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Created January 4, 2016 10:12
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Read a .tsv and import it into multiple kicad sheets
#! /usr/bin/env python2
#-*- coding: utf8 -*-
"""Read a .tsv and import it into multiple kicad sheets."""
import sys, shutil
import csv, re
# CSV columns that will be ignored.
IGNORED_COLUMNS = [ "sheetName", 'Reference', "Designator", "Quantity", "" ]
# KiCad components that will be ignored.
IGNORED_VALUES = [ "NC", "do-not-populate" ]
# Fields that have no name in the SCH (implicit in KiCad).
FIXED_FIELD_NAMES = ['Reference', 'Value', 'Footprint', 'Datasheet']
def update_components(content, components, new_fields, untracked_fields):
new_sch = ""
lines = iter(content.splitlines())
current_comp = None
untracked_references = set()
components_keys = set(components.keys()) # Save the keys before we start removing from the dict.
for line in lines:
if not line.startswith("F "):
# If there are remaining fields, append them to finish the current field list.
if current_comp is not None:
for field_name in current_comp: # These are new fields
field_value = current_comp[field_name]
current_field_num += 1
new_sch += 'F %d "%s" H %s %s %s 0001 C CNN "%s"\n' % (current_field_num, field_value, posx, posy, 60, field_name) # Reuse previous position
current_comp = None
new_sch += line + "\n"
# This is a component field.
field_num, field_value, hori, posx, posy, size, flags, line_end, field_name = re.match(r'F (\d+) "(.*)" (H|V) (\d+) (\d+) (\d+) +(\d{4} . ...)( "(.*)")?$', line).groups()
field_num = int(field_num)
if field_num == 0: # New field list.
if current_comp is not None:
raise Exception("Unexpected line '%s' inside component %s" % (line, current_comp))
current_field_num = 0
current_ref = field_value
if field_value in components:
current_comp = components[field_value]
del components[field_value] # Remove this reference from the list of pending updates.
new_sch += line + "\n"
elif current_comp is None:
# This field is not inside a component that we care about.
new_sch += line + "\n"
if field_num == 1:
if field_value in IGNORED_VALUES \
or current_ref.startswith('#PWR'):
pass # Ignore this component.
# Update the field value.
if field_num < len(FIXED_FIELD_NAMES):
assert line_end is None
line_end = ''
field_name = FIXED_FIELD_NAMES[field_num]
field_name = field_name.strip()
if field_name in current_comp:
current_field_num += 1
if field_num != current_field_num:
print(" Renumbering field %d to %d" % (field_num, current_field_num))
field_value = current_comp[field_name]
del current_comp[field_name]
new_sch += 'F %s "%s" %s %s %s %s %s%s\n' % (current_field_num, field_value, hori, posx, posy, size, flags, line_end)
# Remove untracked fields. This will mess field numbering, but KiCad will fix it next time.
# new_sch += line + "\n"
untracked_references = untracked_references.difference(components_keys) # Avoid warning when two references are found for the same "split component" (op-amp, ...)
if untracked_references:
print(" %s untracked in csv" % ', '.join(untracked_references))
return new_sch
def import_tsv_components(csv_file):
print("Reading %s" % csv_file)
# Read tsv
components = {}
with open(csv_file, 'r') as f :
csvreader = csv.reader(f, delimiter='\t', quotechar='"')
field_names = # Read header
field_names = [f.strip() for f in field_names]
ref_index = field_names.index('Reference')
for row in csvreader:
# FIXME: check empty lines
#~ print(" %s" % row[0])
for cur_ref in re.split(', ?| ', row[ref_index]):
cur_comp = {}
for i, field_value in enumerate(row):
if field_names[i] not in IGNORED_COLUMNS:
if field_value == '':
field_value = '~' # KiCad doesn't like empty fields
cur_comp[field_names[i]] = field_value
components[cur_ref] = cur_comp
return components
if __name__ == '__main__' :
if len(sys.argv) < 3:
print("Usage: %s <tsv> <sch>...")
components = import_tsv_components(sys.argv[1])
new_fields = set()
untracked_fields = set()
diff_cmds = []
for sch_file in sys.argv[2:]:
# Update sch contents
print("%s" % sch_file)
sch = open(sch_file, 'r').read()
new_sch = update_components(sch, components, new_fields, untracked_fields)
# Overwrite file after backup
bak = sch_file + '.bak'
shutil.copyfile(sch_file, bak)
with open(sch_file, 'w') as f:
diff_cmds.append("meld %-40s %s" % (bak, sch_file))
#~ print("\nSee changes with:\n" + '\n'.join(diff_cmds))
print("New fields in csv : " + ', '.join(['"%s"' % s for s in new_fields]))
print("Absent from csv : " + ', '.join(['"%s"' % s for s in untracked_fields]))
if components:
print("These csv references were not found: %s" % ', '.join([k for k in components]))
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