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Created August 28, 2017 19:38
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#include <xc.h> //PIC hardware mapping
#define _XTAL_FREQ 8000000 //Used by the XC8 delay_ms(x) macro
//so Fosc is 8MHz
#define KEY_SHORT_TIME 200
//#define KEY_LONG_TIME 50
//FOSC<2:0>: 100 = INTOSCIO oscillator: I/O function on RA4/OSC2/CLKOUT pin, I/O function on RA5/OSC1/CLKIN
__PROG_CONFIG(1, 0x00E4); //0b0000 0000 1110 0100 page201
void flash_digital(void);//7-segment LED digital display update
void detect_key(void);//detect user key
void clock_increase(void);//clock update
//display variables:
const char seg_tab[10] = {0xc0,0xf9,0xa4,0xb0,0x99,0x92,0x82,0xf8,0x80,0x90};//for common anode segment
volatile char digital[4];//data to be display on every segments
volatile char show_dots = 1;//the flag represent if show the dots, 0: hide, 1: show
volatile char flash_dots = 0;//if flash the dots, 0: do not flash, 1: flash dots
//key variables:
volatile char key_value = 0;//0: no key, 1:single key, 2:continuous key
volatile char key_delay_time = KEY_SHORT_TIME;
volatile unsigned int no_key_time = 0;//the time represent that how much time since release the key
//system variables:
enum SysState{NormalMode, Setting};
enum SysState sysstate = NormalMode;//System State Mechine,
volatile char isPowerSaveMode = 0;//0: normal working, 1: power save mode
volatile unsigned int power_save_timeout = 0;
volatile char hours = 1, minutes = 0, seconds = 0;//hours, minutes and seconds to be display
void main(void)
//System Clock Configuration
//IRCF<2:0>: 111 = 8MHz
//SCS: 0 = Clock source defined by FOSC<2:0> of the CONFIG register
OSCCON = 0b01110000;//page50
while((OSCCON & (1<<2) == 0));//wait for HFINTOSC stable
//timer0 clock is Fosc / 4 = 8MHz / 4 = 2MHz
//after config OPTION_REG, TMR rate is 2MHz / 16 = 125kHz due to PS<2:0> = 011
OPTION_REG=0b00000011; // Pull-ups on PORTA/PORTB are enabled
// Interrupt on falling edge of INT pin
// Internal instruction cycle clock (FOSC/4)
// Increment on high-to-low transition on T0CKI pin
// Prescaler is assigned to the Timer0 module
// PS<2:0>: Prescaler Rate Select bits: 011 1:16
//set flow rate: 125kHz / 125 = 1kHz
TMR0 = 256 - 125; //reset timer counter
INTCONbits.GIE=1; // Enable Global interrupt
INTCONbits.T0IE=1; // Enable Timer0 interrupts
INTCONbits.T0IF=0; // Clear the interrupt flag bit of timer 0
ANSEL = 0; // Initialize A/D ports off
CM1CON0 = 0; // Initialize Comparator 1 off
CM2CON0 = 0; // Initialize Comparator 2 off
//GPIO configuration
TRISA |= ((1<<2) | (1<<3)); //configure RA2/3 as input
TRISA &=~ ((1<<0) | (1<<1) | (1<<4) | (1<<5)); //configure RA0/1/4/5 as output
TRISC = 0x00; //configure RC as output
PORTA &= ~((1<<0) | (1<<1) | (1<<4) | (1<<5)); //no segment on
TRISB |= (1<<7); //configure RB7 as input
WPUB |= (1<<7); //enable RB7 internal pull up
if(sysstate == NormalMode)//Idle State
if(key_value == 1)
key_value = 0;
//no action
if(key_value == 2)//continuous key
sysstate = Setting;//switch to setting mode
flash_dots = 1;//begin to flash dots
while((PORTA & (1<<2)) == 0);
key_value = 0;
else//Setting State`
if((key_value == 1) || (key_value == 2))
key_value = 0;
//the key will increase minutes
if(minutes == 60)
minutes = 0;
if(hours == 13)
hours = 1;
if(no_key_time > 500)
sysstate = NormalMode;//return to Idle mode after release the key for a while
flash_dots = 0;
if((isPowerSaveMode == 1) && ((PORTB & (1<<7)) == 0))//return to normal mode when RB7 goes to 0
isPowerSaveMode = 0;//enter normal mode
power_save_timeout = 0;
//7-segment LED digital display update 5ms
void flash_digital(void)
static char curseg = 0;//which segment to flash
static char show_dots = 1;//the flag represent if show the dots, 0: hide, 1: show
static int counter = 0;
digital[3] = hours / 10;
digital[2] = hours % 10;
digital[1] = minutes / 10;
digital[0] = minutes % 10;
if(flash_dots != 0)//flash dots
if(counter == 100)
show_dots = 0;
if(counter == 200)
counter = 0;
show_dots = 1;
else//do not flash dots
counter = 0;
show_dots = 1;
PORTA &= ~((1<<0) | (1<<1) | (1<<4) | (1<<5));//shut all segments first
if(isPowerSaveMode == 0)//normal display
switch (curseg)//light up the specified one
case 0:
if(show_dots != 0) PORTC = seg_tab[digital[0]] & ~(1<<7);//data to be displayed
else PORTC = seg_tab[digital[0]];//data to be displayed
PORTA |= (1<<0);//light up one segment
case 1:
if(show_dots != 0) PORTC = seg_tab[digital[1]] & ~(1<<7);//data to be displayed
else PORTC = seg_tab[digital[1]];//data to be displayed
PORTA |= (1<<1);//light up one segment
case 2:
PORTC = seg_tab[digital[2]];//data to be displayed
PORTA |= (1<<4);//light up one segment
case 3:
PORTC = seg_tab[digital[3]];//data to be displayed
PORTA |= (1<<5);//light up one segment
if(++curseg == 4)
curseg = 0;
//clock update
void clock_increase(void)
if(seconds == 60)
seconds = 0;
if(minutes == 60)
minutes = 0;
if(hours == 13)
hours = 1;
//detect user key 10ms
void detect_key(void)
static char keystate = 0;
static char counter = 0;
char key;
if (key_value != 0)
key = PORTA & (1<<2);
if(key != 0)//no key pressed
if(no_key_time < 520) no_key_time++;
no_key_time = 0;//clear the counter
switch (keystate)
case 0:
if (key == 0)//first press
keystate = 1;
case 1:
if (key == 0)//press confirmed
keystate = 2;
key_value = 1;//generate a single key flag
isPowerSaveMode = 0;//enter normal mode
power_save_timeout = 0;
else//press jitter
keystate = 0;//back to idle
case 2:
if (key == 0)//keep pressing
if(counter < key_delay_time)//wait for a moment
key_value = 2;//generate a continuous key
isPowerSaveMode = 0;//enter normal mode
power_save_timeout = 0;
else//first released
keystate = 3;
case 3:
if (key != 0)//release confirmed
keystate = 0;
counter = 0;
else//released jitter
keystate = 2;//back to last state
//timer0 overflow interrupt
void interrupt ISR(void)
static char cnt1 = 0, cnt2 = 0;
static int timming_cnt = 0;
static char x = 0;
if (INTCONbits.T0IF)//confirm it is the timer0 overflow interrupt
INTCONbits.T0IF = 0;//MUST clear interrupt flag by software
TMR0 = 256 - 125; //reset timer counter
if(x == 0)
PORTB |= (1<<7);
x = 1;
PORTB &= ~(1<<7);
x = 0;
if (cnt1 >= 5)
cnt1 = 0;
if (cnt2 >= 10)
cnt2 = 0;
detect_key();//key check periodically
// clock counter
if(timming_cnt >= 1000)
timming_cnt = 0;
if(power_save_timeout < POWERSAVE_TIMEOUT)
else if((sysstate == NormalMode) && ((PORTB & (1<<7)) != 0))
isPowerSaveMode = 1;//enter power save mode
power_save_timeout = 0;
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