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Created July 11, 2012 03:16
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<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Blob &middot; CodePen</title>
Copyright (c) 2012 Hakim El Hattab,
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a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
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<p>Double click to split. <a id="keyboardUp" href="#">Increase</a> / <a id="keyboardDown" href="#">decrease</a> size or <a id="keyboardLeft" href="#">Previous</a> / <a id="keyboardRight" href="#">Next</a> skin.</p>
<canvas id='world'></canvas>
(function() {
* Best seen in fullscreen:
BlobWorld = new function() {
var SCREEN_WIDTH = window.innerWidth;
var SCREEN_HEIGHT = window.innerHeight;
var canvas;
var context;
var blobs = [];
var dragBlob;
var screenX = window.screenX;
var screenY = window.screenY;
var mouseX = (window.innerWidth - SCREEN_WIDTH);
var mouseY = (window.innerHeight - SCREEN_HEIGHT);
var mouseIsDown = false;
var mouseDownOffset = { x: 0, y: 0 };
// The bounds of the world
var worldRect = { x: 0, y: 0, width: 0, height: 0 };
// The world gravity, applied to all blobs
var gravity = { x: 0, y: 1.2 };
// A pair of blobs that should be merged
var mergeQueue = { blobA: -1, blobB: -1 };
var skinIndex = 0;
var skins = [
{ fillStyle: 'rgba(0,200,250,1.0)', strokeStyle: '#ffffff', lineWidth: 5, debug: false },
{ fillStyle: '', strokeStyle: '', lineWidth: 0, debug: true },
{ fillStyle: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.1)', strokeStyle: 'rgba(255,255,255,1.0)', lineWidth: 6, debug: false },
{ fillStyle: 'rgba(0,230,110,1.0)', strokeStyle: 'rgba(0,0,0,1.0)', lineWidth: 2, debug: false },
{ fillStyle: 'rgba(255,255,0,1.0)', strokeStyle: 'rgba(0,0,0,1.0)', lineWidth: 4, debug: false },
{ fillStyle: 'rgba(255,255,255,1.0)', strokeStyle: 'rgba(0,0,0,1.0)', lineWidth: 4, debug: false }
this.init = function() {
canvas = document.getElementById( 'world' );
if (canvas && canvas.getContext) {
context = canvas.getContext('2d');
// Register event listeners
document.addEventListener('mousemove', documentMouseMoveHandler, false);
canvas.addEventListener('mousedown', documentMouseDownHandler, false);
canvas.addEventListener('dblclick', documentDoubleClickHandler, false);
document.addEventListener('mouseup', documentMouseUpHandler, false);
document.addEventListener('touchstart', documentTouchStartHandler, false);
document.addEventListener('touchmove', documentTouchMoveHandler, false);
document.addEventListener('touchend', documentTouchEndHandler, false);
document.addEventListener('keydown', documentKeyDownHandler, false);
window.addEventListener('resize', windowResizeHandler, false);
document.getElementById( 'keyboardUp' ).addEventListener('click', keyboardUpHandler, false);
document.getElementById( 'keyboardDown' ).addEventListener('click', keyboardDownHandler, false);
document.getElementById( 'keyboardLeft' ).addEventListener('click', keyboardLeftHandler, false);
document.getElementById( 'keyboardRight' ).addEventListener('click', keyboardRightHandler, false);
createBlob( { x: SCREEN_WIDTH*0.5, y: SCREEN_HEIGHT*0.1 } );
setInterval( loop, 1000 / 60 );
function createBlob( position ) {
var blob = new Blob();
blob.position.x = position.x;
blob.position.y = position.y;
blobs.push( blob );
function splitBlob( blob ) {
if( blob.quality > 8 ) {
blobs.push( blob.split() );
function mergeBlobs( blobA, blobB ) {
var t = getTime();
if( !blobs[blobA] || !blobs[blobB] ) {
if( t - blobs[blobA].lastSplitTime > 500 && t - blobs[blobB].lastSplitTime > 500 ) {
// Merge blobB with blobA
blobs[blobA].merge( blobs[blobB] );
// Remove blobB since blobA will take over its body
blobs.splice( blobB, 1 );
function documentMouseMoveHandler(event) {
mouseX = event.clientX - (window.innerWidth - SCREEN_WIDTH) * .5;
mouseY = event.clientY - (window.innerHeight - SCREEN_HEIGHT) * .5;
function documentMouseDownHandler(event) {
mouseIsDown = true;
dragBlob = blobs[ findClosestBody( blobs, { x: mouseX, y: mouseY } ) ];
var closestNodeIndex = findClosestBody( dragBlob.nodes, { x: mouseX, y: mouseY } );
dragBlob.dragNodeIndex = closestNodeIndex;
mouseDownOffset.y = 100;
function documentMouseUpHandler(event) {
mouseIsDown = false;
if( dragBlob ) {
dragBlob.dragNodeIndex = -1;
dragBlob = null;
function documentTouchStartHandler(event) {
if(event.touches.length == 1) {
mouseIsDown = true;
mouseX = event.touches[0].pageX - (window.innerWidth - SCREEN_WIDTH) * .5;
mouseY = event.touches[0].pageY - (window.innerHeight - SCREEN_HEIGHT) * .5;
dragBlob = blobs[ findClosestBody( blobs, { x: mouseX, y: mouseY } ) ];
var closestNodeIndex = findClosestBody( dragBlob.nodes, { x: mouseX, y: mouseY } );
dragBlob.dragNodeIndex = closestNodeIndex;
mouseDownOffset.y = 100;
function documentTouchMoveHandler(event) {
if(event.touches.length == 1) {
mouseX = event.touches[0].pageX - (window.innerWidth - SCREEN_WIDTH) * .5;
mouseY = event.touches[0].pageY - (window.innerHeight - SCREEN_HEIGHT) * .5;
function documentTouchEndHandler(event) {
mouseIsDown = false;
if( dragBlob ) {
dragBlob.dragNodeIndex = -1;
dragBlob = null;
function documentDoubleClickHandler(event) {
var mouse = { x: mouseX, y: mouseY };
var blob = blobs[findClosestBody( blobs, mouse )];
if( distanceBetween( blob.position, mouse ) < blob.radius + 30 ) {
splitBlob( blob );
function documentKeyDownHandler(event) {
switch( event.keyCode ) {
case 40:
changeBlobRadius( -10 );
case 38:
changeBlobRadius( 10 );
case 37:
changeSkin( -1 );
case 39:
changeSkin( 1 );
function keyboardUpHandler(event) {
changeBlobRadius( 20 );
function keyboardDownHandler(event) {
changeBlobRadius( -20 );
function keyboardLeftHandler(event) {
changeSkin( -1 );
function keyboardRightHandler(event) {
changeSkin( 1 );
function changeSkin( offset ) {
skinIndex += offset;
skinIndex = skinIndex < 0 ? skins.length-1 : skinIndex;
skinIndex = skinIndex > skins.length-1 ? 0 : skinIndex;
function changeBlobRadius( offset ) {
for( var i = 0, len = blobs.length; i < len; i++ ) {
blob = blobs[i];
var oldRadius = blob.radius;
blob.radius += offset;
blob.radius = Math.max( 40, Math.min( blob.radius, 280 ) );
if( blob.radius != oldRadius ) {
function findClosestBody( bodies, position ) {
var closestDistance = 9999;
var currentDistance = 9999;
var closestIndex = -1;
for( var i = 0, len = bodies.length; i < len; i++ ) {
var body = bodies[i];
currentDistance = distanceBetween( body.position, { x: position.x, y: position.y } );
if( currentDistance < closestDistance ) {
closestDistance = currentDistance;
closestIndex = i;
return closestIndex;
function windowResizeHandler() {
SCREEN_WIDTH = window.innerWidth;
SCREEN_HEIGHT = window.innerHeight;
canvas.width = SCREEN_WIDTH;
canvas.height = SCREEN_HEIGHT;
worldRect.x = 3;
worldRect.y = 3;
worldRect.width = SCREEN_WIDTH-6;
worldRect.height = SCREEN_HEIGHT-6;
function loop() {
var skin = skins[skinIndex];
// The area around the dirty region to include in the clear
var dirtySpread = 80;
var u1, u2, ulen, blob;
// Clear the dirty rects of all blobs
for( u1 = 0, ulen = blobs.length; u1 < ulen; u1++ ) {
blob = blobs[u1];
// Clear all pixels in the dirty region
// Reset the dirty region so that it can be expanded anew
blob.dirtyRegion = { left: worldRect.x + worldRect.width, top: worldRect.y + worldRect.height, right: 0, bottom: 0 };
// If there is a merge queued, solve it now
if( mergeQueue.blobA != -1 && mergeQueue.blobB != -1 ) {
mergeBlobs( mergeQueue.blobA, mergeQueue.blobB );
mergeQueue.blobA = -1;
mergeQueue.blobB = -1;
// If the mouse is down, start adding the velocity needed to move towards the mouse position
if( dragBlob ) {
dragBlob.velocity.x += ( ( mouseX + mouseDownOffset.x ) - dragBlob.position.x ) * 0.01;
dragBlob.velocity.y += ( ( mouseY + mouseDownOffset.y ) - dragBlob.position.y ) * 0.01;
for( u1 = 0, ulen = blobs.length; u1 < ulen; u1++ ) {
blob = blobs[u1];
for( u2 = 0; u2 < ulen; u2++ ) {
var otherBlob = blobs[u2];
if( otherBlob != blob ) {
var distance = distanceBetween( { x: blob.position.x, y: blob.position.y }, { x: otherBlob.position.x, y: otherBlob.position.y } );
if( distance < blob.radius + otherBlob.radius ) {
mergeQueue.blobA = u1;
mergeQueue.blobB = u2;
// Track window movement
blob.velocity.x += ( window.screenX - screenX ) * (0.04 + (Math.random()*0.1));
blob.velocity.y += ( window.screenY - screenY ) * (0.04 + (Math.random()*0.1));
var friction = { x: 1.035, y: 1.035 };
// Enforce horizontal world bounds
if( blob.position.x > worldRect.x + worldRect.width ) {
blob.velocity.x -= ( blob.position.x - worldRect.width ) * 0.05;
friction.y = 1.07;
else if( blob.position.x < worldRect.x ) {
blob.velocity.x += Math.abs( worldRect.x - blob.position.x ) * 0.05;
friction.y = 1.07;
// Enforce vertical world bounds
if( blob.position.y > worldRect.y + worldRect.height ) {
blob.velocity.y -= ( blob.position.y - worldRect.height ) * 0.05;
friction.x = 1.07;
else if( blob.position.y < worldRect.y ) {
blob.velocity.y += Math.abs( worldRect.y - blob.position.y ) * 0.05;
friction.x = 1.07;
// Gravity
blob.velocity.x += gravity.x;
blob.velocity.y += gravity.y;
// Friction
blob.velocity.x /= friction.x;
blob.velocity.y /= friction.y;
// Apply the velocity to the entire blob
blob.position.x += blob.velocity.x;
blob.position.y += blob.velocity.y;
var i, j, len, node, joint, position;
// Update all node ghosts (previous positions). All nodes need to be synced before the below
// calculation loop to avoid tearing between the first nodes
for (i = 0, len = blob.nodes.length; i < len; i++) {
node = blob.nodes[i];
node.ghost.x = node.position.x;
node.ghost.y = node.position.y;
var dragNode = blob.nodes[blob.dragNodeIndex];
if( dragNode ) {
var angle = Math.atan2( mouseY - (blob.position.y-80), mouseX - blob.position.x );
blob.rotation += ( angle - blob.rotation ) * 0.03;
// Calculation loop
for (i = 0, len = blob.nodes.length; i < len; i++) {
node = blob.nodes[i];
// Move towards the normal target
node.normal.x += ( node.normalTarget.x - node.normal.x ) * 0.05;
node.normal.y += ( node.normalTarget.y - node.normal.y ) * 0.05;
// This point will be used as the new position for this node, after all factors have been applied
position = { x: blob.position.x, y: blob.position.y };
// Apply the joints
for( j = 0; j < node.joints.length; j++ ) {
joint = node.joints[j];
// Determine the strain on the joints
var strainX = ( (joint.node.ghost.x - node.ghost.x) - (joint.node.normal.x - node.normal.x) );
var strainY = ( (joint.node.ghost.y - node.ghost.y) - (joint.node.normal.y - node.normal.y) );
position.x += strainX * joint.strength;
position.y += strainY * joint.strength;
// Offset by the normal
position.x += node.normal.x;
position.y += node.normal.y;
// Apply the drag offset (if applicable)
if( i == blob.dragNodeIndex ) {
position.x += ( mouseX - position.x ) * 0.98;
position.y += ( mouseY - position.y ) * 0.98;
// Apply the calculated position to the node (with easing)
node.position.x += ( position.x - node.position.x ) * 0.1;
node.position.y += ( position.y - node.position.y ) * 0.1;
// Limit the node position to screen bounds
node.position.x = Math.max( Math.min( node.position.x, worldRect.x + worldRect.width ), worldRect.x );
node.position.y = Math.max( Math.min( node.position.y, worldRect.y + worldRect.height ), worldRect.y );
// Expand the dirty rect if needed
blob.dirtyRegion.left = Math.min(blob.dirtyRegion.left, node.position.x); = Math.min(, node.position.y);
blob.dirtyRegion.right = Math.max(blob.dirtyRegion.right, node.position.x);
blob.dirtyRegion.bottom = Math.max(blob.dirtyRegion.bottom, node.position.y);
if( !skin.debug ) {
context.fillStyle = skin.fillStyle;
context.strokeStyle = skin.strokeStyle;
context.lineWidth = skin.lineWidth;
var cn = getArrayElementByOffset( blob.nodes, 0, -1 ); // current node
var nn = getArrayElementByOffset( blob.nodes, 0, 0 ); // next node
// Move to the first anchor
context.moveTo( cn.position.x + ( nn.position.x - cn.position.x ) / 2, cn.position.y + ( nn.position.y - cn.position.y ) / 2 );
// Rendering loop
for (i = 0, len = blob.nodes.length; i < len; i++) {
cn = getArrayElementByOffset( blob.nodes, i, 0 );
nn = getArrayElementByOffset( blob.nodes, i, 1 );
if( skin.debug ) {
context.lineWidth = 1;
context.strokeStyle = "#ababab";
for( j = 0; j < cn.joints.length; j++ ) {
joint = cn.joints[j];
context.moveTo( cn.position.x, cn.position.y );
context.lineTo( joint.node.position.x, joint.node.position.y );
context.fillStyle = i == 0? "#00ff00" : "#dddddd";
context.arc(cn.position.x, cn.position.y, 5, 0, Math.PI*2, true);
else {
context.quadraticCurveTo( cn.position.x, cn.position.y, cn.position.x + ( nn.position.x - cn.position.x ) / 2, cn.position.y + ( nn.position.y - cn.position.y ) / 2 );
if( skin.debug ) {
// context.beginPath();
// context.fillStyle = "rgba(100,255,100,0.3)";
// context.fillRect(blob.dirtyRegion.left-dirtySpread,,blob.dirtyRegion.right-blob.dirtyRegion.left+(dirtySpread*2),*2));
// context.fill();
screenX = window.screenX;
screenY = window.screenY;
function Blob() {
this.position = { x: 0, y: 0 };
this.velocity = { x: 0, y: 0 };
this.radius = 120;
this.quality = 32;
this.nodes = [];
this.rotation = -Math.PI * 0.5;
this.dragNodeIndex = -1;
this.dirtyRegion = { left: 0, top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0 };
this.lastSplitTime = 0;
this.generateNodes = function() {
this.nodes = [];
var i, n;
for (i = 0; i < this.quality; i++) {
n = {
normal: { x: 0, y: 0 },
normalTarget: { x: 0, y: 0 },
position: { x: this.position.x, y: this.position.y },
ghost: { x: this.position.x, y: this.position.y },
angle: 0
this.nodes.push( n );
this.updateJoints = function() {
for (var i = 0; i < this.quality; i++) {
var n = this.nodes[i];
n.joints = [
node: getArrayElementByOffset( this.nodes, i, -1 ),
strength: 2.2
node: getArrayElementByOffset( this.nodes, i, 1 ),
strength: 2.2
n.joints.push( {
node: getArrayElementByOffset( this.nodes, i, -2 ),
strength: 2.2
} );
n.joints.push( {
node: getArrayElementByOffset( this.nodes, i, 2 ),
strength: 2.2
} );
this.updateNormals = function() {
var i, j, n;
for (i = 0; i < this.quality; i++) {
var n = this.nodes[i];
if( this.dragNodeIndex != -1 ) {
j = i - this.dragNodeIndex;
j = j < 0 ? this.quality + j : j;
else {
j = i;
n.angle = ( (j / this.quality ) * Math.PI * 2 ) + this.rotation;
n.normalTarget.x = Math.cos( n.angle ) * this.radius;
n.normalTarget.y = Math.sin( n.angle ) * this.radius;
if( n.normal.x == 0 && n.normal.y == 0 ) {
n.normal.x = n.normalTarget.x;
n.normal.y = n.normalTarget.y;
this.split = function() {
var velocitySpread = this.radius / 10;
var nodeSpread = Math.round( this.nodes.length * 0.5 );
var radiusSpread = this.radius * 0.5;
var sibling = new Blob();
sibling.position.x = this.position.x;
sibling.position.y = this.position.y;
sibling.velocity.x = velocitySpread;
sibling.velocity.y = this.velocity.y;
sibling.nodes = [];
var i = 0;
while( i++ < nodeSpread ) {
sibling.nodes.push( this.nodes.shift() );
sibling.radius = radiusSpread;
sibling.quality = sibling.nodes.length;
this.velocity.x = -velocitySpread;
this.radius = radiusSpread;
this.quality = this.nodes.length;
this.dragNodeIndex = -1;
sibling.dragNodeIndex = -1;
sibling.lastSplitTime = getTime();
this.lastSplitTime = getTime();
return sibling;
this.merge = function( sibling ) {
this.velocity.x *= 0.5;
this.velocity.y *= 0.5;
this.velocity.x += sibling.velocity.x * 0.5;
this.velocity.y += sibling.velocity.y * 0.5;
while( sibling.nodes.length ) {
this.nodes.push( sibling.nodes.shift() );
this.quality = this.nodes.length;
this.radius += sibling.radius;
this.dragNodeIndex = -1;
this.organizeNodesByProximity = function() {
var i, j, outer, inner;
var closestDistance, currentDistance, closestIndex;
var newNodes = this.nodes.concat();
var blackListed = [];
for (i = 0; i < this.quality; i++) {
outer = newNodes[i];
currentDistance = 9999;
closestDistance = 9999;
closestIndex = -1;
for(j = 0; j < this.quality; j++) {
inner = newNodes[j];
currentDistance = distanceBetween( inner.position, outer.position );
if( currentDistance < closestDistance && blackListed.indexOf(inner) === -1 ) {
closestDistance = currentDistance;
closestIndex = j;
this.nodes[i] = newNodes[closestIndex];
function getArrayElementByOffset( array, index, offset ) {
if( array[index+offset] ) {
return array[index+offset];
if( index+offset > array.length-1 ) {
return array[index - array.length + offset];
if( index+offset < 0 ) {
return array[array.length + ( index + offset )];
function sortByField( list, field ) {
var sortOnField = function( a, b ) {
return a[field] - b[field];
list.sort( sortOnField );
function getTime() {
return new Date().getTime();
function distanceBetween(p1,p2) {
var dx = p2.x-p1.x;
var dy = p2.y-p1.y;
return Math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
<div id="codepen-footer">
<a style="color: #f73535 !important;" href="" onclick=", null, 'height=517, width=680, toolbar=0, location=0, status=1, scrollbars=1, resizable=1'); return false">Report Abuse</a>
<a href="/hakimel/pen/blob/1">Edit this Pen</a>
* Best seen in fullscreen:
BlobWorld = new function() {
var SCREEN_WIDTH = window.innerWidth;
var SCREEN_HEIGHT = window.innerHeight;
var canvas;
var context;
var blobs = [];
var dragBlob;
var screenX = window.screenX;
var screenY = window.screenY;
var mouseX = (window.innerWidth - SCREEN_WIDTH);
var mouseY = (window.innerHeight - SCREEN_HEIGHT);
var mouseIsDown = false;
var mouseDownOffset = { x: 0, y: 0 };
// The bounds of the world
var worldRect = { x: 0, y: 0, width: 0, height: 0 };
// The world gravity, applied to all blobs
var gravity = { x: 0, y: 1.2 };
// A pair of blobs that should be merged
var mergeQueue = { blobA: -1, blobB: -1 };
var skinIndex = 0;
var skins = [
{ fillStyle: 'rgba(0,200,250,1.0)', strokeStyle: '#ffffff', lineWidth: 5, debug: false },
{ fillStyle: '', strokeStyle: '', lineWidth: 0, debug: true },
{ fillStyle: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.1)', strokeStyle: 'rgba(255,255,255,1.0)', lineWidth: 6, debug: false },
{ fillStyle: 'rgba(0,230,110,1.0)', strokeStyle: 'rgba(0,0,0,1.0)', lineWidth: 2, debug: false },
{ fillStyle: 'rgba(255,255,0,1.0)', strokeStyle: 'rgba(0,0,0,1.0)', lineWidth: 4, debug: false },
{ fillStyle: 'rgba(255,255,255,1.0)', strokeStyle: 'rgba(0,0,0,1.0)', lineWidth: 4, debug: false }
this.init = function() {
canvas = document.getElementById( 'world' );
if (canvas && canvas.getContext) {
context = canvas.getContext('2d');
// Register event listeners
document.addEventListener('mousemove', documentMouseMoveHandler, false);
canvas.addEventListener('mousedown', documentMouseDownHandler, false);
canvas.addEventListener('dblclick', documentDoubleClickHandler, false);
document.addEventListener('mouseup', documentMouseUpHandler, false);
document.addEventListener('touchstart', documentTouchStartHandler, false);
document.addEventListener('touchmove', documentTouchMoveHandler, false);
document.addEventListener('touchend', documentTouchEndHandler, false);
document.addEventListener('keydown', documentKeyDownHandler, false);
window.addEventListener('resize', windowResizeHandler, false);
document.getElementById( 'keyboardUp' ).addEventListener('click', keyboardUpHandler, false);
document.getElementById( 'keyboardDown' ).addEventListener('click', keyboardDownHandler, false);
document.getElementById( 'keyboardLeft' ).addEventListener('click', keyboardLeftHandler, false);
document.getElementById( 'keyboardRight' ).addEventListener('click', keyboardRightHandler, false);
createBlob( { x: SCREEN_WIDTH*0.5, y: SCREEN_HEIGHT*0.1 } );
setInterval( loop, 1000 / 60 );
function createBlob( position ) {
var blob = new Blob();
blob.position.x = position.x;
blob.position.y = position.y;
blobs.push( blob );
function splitBlob( blob ) {
if( blob.quality > 8 ) {
blobs.push( blob.split() );
function mergeBlobs( blobA, blobB ) {
var t = getTime();
if( !blobs[blobA] || !blobs[blobB] ) {
if( t - blobs[blobA].lastSplitTime > 500 && t - blobs[blobB].lastSplitTime > 500 ) {
// Merge blobB with blobA
blobs[blobA].merge( blobs[blobB] );
// Remove blobB since blobA will take over its body
blobs.splice( blobB, 1 );
function documentMouseMoveHandler(event) {
mouseX = event.clientX - (window.innerWidth - SCREEN_WIDTH) * .5;
mouseY = event.clientY - (window.innerHeight - SCREEN_HEIGHT) * .5;
function documentMouseDownHandler(event) {
mouseIsDown = true;
dragBlob = blobs[ findClosestBody( blobs, { x: mouseX, y: mouseY } ) ];
var closestNodeIndex = findClosestBody( dragBlob.nodes, { x: mouseX, y: mouseY } );
dragBlob.dragNodeIndex = closestNodeIndex;
mouseDownOffset.y = 100;
function documentMouseUpHandler(event) {
mouseIsDown = false;
if( dragBlob ) {
dragBlob.dragNodeIndex = -1;
dragBlob = null;
function documentTouchStartHandler(event) {
if(event.touches.length == 1) {
mouseIsDown = true;
mouseX = event.touches[0].pageX - (window.innerWidth - SCREEN_WIDTH) * .5;
mouseY = event.touches[0].pageY - (window.innerHeight - SCREEN_HEIGHT) * .5;
dragBlob = blobs[ findClosestBody( blobs, { x: mouseX, y: mouseY } ) ];
var closestNodeIndex = findClosestBody( dragBlob.nodes, { x: mouseX, y: mouseY } );
dragBlob.dragNodeIndex = closestNodeIndex;
mouseDownOffset.y = 100;
function documentTouchMoveHandler(event) {
if(event.touches.length == 1) {
mouseX = event.touches[0].pageX - (window.innerWidth - SCREEN_WIDTH) * .5;
mouseY = event.touches[0].pageY - (window.innerHeight - SCREEN_HEIGHT) * .5;
function documentTouchEndHandler(event) {
mouseIsDown = false;
if( dragBlob ) {
dragBlob.dragNodeIndex = -1;
dragBlob = null;
function documentDoubleClickHandler(event) {
var mouse = { x: mouseX, y: mouseY };
var blob = blobs[findClosestBody( blobs, mouse )];
if( distanceBetween( blob.position, mouse ) < blob.radius + 30 ) {
splitBlob( blob );
function documentKeyDownHandler(event) {
switch( event.keyCode ) {
case 40:
changeBlobRadius( -10 );
case 38:
changeBlobRadius( 10 );
case 37:
changeSkin( -1 );
case 39:
changeSkin( 1 );
function keyboardUpHandler(event) {
changeBlobRadius( 20 );
function keyboardDownHandler(event) {
changeBlobRadius( -20 );
function keyboardLeftHandler(event) {
changeSkin( -1 );
function keyboardRightHandler(event) {
changeSkin( 1 );
function changeSkin( offset ) {
skinIndex += offset;
skinIndex = skinIndex < 0 ? skins.length-1 : skinIndex;
skinIndex = skinIndex > skins.length-1 ? 0 : skinIndex;
function changeBlobRadius( offset ) {
for( var i = 0, len = blobs.length; i < len; i++ ) {
blob = blobs[i];
var oldRadius = blob.radius;
blob.radius += offset;
blob.radius = Math.max( 40, Math.min( blob.radius, 280 ) );
if( blob.radius != oldRadius ) {
function findClosestBody( bodies, position ) {
var closestDistance = 9999;
var currentDistance = 9999;
var closestIndex = -1;
for( var i = 0, len = bodies.length; i < len; i++ ) {
var body = bodies[i];
currentDistance = distanceBetween( body.position, { x: position.x, y: position.y } );
if( currentDistance < closestDistance ) {
closestDistance = currentDistance;
closestIndex = i;
return closestIndex;
function windowResizeHandler() {
SCREEN_WIDTH = window.innerWidth;
SCREEN_HEIGHT = window.innerHeight;
canvas.width = SCREEN_WIDTH;
canvas.height = SCREEN_HEIGHT;
worldRect.x = 3;
worldRect.y = 3;
worldRect.width = SCREEN_WIDTH-6;
worldRect.height = SCREEN_HEIGHT-6;
function loop() {
var skin = skins[skinIndex];
// The area around the dirty region to include in the clear
var dirtySpread = 80;
var u1, u2, ulen, blob;
// Clear the dirty rects of all blobs
for( u1 = 0, ulen = blobs.length; u1 < ulen; u1++ ) {
blob = blobs[u1];
// Clear all pixels in the dirty region
// Reset the dirty region so that it can be expanded anew
blob.dirtyRegion = { left: worldRect.x + worldRect.width, top: worldRect.y + worldRect.height, right: 0, bottom: 0 };
// If there is a merge queued, solve it now
if( mergeQueue.blobA != -1 && mergeQueue.blobB != -1 ) {
mergeBlobs( mergeQueue.blobA, mergeQueue.blobB );
mergeQueue.blobA = -1;
mergeQueue.blobB = -1;
// If the mouse is down, start adding the velocity needed to move towards the mouse position
if( dragBlob ) {
dragBlob.velocity.x += ( ( mouseX + mouseDownOffset.x ) - dragBlob.position.x ) * 0.01;
dragBlob.velocity.y += ( ( mouseY + mouseDownOffset.y ) - dragBlob.position.y ) * 0.01;
for( u1 = 0, ulen = blobs.length; u1 < ulen; u1++ ) {
blob = blobs[u1];
for( u2 = 0; u2 < ulen; u2++ ) {
var otherBlob = blobs[u2];
if( otherBlob != blob ) {
var distance = distanceBetween( { x: blob.position.x, y: blob.position.y }, { x: otherBlob.position.x, y: otherBlob.position.y } );
if( distance < blob.radius + otherBlob.radius ) {
mergeQueue.blobA = u1;
mergeQueue.blobB = u2;
// Track window movement
blob.velocity.x += ( window.screenX - screenX ) * (0.04 + (Math.random()*0.1));
blob.velocity.y += ( window.screenY - screenY ) * (0.04 + (Math.random()*0.1));
var friction = { x: 1.035, y: 1.035 };
// Enforce horizontal world bounds
if( blob.position.x > worldRect.x + worldRect.width ) {
blob.velocity.x -= ( blob.position.x - worldRect.width ) * 0.05;
friction.y = 1.07;
else if( blob.position.x < worldRect.x ) {
blob.velocity.x += Math.abs( worldRect.x - blob.position.x ) * 0.05;
friction.y = 1.07;
// Enforce vertical world bounds
if( blob.position.y > worldRect.y + worldRect.height ) {
blob.velocity.y -= ( blob.position.y - worldRect.height ) * 0.05;
friction.x = 1.07;
else if( blob.position.y < worldRect.y ) {
blob.velocity.y += Math.abs( worldRect.y - blob.position.y ) * 0.05;
friction.x = 1.07;
// Gravity
blob.velocity.x += gravity.x;
blob.velocity.y += gravity.y;
// Friction
blob.velocity.x /= friction.x;
blob.velocity.y /= friction.y;
// Apply the velocity to the entire blob
blob.position.x += blob.velocity.x;
blob.position.y += blob.velocity.y;
var i, j, len, node, joint, position;
// Update all node ghosts (previous positions). All nodes need to be synced before the below
// calculation loop to avoid tearing between the first nodes
for (i = 0, len = blob.nodes.length; i < len; i++) {
node = blob.nodes[i];
node.ghost.x = node.position.x;
node.ghost.y = node.position.y;
var dragNode = blob.nodes[blob.dragNodeIndex];
if( dragNode ) {
var angle = Math.atan2( mouseY - (blob.position.y-80), mouseX - blob.position.x );
blob.rotation += ( angle - blob.rotation ) * 0.03;
// Calculation loop
for (i = 0, len = blob.nodes.length; i < len; i++) {
node = blob.nodes[i];
// Move towards the normal target
node.normal.x += ( node.normalTarget.x - node.normal.x ) * 0.05;
node.normal.y += ( node.normalTarget.y - node.normal.y ) * 0.05;
// This point will be used as the new position for this node, after all factors have been applied
position = { x: blob.position.x, y: blob.position.y };
// Apply the joints
for( j = 0; j < node.joints.length; j++ ) {
joint = node.joints[j];
// Determine the strain on the joints
var strainX = ( (joint.node.ghost.x - node.ghost.x) - (joint.node.normal.x - node.normal.x) );
var strainY = ( (joint.node.ghost.y - node.ghost.y) - (joint.node.normal.y - node.normal.y) );
position.x += strainX * joint.strength;
position.y += strainY * joint.strength;
// Offset by the normal
position.x += node.normal.x;
position.y += node.normal.y;
// Apply the drag offset (if applicable)
if( i == blob.dragNodeIndex ) {
position.x += ( mouseX - position.x ) * 0.98;
position.y += ( mouseY - position.y ) * 0.98;
// Apply the calculated position to the node (with easing)
node.position.x += ( position.x - node.position.x ) * 0.1;
node.position.y += ( position.y - node.position.y ) * 0.1;
// Limit the node position to screen bounds
node.position.x = Math.max( Math.min( node.position.x, worldRect.x + worldRect.width ), worldRect.x );
node.position.y = Math.max( Math.min( node.position.y, worldRect.y + worldRect.height ), worldRect.y );
// Expand the dirty rect if needed
blob.dirtyRegion.left = Math.min(blob.dirtyRegion.left, node.position.x); = Math.min(, node.position.y);
blob.dirtyRegion.right = Math.max(blob.dirtyRegion.right, node.position.x);
blob.dirtyRegion.bottom = Math.max(blob.dirtyRegion.bottom, node.position.y);
if( !skin.debug ) {
context.fillStyle = skin.fillStyle;
context.strokeStyle = skin.strokeStyle;
context.lineWidth = skin.lineWidth;
var cn = getArrayElementByOffset( blob.nodes, 0, -1 ); // current node
var nn = getArrayElementByOffset( blob.nodes, 0, 0 ); // next node
// Move to the first anchor
context.moveTo( cn.position.x + ( nn.position.x - cn.position.x ) / 2, cn.position.y + ( nn.position.y - cn.position.y ) / 2 );
// Rendering loop
for (i = 0, len = blob.nodes.length; i < len; i++) {
cn = getArrayElementByOffset( blob.nodes, i, 0 );
nn = getArrayElementByOffset( blob.nodes, i, 1 );
if( skin.debug ) {
context.lineWidth = 1;
context.strokeStyle = "#ababab";
for( j = 0; j < cn.joints.length; j++ ) {
joint = cn.joints[j];
context.moveTo( cn.position.x, cn.position.y );
context.lineTo( joint.node.position.x, joint.node.position.y );
context.fillStyle = i == 0? "#00ff00" : "#dddddd";
context.arc(cn.position.x, cn.position.y, 5, 0, Math.PI*2, true);
else {
context.quadraticCurveTo( cn.position.x, cn.position.y, cn.position.x + ( nn.position.x - cn.position.x ) / 2, cn.position.y + ( nn.position.y - cn.position.y ) / 2 );
if( skin.debug ) {
// context.beginPath();
// context.fillStyle = "rgba(100,255,100,0.3)";
// context.fillRect(blob.dirtyRegion.left-dirtySpread,,blob.dirtyRegion.right-blob.dirtyRegion.left+(dirtySpread*2),*2));
// context.fill();
screenX = window.screenX;
screenY = window.screenY;
function Blob() {
this.position = { x: 0, y: 0 };
this.velocity = { x: 0, y: 0 };
this.radius = 120;
this.quality = 32;
this.nodes = [];
this.rotation = -Math.PI * 0.5;
this.dragNodeIndex = -1;
this.dirtyRegion = { left: 0, top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0 };
this.lastSplitTime = 0;
this.generateNodes = function() {
this.nodes = [];
var i, n;
for (i = 0; i < this.quality; i++) {
n = {
normal: { x: 0, y: 0 },
normalTarget: { x: 0, y: 0 },
position: { x: this.position.x, y: this.position.y },
ghost: { x: this.position.x, y: this.position.y },
angle: 0
this.nodes.push( n );
this.updateJoints = function() {
for (var i = 0; i < this.quality; i++) {
var n = this.nodes[i];
n.joints = [
node: getArrayElementByOffset( this.nodes, i, -1 ),
strength: 2.2
node: getArrayElementByOffset( this.nodes, i, 1 ),
strength: 2.2
n.joints.push( {
node: getArrayElementByOffset( this.nodes, i, -2 ),
strength: 2.2
} );
n.joints.push( {
node: getArrayElementByOffset( this.nodes, i, 2 ),
strength: 2.2
} );
this.updateNormals = function() {
var i, j, n;
for (i = 0; i < this.quality; i++) {
var n = this.nodes[i];
if( this.dragNodeIndex != -1 ) {
j = i - this.dragNodeIndex;
j = j < 0 ? this.quality + j : j;
else {
j = i;
n.angle = ( (j / this.quality ) * Math.PI * 2 ) + this.rotation;
n.normalTarget.x = Math.cos( n.angle ) * this.radius;
n.normalTarget.y = Math.sin( n.angle ) * this.radius;
if( n.normal.x == 0 && n.normal.y == 0 ) {
n.normal.x = n.normalTarget.x;
n.normal.y = n.normalTarget.y;
this.split = function() {
var velocitySpread = this.radius / 10;
var nodeSpread = Math.round( this.nodes.length * 0.5 );
var radiusSpread = this.radius * 0.5;
var sibling = new Blob();
sibling.position.x = this.position.x;
sibling.position.y = this.position.y;
sibling.velocity.x = velocitySpread;
sibling.velocity.y = this.velocity.y;
sibling.nodes = [];
var i = 0;
while( i++ < nodeSpread ) {
sibling.nodes.push( this.nodes.shift() );
sibling.radius = radiusSpread;
sibling.quality = sibling.nodes.length;
this.velocity.x = -velocitySpread;
this.radius = radiusSpread;
this.quality = this.nodes.length;
this.dragNodeIndex = -1;
sibling.dragNodeIndex = -1;
sibling.lastSplitTime = getTime();
this.lastSplitTime = getTime();
return sibling;
this.merge = function( sibling ) {
this.velocity.x *= 0.5;
this.velocity.y *= 0.5;
this.velocity.x += sibling.velocity.x * 0.5;
this.velocity.y += sibling.velocity.y * 0.5;
while( sibling.nodes.length ) {
this.nodes.push( sibling.nodes.shift() );
this.quality = this.nodes.length;
this.radius += sibling.radius;
this.dragNodeIndex = -1;
this.organizeNodesByProximity = function() {
var i, j, outer, inner;
var closestDistance, currentDistance, closestIndex;
var newNodes = this.nodes.concat();
var blackListed = [];
for (i = 0; i < this.quality; i++) {
outer = newNodes[i];
currentDistance = 9999;
closestDistance = 9999;
closestIndex = -1;
for(j = 0; j < this.quality; j++) {
inner = newNodes[j];
currentDistance = distanceBetween( inner.position, outer.position );
if( currentDistance < closestDistance && blackListed.indexOf(inner) === -1 ) {
closestDistance = currentDistance;
closestIndex = j;
this.nodes[i] = newNodes[closestIndex];
function getArrayElementByOffset( array, index, offset ) {
if( array[index+offset] ) {
return array[index+offset];
if( index+offset > array.length-1 ) {
return array[index - array.length + offset];
if( index+offset < 0 ) {
return array[array.length + ( index + offset )];
function sortByField( list, field ) {
var sortOnField = function( a, b ) {
return a[field] - b[field];
list.sort( sortOnField );
function getTime() {
return new Date().getTime();
function distanceBetween(p1,p2) {
var dx = p2.x-p1.x;
var dy = p2.y-p1.y;
return Math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
<p>Double click to split. <a id="keyboardUp" href="#">Increase</a> / <a id="keyboardDown" href="#">decrease</a> size or <a id="keyboardLeft" href="#">Previous</a> / <a id="keyboardRight" href="#">Next</a> skin.</p>
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