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Created March 27, 2017 23:31
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Okay there are a 3 popular ways:
1) Have all the php and html mixed in a single file but reference others
this means you have like a directory called libraries, and you reference those methods with html for example:
require_once ("libs/authentication.php");
require_once ("libs/database.php"); ... etc
.... <?=$variable?> or <?php echo $variable; ?>```
So your paths are like,
and your directory looks like
|- libs
| |- authentication.php
| |- ...
|- js
|- css
|- images
|- index.php
|- page.php
|- page2.php
|- libs
| |- authentication.php
| |- ...
|- assets
| |- js
| |- css
| |- images
|- index.php
|- page.php
|- page2.php
2) Same as above except your store your html/php into another
This means you still have index.php, page.php, page2.php but its
easier to manage.
You may include `html/header.php`, `html/page1.php` etc or just include the `html/page1.php` file and let that include the other templated sections.
|- libs
| |- authentication.php
| |- ...
|- assets
| |- js
| |- css
| |- images
|- html
| |- templates
| | |- ...
| |- index.php
| |- page.php
| |- page2.php
|- .htaccess (disallow html folder access)
|- index.php
|- page.php
|- page2.php
The requested file may look like:
require_once ("libs/authentication.php");
require_once ("libs/database.php"); ... etc
include ("html/index.php"); ?>
The page may look like
<?php include ("templates/header.php") ?>
.... <?=$variable?> or <?php echo $variable; ?>```
3) Using a MVC Framework
This means that you have someting resembling
|- App
| |- Controllers
| | |- Authentication
| | | |- LoginController.php
| | |- IndexController.php
| |- Libraries
|- assets
| |- js
| |- css
| |- images
|- resources
| |- cache
| |- views
| | |- layouts
| | | |- default.blade.php
| | |- home.blade.php
|- .htaccess (Pass the path to mvc_app.php, allow the folder assets to be accessed)
|- mvc_app.php
In laravel you would set the paths to each controllers, but for this example im using generic terminology.
You request you get
You request you get IndexController.php -> index()
You request you get Authentication/LoginController.php -> Login()
your typical controller may look like:
class IndexController extends Controller {
public function index() {
// home.blade.php
return view('home', ['argument' => "hello world"]);
Your typical blade view looks like
@extends ('layouts.default')
@section ('content')
<!-- page start-->
<div class="row state-overview">
<div class="col-lg-3 col-sm-6">
<section class="panel">
<div class="symbol yellow">
<i class="fa fa-user"></i>
<div class="value">
<h1 class="count">{{$argument}}</h1>
<p>Total Users</p>
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