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Last active May 8, 2022 00:15
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# So, you want to learn MinHeap. Here's an example of min heap.
# Sometimes you panic when you see so many lines of code, but trust me it is worth to read.
# Because there are only three operations: get peek, add item, and poll item.
# The functions are well divided in small functions, very simple, easy to understand.
class MinHeap():
def __init__(self):
self.arr = []
def peek(self):
if self._is_empty():
raise ValueError("MinHeap is empty")
return self.arr[0]
def poll(self):
"""extract the minimum element from MinHeap"""
if self._is_empty():
raise ValueError("MinHeap is Empty")
if self._size() == 1:
item = self.arr.pop()
return item
item, self.arr[0] = self.arr[0], self.arr.pop()
return item
def add(self, item):
def _heapify_up(self):
this = self._size() - 1
while self._has_parent(this) and self._parent(this) > self.arr[this]:
self._swap(self._get_parent_index(this), this)
this = self._get_parent_index(this)
def _heapify_down(self):
this = 0
while self._has_left(this):
child_index = self._get_left_index(this)
if self._has_right(this) and \
self._right(this) < self._left(this):
child_index = self._get_right_index(this)
if self.arr[this] < self.arr[child_index]:
self._swap(this, child_index)
this = child_index
def _size(self):
return len(self.arr)
def _is_empty(self):
return self._size() == 0
def _get_left_index(self, parent_index):
""" [1, 2, 3]
| |
`left child
return 2 * parent_index + 1
def _get_right_index(self, parent_index):
""" [1, 2, 3]
| |
`right child
return 2 * parent_index + 2
def _get_parent_index(self, child_index):
return (child_index - 1) // 2
def _has_left(self, index):
return self._get_left_index(index) < len(self.arr)
def _has_right(self, index):
return self._get_right_index(index) < len(self.arr)
def _has_parent(self, index):
return self._get_parent_index(index) < len(self.arr)
def _left(self, i):
child_idx = self._get_left_index(i)
return self.arr[child_idx]
def _right(self, i):
child_idx = self._get_right_index(i)
return self.arr[child_idx]
def _parent(self, i):
parent_idx = self._get_parent_index(i)
return self.arr[parent_idx]
def _swap(self, i, j):
self.arr[i], self.arr[j] = self.arr[j], self.arr[i]
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