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Last active September 6, 2016 03:50
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Stylus style for react-select (assuming autoprefixer too)
@require 'control'
@require 'menu'
@require 'mixins'
@require 'multi'
@require 'spinner'
// Control
// ------------------------------
@require 'spinner'
@require 'mixins'
position relative
// preferred box model
& div
& input
& span
box-sizing border-box
// handle disabled state
&.is-disabled > .Select-control
background-color $select-input-bg-disabled
box-shadow none
&.is-disabled .Select-arrow-zone
cursor default
pointer-events none
// base
background-color $select-input-bg
border-color lighten($select-input-border-color, 5%) $select-input-border-color darken($select-input-border-color, 10%)
border-radius $select-input-border-radius
border $select-input-border-width solid $select-input-border-color
color $select-text-color
cursor default
display table
border-spacing 0
border-collapse separate
height $select-input-height
outline none
overflow hidden
position relative
width 100%
box-shadow 0 1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06)
outline none
&.is-open > .Select-control
cursor text
.is-open > .Select-control
border-bottom-radius 0
background $select-input-bg
border-color darken($select-input-border-color, 10%) $select-input-border-color lighten($select-input-border-color, 5%)
// flip the arrow so its pointing up when the menu is open
> .Select-arrow
border-color transparent transparent $select-arrow-color
border-width 0 $select-arrow-width $select-arrow-width
&.is-focused:not(.is-open) > .Select-control
cursor text
.is-focused:not(.is-open) > .Select-control
border-color $select-input-border-focus lighten($select-input-border-focus, 5%) lighten($select-input-border-focus, 5%)
box-shadow inset 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 0 5px -1px fade($select-input-border-focus,50%)
// placeholder
.Select--single > .Select-control .Select-value
bottom 0
color $select-input-placeholder
left 0
line-height $select-input-internal-height
padding-left $select-padding-horizontal
padding-right $select-padding-horizontal
position absolute
right 0
top 0
// crop text
max-width 100%
overflow hidden
text-overflow ellipsis
white-space nowrap
.has-value.Select--single > .Select-control .Select-value > .Select-control .Select-value
color $select-text-color
cursor pointer
text-decoration none
color $select-link-hover-color
outline none
text-decoration underline
// the <input> element users type in
// inherits `display inline-block` from "react-input-autosize"
height $select-input-internal-height
padding-left $select-padding-horizontal
padding-right $select-padding-horizontal
vertical-align middle
> input
background none transparent
border 0 none
box-shadow none
cursor default
display inline-block
font-family inherit
font-size inherit
margin 0
outline none
line-height 14px // For IE 8 compatibility
padding (($select-input-internal-height - 14) / 2 - 2) 0 (($select-input-internal-height - 14) / 2 + 2) // For IE 8 compatibility
-webkit-appearance none
.is-focused &
cursor text
// fake-hide the input when the control is pseudo-focused .Select-input
opacity 0
// fake input
.Select-control:not(.is-searchable) > .Select-input
outline none
// loading indicator
cursor pointer
display table-cell
position relative
text-align center
vertical-align middle
width $select-loading-size
Select-spinner $select-loading-size, $select-loading-color-bg, $select-loading-color
vertical-align middle
// the little cross that clears the field
animation Select-animation-fadeIn 200ms
color $select-clear-color
cursor pointer
display table-cell
position relative
text-align center
vertical-align middle
width $select-clear-width
color $select-clear-hover-color
display inline-block
font-size $select-clear-size
line-height 1
.Select--multi .Select-clear-zone
width $select-clear-width
.Select--multi .Select-multi-value-wrapper
display inline-block
.Select .Select-aria-only
display inline-block
height 1px
width 1px
margin -1px
clip rect(0,0,0,0)
overflow hidden
// arrow indicator
cursor pointer
display table-cell
position relative
text-align center
vertical-align middle
width ($select-arrow-width * 5)
padding-right $select-arrow-width
border-color $select-arrow-color transparent transparent
border-style solid
border-width $select-arrow-width $select-arrow-width ($select-arrow-width / 2)
display inline-block
height 0
width 0
.is-open .Select-arrow
.Select-arrow-zone:hover > .Select-arrow
border-top-color $select-arrow-color-hover
// Animation
// ------------------------------
// fade in
@keyframes Select-animation-fadeIn
opacity 0
opacity 1
@require 'select'
@require 'control'
@require 'menu'
@require 'mixins'
@require 'multi'
@require 'spinner'
// Select Menu
// ------------------------------
// wrapper around the menu
// Unfortunately, having both border-radius and allows scrolling using overflow defined on the same
// element forces the browser to repaint on scroll. However, if these definitions are split into an
// outer and an inner element, the browser is able to optimize the scrolling behavior and does not
// have to repaint on scroll.
border-bottom-radius $select-input-border-radius
background-color $select-input-bg
border 1px solid $select-input-border-color
border-top-color mix($select-input-bg, $select-input-border-color, 50%)
box-shadow 0 1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06)
box-sizing border-box
margin-top -1px
max-height $select-menu-max-height
position absolute
top 100%
width 100%
z-index $select-menu-zindex
-webkit-overflow-scrolling touch
// wrapper
max-height ($select-menu-max-height - 2px)
overflow-y auto
// options
box-sizing border-box
background-color $select-option-bg
color $select-option-color
cursor pointer
display block
padding $select-padding-vertical $select-padding-horizontal
border-bottom-radius $select-input-border-radius
background-color $select-option-selected-bg
color $select-option-selected-color
background-color $select-option-focused-bg
color $select-option-focused-color
color $select-option-disabled-color
cursor default
// no results
box-sizing border-box
color $select-noresults-color
cursor default
display block
padding $select-padding-vertical $select-padding-horizontal
// Mixins
// ------------------------------
// Utilities
size($width, $height)
width $width
height $height
size $size, $size
border-top-right-radius $radius
border-top-left-radius $radius
border-bottom-right-radius $radius
border-top-right-radius $radius
border-bottom-right-radius $radius
border-bottom-left-radius $radius
border-bottom-left-radius $radius
border-top-left-radius $radius
// Multi-Select
// ------------------------------
// Base
// add margin to the input element
vertical-align middle
// border 1px solid transparent
margin-left $select-padding-horizontal
padding 0
// reduce margin once there is value
&.has-value .Select-input
margin-left $select-item-gutter
// Items
background-color $select-item-bg
border-radius $select-item-border-radius
border 1px solid $select-item-border-color
color $select-item-color
display inline-block
font-size $select-item-font-size
margin-left $select-item-gutter
margin-top $select-item-gutter
vertical-align top
// common
display inline-block
vertical-align middle
// label
border-right-radius $select-item-border-radius
cursor default
padding $select-item-padding-vertical $select-item-padding-horizontal
color $select-item-color
cursor pointer
text-decoration none
text-decoration underline
// icon
cursor pointer
border-left-radius $select-item-border-radius
border-right 1px solid $select-item-border-color
// move the baseline up by 1px
padding ($select-item-padding-vertical - 1) $select-item-padding-horizontal ($select-item-padding-vertical + 1)
background-color $select-item-hover-bg
color $select-item-hover-color
background-color $select-item-border-color
background-color $select-item-disabled-bg
border 1px solid $select-item-disabled-border-color
color $select-item-disabled-color
// icon
cursor not-allowed
border-right 1px solid $select-item-disabled-border-color
background-color $select-item-disabled-bg
* React Select
* ============
* Created by Jed Watson and Joss Mackison for KeystoneJS,
* MIT License
// Variables
// ------------------------------
// control options
$select-input-bg ?= #fff
$select-input-bg-disabled ?= #f9f9f9
$select-input-border-color ?= #ccc
$select-input-border-radius ?= 4px
$select-input-border-focus ?= #08c // blue
$select-input-border-width ?= 1px
$select-input-height ?= 36px
$select-input-internal-height ?= ($select-input-height - ($select-input-border-width * 2))
$select-input-placeholder ?= #aaa
$select-text-color ?= #333
$select-link-hover-color ?= $select-input-border-focus
$select-padding-vertical ?= 8px
$select-padding-horizontal ?= 10px
// menu options
$select-menu-zindex ?= 1000
$select-menu-max-height ?= 200px
$select-option-color ?= lighten($select-text-color, 20%)
$select-option-bg ?= $select-input-bg
$select-option-focused-color ?= $select-text-color
$select-option-focused-bg ?= #f2f9fc // pale blue
$select-option-selected-color ?= $select-text-color
$select-option-selected-bg ?= #f5faff // lightest blue
$select-option-disabled-color ?= lighten($select-text-color, 60%)
$select-noresults-color ?= lighten($select-text-color, 40%)
// clear "x" button
$select-clear-size ?= floor(($select-input-height / 2))
$select-clear-color ?= #999
$select-clear-hover-color ?= #D0021B // red
$select-clear-width ?= ($select-input-internal-height / 2)
// arrow indicator
$select-arrow-color ?= #999
$select-arrow-color-hover ?= #666
$select-arrow-width ?= 5px
// loading indicator
$select-loading-size ?= 16px
$select-loading-color ?= $select-text-color
$select-loading-color-bg ?= $select-input-border-color
// multi-select item
$select-item-border-radius ?= 2px
$select-item-gutter ?= 5px
$select-item-padding-vertical ?= 2px
$select-item-padding-horizontal ?= 5px
$select-item-font-size ?= .9em
$select-item-color ?= #08c // pale blue
$select-item-bg ?= #f2f9fc
$select-item-border-color ?= darken($select-item-bg, 10%)
$select-item-hover-color ?= darken($select-item-color, 5%) // pale blue
$select-item-hover-bg ?= darken($select-item-bg, 5%)
$select-item-disabled-color ?= #333
$select-item-disabled-bg ?= #fcfcfc
$select-item-disabled-border-color ?= darken($select-item-disabled-bg, 10%)
// Spinner
// ------------------------------
@require 'mixins'
Select-spinner($size, $orbit, $satellite)
animation Select-animation-spin 400ms infinite linear
square $size
box-sizing border-box
border-radius 50%
border floor(($size / 8)) solid $orbit
border-right-color $satellite
display inline-block
position relative
@keyframes Select-animation-spin
transform rotate(1turn)
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