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Created November 12, 2015 07:35
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# cat /etc/puppet/puppet.conf
### File managed with puppet ###
## Module: 'puppet'
# The Puppet log directory.
# The default value is '$vardir/log'.
logdir = /var/log/puppet
# Where Puppet PID files are kept.
# The default value is '$vardir/run'.
rundir = /var/run/puppet
# Where SSL certificates are kept.
# The default value is '$confdir/ssl'.
ssldir = $vardir/ssl
# Allow services in the 'puppet' group to access key (Foreman + proxy)
privatekeydir = $ssldir/private_keys { group = service }
hostprivkey = $privatekeydir/$certname.pem { mode = 640 }
# Puppet 3.0.x requires this in both [main] and [master] - harmless on agents
autosign = $confdir/autosign.conf { mode = 664 }
show_diff = false
hiera_config = $confdir/hiera.yaml
### Next part of the file is managed by a different template ###
## Module: 'puppet'
# The file in which puppetd stores a list of the classes
# associated with the retrieved configuration. Can be loaded in
# the separate ``puppet`` executable using the ``--loadclasses``
# option.
# The default value is '$statedir/classes.txt'.
classfile = $vardir/classes.txt
# Where puppetd caches the local configuration. An
# extension indicating the cache format is added automatically.
# The default value is '$confdir/localconfig'.
localconfig = $vardir/localconfig
# Disable the default schedules as they cause continual skipped
# resources to be displayed in Foreman - only for Puppet >= 3.4
default_schedules = false
report = true
pluginsync = true
masterport = 8140
environment = production
certname =
server =
listen = false
splay = false
splaylimit = 1800
runinterval = 1800
noop = false
configtimeout = 120
usecacheonfailure = true
### Next part of the file is managed by a different template ###
## Module: 'puppet'
autosign = $confdir/autosign.conf { mode = 664 }
reports = foreman
external_nodes = /etc/puppet/node.rb
node_terminus = exec
ca = true
ssldir = /var/lib/puppet/ssl
certname =
strict_variables = false
environmentpath = /etc/puppet/environments
basemodulepath = /etc/puppet/environments/common:/etc/puppet/modules:/usr/share/puppet/modules
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