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Last active April 3, 2020 08:43
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Docker usual command
# Pull image on local area
docker pull image_name
# Run image (not persistent)
docker run image_name
# Display volume
docker volume ls
# Create volume
docker volume create volume_name
# Display local image
docker image ls
# Display runing container
docker container ps
docker ps
# Display all container
docker container ps -a
docker ps -a
# Create container
docker create --name container_name image_name
# Start container
docker start container_name
# Restart container
docker restart container_name
# Stop container
docker stop container_name
docker stop container_id
# Attach to container
docker attach container_name
# Follow log of container
docker logs -f container_name
# Exec commande in container
docker exec container_name commande
# Display existing docker network
docker network ls
# Inspect details au docker network
docker network inspect network_name
# Get help about docker
docker help
docker commande_name help
docker commande_name option help
# Built image from docker_file
docker build -t "image name" ./docker_file
# Run docker compose environnement
docker-compose up
# Stop docker compose environnement
docker-compose down
# Create virtual docker machine on virtualbox
docker-machine create --driver virtualbox vm_name
# Create virtual docker machine on hyperv
docker-machine create --driver hyperv --hyperv-virtual-switch vm_name
# Get the ip of the docker machine
docker-machine ip vm_name
# Display commend to setup env var and lind client to the daemon
docker-machine env vm_name
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