkLength ? 1 : 0)
} else {
let lastOffset = buc - (allowShorterChunks ? 1 : chunkLength)
guard lastOffset >= 0 else { return 0 }
return lastOffset / period + 1
public __consuming func makeIterator() -> ChunkingIterator<Element, Base.Iterator> {
return ChunkingIterator(base.makeIterator(), chunkLength: chunkLength, padding: padding, allowShorterChunks: allowShorterChunks)
extension ChunkingSequence: Decodable where Base: Decodable {}
extension ChunkingSequence: Encodable where Base: Encodable {}
// MARK: - Chunking Generators
extension Sequence {
/// Divides the sequence into collections of the given type with the given
/// length and spacing/overlap, possibly including suffixes that are shorter
/// than the target span.
/// If `padding` is negative, then consecutive vended elements will share
/// `abs(padding)` inner elements (*a.k.a.* overlap).
/// - Precondition:
/// - `chunkLength > 0`.
/// - `padding > -chunkLength`.
/// - Parameters:
/// - chunkLength: The number of inner elements each vended element
/// should have.
/// - type: A metatype specifier for the vended element type.
/// - allowShorterChunks: Whether or not to vend chunks when `self` can
/// still supply inner elements, but not enough to fill a chunk to
/// `chunkLength`. If not given, defaults to `false`, *i.e.* all
/// vended chunks will have a `count` of `chunkLength` but any trailing
/// inner elements will never be vended.
/// - padding: A number such that `chunkLength + padding` is the count of
/// inner elements between the start of some vended element and the
/// start of its succeeding vended element (if any). When
/// non-negative, it is the count of inner elements between the end of
/// some full-length vended element and its succeeding vended element
/// (if any). If not given, defaults to zero, *i.e.* consecutive
/// vended elements take up abutting ranges in the wrapped sequence.
/// - Returns: A chunk-generating sequence.
public func chunks<T>(of chunkLength: Int, eachAs type: T.Type, butPossiblyShorter allowShorterChunks: Bool = false, withSkipCount padding: Int = 0) -> ChunkingSequence<T, Self> where T: RangeReplaceableCollection, T.Element == Element {
return ChunkingSequence(self, chunkLength: chunkLength, padding: padding, allowShorterChunks: allowShorterChunks)
/// Divides the sequence into arrays with the given length and
/// spacing/overlap, possibly including suffixes that are shorter than the
/// target span.
/// If `padding` is negative, then consecutive vended elements will share
/// `abs(padding)` inner elements (*a.k.a.* overlap).
/// - Precondition:
/// - `chunkLength > 0`.
/// - `padding > -chunkLength`.
/// - Parameters:
/// - chunkLength: The number of inner elements each vended element
/// should have.
/// - allowShorterChunks: Whether or not to vend chunks when `self` can
/// still supply inner elements, but not enough to fill a chunk to
/// `chunkLength`. If not given, defaults to `false`, *i.e.* all
/// vended chunks will have a `count` of `chunkLength` but any trailing
/// inner elements will never be vended.
/// - padding: A number such that `chunkLength + padding` is the count of
/// inner elements between the start of some vended element and the
/// start of its succeeding vended element (if any). When
/// non-negative, it is the count of inner elements between the end of
/// some full-length vended element and its succeeding vended element
/// (if any). If not given, defaults to zero, *i.e.* consecutive
/// vended elements take up abutting ranges in the wrapped sequence.
/// - Returns: A chunk-generating sequence.
public func chunks(of chunkLength: Int, butPossiblyShorter allowShorterChunks: Bool = false, withSkipCount padding: Int = 0) -> ChunkingSequence<[Element], Self> {
return chunks(of: chunkLength, eachAs: Array.self, butPossiblyShorter: allowShorterChunks, withSkipCount: padding)
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