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Last active September 5, 2016 00:22
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  • Save Caio99BR/ee881585703f1d88f0796108aa9b9036 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Caio99BR/ee881585703f1d88f0796108aa9b9036 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
> root@D2114:/ # ps | grep installd
install 522 307 1028 376 c07fece4 b6f124dc S /system/bin/installd
> root@D2114:/ # cat /sdcard/MultiBoot/appsync.log <
[2009/01/02 13:00:00 BRST][I] === APPSYNC VERSION 8.99.17 ===
[2009/01/02 13:00:00 BRST][I] Creating /data/.layout_version
[2009/01/02 13:00:00 BRST][I] Calling restorecon on /data/media/obb
[2009/01/02 13:00:00 BRST][D] Running executable: restorecon
[2009/01/02 13:00:00 BRST][E] JSON error on line -1: unable to open /raw/data/media/0/MultiBoot/primary/config.json: No such file or directory
[2009/01/02 13:00:00 BRST][W] /raw/data/media/0/MultiBoot/primary/config.json: Failed to load config for ROM primary
[2009/01/02 13:00:00 BRST][W] Unrecognized <digest-runtime-skin> within <package>
[2009/01/02 13:00:00 BRST][W] Unrecognized <digest-runtime-skin> within <package>
[2009/01/02 13:00:00 BRST][W] Unrecognized <digest-runtime-skin> within <package>
[2009/01/02 13:00:00 BRST][W] Unrecognized <verified-runtime-skin> within <package>
[2009/01/02 13:00:00 BRST][W] Unrecognized <digest-runtime-skin> within <package>
[2009/01/02 13:00:00 BRST][W] Unrecognized <digest-runtime-skin> within <package>
[2009/01/02 13:00:00 BRST][W] Unrecognized <digest-runtime-skin> within <package>
[2009/01/02 13:00:00 BRST][W] Unrecognized <digest-runtime-skin> within <package>
[2009/01/02 13:00:00 BRST][D] [Config] ROM ID:
[2009/01/02 13:00:00 BRST][D] [Config] ROM Name:
[2009/01/02 13:00:00 BRST][D] [Config] Individual app sharing: false
[2009/01/02 13:00:00 BRST][D] Starting appsync
[2009/01/02 13:00:00 BRST][D] Got socket fd from environment: 9
[2009/01/02 13:00:00 BRST][D] Putting new socket fd for installd to environment: 4
[2009/01/02 13:00:00 BRST][V] Patching SELinux policy to allow installd connection
[2009/01/02 13:00:00 BRST][V] Patching SELinux policy [Attempt 1/5]
[2009/01/02 13:00:00 BRST][D] Policy version: 26
[2009/01/02 13:00:00 BRST][V] Type init is already permissive
[2009/01/02 13:00:00 BRST][D] Added rule: "allow installd init:unix_stream_socket accept;"
[2009/01/02 13:00:00 BRST][D] Added rule: "allow installd init:unix_stream_socket listen;"
[2009/01/02 13:00:00 BRST][D] Added rule: "allow installd init:unix_stream_socket read;"
[2009/01/02 13:00:00 BRST][D] Added rule: "allow installd init:unix_stream_socket write;"
[2009/01/02 13:00:00 BRST][W] Type media_rw_data_file doesn't exist. Won't touch /data/media related rules
[2016/09/04 21:06:12 BRT][D] Launching installd
[2016/09/04 21:06:12 BRT][D] Ready! Waiting for connections
[2016/09/04 21:06:19 BRT][D] Accepted new client connection
[2016/09/04 21:06:19 BRT][V] Connecting to installd [Attempt 1/5]
[2016/09/04 21:06:19 BRT][D] Connected to installd
[2016/09/04 21:06:19 BRT][D] installd is CyanogenMod async version: 0
[2016/09/04 21:06:19 BRT][D] ---
[2016/09/04 21:06:19 BRT][D] Received unimportant command: [ping, ...]
[2016/09/04 21:06:19 BRT][D] Sending reply: [0]
[2016/09/04 21:06:19 BRT][D] Command stats:
[2016/09/04 21:06:19 BRT][D] - Time to send result back to client: 0ms
[2016/09/04 21:06:19 BRT][D] - Time to complete installd command: 0ms
[2016/09/04 21:06:19 BRT][D] - Time to complete entire proxy logic: 2ms
[2016/09/04 21:06:19 BRT][D] ---
[2016/09/04 21:06:20 BRT][D] Received command: [idmap, /system/priv-app/DefaultCapabilities.apk, /vendor/overlay/com.sonyericsson.capabilities-res.apk, 50026]
[2016/09/04 21:06:20 BRT][D] Sending reply: [0]
[2016/09/04 21:06:20 BRT][D] Command stats:
[2016/09/04 21:06:20 BRT][D] - Time to send result back to client: 0ms
[2016/09/04 21:06:20 BRT][D] - Time to complete installd command: 18ms
[2016/09/04 21:06:20 BRT][D] - Time to complete entire proxy logic: 18ms
[2016/09/04 21:06:20 BRT][D] ---
[2016/09/04 21:06:21 BRT][D] Received command: [idmap, /system/priv-app/Initial-boot-setup.apk, /vendor/overlay/com.sonyericsson.initialbootsetup-res.apk, 50037]
[2016/09/04 21:06:21 BRT][D] Sending reply: [0]
[2016/09/04 21:06:21 BRT][D] Command stats:
[2016/09/04 21:06:21 BRT][D] - Time to send result back to client: 0ms
[2016/09/04 21:06:21 BRT][D] - Time to complete installd command: 23ms
[2016/09/04 21:06:21 BRT][D] - Time to complete entire proxy logic: 23ms
[2016/09/04 21:06:21 BRT][D] ---
[2016/09/04 21:06:21 BRT][D] Received command: [idmap, /system/priv-app/SystemUI.apk, /vendor/overlay/, 50038]
[2016/09/04 21:06:21 BRT][D] Sending reply: [0]
[2016/09/04 21:06:21 BRT][D] Command stats:
[2016/09/04 21:06:21 BRT][D] - Time to send result back to client: 0ms
[2016/09/04 21:06:21 BRT][D] - Time to complete installd command: 46ms
[2016/09/04 21:06:21 BRT][D] - Time to complete entire proxy logic: 46ms
[2016/09/04 21:06:21 BRT][D] ---
[2016/09/04 21:06:21 BRT][D] Received command: [idmap, /system/priv-app/SystemUI.apk, /vendor/overlay/SystemUI-Overlay-285.apk, 50038]
[2016/09/04 21:06:21 BRT][D] Sending reply: [0]
[2016/09/04 21:06:21 BRT][D] Command stats:
[2016/09/04 21:06:21 BRT][D] - Time to send result back to client: 0ms
[2016/09/04 21:06:21 BRT][D] - Time to complete installd command: 38ms
[2016/09/04 21:06:21 BRT][D] - Time to complete entire proxy logic: 38ms
[2016/09/04 21:06:21 BRT][D] ---
[2016/09/04 21:06:21 BRT][D] Received command: [idmap, /system/priv-app/Phonebook.apk, /vendor/overlay/, 50042]
[2016/09/04 21:06:21 BRT][D] Sending reply: [0]
[2016/09/04 21:06:21 BRT][D] Command stats:
[2016/09/04 21:06:21 BRT][D] - Time to send result back to client: 0ms
[2016/09/04 21:06:21 BRT][D] - Time to complete installd command: 32ms
[2016/09/04 21:06:21 BRT][D] - Time to complete entire proxy logic: 32ms
[2016/09/04 21:06:21 BRT][D] ---
[2016/09/04 21:06:21 BRT][D] Received command: [idmap, /system/priv-app/ReadyToRun.apk, /vendor/overlay/com.sonyericsson.r2r.client-res.apk, 50045]
[2016/09/04 21:06:21 BRT][D] Sending reply: [0]
[2016/09/04 21:06:21 BRT][D] Command stats:
[2016/09/04 21:06:21 BRT][D] - Time to send result back to client: 0ms
[2016/09/04 21:06:21 BRT][D] - Time to complete installd command: 18ms
[2016/09/04 21:06:21 BRT][D] - Time to complete entire proxy logic: 19ms
[2016/09/04 21:06:21 BRT][D] ---
[2016/09/04 21:06:21 BRT][D] Received command: [idmap, /system/priv-app/SEMCSetupWizard.apk, /vendor/overlay/com.sonyericsson.setupwizard-res.apk, 41000]
[2016/09/04 21:06:22 BRT][D] Sending reply: [0]
[2016/09/04 21:06:22 BRT][D] Command stats:
[2016/09/04 21:06:22 BRT][D] - Time to send result back to client: 0ms
[2016/09/04 21:06:22 BRT][D] - Time to complete installd command: 30ms
[2016/09/04 21:06:22 BRT][D] - Time to complete entire proxy logic: 31ms
[2016/09/04 21:06:22 BRT][D] ---
[2016/09/04 21:06:22 BRT][D] Received command: [idmap, /system/priv-app/Settings.apk, /vendor/overlay/, 41000]
[2016/09/04 21:06:22 BRT][D] Sending reply: [0]
[2016/09/04 21:06:22 BRT][D] Command stats:
[2016/09/04 21:06:22 BRT][D] - Time to send result back to client: 0ms
[2016/09/04 21:06:22 BRT][D] - Time to complete installd command: 44ms
[2016/09/04 21:06:22 BRT][D] - Time to complete entire proxy logic: 44ms
[2016/09/04 21:06:22 BRT][D] ---
[2016/09/04 21:06:22 BRT][D] Received command: [idmap, /system/priv-app/TeleService.apk, /vendor/overlay/SemcPhone-Overlay-285.apk, 41001]
[2016/09/04 21:06:22 BRT][D] Sending reply: [0]
[2016/09/04 21:06:22 BRT][D] Command stats:
[2016/09/04 21:06:22 BRT][D] - Time to send result back to client: 0ms
[2016/09/04 21:06:22 BRT][D] - Time to complete installd command: 32ms
[2016/09/04 21:06:22 BRT][D] - Time to complete entire proxy logic: 32ms
[2016/09/04 21:06:22 BRT][D] ---
[2016/09/04 21:06:22 BRT][D] Received command: [idmap, /system/priv-app/TeleService.apk, /vendor/overlay/, 41001]
[2016/09/04 21:06:22 BRT][D] Sending reply: [0]
[2016/09/04 21:06:22 BRT][D] Command stats:
[2016/09/04 21:06:22 BRT][D] - Time to send result back to client: 0ms
[2016/09/04 21:06:22 BRT][D] - Time to complete installd command: 27ms
[2016/09/04 21:06:22 BRT][D] - Time to complete entire proxy logic: 27ms
[2016/09/04 21:06:22 BRT][D] ---
[2016/09/04 21:06:23 BRT][D] Received command: [idmap, /system/framework/SemcGenericUxpRes.apk, /data/app-skin/com.sonyericsson.blackthemeblueaccent/, 41000]
[2016/09/04 21:06:23 BRT][D] Sending reply: [0]
[2016/09/04 21:06:23 BRT][D] Command stats:
[2016/09/04 21:06:23 BRT][D] - Time to send result back to client: 0ms
[2016/09/04 21:06:23 BRT][D] - Time to complete installd command: 18ms
[2016/09/04 21:06:23 BRT][D] - Time to complete entire proxy logic: 18ms
[2016/09/04 21:06:23 BRT][D] ---
[2016/09/04 21:06:23 BRT][D] Received command: [idmap, /system/app/CustomizedSettings.apk, /vendor/overlay/com.sonyericsson.customizedsettings-res.apk, 41000]
[2016/09/04 21:06:23 BRT][D] Sending reply: [0]
[2016/09/04 21:06:23 BRT][D] Command stats:
[2016/09/04 21:06:23 BRT][D] - Time to send result back to client: 1ms
[2016/09/04 21:06:23 BRT][D] - Time to complete installd command: 18ms
[2016/09/04 21:06:23 BRT][D] - Time to complete entire proxy logic: 20ms
[2016/09/04 21:06:23 BRT][D] ---
[2016/09/04 21:06:23 BRT][D] Received command: [idmap, /system/framework/SemcGenericUxpRes.apk, /data/app-skin/com.sonyericsson.greentheme/, 41000]
[2016/09/04 21:06:23 BRT][D] Sending reply: [0]
[2016/09/04 21:06:23 BRT][D] Command stats:
[2016/09/04 21:06:23 BRT][D] - Time to send result back to client: 0ms
[2016/09/04 21:06:23 BRT][D] - Time to complete installd command: 22ms
[2016/09/04 21:06:23 BRT][D] - Time to complete entire proxy logic: 22ms
[2016/09/04 21:06:23 BRT][D] ---
[2016/09/04 21:06:23 BRT][D] Received command: [idmap, /system/framework/SemcGenericUxpRes.apk, /data/app-skin/com.sonyericsson.orangetheme/, 41000]
[2016/09/04 21:06:23 BRT][D] Sending reply: [0]
[2016/09/04 21:06:23 BRT][D] Command stats:
[2016/09/04 21:06:23 BRT][D] - Time to send result back to client: 0ms
[2016/09/04 21:06:23 BRT][D] - Time to complete installd command: 25ms
[2016/09/04 21:06:23 BRT][D] - Time to complete entire proxy logic: 25ms
[2016/09/04 21:06:23 BRT][D] ---
[2016/09/04 21:06:23 BRT][D] Received command: [idmap, /system/app/PartnerBookmarksProvider.apk, /vendor/overlay/, 50112]
[2016/09/04 21:06:23 BRT][D] Sending reply: [0]
[2016/09/04 21:06:23 BRT][D] Command stats:
[2016/09/04 21:06:23 BRT][D] - Time to send result back to client: 0ms
[2016/09/04 21:06:23 BRT][D] - Time to complete installd command: 16ms
[2016/09/04 21:06:23 BRT][D] - Time to complete entire proxy logic: 16ms
[2016/09/04 21:06:23 BRT][D] ---
[2016/09/04 21:06:23 BRT][D] Received command: [idmap, /system/framework/SemcGenericUxpRes.apk, /data/app-skin/com.sonyericsson.pinktheme/, 41000]
[2016/09/04 21:06:23 BRT][D] Sending reply: [0]
[2016/09/04 21:06:23 BRT][D] Command stats:
[2016/09/04 21:06:23 BRT][D] - Time to send result back to client: 0ms
[2016/09/04 21:06:23 BRT][D] - Time to complete installd command: 18ms
[2016/09/04 21:06:23 BRT][D] - Time to complete entire proxy logic: 18ms
[2016/09/04 21:06:23 BRT][D] ---
[2016/09/04 21:06:24 BRT][D] Received command: [idmap, /system/framework/SemcGenericUxpRes.apk, /data/app-skin/com.sonyericsson.purpletheme/, 41000]
[2016/09/04 21:06:24 BRT][D] Sending reply: [0]
[2016/09/04 21:06:24 BRT][D] Command stats:
[2016/09/04 21:06:24 BRT][D] - Time to send result back to client: 0ms
[2016/09/04 21:06:24 BRT][D] - Time to complete installd command: 16ms
[2016/09/04 21:06:24 BRT][D] - Time to complete entire proxy logic: 18ms
[2016/09/04 21:06:24 BRT][D] ---
[2016/09/04 21:06:24 BRT][D] Received command: [idmap, /system/app/SEMCSimContacts.apk, /vendor/overlay/com.sonyericsson.simcontacts-res.apk, 50125]
[2016/09/04 21:06:24 BRT][D] Sending reply: [0]
[2016/09/04 21:06:24 BRT][D] Command stats:
[2016/09/04 21:06:24 BRT][D] - Time to send result back to client: 0ms
[2016/09/04 21:06:24 BRT][D] - Time to complete installd command: 14ms
[2016/09/04 21:06:24 BRT][D] - Time to complete entire proxy logic: 14ms
[2016/09/04 21:06:24 BRT][D] ---
[2016/09/04 21:06:24 BRT][D] Received command: [idmap, /system/framework/SemcGenericUxpRes.apk, /data/app-skin/com.sonymobile.runtimeskinning.skin1/, 41000]
[2016/09/04 21:06:24 BRT][D] Sending reply: [0]
[2016/09/04 21:06:24 BRT][D] Command stats:
[2016/09/04 21:06:24 BRT][D] - Time to send result back to client: 0ms
[2016/09/04 21:06:24 BRT][D] - Time to complete installd command: 24ms
[2016/09/04 21:06:24 BRT][D] - Time to complete entire proxy logic: 24ms
[2016/09/04 21:06:24 BRT][D] ---
[2016/09/04 21:06:24 BRT][D] Received command: [movefiles]
[2016/09/04 21:06:24 BRT][D] Sending reply: [0]
[2016/09/04 21:06:24 BRT][D] Command stats:
[2016/09/04 21:06:24 BRT][D] - Time to send result back to client: 1ms
[2016/09/04 21:06:24 BRT][D] - Time to complete installd command: 1ms
[2016/09/04 21:06:24 BRT][D] - Time to complete entire proxy logic: 2ms
[2016/09/04 21:06:24 BRT][D] ---
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