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Created October 3, 2022 16:37
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// Input is data object which is hook body
// Output is result variable of form
// {
// "version": "v2" // The version of the schema being returned from the function. This is always "v2".
// "empty": true|false, // Should the webhook be ignored and no output returned. The default is false (plain must be provided).
// "plain": "Some text", // The plaintext value to be used for the Matrix message.
// "html": "<b>Some</b> text", // The HTML value to be used for the Matrix message. If not provided, plain will be interpreted as markdown.
// "msgtype": "some.type", // The message type, such as m.notice or m.text, to be used for the Matrix message. If not provided, m.notice will be used.
// }
// Configure this for the collective you are receiving webhooks from.
// Expense payloads (unlike transactions) don't have this in the data.
const defaultCollective = {
slug: "sunpy",
name: "SunPy"
const expenseNameBy = function(expense, user) {
return `${expense.description} for ${expense.formattedAmount} by ${}`;
const expenseNameByHtml = function(expense, user) {
return `<a href="${defaultCollective.slug}/expenses/${}">${expense.description}</a> for <b>${expense.formattedAmount}</b> by <a href="${user.slug}">${}</a>`;
const collectiveExpenseAction = function(expense, user, verb) {
return {
plain: `Expense ${verb}: ${expenseNameBy(expense, user)}`,
html: `<b>Expense ${verb}</b>: ${expenseNameByHtml(expense, user)}`
const expenseVerbs = {
"collective.expense.created": "Created",
"collective.expense.approved": "Approved",
"collective.expense.paid": "Paid",
// This is a guess I haven't rejected an expense yet.
"collective.expense.rejected": "Rejected"
const capitalise = function(string) {
string = string.toLowerCase();
return string[0].toUpperCase() + string.substring(1);
// Handle collective.expense
if (data.type in expenseVerbs) {
const expense =;
const user =;
result = collectiveExpenseAction(expense, user, expenseVerbs[data.type]);
} else if (data.type == "collective.transaction.created") {
const transaction =;
const user =;
const destination =;
result = {
plain: `${capitalise(transaction.type)} from ${} to ${} for ${transaction.formattedAmount}: ${transaction.description}`,
html: `${capitalise(transaction.type)} from ${} to ${} for ${transaction.formattedAmount}: <b>${transaction.description}</b>`
// Skip comments as they have no usable data currently
} else if (data.type == "expense.comment.created") {
result = {empty: true};
} else {
const stringified = JSON.stringify(data, null, " ");
result = {plain: stringified, html: `<pre><code class="language-json">${stringified}</code></pre>`};
result = {version: "v2", ...result};
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