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Created May 25, 2020 04:32
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A generalized and Swift-y adaptation of NSString.replacingOccurrences(of: with: options: range:). See <> for more.
import Foundation
extension Collection {
/// Returns the index range for the earliest subsequence of this collection
/// that is equivalent to the given sequence, using the given predicate to
/// compare elements.
/// The predicate must be an equivalence relation over the elements.
/// Comparisons are done element-wise. If there are runs of different
/// elements that have the same semantic meaning, like Unicode string
/// equivalence, both the receiver and the target must be set to the same
/// normalization before comparing.
/// - Parameters:
/// - target: A collection to find within this collection.
/// - areEquivalent: A predicate that returns `true` if its two
/// arguments are equivalent; otherwise, `false`.
/// - Returns: A range *r* such that
/// `self[r].elementsEqual(target, by: areEquivalent)` is `true` and that
/// any other matching range must have its `lowerBound` greater than
/// `r.lowerBound`. If there is no such range, `nil` is returned instead.
/// - Complexity: O(*n* × *m*), where *n* is the length of this collection
/// and *m* is the length of `target`.
public func firstRange<C: Collection>(
equaling target: C,
by areEquivalent: (Element, C.Element) throws -> Bool
) rethrows -> Range<Index>? {
var start = startIndex
guard let firstTarget = target.first else { return start..<start }
let end = target.endIndex
while let nextStart = try self[start...].firstIndex(where: {
try areEquivalent($0, firstTarget)
}) {
start = index(after: nextStart)
let (nextEnd, targetEnd) = try self[nextStart...].diverges(from: target, by: areEquivalent)
if targetEnd == end {
return nextStart..<nextEnd
return nil
extension Collection where Element: Equatable {
/// Returns the index range for the earliest subsequence of this collection
/// that equals the given sequence.
/// Comparisons are done element-wise. If there are runs of different
/// elements that have the same semantic meaning, like Unicode string
/// equivalence, both the receiver and the target must be set to the same
/// normalization before comparing.
/// - Parameters:
/// - target: A collection to find within this collection.
/// - Returns: A range *r* such that `self[r].elementsEqual(target)` is
/// `true` and that any other matching range must have its `lowerBound`
/// greater than `r.lowerBound`. If there is no such range, `nil` is
/// returned instead.
/// - Complexity: O(*n* × *m*), where *n* is the length of this collection
/// and *m* is the length of `target`.
public func firstRange<C: Collection>(equaling target: C) -> Range<Index>?
where C.Element == Element {
return firstRange(equaling: target, by: ==)
extension BidirectionalCollection {
/// Returns the index range for the last subsequence of this collection that
/// is equivalent to the given sequence, using the given predicate to
/// compare elements.
/// The predicate must be an equivalence relation over the elements.
/// Comparisons are done element-wise. If there are runs of different
/// elements that have the same semantic meaning, like Unicode string
/// equivalence, both the receiver and the target must be set to the same
/// normalization before comparing.
/// - Parameters:
/// - target: A collection to find within this collection.
/// - areEquivalent: A predicate that returns `true` if its two
/// arguments are equivalent; otherwise, `false`.
/// - Returns: A range *r* such that
/// `self[r].elementsEqual(target, by: areEquivalent)` is `true` and that
/// any other matching range must have its `lowerBound` less than
/// `r.lowerBound`. If there is no such range, `nil` is returned instead.
/// - Complexity: O(*n* × *m*), where *n* is the length of this collection
/// and *m* is the length of `target`.
public func lastRange<C: BidirectionalCollection>(
equaling target: C,
by areEquivalent: (Element, C.Element) throws -> Bool
) rethrows -> Range<Index>? {
let result = try reversed().firstRange(equaling: target.reversed(), by: areEquivalent)
return { $0.upperBound.base ..< $0.lowerBound.base }
extension BidirectionalCollection where Element: Equatable {
/// Returns the index range for the last subsequence of this collection that
/// equals the given sequence.
/// Comparisons are done element-wise. If there are runs of different
/// elements that have the same semantic meaning, like Unicode string
/// equivalence, both the receiver and the target must be set to the same
/// normalization before comparing.
/// - Parameters:
/// - target: A collection to find within this collection.
/// - Returns: A range *r* such that `self[r].elementsEqual(target)` is
/// `true` and that any other matching range must have its `lowerBound`
/// less than `r.lowerBound`. If there is no such range, `nil` is
/// returned instead.
/// - Complexity: O(*n* × *m*), where *n* is the length of this collection
/// and *m* is the length of `target`.
public func lastRange<C: BidirectionalCollection>(equaling target: C)
-> Range<Index>? where C.Element == Element {
return lastRange(equaling: target, by: ==)
import Foundation
/// A sequence of the locations of all the occurrances a substring appears in
/// some collection according to an element-equivalence function.
/// - Warning: `startIndex` is computed on the fly, making it O(*n*) instead of
/// O(1), where *n* is the length of the base collection. Since collection
/// iteration repeatedly tests the last-reachable end-point, prefer forward
/// iteration when possible, since `endIndex` is a lot quicker to compute.
public struct MatchingRangesCollection<Base: Collection, TargetElement> {
/// The collection to be searched.
let base: Base
/// The sequence to be searched for.
let target: [TargetElement]
/// The closure to compare elements for equivalence.
let areEquivalent: (Base.Element, TargetElement) -> Bool
/// Creates a searcher for the given sequence within the given collection,
/// using the given predicate for element-level equivalence tests.
init<S: Sequence>(
_ base: Base,
target: S,
areEquivalent: @escaping (Base.Element, TargetElement) -> Bool
) where S.Element == TargetElement {
self.base = base = Array(target)
self.areEquivalent = areEquivalent
extension MatchingRangesCollection: LazyCollectionProtocol {
public struct Index: Comparable {
/// The location of the matching subsequence, or `nil` for past-the-end.
let indices: Range<Base.Index>?
public static func < (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool {
switch (lhs.indices, rhs.indices) {
case (nil, _):
return false
case (_?, nil):
return true
case let (li?, ri?):
// Assumes the "upperBound" properties are in the same relative
// order.
return li.lowerBound < ri.upperBound
public var startIndex: Index {
Index(indices: base.firstRange(equaling: target, by: areEquivalent))
public var endIndex: Index { Index(indices: nil) }
public subscript(position: Index) -> Range<Base.Index> {
return position.indices!
public func index(after i: Index) -> Index {
return Index(indices: base[base.index(after: i.indices!.lowerBound)...].firstRange(equaling: target, by: areEquivalent))
extension MatchingRangesCollection.Index: Hashable where Base.Index: Hashable {}
extension MatchingRangesCollection: BidirectionalCollection
where Base: BidirectionalCollection {
public func index(before i: Index) -> Index {
if let currentIndices = i.indices {
return Index(indices: base[..<base.index(before: currentIndices.upperBound)].lastRange(equaling: target, by: areEquivalent))
} else {
return Index(indices: base.lastRange(equaling: target, by: areEquivalent))
extension Collection {
/// Returns the index ranges for each subsequence of this collection that is
/// equivalent to the given sequence, using the given predicate to compare
/// elements.
/// The predicate must be an equivalence relation over the elements.
/// Matches are listed from the earliest to the latest. Overlap is allowed.
/// Comparisons are done element-wise. If there are runs of different
/// elements that have the same semantic meaning, like Unicode string
/// equivalence, both the receiver and the target must be set to the same
/// normalization before comparing.
/// - Precondition: `target` must be finite.
/// - Parameters:
/// - target: A sequence to find within this collection.
/// - areEquivalent: A predicate that returns `true` if its two
/// arguments are equivalent; otherwise, `false`.
/// - Returns: A lazily-generated collection of the index ranges for each
/// matching subsequence. In other words, every range *r* where
/// `self[r].elementsEqual(target, by: areEquivalent)` is `true`.
public func matchingRanges<S: Sequence>(
for target: S,
by areEquivalent: @escaping (Element, S.Element) -> Bool
) -> MatchingRangesCollection<Self, S.Element> {
return MatchingRangesCollection(self, target: target, areEquivalent: areEquivalent)
extension Collection where Element: Equatable {
/// Returns the index ranges for each subsequence of this collection that is
/// equal to the given sequence.
/// Matches are listed from the earliest to the latest. Overlap is allowed.
/// Comparisons are done element-wise. If there are runs of different
/// elements that have the same semantic meaning, like Unicode string
/// equivalence, both the receiver and the target must be set to the same
/// normalization before comparing.
/// - Precondition: `target` must be finite.
/// - Parameters:
/// - target: A sequence to find within this collection.
/// - Returns: A lazily-generated collection of the index ranges for each
/// matching subsequence. In other words, every range *r* where
/// `self[r].elementsEqual(target)` is `true`.
public func matchingRanges<S: Sequence>(
for target: S
) -> MatchingRangesCollection<Self, Element> where S.Element == Element {
return matchingRanges(for: target, by: ==)
extension Collection {
/// Returns a copy of this collection into a collection of the given type,
/// but where the subsequences of this collection indicated by the given
/// list of index ranges are replaced by mapped versions of themselves, in
/// the given direction, using the given mapping function.
/// - Precondition:
/// - `list` is finite.
/// - The returned sequences from `transform` are finite.
/// - Parameters:
/// - list: A sequence of ranges representing the subsequences to be read
/// and replaced.
/// - backwards: Whether checking for overlapping ranges in `list` goes
/// from the first-most subsequence to the last-most (`false`), or the
/// other way (`true`). When two ranges overlap, the subsequence for
/// the range checked first is kept and the second one is ignored.
/// Subsequent ranges are compared to the last kept one.
/// - type: The type of the collection to be returned.
/// - transform: A function that reads a target subsequence and returns
/// its replacement.
/// - Returns: A copy of this collection, but with the targeted subsequences
/// replaced by their transformations.
/// - Complexity: O(*kn*), where *n* is the length of this collection and
/// *k* is the ratio that `transform` typically expands its input by.
public func replaceSubranges<S, T, U>(
listedBy list: S,
backwards: Bool,
into type: T.Type,
withResultsOf transform: (SubSequence) throws -> U
) rethrows -> T
where S: Sequence, S.Element: RangeExpression, S.Element.Bound == Index,
T: RangeReplaceableCollection, T.Element == Element,
U: Sequence, U.Element == Element
// Convert the targeted ranges to a sorted list.
var listRanges = { $0.relative(to: self) }
if backwards {
let anchor = endIndex
listRanges.sort(by: { $0.upperBound > $1.upperBound })
precondition( { $0.upperBound <= anchor } ?? true)
} else {
let anchor = startIndex
listRanges.sort(by: { $0.lowerBound < $1.lowerBound })
precondition( { $0.lowerBound >= anchor } ?? true)
// Purge overlaps.
var targetRanges = Array<Range<Index>>()
if let firstRange = listRanges.first {
for range in listRanges.dropFirst() {
if !targetRanges.last!.overlaps(range) {
} else {
return T(self)
targetRanges.sort(by: { $0.lowerBound < $1.lowerBound })
assert(zip(targetRanges.dropLast(), targetRanges.dropFirst()).allSatisfy { $0.0.upperBound <= $0.1.lowerBound })
// Copy each segment, transforming the targeted ones.
var result = T(), lastEnd = startIndex
for range in targetRanges {
result.append(contentsOf: self[lastEnd..<range.lowerBound])
result.append(contentsOf: try transform(self[range]))
lastEnd = range.upperBound
result.append(contentsOf: self[lastEnd...])
return result
/// Copies this collection into an array, except that subsequences of this
/// collection indicated by the given list of index ranges are replaced in
/// the given direction by mapped versions of themselves, using the given
/// mapping function.
/// - Precondition:
/// - `list` is finite.
/// - The returned sequences from `transform` are finite.
/// - Parameters:
/// - list: A sequence of ranges representing the subsequences to be read
/// and replaced.
/// - backwards: Whether checking for overlapping ranges in `list` goes
/// from the first-most subsequence to the last-most (`false`), or the
/// other way (`true`). When two ranges overlap, the subsequence for
/// the range checked first is kept and the second one is ignored.
/// Subsequent ranges are compared to the last kept one.
/// - transform: A function that reads a target subsequence and returns
/// its replacement.
/// - Returns: A copy of this collection, but with the targeted subsequences
/// replaced by their transformations.
/// - Complexity: O(*kn*), where *n* is the length of this collection and
/// *k* is the ratio that `transform` typically expands its input by.
public func replaceSubranges<S: Sequence, U: Sequence>(
listedBy list: S,
backwards: Bool,
withResultsOf transform: (SubSequence) throws -> U
) rethrows -> [Element]
where S.Element: RangeExpression, S.Element.Bound == Index,
U.Element == Element
return try replaceSubranges(listedBy: list, backwards: backwards, into: Array.self, withResultsOf: transform)
import Foundation
extension Collection {
/// Returns a copy of this collection into a collection of the given type,
/// except subsequences that match the given collection according to the
/// given predicate are replaced with copies of another given collection.
/// The predicate must be an equivalence relation over the elements.
/// Comparisons are done element-wise. If there are runs of different
/// elements that have the same semantic meaning, like Unicode string
/// equivalence, both the receiver and the target must be set to the same
/// normalization before comparing.
/// - Parameters:
/// - target: A sequence to find within this collection.
/// - replacement: A collection whose copies will replace each
/// non-overlapping occurrance of `target`.
/// - onlyAsPrefix: When `true`, only the prefix of this collection is
/// checked for matching `target` and possibly replaced by
/// `replacement`. All other occurrances are ignored, even when the
/// prefix doesn't actually match `target` (therefore not replaced).
/// Otherwise, all non-overlapping matches to `target` are replaced.
/// - type: The type of the collection to be returned.
/// - areEquivalent: A predicate that returns `true` if its two arguments
/// are equivalent; otherwise, `false`.
/// - Returns: A copy of this collection, but with the subsequences that
/// both match the target and don't overlap with an earlier replacement
/// replaced by the given new value.
/// - Complexity: O(*k* × *n²* × *m*), where *n* is the length of this
/// collection, *m* is the length of `target`, and *k* is the ratio
/// between `target` and `replacement`.
public func replacingOccurrences<T, R, RR>(
of target: T,
with replacement: R,
onlyAsPrefix: Bool,
into type: RR.Type,
by areEquivalent: (Element, T.Element) throws -> Bool
) rethrows -> RR
where T: Collection,
R: Collection, R.Element == Element,
RR: RangeReplaceableCollection, RR.Element == Element
guard !onlyAsPrefix else {
// Only check the start for a match.
let (suffixStart, targetEnd) = try diverges(from: target, by: areEquivalent)
if targetEnd == target.endIndex {
var result = RR(replacement)
result.append(contentsOf: self[suffixStart...])
return result
} else {
return RR(self)
// Find each match, then copy all the elements before that match
// followed by a copy of the replacement sequence.
var result = RR(), lastEnd = startIndex
while let matchingRange = try self[lastEnd...].firstRange(equaling: target, by: areEquivalent) {
result.append(contentsOf: self[lastEnd..<matchingRange.lowerBound])
result.append(contentsOf: replacement)
lastEnd = matchingRange.upperBound
result.append(contentsOf: self[lastEnd...])
return result
/// Copies this collection into an array, except subsequences that match the
/// given collection according to the given predicate are replaced with
/// copies of another given collection.
/// The predicate must be an equivalence relation over the elements.
/// Comparisons are done element-wise. If there are runs of different
/// elements that have the same semantic meaning, like Unicode string
/// equivalence, both the receiver and the target must be set to the same
/// normalization before comparing.
/// - Parameters:
/// - target: A sequence to find within this collection.
/// - replacement: A collection whose copies will replace each
/// non-overlapping occurrance of `target`.
/// - onlyAsPrefix: When `true`, only the prefix of this collection is
/// checked for matching `target` and possibly replaced by
/// `replacement`. All other occurrances are ignored, even when the
/// prefix doesn't actually match `target` (therefore not replaced).
/// Otherwise, all non-overlapping matches to `target` are replaced.
/// - areEquivalent: A predicate that returns `true` if its two arguments
/// are equivalent; otherwise, `false`.
/// - Returns: An array copy of this collection, but with the subsequences
/// that both match the target and don't overlap with an earlier
/// replacement getting replaced by the given new value.
/// - Complexity: O(*k* × *n²* × *m*), where *n* is the length of this
/// collection, *m* is the length of `target`, and *k* is the ratio
/// between `target` and `replacement`.
public func replacingOccurrences<T: Collection, R: Collection>(
of target: T,
with replacement: R,
onlyAsPrefix: Bool,
by areEquivalent: (Element, T.Element) throws -> Bool
) rethrows -> [Element] where R.Element == Element
return try replacingOccurrences(of: target, with: replacement, onlyAsPrefix: onlyAsPrefix, into: Array.self, by: areEquivalent)
extension BidirectionalCollection {
/// Returns a copy of this collection into a collection of the given type,
/// except subsequences that match the given collection according to the
/// given predicate are replaced in a given order with copies of another
/// given collection.
/// The predicate must be an equivalence relation over the elements.
/// Comparisons are done element-wise. If there are runs of different
/// elements that have the same semantic meaning, like Unicode string
/// equivalence, both the receiver and the target must be set to the same
/// normalization before comparing.
/// - Parameters:
/// - target: A sequence to find within this collection.
/// - replacement: A collection whose copies will replace each
/// non-overlapping occurrance of `target`.
/// - backwards: When `false`, the first occurrance of `target` will be
/// replaced, followed by occurrances that don't overlap with the first
/// or any later accepted occurrance. Otherwise, the last occurrance
/// will be replaced, then any occurrances that don't overlap with the
/// last or any earlier accepted occurrance.
/// - onlyAtLeadingAdfix: When `true`, only the matching occurrance at
/// the leading end of this collection will be replaced, leaving all
/// other occurrances unchanged. The leading end is the prefix when
/// `backwards` is `false`, and the suffix otherwise. If the leading
/// end does not match `target`, then no replacements are done.
/// - type: The type of the collection to be returned.
/// - areEquivalent: A predicate that returns `true` if its two arguments
/// are equivalent; otherwise, `false`.
/// - Returns: A copy of this collection, but with the subsequences that
/// both match the target and don't overlap in the given direction
/// replaced by the given new value.
/// - Complexity: O(*k* × *n²* × *m*), where *n* is the length of this
/// collection, *m* is the length of `target`, and *k* is the ratio
/// between `target` and `replacement`.
public func replacingOccurrences<T, R, RR>(
of target: T,
with replacement: R,
backwards: Bool,
onlyAtLeadingAdfix: Bool,
into type: RR.Type,
by areEquivalent: (Element, T.Element) throws -> Bool
) rethrows -> RR
where T: BidirectionalCollection,
R: BidirectionalCollection, R.Element == Element,
RR: RangeReplaceableCollection, RR.Element == Element
guard backwards else {
return try replacingOccurrences(of: target, with: replacement, onlyAsPrefix: onlyAtLeadingAdfix, into: RR.self, by: areEquivalent)
let backwardsResult = try reversed().replacingOccurrences(of: target.reversed(), with: replacement.reversed(), onlyAsPrefix: onlyAtLeadingAdfix, by: areEquivalent)
return RR(backwardsResult.reversed())
/// Copies this collection into an array, except subsequences that match the
/// given collection according to the given predicate are replaced in a
/// given order with copies of another given collection.
/// The predicate must be an equivalence relation over the elements.
/// Comparisons are done element-wise. If there are runs of different
/// elements that have the same semantic meaning, like Unicode string
/// equivalence, both the receiver and the target must be set to the same
/// normalization before comparing.
/// - Parameters:
/// - target: A sequence to find within this collection.
/// - replacement: A collection whose copies will replace each
/// non-overlapping occurrance of `target`.
/// - backwards: When `false`, the first occurrance of `target` will be
/// replaced, followed by occurrances that don't overlap with the first
/// or any later accepted occurrance. Otherwise, the last occurrance
/// will be replaced, then any occurrances that don't overlap with the
/// last or any earlier accepted occurrance.
/// - onlyAtLeadingAdfix: When `true`, only the matching occurrance at
/// the leading end of this collection will be replaced, leaving all
/// other occurrances unchanged. The leading end is the prefix when
/// `backwards` is `false`, and the suffix otherwise. If the leading
/// end does not match `target`, then no replacements are done.
/// - areEquivalent: A predicate that returns `true` if its two arguments
/// are equivalent; otherwise, `false`.
/// - Returns: An array copy of this collection, but with the subsequences
/// that both match the target and don't overlap in the given direction
/// getting replaced by the given new value.
/// - Complexity: O(*k* × *n²* × *m*), where *n* is the length of this
/// collection, *m* is the length of `target`, and *k* is the ratio
/// between `target` and `replacement`.
public func replacingOccurrences<T, R>(
of target: T,
with replacement: R,
backwards: Bool,
onlyAtLeadingAdfix: Bool,
by areEquivalent: (Element, T.Element) throws -> Bool
) rethrows -> [Element]
where T: BidirectionalCollection,
R: BidirectionalCollection, R.Element == Element
return try replacingOccurrences(of: target, with: replacement, backwards: backwards, onlyAtLeadingAdfix: onlyAtLeadingAdfix, into: Array.self, by: areEquivalent)
extension Collection where Element: Equatable {
/// Copies this collection into an array, except subsequences that equal the
/// given collection are replaced with copies of another given collection.
/// Comparisons are done element-wise. If there are runs of different
/// elements that have the same semantic meaning, like Unicode string
/// equivalence, both the receiver and the target must be set to the same
/// normalization before comparing.
/// - Parameters:
/// - target: A sequence to find within this collection.
/// - replacement: A collection whose copies will replace each
/// non-overlapping occurrance of `target`.
/// - onlyAsPrefix: When `true`, only the prefix of this collection is
/// checked for matching `target` and possibly replaced by
/// `replacement`. All other occurrances are ignored, even when the
/// prefix doesn't actually match `target` (therefore not replaced).
/// Otherwise, all non-overlapping matches to `target` are replaced.
/// - Returns: An array copy of this collection, but with the subsequences
/// that both match the target and don't overlap with an earlier
/// replacement getting replaced by the given new value.
/// - Complexity: O(*k* × *n²* × *m*), where *n* is the length of this
/// collection, *m* is the length of `target`, and *k* is the ratio
/// between `target` and `replacement`.
public func replacingOccurrences<T: Collection, R: Collection>(
of target: T,
with replacement: R,
onlyAsPrefix: Bool
) -> [Element] where T.Element == Element, R.Element == Element
return replacingOccurrences(of: target, with: replacement, onlyAsPrefix: onlyAsPrefix, by: ==)
extension BidirectionalCollection where Element: Equatable {
/// Copies this collection into an array, except subsequences that equal the
/// given collection are replaced in a given order with copies of another
/// given collection.
/// Comparisons are done element-wise. If there are runs of different
/// elements that have the same semantic meaning, like Unicode string
/// equivalence, both the receiver and the target must be set to the same
/// normalization before comparing.
/// - Parameters:
/// - target: A sequence to find within this collection.
/// - replacement: A collection whose copies will replace each
/// non-overlapping occurrance of `target`.
/// - backwards: When `false`, the first occurrance of `target` will be
/// replaced, followed by occurrances that don't overlap with the first
/// or any later accepted occurrance. Otherwise, the last occurrance
/// will be replaced, then any occurrances that don't overlap with the
/// last or any earlier accepted occurrance.
/// - onlyAtLeadingAdfix: When `true`, only the matching occurrance at
/// the leading end of this collection will be replaced, leaving all
/// other occurrances unchanged. The leading end is the prefix when
/// `backwards` is `false`, and the suffix otherwise. If the leading
/// end does not match `target`, then no replacements are done.
/// - Returns: An array copy of this collection, but with the subsequences
/// that both match the target and don't overlap in the given direction
/// getting replaced by the given new value.
/// - Complexity: O(*k* × *n²* × *m*), where *n* is the length of this
/// collection, *m* is the length of `target`, and *k* is the ratio
/// between `target` and `replacement`.
public func replacingOccurrences<T, R>(
of target: T,
with replacement: R,
backwards: Bool,
onlyAtLeadingAdfix: Bool
) -> [Element]
where T: BidirectionalCollection, T.Element == Element,
R: BidirectionalCollection, R.Element == Element
return replacingOccurrences(of: target, with: replacement, backwards: backwards, onlyAtLeadingAdfix: onlyAtLeadingAdfix, by: ==)
extension RangeReplaceableCollection {
/// Copies this collection, except subsequences that match the given
/// collection according to the given predicate are replaced with copies of
/// another given collection.
/// The predicate must be an equivalence relation over the elements.
/// Comparisons are done element-wise. If there are runs of different
/// elements that have the same semantic meaning, like Unicode string
/// equivalence, both the receiver and the target must be set to the same
/// normalization before comparing.
/// - Parameters:
/// - target: A sequence to find within this collection.
/// - replacement: A collection whose copies will replace each
/// non-overlapping occurrance of `target`.
/// - onlyAsPrefix: When `true`, only the prefix of this collection is
/// checked for matching `target` and possibly replaced by
/// `replacement`. All other occurrances are ignored, even when the
/// prefix doesn't actually match `target` (therefore not replaced).
/// Otherwise, all non-overlapping matches to `target` are replaced.
/// - areEquivalent: A predicate that returns `true` if its two arguments
/// are equivalent; otherwise, `false`.
/// - Returns: A copy of this collection, but with the subsequences that
/// both match the target and don't overlap with an earlier replacement
/// getting replaced by the given new value.
/// - Complexity: O(*k* × *n²* × *m*), where *n* is the length of this
/// collection, *m* is the length of `target`, and *k* is the ratio
/// between `target` and `replacement`.
public func replacingOccurrences<T: Collection, R: Collection>(
of target: T,
with replacement: R,
onlyAsPrefix: Bool,
by areEquivalent: (Element, T.Element) throws -> Bool
) rethrows -> Self where R.Element == Element
return try replacingOccurrences(of: target, with: replacement, onlyAsPrefix: onlyAsPrefix, into: Self.self, by: areEquivalent)
/// Replaces subsequences of this collection that match the given collection
/// according to the given predicate with copies of another given
/// collection.
/// The predicate must be an equivalence relation over the elements.
/// Comparisons are done element-wise. If there are runs of different
/// elements that have the same semantic meaning, like Unicode string
/// equivalence, both the receiver and the target must be set to the same
/// normalization before comparing.
/// - Parameters:
/// - target: A sequence to find within this collection.
/// - replacement: A collection whose copies will replace each
/// non-overlapping occurrance of `target`.
/// - onlyAsPrefix: When `true`, only the prefix of this collection is
/// checked for matching `target` and possibly replaced by
/// `replacement`. All other occurrances are ignored, even when the
/// prefix doesn't actually match `target` (therefore not replaced).
/// Otherwise, all non-overlapping matches to `target` are replaced.
/// - areEquivalent: A predicate that returns `true` if its two arguments
/// are equivalent; otherwise, `false`.
/// - Postcondition: The elements of this collection are replaced with a
/// copy, except subsequences that both match the target and don't overlap
/// with an earlier replacement get replaced by the given new value.
/// - Complexity: O(*k* × *n²* × *m*), where *n* is the length of this
/// collection, *m* is the length of `target`, and *k* is the ratio
/// between `target` and `replacement`.
public mutating func replaceOccurrences<T: Collection, R: Collection>(
of target: T,
with replacement: R,
onlyAsPrefix: Bool,
by areEquivalent: (Element, T.Element) throws -> Bool
) rethrows where R.Element == Element {
let result = try replacingOccurrences(of: target, with: replacement, onlyAsPrefix: onlyAsPrefix, by: areEquivalent)
replaceSubrange(startIndex..<endIndex, with: result)
extension RangeReplaceableCollection where Self: BidirectionalCollection {
/// Copies this collection, except subsequences that match the given
/// collection according to the given predicate are replaced in a given
/// order with copies of another given collection.
/// The predicate must be an equivalence relation over the elements.
/// Comparisons are done element-wise. If there are runs of different
/// elements that have the same semantic meaning, like Unicode string
/// equivalence, both the receiver and the target must be set to the same
/// normalization before comparing.
/// - Parameters:
/// - target: A sequence to find within this collection.
/// - replacement: A collection whose copies will replace each
/// non-overlapping occurrance of `target`.
/// - backwards: When `false`, the first occurrance of `target` will be
/// replaced, followed by occurrances that don't overlap with the first
/// or any later accepted occurrance. Otherwise, the last occurrance
/// will be replaced, then any occurrances that don't overlap with the
/// last or any earlier accepted occurrance.
/// - onlyAtLeadingAdfix: When `true`, only the matching occurrance at
/// the leading end of this collection will be replaced, leaving all
/// other occurrances unchanged. The leading end is the prefix when
/// `backwards` is `false`, and the suffix otherwise. If the leading
/// end does not match `target`, then no replacements are done.
/// - areEquivalent: A predicate that returns `true` if its two arguments
/// are equivalent; otherwise, `false`.
/// - Returns: A copy of this collection, but with the subsequences that
/// both match the target and don't overlap in the given direction getting
/// replaced by the given new value.
/// - Complexity: O(*k* × *n²* × *m*), where *n* is the length of this
/// collection, *m* is the length of `target`, and *k* is the ratio
/// between `target` and `replacement`.
public func replacingOccurrences<T, R>(
of target: T,
with replacement: R,
backwards: Bool,
onlyAtLeadingAdfix: Bool,
by areEquivalent: (Element, T.Element) throws -> Bool
) rethrows -> Self
where T: BidirectionalCollection,
R: BidirectionalCollection, R.Element == Element
return try replacingOccurrences(of: target, with: replacement, backwards: backwards, onlyAtLeadingAdfix: onlyAtLeadingAdfix, into: Self.self, by: areEquivalent)
/// Replaces in a given order subsequences of this collection that match the
/// given collection according to the given predicate with copies of another
/// given collection.
/// The predicate must be an equivalence relation over the elements.
/// Comparisons are done element-wise. If there are runs of different
/// elements that have the same semantic meaning, like Unicode string
/// equivalence, both the receiver and the target must be set to the same
/// normalization before comparing.
/// - Parameters:
/// - target: A sequence to find within this collection.
/// - replacement: A collection whose copies will replace each
/// non-overlapping occurrance of `target`.
/// - backwards: When `false`, the first occurrance of `target` will be
/// replaced, followed by occurrances that don't overlap with the first
/// or any later accepted occurrance. Otherwise, the last occurrance
/// will be replaced, then any occurrances that don't overlap with the
/// last or any earlier accepted occurrance.
/// - onlyAtLeadingAdfix: When `true`, only the matching occurrance at
/// the leading end of this collection will be replaced, leaving all
/// other occurrances unchanged. The leading end is the prefix when
/// `backwards` is `false`, and the suffix otherwise. If the leading
/// end does not match `target`, then no replacements are done.
/// - areEquivalent: A predicate that returns `true` if its two arguments
/// are equivalent; otherwise, `false`.
/// - Postcondition: The elements of this collection are replaced with a
/// copy, except subsequences that both match the target and don't overlap
/// in the given direction get replaced by the given new value.
/// - Complexity: O(*k* × *n²* × *m*), where *n* is the length of this
/// collection, *m* is the length of `target`, and *k* is the ratio
/// between `target` and `replacement`.
public mutating func replaceOccurrences<T, R>(
of target: T,
with replacement: R,
backwards: Bool,
onlyAtLeadingAdfix: Bool,
by areEquivalent: (Element, T.Element) throws -> Bool
) rethrows
where T: BidirectionalCollection,
R: BidirectionalCollection, R.Element == Element
let result = try replacingOccurrences(of: target, with: replacement, backwards: backwards, onlyAtLeadingAdfix: onlyAtLeadingAdfix, by: areEquivalent)
replaceSubrange(startIndex..<endIndex, with: result)
extension RangeReplaceableCollection where Element: Equatable {
/// Copies this collection, except subsequences that equal the given
/// collection are replaced with copies of another given collection.
/// Comparisons are done element-wise. If there are runs of different
/// elements that have the same semantic meaning, like Unicode string
/// equivalence, both the receiver and the target must be set to the same
/// normalization before comparing.
/// - Parameters:
/// - target: A sequence to find within this collection.
/// - replacement: A collection whose copies will replace each
/// non-overlapping occurrance of `target`.
/// - onlyAsPrefix: When `true`, only the prefix of this collection is
/// checked for matching `target` and possibly replaced by
/// `replacement`. All other occurrances are ignored, even when the
/// prefix doesn't actually match `target` (therefore not replaced).
/// Otherwise, all non-overlapping matches to `target` are replaced.
/// - Returns: A copy of this collection, but with the subsequences that
/// both match the target and don't overlap with an earlier replacement
/// getting replaced by the given new value.
/// - Complexity: O(*k* × *n²* × *m*), where *n* is the length of this
/// collection, *m* is the length of `target`, and *k* is the ratio
/// between `target` and `replacement`.
public func replacingOccurrences<T: Collection, R: Collection>(
of target: T,
with replacement: R,
onlyAsPrefix: Bool
) -> Self where T.Element == Element, R.Element == Element
return replacingOccurrences(of: target, with: replacement, onlyAsPrefix: onlyAsPrefix, by: ==)
/// Replaces subsequences of this collection that equal the given collection
/// with copies of another given collection.
/// Comparisons are done element-wise. If there are runs of different
/// elements that have the same semantic meaning, like Unicode string
/// equivalence, both the receiver and the target must be set to the same
/// normalization before comparing.
/// - Parameters:
/// - target: A sequence to find within this collection.
/// - replacement: A collection whose copies will replace each
/// non-overlapping occurrance of `target`.
/// - onlyAsPrefix: When `true`, only the prefix of this collection is
/// checked for matching `target` and possibly replaced by
/// `replacement`. All other occurrances are ignored, even when the
/// prefix doesn't actually match `target` (therefore not replaced).
/// Otherwise, all non-overlapping matches to `target` are replaced.
/// - Postcondition: The elements of this collection are replaced with a
/// copy, except subsequences that both match the target and don't overlap
/// with an earlier replacement get replaced by the given new value.
/// - Complexity: O(*k* × *n²* × *m*), where *n* is the length of this
/// collection, *m* is the length of `target`, and *k* is the ratio
/// between `target` and `replacement`.
public mutating func replaceOccurrences<T: Collection, R: Collection>(
of target: T,
with replacement: R,
onlyAsPrefix: Bool
) where T.Element == Element, R.Element == Element
replaceOccurrences(of: target, with: replacement, onlyAsPrefix: onlyAsPrefix, by: ==)
extension RangeReplaceableCollection
where Self: BidirectionalCollection, Element: Equatable {
/// Copies this collection, except subsequences that equal the given
/// collection are replaced in a given order with copies of another given
/// collection.
/// Comparisons are done element-wise. If there are runs of different
/// elements that have the same semantic meaning, like Unicode string
/// equivalence, both the receiver and the target must be set to the same
/// normalization before comparing.
/// - Parameters:
/// - target: A sequence to find within this collection.
/// - replacement: A collection whose copies will replace each
/// non-overlapping occurrance of `target`.
/// - backwards: When `false`, the first occurrance of `target` will be
/// replaced, followed by occurrances that don't overlap with the first
/// or any later accepted occurrance. Otherwise, the last occurrance
/// will be replaced, then any occurrances that don't overlap with the
/// last or any earlier accepted occurrance.
/// - onlyAtLeadingAdfix: When `true`, only the matching occurrance at
/// the leading end of this collection will be replaced, leaving all
/// other occurrances unchanged. The leading end is the prefix when
/// `backwards` is `false`, and the suffix otherwise. If the leading
/// end does not match `target`, then no replacements are done.
/// - Returns: A copy of this collection, but with the subsequences that
/// both match the target and don't overlap in the given direction getting
/// replaced by the given new value.
/// - Complexity: O(*k* × *n²* × *m*), where *n* is the length of this
/// collection, *m* is the length of `target`, and *k* is the ratio
/// between `target` and `replacement`.
public func replacingOccurrences<T, R>(
of target: T,
with replacement: R,
backwards: Bool,
onlyAtLeadingAdfix: Bool
) -> Self
where T: BidirectionalCollection, T.Element == Element,
R: BidirectionalCollection, R.Element == Element
return replacingOccurrences(of: target, with: replacement, backwards: backwards, onlyAtLeadingAdfix: onlyAtLeadingAdfix, by: ==)
/// Replaces in a given order subsequences of this collection that equal the
/// given collection with copies of another given collection.
/// Comparisons are done element-wise. If there are runs of different
/// elements that have the same semantic meaning, like Unicode string
/// equivalence, both the receiver and the target must be set to the same
/// normalization before comparing.
/// - Parameters:
/// - target: A sequence to find within this collection.
/// - replacement: A collection whose copies will replace each
/// non-overlapping occurrance of `target`.
/// - backwards: When `false`, the first occurrance of `target` will be
/// replaced, followed by occurrances that don't overlap with the first
/// or any later accepted occurrance. Otherwise, the last occurrance
/// will be replaced, then any occurrances that don't overlap with the
/// last or any earlier accepted occurrance.
/// - onlyAtLeadingAdfix: When `true`, only the matching occurrance at
/// the leading end of this collection will be replaced, leaving all
/// other occurrances unchanged. The leading end is the prefix when
/// `backwards` is `false`, and the suffix otherwise. If the leading
/// end does not match `target`, then no replacements are done.
/// - Postcondition: The elements of this collection are replaced with a
/// copy, except subsequences that both match the target and don't overlap
/// in the given direction get replaced by the given new value.
/// - Complexity: O(*k* × *n²* × *m*), where *n* is the length of this
/// collection, *m* is the length of `target`, and *k* is the ratio
/// between `target` and `replacement`.
public mutating func replaceOccurrences<T, R>(
of target: T,
with replacement: R,
backwards: Bool,
onlyAtLeadingAdfix: Bool
) where T: BidirectionalCollection, T.Element == Element,
R: BidirectionalCollection, R.Element == Element
replaceOccurrences(of: target, with: replacement, backwards: backwards, onlyAtLeadingAdfix: onlyAtLeadingAdfix, by: ==)
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