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Created August 22, 2013 03:27
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Character Creator Python Program
# Character Creator
# Write a Character Creator program for a role-playing game. The player should be given a pool of 30 points to spend
# on four attributes: Strength, Health, Wisdom, and Dexterity. The player should be able to spend points from the
# pool on any attribute and should also be able to take points from an attribute and put them back into the pool.
# import statements
import pickle
# initialize variables
choice = None
chars = {}
# constants
POOL = 30
# do the deed
while choice != "0":
Character Creator
Written by Charles Wade in August of 2013
Please choose your option below:
0 - Quit
1 - Create New Character
2 - Edit Attributes of Existing Character
3 - Delete Character
4 - List All Characters and Attributes
5 - Save All Characters
6 - Load All Characters
7 - Erase All Characters
choice = input("Choice: ")
# exit
if choice == "0":
# create new char
elif choice == "1":
pool = POOL
name = input("What name do you want your character to have?: ")
while name == "":
name = input("What name do you want your character to have?: ")
cname = name.capitalize()
if cname not in chars:
print("\nYou have ", pool, " points to spend on Strength, Health, Wisdom, and Dexterity!")
strn = input("How much strength do you want them to have?: ")
cstr = int(strn)
except ValueError:
print("\nThat is not a number, made strength 0 and moving on! You can edit after if it was a mistake.")
cstr = 0
while cstr > pool:
print("Not enough points left in pool, you have ", pool, " points available, try again!")
cstr = int(input("How much strength do you want them to have?: "))
pool -= cstr
print("\nYou have ", pool, " points to spend!")
hlth = input("How much health do you want them to have?: ")
chlth = int(hlth)
except ValueError:
print("\nThat is not a number, making health 0 and moving on! You can edit after if it was a mistake.")
chlth = 0
while chlth > pool:
print("Not enough points left in pool, you have ", pool, " points available, try again!")
chlth = int(input("How much health do you want them to have?: "))
pool -= chlth
print("\nYou have ", pool, " points to spend!")
wis = input("How much wisdom do you want them to have?: ")
cwis = int(wis)
except ValueError:
print("\nThat is not a number, making wisdom 0 and moving on! You can edit after if it was a mistake.")
cwis = 0
while cwis > pool:
print("Not enough points left in pool, you have ", pool, " points available, try again!")
cwis = int(input("How much wisdom do you want them to have?: "))
pool -= cwis
print("\nYou have ", pool, " points to spend!")
dex = input("How much dexterity do you want them to have?: ")
cdex = int(dex)
except ValueError:
print("\nThat is not a number, made dexterity 0 and moving on! You can edit after if it was a mistake"
cdex = 0
while cdex > pool:
print("Not enough points left in pool, you have ", pool, " points available, try again!")
cdex = int(input("How much dexterity do you want them to have?: "))
pool -= cdex
cdic = {"Strength": cstr, "Health": chlth, "Wisdom": cwis, "Dexterity": cdex}
chars.update({cname: cdic})
print(cname, "\n")
for key in cdic:
print("\nCharacter already exsists! Try editing it or deleting it!")
# edit chars
elif choice == "2":
print("\nHere are all of your characters you can currently edit:\n")
for key in chars:
print(chars.get(key), "\n")
editchar = input("Which character would you like to edit?: ")
editcharCap = editchar.capitalize()
if editcharCap in chars:
pool2 = POOL
print("\nYou have ", pool2, " points to spend on Strength, Health, Wisdom, and Dexterity!")
strn2 = input("How much strength do you want them to have?: ")
cstr2 = int(strn2)
except ValueError:
print("\nThat is not a number, made strength 0 and moving on! You can edit after if it was a mistake.")
cstr2 = 0
while cstr2 > pool2:
print("Not enough points left in pool, you have ", pool2, " points available, try again!")
cstr2 = int(input("How much strength do you want them to have?: "))
pool2 -= cstr2
print("\nYou have ", pool2, " points to spend!")
hlth2 = input("How much health do you want them to have?: ")
chlth2 = int(hlth2)
except ValueError:
print("\nThat is not a number, making health 0 and moving on! You can edit after if it was a mistake.")
chlth2 = 0
while chlth2 > pool2:
print("Not enough points left in pool, you have ", pool2, " points available, try again!")
chlth2 = int(input("How much health do you want them to have?: "))
pool2 -= chlth2
print("\nYou have ", pool2, " points to spend!")
wis2 = input("How much wisdom do you want them to have?: ")
cwis2 = int(wis2)
except ValueError:
print("\nThat is not a number, making wisdom 0 and moving on! You can edit after if it was a mistake.")
cwis2 = 0
while cwis2 > pool2:
print("Not enough points left in pool, you have ", pool2, " points available, try again!")
cwis2 = int(input("How much wisdom do you want them to have?: "))
pool2 -= cwis2
print("\nYou have ", pool2, " points to spend!")
dex2 = input("How much dexterity do you want them to have?: ")
cdex2 = int(dex2)
except ValueError:
print("\nThat is not a number, made dexterity 0 and moving on! You can edit after if it was a mistake"
cdex2 = 0
while cdex2 > pool2:
print("Not enough points left in pool, you have ", pool2, " points available, try again!")
cdex2 = int(input("How much dexterity do you want them to have?: "))
pool2 -= cdex2
cdic2 = {"Strength": cstr2, "Health": chlth2, "Wisdom": cwis2, "Dexterity": cdex2}
chars.update({editcharCap: cdic2})
print(editcharCap, "\n")
# print(cdic.items())
for key in cdic2:
print("\nThat character doesnt exsist, try creating them!")
# del char
elif choice == "3":
chardel = input("Which character would you like to delete?: ")
chardelCap = chardel.capitalize()
if chardelCap in chars:
areusure = input("\nAre you sure you want to delete this character? 'Y' for YES, 'N' for NO: ")
areusureCap = areusure.upper()
if areusureCap == "Y":
del chars[chardelCap]
print("\nCharacter WAS deleted!")
print("\nCharacter NOT deleted!")
print("\nThat character doesnt exist! Try adding it.")
# list chars
elif choice == "4":
if chars:
for key in chars:
print("\nYou have no characters! Try creating some!")
# save chars
elif choice == "5":
pickle.dump(chars, open("save.p", "wb"))
print("\nAll your characters have been saved! Choose option 6 to reload them on next launch!")
# load chars
elif choice == "6":
chars = pickle.load(open("save.p", "rb"))
print("\nAll the following characters have been loaded from your last save:\n")
if chars:
for key in chars:
print("\nYou have no characters! Try creating some!")
# wipe all chars
elif choice == "7":
areusure2 = input("\nAre you sure you want to erase ALL characters? 'Y' for YES, 'N' for NO: ")
areusureCap2 = areusure2.upper()
if areusureCap2 == "Y":
chars = {}
print("\nAll characters have been erased!")
print("\nCharacters NOT erased!")
# some unknown choice
print("\nSorry, but", choice, "isn't a valid choice.")
input("\n\nPress the enter key to exit.")
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