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Created December 14, 2022 01:56
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Cube 1 master server perl script (downloaded from
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
## cube masterserver
## (c) 2004, Hungerburg, License same as Cube (z-lib)
- start from scratch (4h)
Son Mai 30 19:05:26 CEST 2004
- drop stale servers after 65 mins, misc wording (1h)
Mit Jun 2 22:55:59 CEST 2004
- cube protocol (4h)
Fre Jun 4 19:23:54 CEST 2004
- dont register when ping fails (bug), hide admin (2h)
Sam Jun 5 13:59:09 CEST 2004
- ping servers before displaying, use -w argument (1h)
Die Jun 8 13:14:31 CEST 2004
- better unpack template (1h)
Mon Jun 14 17:43:25 CEST 2004
- concurrency, locking
- ping times need Time::HiRes installed
1) change the password below
2) on your webserver, create a directory "cgi-bin/cube"
3) put this file in the cgi-bin/cube directory
4) make the masterserver executable (chmod 755 masterserver)
5) make the cube directory world writable (chmod 777 .)
6) goto http://your.webserver.dom/cgi-bin/cube/masterserver
7) do a "Reset" twice - you will have to login
ignore the error: a data and a log file will be created
8) make the cube directory only writable to you again (chmod 755 .)
9) start cube with -myour.webserver.dom/cgi-bin/cube/masterserver/
#unshift (@INC, '../../perl');
use CGI qw/:standard *table/;
use CGI::Carp qw/fatalsToBrowser/;
use Storable;
use IO::Socket;
#use Time::HiRes qw/gettimeofday/;
# configuration
$password = 'master';
$datfile = 'srv.dat';
$logfile = 'log.txt';
$timeout = 60*65;
# globals
$now = time();
$dummy = {
'Address' => [
'Hostname', 'Map', 'Description', 'Mode',
'Players', 'Ping', 'Protocol', 'Time', 'Modified'
# utility functions
# write log entry
sub log {
$msg = shift;
$remote = remote_addr();
open(LOG, ">>$logfile") or die "Cannot open $logfile for write: $!";
print LOG "$now, $msg, $remote\n";
# reset servers list
sub master_reset {
store($dummy, $datfile) or die "Cannot store servers: $!";
open(LOG, ">$logfile") or die "Cannot open $logfile for write: $!";
# master to server communications
sub cube_ping {
$port = 28766;
$MAXLEN = 255;
$address = shift;
$sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(
Proto => 'udp',
PeerPort => $port,
PeerAddr => $address) or die "Create socket: $!";
#$millies = gettimeofday();
#$buf = pack('N', $millies);
$buf = pack('N', $now);
$sock->send($buf) or die "Send to socket: $!";
eval {
local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { close(SOCK); die "Alarm time out"; };
alarm $TIMEOUT;
$sock->recv($buf, $MAXLEN) or die "Read from socket";
alarm 0;
1; # return success
} or 0;
sub server_ping {
$address = shift;
$players = $ping = $protocol = $time = $mode = 0;
$map = $description = '';
$pong = &cube_ping($address);
if (!$pong) {
return 0;
# unpack/split ping result
($millies, $protocol, $mode, $players, $time, $map, $description)
= unpack('NC4Z*Z*', $pong);
#$ping = gettimeofday() - $millies;
$ping = time() - $millies;
$hostname = $address unless $hostname;
$hostname, $map, $description, $mode, $players, $ping,
$protocol, $time, $now
# user/admin pages
# navigation bar html fragment
sub print_nav {
print p(scalar(localtime));
print hr;
print qq{
<form method="post">
<input name="password" type="hidden" value="$pw" />
<input name="status" type="submit" value="Status" />
<input name="log" type="submit" value="Log" />
<input name="reset" type="submit" value="Reset" />
print hr;
# failure message page
sub print_failure {
$msg = shift;
print header;
print start_html('Error'), h1('Error');
print p($msg);
print end_html;
# password validation
sub check_password {
if (!param('password')) {
elsif (param('password') ne $password) {
# login form
sub print_login {
print header;
print start_html('Login'), h1('Login');
print qq{
<form method="post">
<input name="password" type="password" />
<input type="submit" value="Login" />
print end_html;
# server status page
sub print_status {
print header;
print start_html('Status'), h1('Status');
if (param('password')) { &print_nav(); }
$servers = retrieve($datfile) or die "Unable to retrieve servers: $!";
# drop stale ones
while (($key, $value) = each %$servers) {
if ($now - @$value[8] > $timeout) {
delete $servers->{$key}
print start_table;
# table header
while (($key,$value) = each %$dummy) {
print Tr(th($dummy->{$key}));
# drop dummy
delete $servers->{each %$dummy};
# currently active servers
while (($address) = each %$servers) {
$servers->{$address} = &server_ping($address) and
print Tr(td($servers->{$address}));
print end_table;
if (!param('password')) {
$myself = self_url;
print p(a({href=>"$myself/"},'Admin'));
print end_html;
# log view page
sub print_log {
print header;
print start_html('Log'), h1('Log');
open(LOG, "<$logfile") or die "Cannot open $logfile for read: $!";
while (<LOG>) {
s/([0-9]+), // && push @entries, "$_, " . localtime($1);
print code(ul(li(\@entries)));
print end_html;
# masterserver actions
# final message
sub final {
print header('text/plain');
print shift;
# Add a server
sub action_add {
$address = remote_addr();
$hostname = remote_host();
$servers = retrieve($datfile) or die "Unable to retrieve servers: $!";
# drop stale ones
while (($key, $value) = each %$servers) {
if ($now - @$value[8] > $timeout) {
delete $servers->{$key}
# drop dummy
#delete $servers->{each %$dummy};
$servers->{$address} = &server_ping($address)
or &final('Server not registered. Could not ping you.');
store ($servers, $datfile) or die "Cannot store servers: $!";
&final('Registration successful.');
# List servers
sub item_list {
print header('text/plain');
$servers = retrieve($datfile) or die "Unable to retrieve servers: $!";
# drop stale ones
while (($key, $value) = each %$servers) {
if ($now - @$value[8] > $timeout) {
delete $servers->{$key}
print "// cube masterserver list\n";
while (($key) = each %$servers) {
print "addserver $key\n";
# controller
sub retrieve_do {
if (param('item') eq 'list') { &item_list(); }
sub register_do {
if (param('action') eq 'add') { &action_add(); }
sub master {
$request = $ENV{'PATH_INFO'};
if ($request eq '/') { &retrieve_do(); }
elsif ($request eq '/') { &register_do(); }
else { &print_failure('Unknown Masterserver request: '. $request)};
sub admin {
if (param('log')) { &print_log(); last SWITCH; }
elsif (param('reset')) { &master_reset(); }
sub public {
# main
# process administrative requests
if ($ENV{'PATH_INFO'} && $ENV{'PATH_INFO'} =~ '/admin') { &admin(); }
# process masterserver requests
elsif ($ENV{'PATH_INFO'}) { &master(); }
# display status
else { &public; }
# eof.
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